Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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SUL CITY DIRECTORY. SUR 41 5 - - - - Sullivan, John, sailor, h, 256 Franklin. Sullivan, John,tailor, h. 285 Thirteenth-anda-half. Sullivan, John, teamster, bds. 97 Porter. Sullivan, John, telegraph operator, 11. 34 Baker. Sullivan, John C., (Sullivan & Dittmer,) h. 454 Third. Sullivan, Johu P., fruit and vegetables, cor. First and Woodbridge, h. same. Sullivan, John R , carpenter, h. 318 Fifth. Sullivan, John T., h. 181 Oak. Sullivan, Joseph, carpenter, h. 748 Woodbridge e. Sullivan, Louis, (mid. Sylvester,) h. 341 Watson. Sullivan, Margaret, (wid). h. Watson nr. Beaubien. Sullivan, Miss Mary, teacher, bds. 1iO Orchard. Sullivan. Mary, (wid. Daniel), huckster, 6 C. H. M., h. 304 Michigan ave. Sullivan, Mary, (wid. John), h. 81 Leverette. Sullivan, Mary, (wid. Jeremiah,) h. 263 Sixth. Sullivan, Margaret, (wid. John,) h. 352 Sixth. Sullivan, Michael, engineer, 11. 150 Howard. Sullivan, Michael, lab., bds. 309 Atwater e. Sullivan, Michael, lab., h. 99 Sixth. Sullivan, Michael, lab., h. o. 202 Sixth. Sullivan, Michael, lab., h. Spruce, nr. National ave. Sullivan, Michael, lab., 11. 122 Walnut. Sullivan, Micllael, lamp lighter, bds. 100 Sbbo t t. Sullivan, bIichael, moulder, bds. 291 Cher- =x: Sull~van, Michael, plasterer, h. 95 Chestnut. Sullivan, Owen, veterinary surgeon, bds. 101 Larned w. Sullivan, Patrick, clcrk, hds. 81 Leverette. Sullivan, Patrick, drayman. 11. 109 Porter. Sullivan, Patrick, lab., h. 161 Beech. Sullivan, Patrick, lab., h. 251 Franklin. Sullivan, Patrick, lab., bds. 130 Labrosse. Sullivan, Patrick. lab., h. 235 Sixth. Sullivan, Patrick, lab., h. 642 Sixth. Sullivan. Patrick O., porter, h. 9 Orchard. Sullivan, Roger, boiler 11laker. h. 262 Porter. Sullivan, Roger, drayman. h. 141 Plurn. Sullivan, Samuel, lab., h. 59 Leveret te. Sullivan, Stephen, lab., h. 107 Grand River. ' Sullivan, Thom9s, engineer, bds. 316 Franklin. # Sullivan, Thomas, lab., bds. 59 Leverette. Sullivan, Thomas. lab.. h 170 Orchard. Sullivan. Thomas H., teamster, h. 106 Franklin, Sullivan, Timothy, lab., h. 100 Abbott. Sullivan, Timothy, lab., h. 129 Beach. HOME Nutual Life Insurance Co., OF C INC I NKATI. OHIO. GENERAL AGENT. 84 ' GIRISIVOLD STREET. DXCTROIT, - - MICH- WSee advertisement, page 27.a - - - . - - . . - - - - - - - -- -- - -. - . . - -- -- - Sullivan, Timothy, lab., h. Frank nr. Crawford. Sullivan, Timothy, mason, h. 134 Lahrossc. Sullivnn, Timothy, policeman, h. 304 Micliigan ave. Sullivan, Timothy, sewer contractor, h. 34 Sibley. Sullivan, William H.. vegetable market, 161 ant1 163 Woodbridge w.. h. same Sullivan & Dittmer, (J0hn.C. Sullivan and Frederick Dittmer,) cigar mnfrs., 155 Jefferson ave. Sunlmer, Ba.rtholornew , carpenter, h. 656 Russell. Summer. Rebecca, tniloress, h. 72 Eighth. Summcrfield Andrew, sailor, h. 258 Franklin. Sumner, Anthony, blacksmith, h. Michigan sve., nr toll gate. Sumner. F1*ederick M., (Sumner & Son,) h. 749 Jefferson we. Sumner, James, Inb.. h. Clinton, bet. St. Aubin ave. and Dequiadre. Sumner, James D., (Sumner & Son,) bds. 749 Jefferson ave. Sumner, Hennann, carpenter, h. 180 Division Sunlner, Lawson, shoema.ker, bds. cor. Fort and Rirard. Sumner, Samucbl H., druggist, bds. 749 Jefferson ave. Sumner & Son, (Frederick M. and James D. Sumner,) qrocers, 749 Jefferson ave. Sunderland, Thomas, boiler maker, h. 175 Thirteen th-and-a-half Sundorf, Henry, pedlar, h. 122 St. Au3in ave. Sunley, George E., baggage master G. T. R. R., 11. 122 Labrosse. Sunlev, Robert, shoemaker, 195 Third, h. 216 Porter Supper, Frederick, tobacco dresser, bds. 63 Williams ave. Suppes, Henry, gardener, h. e. s. Hastings, a.bov(* Fremont. Snpple. Henry, lab.. bds. 362 Lafayette ave. Supple, .John, clerk, bds. Trenlont House. Supple, 3licliael R.: shoemaker, 393 Sixth, h. same. Supple, Philip, drayman, 11. o. 493 Woodbridge e. Supple, Williitln R. druggist, 2il Jefferson ave., bds. Tremont House. Surlcs, Jacob, lab., h. 64 Eighteenth. Surles, John W., clerk, h. 292 Lafayette ave.

416 SuR CLARE'S DETROIT SWE Q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q & & & @ Sutton, James W., woodenware works 478 Fort w., h. 472 same. OF STANDARD QUALITY. SUTTON, NOSES, photograph operator, Manufactured aud for sale by 205 Jefferson ave , h. 207 same. ad floor. (&c Index, pcrgc 17.) park@, &m~lmgg & Sutton, Noah, h. 261 Larned e. Office 52 Larned St., West, Sutton, Thomas C., (Sutton 62 Co.), res. See advertisement, page 16. Windsor. Sutton. William. shin car~enter, h. 234 Surtmsn, Robert, shoemaker, h. 193 Cath- Croghan, arine. Sutton & Co., (Thonlas C. Sutton and Den- Suss, George. shoemaker, h. 158 Dequindre. nis Bogue,) druggists 117 Grand River. Suss, Michael, shoemaker, h. 533 Dequin- Svehla, Micliael, lab., h. 142 Bronson. dre. Swail, Olive, (wid. William), 11. 126 Eliza- Susser, Charles: engineer, h. 105 Raker. beth e. Sutherlsnd, Alphonso B., clerk, b~s. 149 Swain, Albert, (col'd), plasterer, h. 322 Second. Croghan. Sutherland, Bernard, lab., h. 246 Seventh. Swain, Charles S., cigar maker, bds. Goocl- Sutherland, Charles W., carpenter, bds. man House. 445 Mscomb. Swain, Mathem W., (Swain (& Griffith), Sutherland, Daniel W., carpenter, h. 445 bds. 186 Randolph. Macomb. Swain & Griffith, (Mathew W. Swain and Sutherland, David, agent, h. 437 Clinton Alfred Griffitll) furniture, 15 Grand ave. River. Sutherland, David S.: assist. car despatcher, Swan, Charles. clerk, bds. 22 Miami ave. bds 125 Gratiot. Swan, Henry H., lawyer, h. 22 Miami ave. Sutherland. George W., foreman. alder- Swan, John, local editor, bds. 22 Miami ave. man Ninth Ward, h. 210 Thirteenth-and- Swan, Joseph, commercial broker, h. 22 a-half. Miami ave. Sntherland, George W., (Sutherland & Swan. Joseph A., (Whittemore, Swan & Avery.) h. 140 Second. Stevens), h. 22 Niami ave. Sutherland, Henry, machinist, h. 65 Eighth. Swan, Nichael, lab., h. 203 Porter. Sutherlsnd, James, undertaker, 125 Gratiot, Swan, 8ila.s G., lab., h. 531 Clinton ave. h. same. SWAN, THOMAS, fruits and liquors, n. Sutherland, John B., supt. car dept,. 11. cor. e. cor. Griswold and Larned w. Tenth and Woodbridge. Swan, William H., machinist, bds. 475 Sutherland, Neil M., clerk, bds. Antisdel Larned e. House. Swaneberg, William, lab., h. 453 Catha- Sutherland, Thos., huilder , h. 81 Ledyard. rine. Sutherlrmd, William B., clerk, bds. Good- Swanteck, August,lab., h. 220 Whitney. man House. Swailton, James, sewer contractor, h. 404 Sutherland, William B., tinsmith, bds. 125 Mary. Gratiot. Swanton, Robert, lab., h. 54% Gratiot. Sutherland & Avery. (George W. Suther- Swartfiguer, Frederick, engineer, h. 33i land and William D. Avery,) grocers, 55 Nineteenth. Michigan Grand ave. Swartmout, Jolin H., agent, office 50 Lar- Sutter, Adolph, (Sutter Bros.) h. 180 ned w., h. 449 Larned e. Henry. Swartmout, John J., clerk, bds. 449 Lar- Sutter, Jacob, (Sutter, Broa.) bds. 180 ned e. Henry. Sm-asey, D. L., bookkeeper, h. '70 Howard. Sutter, Louis, (Sotter Bros.) h. 295First. Sweeney, Alexander, horse shoer, s. w. Sutter, Rudolph, shoemaker, h 115 D~vis- cor. Gratiot and St. Antoine, h. 18 ion. Spruccb. Sutter, Bamuel C., clerk, h. li2 Elizabeth e. Sweeney, Anna: (mid. 0 wen), se:imstress, Sutter, Simon, lab., h. n. s. Grove. bet St. h. 698 >lacomb. Antoine and Hastings. Sweeney, Bernard, saloon, e. s. Mount El- Gutter, Victor, saloon. 295 First, h same. liott ave. bet. Jefferson ave. and Con- Sutter, Victor jr., clerk, bds. 295 First. gress h. same. Sutter Bros., (Adolph, Louis & Jacok ,) Sweeney. Dennis, omnibus driver, h. 463 mnfrs. of cigars, cor. Woodmard and Twelfth. Jefferson aves. Sweeney, Edmund. lab., h 586 Congress e. Sutton, Frank, tub and pail maker, h. 89 Sweeney, Edward, second hand store, 169 Fifteenth. Gratiot, h. 145 Marion. Sutton, Frederick, stonecutter, h. 107 Rus- I Srreeney, Francis, hosecart driver, engine sell. [ No. 3, h. 21 Washington ave.


- - - -<br />

Sullivan, John, sailor, h, 256 Franklin.<br />

Sullivan, John,tailor, h. 285 Thirteenth-anda-half.<br />

Sullivan, John, teamster, bds. 97 Porter.<br />

Sullivan, John, telegraph operator, 11. 34<br />

Baker.<br />

Sullivan, John C., (Sullivan & Dittmer,) h.<br />

454 Third.<br />

Sullivan, Johu P., fruit and vegetables,<br />

cor. First and Woodbridge, h. same.<br />

Sullivan, John R , carpenter, h. 318 Fifth.<br />

Sullivan, John T., h. 181 Oak.<br />

Sullivan, Joseph, carpenter, h. 748 Woodbridge<br />

e.<br />

Sullivan, Louis, (mid. Sylvester,) h. 341<br />

Watson.<br />

Sullivan, Margaret, (wid). h. Watson<br />

nr. Beaubien.<br />

Sullivan, Miss Mary, teacher, bds. 1iO<br />

Orchard.<br />

Sullivan. Mary, (wid. Daniel), huckster, 6<br />

C. H. M., h. 304 Michigan ave.<br />

Sullivan, Mary, (wid. John), h. 81 Leverette.<br />

Sullivan, Mary, (wid. Jeremiah,) h. 263<br />

Sixth.<br />

Sullivan, Margaret, (wid. John,) h. 352<br />

Sixth.<br />

Sullivan, Michael, engineer, 11. 150 Howard.<br />

Sullivan, Michael, lab., bds. 309 Atwater e.<br />

Sullivan, Michael, lab., h. 99 Sixth.<br />

Sullivan, Michael, lab., h. o. 202 Sixth.<br />

Sullivan, Michael, lab., h. Spruce, nr. National<br />

ave.<br />

Sullivan, Michael, lab., 11. 122 Walnut.<br />

Sullivan, Micllael, lamp lighter, bds. 100<br />

Sbbo t t.<br />

Sullivan, bIichael, moulder, bds. 291 Cher-<br />

=x:<br />

Sull~van, Michael, plasterer, h. 95 Chestnut.<br />

Sullivan, Owen, veterinary surgeon, bds.<br />

101 Larned w.<br />

Sullivan, Patrick, clcrk, hds. 81 Leverette.<br />

Sullivan, Patrick, drayman. 11. 109 Porter.<br />

Sullivan, Patrick, lab., h. 161 Beech.<br />

Sullivan, Patrick, lab., h. 251 Franklin.<br />

Sullivan, Patrick, lab., bds. 130 Labrosse.<br />

Sullivan, Patrick. lab., h. 235 Sixth.<br />

Sullivan, Patrick, lab., h. 642 Sixth.<br />

Sullivan. Patrick O., porter, h. 9 Orchard.<br />

Sullivan, Roger, boiler 11laker. h. 262 Porter.<br />

Sullivan, Roger, drayman. h. 141 Plurn.<br />

Sullivan, Samuel, lab., h. 59 Leveret te.<br />

Sullivan, Stephen, lab., h. 107 Grand River.<br />

' Sullivan, Thom9s, engineer, bds. 316 Franklin.<br />

#<br />

Sullivan, Thomas, lab., bds. 59 Leverette.<br />

Sullivan, Thomas. lab.. h 170 Orchard.<br />

Sullivan. Thomas H., teamster, h. 106<br />

Franklin,<br />

Sullivan, Timothy, lab., h. 100 Abbott.<br />

Sullivan, Timothy, lab., h. 129 Beach.<br />

HOME<br />

Nutual Life Insurance Co.,<br />




DXCTROIT, - - MICH-<br />

WSee advertisement, page 27.a<br />

- - - . - - . . - - - - - - - -- -- - -. - . . - -- -- -<br />

Sullivan, Timothy, lab., h. Frank nr. Crawford.<br />

Sullivan, Timothy, mason, h. 134 Lahrossc.<br />

Sullivnn, Timothy, policeman, h. 304 Micliigan<br />

ave.<br />

Sullivan, Timothy, sewer contractor, h. 34<br />

Sibley.<br />

Sullivan, William H.. vegetable market,<br />

161 ant1 163 Woodbridge w.. h. same<br />

Sullivan & Dittmer, (J0hn.C. Sullivan and<br />

Frederick Dittmer,) cigar mnfrs., 155 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Sunlmer, Ba.rtholornew , carpenter, h. 656<br />

Russell.<br />

Summer. Rebecca, tniloress, h. 72 Eighth.<br />

Summcrfield Andrew, sailor, h. 258 Franklin.<br />

Sumner, Anthony, blacksmith, h. Michigan<br />

sve., nr toll gate.<br />

Sumner. F1*ederick M., (Sumner & Son,)<br />

h. 749 Jefferson we.<br />

Sumner, James, Inb.. h. Clinton, bet. St.<br />

Aubin ave. and Dequiadre.<br />

Sumner, James D., (Sumner & Son,) bds.<br />

749 Jefferson ave.<br />

Sumner, Hennann, carpenter, h. 180 Division<br />

Sunlner, Lawson, shoema.ker, bds. cor.<br />

Fort and Rirard.<br />

Sumner, Samucbl H., druggist, bds. 749 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Sumner & Son, (Frederick M. and James<br />

D. Sumner,) qrocers, 749 Jefferson ave.<br />

Sunderland, Thomas, boiler maker, h. 175<br />

Thirteen th-and-a-half<br />

Sundorf, Henry, pedlar, h. 122 St. Au3in<br />

ave.<br />

Sunley, George E., baggage master G. T.<br />

R. R., 11. 122 Labrosse.<br />

Sunlev, Robert, shoemaker, 195 Third, h.<br />

216 Porter<br />

Supper, Frederick, tobacco dresser, bds. 63<br />

Williams ave.<br />

Suppes, Henry, gardener, h. e. s. Hastings,<br />

a.bov(* Fremont.<br />

Snpple. Henry, lab.. bds. 362 Lafayette ave.<br />

Supple, .John, clerk, bds. Trenlont House.<br />

Supple, 3licliael R.: shoemaker, 393 Sixth,<br />

h. same.<br />

Supple, Philip, drayman, 11. o. 493 Woodbridge<br />

e.<br />

Supple, Williitln R. druggist, 2il Jefferson<br />

ave., bds. Tremont House.<br />

Surlcs, Jacob, lab., h. 64 Eighteenth.<br />

Surles, John W., clerk, h. 292 Lafayette ave.

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