Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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STR CITY D~EC%ORY. STO 4i 3 Strassburg, Hermann, dancing teacher, 222 NORTHWESTERN R.andolph, h. same. Strassburg, William, cigar maker and sai- XU tual Life Insurance GO. oon, 104 Russell, h. same. OF MILWAUKEE, WIS. Strassburg, William. lab.. h. 122 Wilkins. 1 Straub. Bartholomew, stone cutter, h. 43 AUBIx@EB, Catharine. STATE AGENT, 11 1 Straub, Otto L., stone cutter, 11. 43 Catha- Jefferson Avenue, DETROIT, rine. - - - MICH, wAg0nt.s Wanted. See advertisement, page 107.- Strauss, Charles, lab., bds. 91 Twenty- - second. Strohbeau, William, baker, h. cor. Chene Strauss, F~ederick: saloon, 313 Lafayette, and Clinton am. h. same. Strohmer, Catharine, (wid. John,) h. 735 Stmven, John teamster, h. 595 Twenty- &Jichigan ave. third. Stroker, Anthony, cigar maker, bds. 242 Streb, George, lab., 11. 402 Whitney. Whitney. Strebing, Frederick, teamster, h. 771 Eigh- Strong, Anne J., h. 99 Elizabeth e. teenth. Strong, Edward R., bookkeeper, bds. Rus- Streckei, George. lab., 11. 242 Elizabeth e. sell House. Streckel, Louis, lab.. bds. 242 Elizabeth e. Strong, Esther, (wid. William N.,) h. 75 Streckel, Martin, teamster, h. 225 Eliza- Adams me. w. beth e. Strong, H. Norton, vessel omner, h. 101 Streeter, Emmet, bookkeeper, bds..l5 Pros- Fort w. pect. Strong, John, machinist, h. 35 Church. Streeter, William L , clerk, h. 15 Pros- Strong, John W., general insurance agent, pect oftice 111 JeEerson ave., h. 46 Winder. Strehlau, Frederick, lab., h. 377 North. Strong, Martin, pedlar, h. 528 Seventh. Strehlau, Rudolph, lab., bds. 377 North. Strong, Marvin, (J. Brown & Co.,) h. 160 Strehler, John G., engineer, h. 611 Rio- Cass. pelle. Strong, Mary, (wid. William), boarding, h. Strelinger, Julian, saloon, 113 Bates, h. 827 Woodbridgc. w. same. Strong, Thomas, baggage master, h. 74 Streng, John, pedlar, h. 51i &stings. Charlotte ave. Strengson, Christian, h. 158 St. Antoine. Strong, Thomas, hrmer, h. a. s. Elmwood Strengson, Caroline f'dncy goods, 158 St. ave nr. Gratiot, Antoine, bcls. same. Strong, Walter, clerk, bcls. 160 Cass. Strengson, Gustave, jeweler, 158 St. An- Strong, J\'illiarn, u~achinist, bds. 82'7 toine, bds. same. Woodbridge w. Strenk, Jacob, (col'd,) h. 350 Croghan. Strong, William O., (Coyne & Strong), h. 1 Strickel, Martin, butcher, h. 242 Eliza- Ledyard. beth e. Strub, Joseph, porter, h. 223 Hastings. Stricker, Gottlo, blacksmith, h. 8 Humboldt Strabank, Williaul, lab., h. 64'7 Clinton ave. ave. Strickfaus, Mars, butcher, bds. 279 3Iichi- Strubel, Christian D., hardware dealer, 26'7 g-an ave. Jefferson ave., h. 95 Adelaide. Stridiron, James S., dep. secretary and Strubel: Johanna, (wid. Joseph), h. 4i4 treasurer Fort st. and Elmwood B. R., h. Catharine. 714 Woddbridze v: Strnbel, John, lab., h. 168 Dequindre. ;Str~airon, w llnam, traveling agent, h. 25 Strubel, Mary, (wid. John), washerwoman, Howard. h. 352 Clinton. String, Andrew, pedlar, 11. 294 Maconlb. Strubel Philip, lab., bds. s. s. Clinton bet. Stringer, John, sailor, h. 146 Chene. Dequindre and Orleans. Stringer, John F., student. bds. 2 Adams Strzuesewski, Anton, lab., h. 446 North. ave. w. Stxzuesewski, John, lab., bds. 446 North. Stringer, - , carpenter, bds. 112 Abbott. Stuart. Albert, captain, h. 952 Wood- Stringham, Henry T., insurance agent, h. , bridge w. Cass, bet. Lafayette and Michigan aves. Stuart, Catharine, dressmaker, h. 283 Or- Strobel, Henry, h. 150 Catharine. leans. Stroh, Bernhard, Lion Brewery. n. s. Gra- Stuart, Isaac, baker, bds. 'Railroad Extiot, bet. Hastings and Prospect, h. 315 change. Gratiot. Stuart, John, clerk, bds. 45 Congress w. Stroh, Frederick, butcher, 342 Gratiot, h. Stuart, K.. machinist, h. 283 Orleans. same. Stuart, Patrick, moulder. h. 37 Fifth. Stroh, Sebastian, carpenter, bcls. 3 Frank- Stuart, Peter H., engraver, 258 Jefferson lia ave.

414 STU CLARK'S DETROIT S ~ L Reliable Fractical Business School Sulliv~n, Daniel. lab., h. 139 Plum. MAYHEW Sullivan, Daniel: lab., h. 263 Porter. Sullivan, Daniel, lab., h. Thirteenth-and-a- B&~J#B&& @Q&EBGB@ half, nr. Michigan ave. Conducted by HON. ~RA MAYHEW, Sullivan, Daniel, mason, bds. 136 Eliza- AUTHOR OF beth e. Hayhewls P~acticaZ Book-keeping Sullivan, Daniel, printer, bds. Capitol For Common and Union Schools, n d MAYI~EM~'~ U niversity Book-keeping lor Business Colleges School building. and Counting-rooms. See 81st page of Directory. Sullivan, Daniel, shoemaker, h. 136 Fort e. Stubbe, Charles, bds. 773 Sixteenth. Sullivan, Daniel, teamster, h. cor. Ninth Stubbe, John L., h. '773 Sixteenth. ave., and Oak. Stucher, Gotiieb, blacksmith, h. 8 Hum- Sullivan, Dennis, boiler maker, h. 180 Naboldt ave. poleon. Studer, Dominick, saloon, 64 Randolph, h. Sullivan, Dennis, lab., h. 54 Marion. same. Sullivan, Dennis, lab., bds. 107 Porter. Studer, John, stone cutter, h. 512 Beau- Sullivan, Dennis, machinist, bds. 482 Sevbien. enth. S ,,uermer, August, clerk, h. 180 Lafayette. Sullivan, Dennis, mason, h. 291 Cherry. S uekel, Frederick H , teacher, h. 351 Six- Sullivan, Dennis, moulder, h. 261 Sixth. teenth. Sullivan, Dennis, pedlar, h. 1G Clinton. Stuskal, Charles, tailor, 52 Michigan ave. Sullivan, Dennis K., U. S. detective, h. 8 tuskal, Francis, merchant tailor, 52 Mich- 258 Fort e. gan ave. h. same. Sullivan, Eugene, moulder, bds 365 Sixth. Stulz, Albert,, cooper, h 226 Elizabeth e. Sullivan, Eugene, vegetable dealer, 25 Jef- Stulz, Ferdinand, bartender. bds. 32 Monroe ferson ave , h. same. ave. Sullivan, Ellen, tailoress, bds. 158 *~hird. Stutter, William, joiner, h. 232 Adams Sullivan, George, lab.; bds. 59 Leverette. ave e. Sullivan, George, lab., h. 213 Twelfth. Stutter, William A., trunkmaker,. h. 232 Sullivan, Hannah, (wid. George), h, 322 Adams ave e. Sixth. Stumpf, Henry, carpenter, h. 92 Sherman. Sullivan, Hannah, (wid. Patrick), washer- Stunner, August, tailor: h. 180 Lafayette. woman, h. r. 59 Pine. Sturtz, John, carpenter, h. 360 St. Aubin Sullivan, Humphrey, lamplighter, bds. 107 ave. Porter. Stutte, Andrew, Justice of the Peace, 112 Sullivan, James, (Moore 62 Sullivan), h. Griswold, h. 272 Randolph. h. 240 Fifteenth. Stuttc, James A., clerk: bds. 291 Macomb. Sullivan, James, lab., h. 218 Howard. Stutting, Henry, porter, h. 171 Division. Sullivan, James, lab., bds. s. w. cor. Wood- Suckert, Wiiliam. bookbinder, 48 Larned bridge and ~IcDougall ave. w., h. 211 Fort. e. Sullivan, Jane, (wid. Samuel), h. 59 Lev- Suckert, Edward, ruler, h. 209 Fort e. erette. Sudden, Job, joiner, bds. 44 Fort e. Sullivan, Jeremiah, carpenter, bds. 107 Sudzinski, Anton, lab., h. n. s. L)etroit,bet. Grand Rivcr. Dequindre and St. Aubin ave., Sullivan, Jeremiah, drayman, h. 110 Six- Suffinsky, Joseph, pedlar, h. 183 Mullett. teenth. Sugarman, Louis, tailor, h. 26 Cat barine. Sullivan, Jeremiah, lab., h. 568 Fort e. Sugrue, Cornelius, lab. h. 20bJ Fil'th. Sullivan, Seremian, r~b., h. 112 Labrosse. Sullivan, Bartley , machinist, bds. 71 Labrosse. Sullivan, Catherine, dressmake1 , 41b Fift,h, h. same. Sullivan, Charles, hatter, bds. 228 ~ ort e. Sullivan, Charles, lab. h. 357 Fifteenth. Sullivan, Charles, painter, h. 85 Park. Sullivan, Cornelius, teamster, h. 171 Oak. Sullivan, Cyrenius, dry goods, 91 Grand River, bds. 100 same. Sullivan, Daniel, boiler maker, bds. 291 Cherry. Sullivan, Daniel, boiler maker, bds. 357 Fifteenth. Sullivan, Daniel, contractor, h. o. 172 Fifth. Sullivan, Daniel, lab., bds. 130 Labrosse. Fjullivan, Jeremiah, lab., h. 496 Lafayette. Sullivan, Jeremiah, tailor, h. 89 Bronson. Sullivan, Johanna, (wid. Daniel,) h. 97 Por- ter. Sullivan, John, bds. 108 Woodbridge w. Sullivan, John, cabinet maker, h. 59 Lever- ette. Sullivan. John, cellar man, h. s. 8. 8event.h cor. Plum. Sullivan, John, engineer, bds. 16 Beaubien. Sullivan, John, helper, h. 13 Union. Sulivan, John, lab., h. 71 Labrosse. Sullivan, John, lab., h. 540 Seventeenth. Sullivan, John, lab., h. w. s. Thirdnr. Pier- pont. Sullivan, John, moulder, h. 482 Seventh. Sullivan, John, moulder, h. 263 Sixth.


Reliable Fractical Business School Sulliv~n, Daniel. lab., h. 139 Plum.<br />

MAYHEW<br />

Sullivan, Daniel: lab., h. 263 Porter.<br />

Sullivan, Daniel, lab., h. Thirteenth-and-a-<br />

B&~J#B&& @Q&EBGB@ half, nr. Michigan ave.<br />

Conducted by HON. ~RA MAYHEW, Sullivan, Daniel, mason, bds. 136 Eliza-<br />


beth e.<br />

Hayhewls P~acticaZ Book-keeping Sullivan, Daniel, printer, bds. Capitol<br />

For Common and Union Schools, n d MAYI~EM~'~<br />

U niversity Book-keeping lor Business Colleges School building.<br />

and Counting-rooms. See 81st page of <strong>Directory</strong>. Sullivan, Daniel, shoemaker, h. 136<br />

Fort e.<br />

Stubbe, Charles, bds. 773 Sixteenth. Sullivan, Daniel, teamster, h. cor. Ninth<br />

Stubbe, John L., h. '773 Sixteenth.<br />

ave., and Oak.<br />

Stucher, Gotiieb, blacksmith, h. 8 Hum- Sullivan, Dennis, boiler maker, h. 180 Naboldt<br />

ave.<br />

poleon.<br />

Studer, Dominick, saloon, 64 Randolph, h. Sullivan, Dennis, lab., h. 54 Marion.<br />

same.<br />

Sullivan, Dennis, lab., bds. 107 Porter.<br />

Studer, John, stone cutter, h. 512 Beau- Sullivan, Dennis, machinist, bds. 482 Sevbien.<br />

enth.<br />

S ,,uermer, August, clerk, h. 180 Lafayette. Sullivan, Dennis, mason, h. 291 Cherry.<br />

S uekel, Frederick H , teacher, h. 351 Six- Sullivan, Dennis, moulder, h. 261 Sixth.<br />

teenth.<br />

Sullivan, Dennis, pedlar, h. 1G Clinton.<br />

Stuskal, Charles, tailor, 52 Michigan ave. Sullivan, Dennis K., U. S. detective, h.<br />

8 tuskal, Francis, merchant tailor, 52 Mich- 258 Fort e.<br />

gan ave. h. same.<br />

Sullivan, Eugene, moulder, bds 365 Sixth.<br />

Stulz, Albert,, cooper, h 226 Elizabeth e. Sullivan, Eugene, vegetable dealer, 25 Jef-<br />

Stulz, Ferdinand, bartender. bds. 32 Monroe ferson ave , h. same.<br />

ave.<br />

Sullivan, Ellen, tailoress, bds. 158 *~hird.<br />

Stutter, William, joiner, h. 232 Adams Sullivan, George, lab.; bds. 59 Leverette.<br />

ave e.<br />

Sullivan, George, lab., h. 213 Twelfth.<br />

Stutter, William A., trunkmaker,. h. 232 Sullivan, Hannah, (wid. George), h, 322<br />

Adams ave e.<br />

Sixth.<br />

Stumpf, Henry, carpenter, h. 92 Sherman. Sullivan, Hannah, (wid. Patrick), washer-<br />

Stunner, August, tailor: h. 180 Lafayette. woman, h. r. 59 Pine.<br />

Sturtz, John, carpenter, h. 360 St. Aubin Sullivan, Humphrey, lamplighter, bds. 107<br />

ave.<br />

Porter.<br />

Stutte, Andrew, Justice of the Peace, 112 Sullivan, James, (Moore 62 Sullivan), h.<br />

Griswold, h. 272 Randolph.<br />

h. 240 Fifteenth.<br />

Stuttc, James A., clerk: bds. 291 Macomb. Sullivan, James, lab., h. 218 Howard.<br />

Stutting, Henry, porter, h. 171 Division. Sullivan, James, lab., bds. s. w. cor. Wood-<br />

Suckert, Wiiliam. bookbinder, 48 Larned bridge and ~IcDougall ave.<br />

w., h. 211 Fort. e.<br />

Sullivan, Jane, (wid. Samuel), h. 59 Lev-<br />

Suckert, Edward, ruler, h. 209 Fort e. erette.<br />

Sudden, Job, joiner, bds. 44 Fort e. Sullivan, Jeremiah, carpenter, bds. 107<br />

Sudzinski, Anton, lab., h. n. s. L)etroit,bet. Grand Rivcr.<br />

Dequindre and St. Aubin ave.,<br />

Sullivan, Jeremiah, drayman, h. 110 Six-<br />

Suffinsky, Joseph, pedlar, h. 183 Mullett. teenth.<br />

Sugarman, Louis, tailor, h. 26 Cat barine. Sullivan, Jeremiah, lab., h. 568 Fort e.<br />

Sugrue, Cornelius, lab. h. 20bJ Fil'th. Sullivan, Seremian, r~b., h. 112 Labrosse.<br />

Sullivan, Bartley , machinist, bds. 71 Labrosse.<br />

Sullivan, Catherine, dressmake1 , 41b Fift,h,<br />

h. same.<br />

Sullivan, Charles, hatter, bds. 228 ~ ort e.<br />

Sullivan, Charles, lab. h. 357 Fifteenth.<br />

Sullivan, Charles, painter, h. 85 Park.<br />

Sullivan, Cornelius, teamster, h. 171 Oak.<br />

Sullivan, Cyrenius, dry goods, 91 Grand<br />

River, bds. 100 same.<br />

Sullivan, Daniel, boiler maker, bds. 291<br />

Cherry.<br />

Sullivan, Daniel, boiler maker, bds. 357<br />

Fifteenth.<br />

Sullivan, Daniel, contractor, h. o. 172<br />

Fifth.<br />

Sullivan, Daniel, lab., bds. 130 Labrosse.<br />

Fjullivan, Jeremiah, lab., h. 496 Lafayette.<br />

Sullivan, Jeremiah, tailor, h. 89 Bronson.<br />

Sullivan, Johanna, (wid. Daniel,) h. 97 Por-<br />

ter.<br />

Sullivan, John, bds. 108 Woodbridge w.<br />

Sullivan, John, cabinet maker, h. 59 Lever-<br />

ette.<br />

Sullivan. John, cellar man, h. s. 8. 8event.h<br />

cor. Plum.<br />

Sullivan, John, engineer, bds. 16 Beaubien.<br />

Sullivan, John, helper, h. 13 Union.<br />

Sulivan, John, lab., h. 71 Labrosse.<br />

Sullivan, John, lab., h. 540 Seventeenth.<br />

Sullivan, John, lab., h. w. s. Thirdnr. Pier-<br />

pont.<br />

Sullivan, John, moulder, h. 482 Seventh.<br />

Sullivan, John, moulder, h. 263 Sixth.

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