Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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SMI CITT DRECTORY. SNY 403 I Smith, Washington, (co17d), lab. ,11. 158 HOME Wilkins. Smith, ~as~lington, (col'd), porter, h. 151 Mut~al Life Insurance CL, Croghan. Fjmith, Willlam, builder, h. Second, opp. Cass Park. .Smith, Wrlliam, butcher, 157 and 159 Woodbridge w., h. same. Slnitll, Wiiliatn, butcher h. 749 Woodbriilse w. Smith, William. currier, h. 57 Beacon. Smith, William, inspector of customs, 8 Woorlwsr~l ave., 11. 177 Tlrird. Smith, TVillitzru, lab., h. 99 Franklin. Smith, William, engineer, h. 378 Franklin. Smith, William: sailor, 11. 255 Brush. Smi t 11, Williwn, clerk, h. 43 Sixteenth. Smith, Willia~n, teamster, h. 490 Catharine. Smith: William, jr., butcher, bds. 16i Wocldhriclge w. Smith, W.? (col'd), waiter, Russell House. Smith, Willinm A., saloon: o. 414, n. 510 Woodhriclgt: m., 11. same. Smith, William D., cxt-penter, bds. s. m. cor. Ninth ave. and Porter. Smith. William E., train despatcher bds. Heffrons dining room SMITH, WILLIAM G., clerk, Detroit Pnper Co., h. 136 Montcalm e. Smith, TV. Harry, bookkeeper, bds. n. w. cor. Fort and Shelby. Smith. William S., pedlar, h. Grand River bet. National ave. and Twelfth. Smith, E. B 6; Co., (E. B. Smith :tnd Nodl D, Lapham), booksellers and stationers, 130 and 132 Woodward ave. Smith, Charles H. $; Co., (Chas. H. Smith & -), druggists, 501: Michigan ave. Smith, E. L! Son., (Edmund and Charles Smitl~), wood dealers, s. w. cor. Bates and IVooclbridge. Smith, Me S. & Co,, (Martin S. and 982 Third. Frank G. Smith), jewelers, cor. Wood- Snow, David S., agent, h. 66 High. ward slncl Jefferson aves. SNOW, FRANK E., ticket agent, h. 192 Smith, Stephen & Co., (Stephen and Ste- Co~gress w. pllen F. Smith), boots and shoes, 90 Snow, Georgians, teacher, bds. 192 Con- Woodward ave. gress w. Smith, Doolittle & Co., (Eli-jah Smith, Snow, Henry D., clerk, bds. 79 Miami ave. George E. Doolittle, John H. Webster Snow, Julia E., milliner, bds. 85 Grand - and Nrtrvin Preston), wholesale liq-~ors, River. 24 Woodward ave. Snow, Leonard P., variety store, 85 Grand Smith & Dowherty, (Henry Smith and River, h. same. John Dougherty,) produce, 218 Michigan Snow. Porter H., insurance agent, bds. Anave. tisdel House. Smith & Gabriel. (Nelson H. Smith and Snow, William, wire goods, 1G6 Jefferson William Gabrid.) house and sign paint- ave., 11. 79 Miami ave. ers, 142 Grand River. Stlow, William E., clerk, bds. 79 Miami Smith $. Tenuey, (Daniel J. Smith and Geo. ave. P. Tenney,) geuerd store, 377 and 379 Snow; Willis H., clerk, 11.199 Congress w. Grand River Snyder, Benjamin: watchman, h. 832 How- Smithberg: Peter, machinist, h. 187 Lar- ard. nec' e. Snyd?r, Charles E., lab., h. 4'32 Eighteenth. Smit'ler. Anthony, shoemaker, h. 145 Rus- Snyder, Frank, stone cutter, h. 183 Marion. sell. , Snyder, George, printer, h. 127 Croghrtn. OF CINCINNATI, OHIO. ,@]t3EAm@aR&lH9 GENERAL AGENT, S4 GRTSWOL'D ST., DET-RDIT, - - MICH WSce advertisement, page -27. a S1ni4 hers. Sanluel N., street broker, h. 31 Columbia m. Slnolk,' Abralm~n, (Slnolk & Son,) h. 24 Adams ave w. S~nolk. Chnrles A., (Smolk & Son,) h. 24 Aclnms ave w. Slnolk & Son,(Abrnham Smolk and Charles A. Smolk,) livery stable, 53 and 55 Farmer. Smooker. Gustav, blacksmith, h. 515 St. Aubin ave. Smots, John, sawyer h. 364 Fort e. Smythe, Terrance, saloon, 141 Larned w., h. same. Smvthe. William N., letter carrier, h. 80 Harrison ave. Sngden, Cornelius, stone cotter, bds. 318 Chene. Sneddon, David, baker, h. 3i3 Catharine. Sneidel, August, upllolsterer, h. 79 Catharine. Snell, Amanda W., (wid. Dr.,) clerk, bds. Grand River e. Suell, Samuel C , plumber, 9 Fort e., h. same Snide., Charles, carpenter, h. e. s. Eighteenth, nr. Ash. Snider, Elizabeth, (wid. Joseph) h. 335 Lafayette. Snider, Peter, carpenter, h. 60 Eighteenth. Suoacl, George. clerk, h. 163 Fourth. Snover. George W., (Kean & Snover,) h.

PHYSICIANS & DRUGGISTS Are cordially invited to call at our office, No. 52 Larned Street, West, And examine our Standard Chemical & Pharmaceutical PREPARATIONS, & CO.. PARIF I;!, .TENLYIL~GS -See advertisement, page 16. Snyder, Harriet, seamstress, bds. 71 Eigh- teenth. Snyder, Jacob, carpenter, h. 71 Eighteenth. Snyder, William, lab., h. o. 324 Fifth. Snyder, William, teamster, h. 532 Con- gress e. Sober, Sarah, Miss. h. 329 Montcalm e. Sobrio, Angelo, machinist, h. 645 Gratio t. Sockel, Caroline, tailoress, bds. SS Lar- ned e. .Soest, Joseph, shoemaker, h. 387 Bronson. Soeter, Charles, boarding, 44 Fort e. Solders, John, constable Third Ward, h. 119 Lafiayette. Soleau, Charles E., machinist, h. 58 Wayne. Solger, Charles, cigar maker, h. 234 Rus- sell. Solomon, Isaac, cigar maker, bds. 98 Lafay- ette. Solomon, Moses, (M. Herzberg & Co.,) h. 207 Macomb. Solway, James, lab., h. cor. Grand River and Twelfth. Somers, Anthony, blacksmith, h. 975 Mich- igan ave. Sommsr, Francis, h. 72 Eighth. Sommer, Frank, carpenter, h. 205 Napol- eon. Sommer, Frank, lab., h. 131 Antietam. Somrner, Frank F., foreman, h. 535 Beau- bien. Sommer, Hermann, lab., h. 180 Division. Sommer, Joseph, printer, h. 145 Hastings. Sommer, Julius, confectioner, 251 Jefferson ave., h. same. Sommer, Levi H., brakesman, bds. Garri- son House. Sommer, Norton, showcard maker, bds. 34 Croghan Sommer, Rebecca. tailoress, bds. 72 Eighth. Sommerhof, Peter, butcher, h. 90 Catha- rine. Sonderman, Joseph, cabinet maker, h.'240 Maple. Sonkes, Jacob, cabinet maker, h. Catha- rine, nr. Russell. Sonnabend, Frank, shoemaker, bds. 409 Riopelle. Sonnabend, John, shoemaker, h. 510 Or- leans. Sonnabend, John, shoemaker, h. 409 Rio- pelle. Sonneman, August, lab., h. 436 Mullett. Sonnenbeng, Julius, lab., h. 324 Mont- calm e. Sonntag, Charles F., tailor, 215 Beaubien, h. same. Sophizan, Acan, ship carpenter, h. 342 Franklin. Soop, Frederick, proprietor City Hotel, I1 and 13 Lafayette ave., nr. Griswold. Sorrell, George, (col'd), plasterer, h. 91 Ma- rion. Souligne, Prudent, lab., h. 34 Wight. Soultz, James, varnish maker, h. o. 131 Or- leans. Sour, August, lab., bds. 322 Wood- bridge w. outer; Joseph, engineer, h. 18 Park Place. Southard, Walter, moulder, h. 275 Fourth. Southee, Edwin, lab., bds. 3 Abbott. Southee, William W., fruits and confec- tionery, 3 Abbott, h. same. Southwick, James P., blacksmith, bds. Fourth, nr. Gold. Southwick, James P., jr., policeman, h. Fourth, nr. Gold. Souza, Theodore, wholesale liquors, s. w. cor. Grand River and Adam ave., .h. cor. Elizabeth and Clifford w. Sowersby, William, h.- 23 Winder. Sowle, Russel D., toll gate keeper, 1,009 Michigan ave., h. same. Spackman, Jacob, blacksmith, h. 182 Or- chard. Spall, jacob, lab., bds. 1,004 Michigan ave. Spangler, Anthony, watchman, h. 509 Woodbridge w. Spangler, John, lab., h. 230 Chestnut. Spann, August, lab., bds. 218 Gratiot. Sparkhall, Richard H., veterinary surgeon, h. 56 Adams ave. e. Sparks, George W., composition roofing. 10 illerrill Block, h. 30 Park Place. Sparks, Joseph, bookkeeper, h. 53 Lo- cust. Sparks, Joseph E., draughtsman, bds. 58 Locust. Sparks. Thomas, (col'd), lab., bds. n. s. Grove, bet. St. Antoine and Hastings. Sparling, Benjamin, h. 229 First. Sparling, Charles J., clerk, bds. 74 Colum- bia w. Sparling, Hannah, (wid. Joseph,) h. 74 Co- lumbia w. Sparling, Joseph, bookkeeper, bds. 74 Co- lumbia w. Sparling, Walter, clerk, bds. 74 Colum- bia w. Sparling, William H., student, h. 74 Co- lumbia w. Sparrell, Frederick, bds. 85 Congress w. Spaulding, Burr M., clerk, bds. 30 Eliza- beth w. Spaulcling, Charles M., chair maker, h. 228 Twelfth, Spaulding, Dewitt C., bookkeeper, h. 50 Brainard,


I<br />

Smith, Washington, (co17d), lab. ,11. 158<br />

HOME<br />

Wilkins.<br />

Smith, ~as~lington, (col'd), porter, h. 151 Mut~al Life Insurance CL,<br />

Croghan.<br />

Fjmith, Willlam, builder, h. Second, opp.<br />

Cass Park.<br />

.Smith, Wrlliam, butcher, 157 and 159<br />

Woodbridge w., h. same.<br />

Slnitll, Wiiliatn, butcher h. 749 Woodbriilse<br />

w.<br />

Smith, William. currier, h. 57 Beacon.<br />

Smith, William, inspector of customs, 8<br />

Woorlwsr~l ave., 11. 177 Tlrird.<br />

Smith, TVillitzru, lab., h. 99 Franklin.<br />

Smith, William, engineer, h. 378 Franklin.<br />

Smith, William: sailor, 11. 255 Brush.<br />

Smi t 11, Williwn, clerk, h. 43 Sixteenth.<br />

Smith, Willia~n, teamster, h. 490 Catharine.<br />

Smith: William, jr., butcher, bds. 16i<br />

Wocldhriclge w.<br />

Smith, W.? (col'd), waiter, Russell House.<br />

Smith, Willinm A., saloon: o. 414, n. 510<br />

Woodhriclgt: m., 11. same.<br />

Smith, William D., cxt-penter, bds. s. m.<br />

cor. Ninth ave. and Porter.<br />

Smith. William E., train despatcher bds.<br />

Heffrons dining room<br />

SMITH, WILLIAM G., clerk, <strong>Detroit</strong><br />

Pnper Co., h. 136 Montcalm e.<br />

Smith, TV. Harry, bookkeeper, bds. n. w.<br />

cor. Fort and Shelby.<br />

Smith. William S., pedlar, h. Grand River<br />

bet. National ave. and Twelfth.<br />

Smith, E. B 6; Co., (E. B. Smith :tnd<br />

Nodl D, Lapham), booksellers and stationers,<br />

130 and 132 Woodward ave.<br />

Smith, Charles H. $; Co., (Chas. H. Smith<br />

& -), druggists, 501: Michigan ave.<br />

Smith, E. L! Son., (Edmund and Charles<br />

Smitl~), wood dealers, s. w. cor. Bates<br />

and IVooclbridge.<br />

Smith, Me S. & Co,, (Martin S. and 982 Third.<br />

Frank G. Smith), jewelers, cor. Wood- Snow, David S., agent, h. 66 High.<br />

ward slncl Jefferson aves.<br />

SNOW, FRANK E., ticket agent, h. 192<br />

Smith, Stephen & Co., (Stephen and Ste- Co~gress w.<br />

pllen F. Smith), boots and shoes, 90 Snow, Georgians, teacher, bds. 192 Con-<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

gress w.<br />

Smith, Doolittle & Co., (Eli-jah Smith, Snow, Henry D., clerk, bds. 79 Miami ave.<br />

George E. Doolittle, John H. Webster Snow, Julia E., milliner, bds. 85 Grand<br />

- and Nrtrvin Preston), wholesale liq-~ors, River.<br />

24 Woodward ave.<br />

Snow, Leonard P., variety store, 85 Grand<br />

Smith & Dowherty, (Henry Smith and River, h. same.<br />

John Dougherty,) produce, 218 Michigan Snow. Porter H., insurance agent, bds. Anave.<br />

tisdel House.<br />

Smith & Gabriel. (Nelson H. Smith and Snow, William, wire goods, 1G6 Jefferson<br />

William Gabrid.) house and sign paint- ave., 11. 79 Miami ave.<br />

ers, 142 Grand River.<br />

Stlow, William E., clerk, bds. 79 Miami<br />

Smith $. Tenuey, (Daniel J. Smith and Geo. ave.<br />

P. Tenney,) geuerd store, 377 and 379 Snow; Willis H., clerk, 11.199 Congress w.<br />

Grand River<br />

Snyder, Benjamin: watchman, h. 832 How-<br />

Smithberg: Peter, machinist, h. 187 Lar- ard.<br />

nec' e.<br />

Snyd?r, Charles E., lab., h. 4'32 Eighteenth.<br />

Smit'ler. Anthony, shoemaker, h. 145 Rus- Snyder, Frank, stone cutter, h. 183 Marion.<br />

sell.<br />

, Snyder, George, printer, h. 127 Croghrtn.<br />


,@]t3EAm@aR&lH9<br />


S4 GRTSWOL'D ST.,<br />

DET-RDIT, - - MICH<br />

WSce advertisement, page -27. a<br />

S1ni4 hers. Sanluel N., street broker, h. 31<br />

Columbia m.<br />

Slnolk,' Abralm~n, (Slnolk & Son,) h. 24<br />

Adams ave w.<br />

S~nolk. Chnrles A., (Smolk & Son,) h. 24<br />

Aclnms ave w.<br />

Slnolk & Son,(Abrnham Smolk and Charles<br />

A. Smolk,) livery stable, 53 and 55 Farmer.<br />

Smooker. Gustav, blacksmith, h. 515 St.<br />

Aubin ave.<br />

Smots, John, sawyer h. 364 Fort e.<br />

Smythe, Terrance, saloon, 141 Larned w., h.<br />

same.<br />

Smvthe. William N., letter carrier, h. 80<br />

Harrison ave.<br />

Sngden, Cornelius, stone cotter, bds. 318<br />

Chene.<br />

Sneddon, David, baker, h. 3i3 Catharine.<br />

Sneidel, August, upllolsterer, h. 79 Catharine.<br />

Snell, Amanda W., (wid. Dr.,) clerk, bds.<br />

Grand River e.<br />

Suell, Samuel C , plumber, 9 Fort e., h.<br />

same<br />

Snide., Charles, carpenter, h. e. s. Eighteenth,<br />

nr. Ash.<br />

Snider, Elizabeth, (wid. Joseph) h. 335<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Snider, Peter, carpenter, h. 60 Eighteenth.<br />

Suoacl, George. clerk, h. 163 Fourth.<br />

Snover. George W., (Kean & Snover,) h.

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