Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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SHE CITY DIRECTORY. SIE 391 Sherman, Albert P., shoemaker, h. 56 Har- ; NORTHWESTERN riet. Sherman House, 67 Atwater o., Philip w. Uutual Life Insurance CO. Busang, propr. I OF MILWAUKEE, WIS. Sherman, James G., conductor, h. 275 La- Dr~, , , Au~~-~~~, fayette ave. 181s Sherman, John, saloon, 61 Jefferson ave , STATE AGENT, h. same. 1 111 JeSereon Avenue, / DETROIT, - - - MICH, Sherratt, George; tailor> 430 Grand River, wAgenb \Ynn&. adrsrti~m~nt, page m .a h. same. I Sherratt, Richard, carpenter, h. 81 Eliza- Shuell, John, tinsmith. h. 111 Labrosse. bet11 e. 1 Sbuell, William, mason, h. 292 Harriet. Sherring, John, lab., 11. 395 Catharine. Shuiter, William, ship carpenter, h. o. 386 Shermood, Anson S., lightning rood adjus- Franklin. tor. h. 190 Bag. Shulingburgh, John, carpenter, bds. 53, Sherwood, Cllsr!es E., clerk, bcls. 130 Con- Shelby. gress e. I Shurnajack, Frank, lab., h. w. s. Hulnboldt Sherwood, Mary Jane s. m. operator, h. 88 I are., nr. Butternut. Larned e. Shunk, Jacob? carpenter, h. 109 Mayberry Shevillut, Lewis, carpenter, h. 48 Craw- ave. ford. Shurburn, Catharine, bds. 235 Congrcss e. Shevy, Joseph, pedlar, h. 692 Fifteenth. Shurburn, George, pluu~ber, bds. 35 Con- Shew, James, (col'd), lab., h. Maple, bet. gress e. Chene and Joseph Carnpau me. Shurburn, Thomas, foreman livery stable. Shewcraft, Micagy C., (col'd), fruit dealer, 1 36 Congress e. 91 Atwater e., bds. Windsor. Shumard, John H., insurance agent 126 Shields, Caroline, (wid. George,) boarding, Jefferson ave. h. 134 Grand River. (up stairs). Shury, Charles, engineer, bds. 218 Marion. Shiclds, Charles. lab., h. Catharine, bet. Sbute, Richard. mason, L. 417 Lafayettee. Dubois and Chene. Shyron, Henry, carpenter, h. 274 Bigh. Shields, Robert. clerk, 11. 20 Elizabeth w. Siaflala, William, cigar maker, bds. 114 Shipman, George M., conductor, h. 406 La- Larned e. fayette ave. Sibley, Charles L., (Brigham & Sibley), Shipman, Royal M., agent, h. 406 Lafay- bds. 66 Grand River. ette ave. Sibley, Col. Ebenezer S. G.: h. 65 Chi- Shipley, Joseph H., tailor, h. 102 Division. filrd. Bhippey, Clark W., builder, h.444 Seventh. Sibley, Frederick B., (F. B. Sibley & Co.), Shippey, George W., butcher, 406 Grand bds. Biddle House. River, b. 404 same: (up stairs). Sibley, Frederick T., clerk, bds. 65 Clif- Shippey, Peter, h. 375 Harrison ave. ford. Bhire, John, carriage maker, 151 Larned w., -Sibley, Louis, machinist, h. 811 Elizsh. 159 Abbott. beth e. Shoales, Yelanchitow, painter, h. 594 Cro- Sibley, F. B. & Co., (Frederick B. Sibghan. ley and Charles H. Little), lime and Shoemaker, John, lab., h. 2'11 Columbia e. stone dealers, 340 Atwater. Shook, Edgar H.. derk, h. 54 Madison ave. Sichle, Solomon, traveling agent, h. 30 Shook, Robert D., confectioner, Si Grand Fort e. River: h. same. Sichle, Frederica, millinery, o. 114, n. 136 Shotwell, Abel, grocer, 338 Nineteenth, h. Randolph, h. 30 Fort e. same. Sickers, Ellen. (wid. Robert), cook, h. next Shove, Eli, teamster, h. 59 Fifteenth. 85 Abbott. Showerman, Delos, (D. Showerman & Co.,) Sickler, Benjamin E., druggist, 164 Woodres. Ypsilanti. ward ave. and 191 Jefferson ave., h. 116 Showerman, Walter, clerk, bds. Garrison George. House. Sidebottom, Peter, warehouseman, h. 116 Showerman, D. 62 Co.. (Delos Showerman, Larned w. Henry E. Champion and William R. Sidebottom, . -, bds. 41 Spencer. Newkirk,) commission merchants, 56 and ~ihick, Charles, teamster, h. 27 National 58 Jefferson ave. ave. Shrimpton, William J., machinist, bds li5 Sidney, J. H., (col'd), waiter, Russell Woodward ave. House. Shughro, Michael, lab., bds. 432 Seventh. Sidney, William, (col'd), engineer, Detroit Shuell, Anthony, lab., h. 151 Oak. Wooden Ware Works, res. Windsor, Shuell, Ellen, (wid. Edward,) h. 98 Sev- Ont. enth. Sieb, Jacob, upholsterer, h. 363 Clinton.

398 S n CLARK'S DETROIT SIM Reliable Practical Business School. I Silsbee, Charles E.. (Tillman. Silsbee & MAYHEW Co.,) .h. 75 John R. ' Silsbee, James D., clerk, h. 75 John R. B@5~x~88 ~@B~B@BQ Sime: Thomas M., student, h. 504 Sixth. Conducted by HON. IRA MAYHEW, Simeck, Charles, lab., w. s. Twenty-fourth, AUTIIOR OF s. of R. R. track. Mayhew's ~ ~ac~ife~t zook-kee~ing Simeck, John, cabinet maker, h. w. s. For Common and Union Schools, and MAYFIEW'S Twenty-third, nr. Michigan ave. U niveraity Book-keeping for Business Colleges and Counting- room^. See 31st page of Directory. simler, lab., 205 N ~ ~ ~ ~ Simmeck, William, lab., Russell House. Sieger, John, shoemaker, bds. 397 Hast- Simmons, Alfred A., (Simmons, Clough & ings. Co.), h. o. 26 n 30 Madison ave. \ Siegel, Gottlieb, gardener, St. Aubin ave., Simmons, Bridget, (wid. Nicholas,) h. 274 near city limits. Montcalm e. Siegle, John, upholsterer, bds. St. Aubin Simmons, Frederick J., (Simmons, Clough ave., nr. St. Joseph. & Co.), bds. o. 26 n. 30 Madison ave. Siegle, Joseph, musician, h. 96 Maple. Simmons, George, clerk, h. 336 Hastings. Siegrist, Eugene, clerk, bds. 12 Monroe ave. 1 Simmons, Henry, butcher, bds. 97 Larnede. Siegrist. Louis, tailor, bds. 468 Riopellc. 1 Simmons, Henry P., cooper, o. 256 n. 284 Siegrist, Louis. tailor, h. s. s. Grove, bet. Michigan ave., h. same. Prospect and Russell. Simmons, Solomon, clothing, 139 Jeffer- Siehaas, John lab., h. 429 Maple. son ave., h. same. Sielof, David, h. 208 Antietam. Simmons, William W., sailor, h. 612 Sev- Sielof, Louis, lab., bds. 208 Antietam. enth. Siering, Alois, safe maker, h. 263 Colum- Sim~nons, Clough & Co., (Alfred A. Simbia e. mons, Janles E. clough, Fred J. Sim- Sievers, Henry, carriage maker, h. 412 mons,) organ mnufs. 15 and 17 Miami Maple ave. Sie-~ert, Ernst, shoemaker. h. 264 Brush. Simms, John, (col'd), waiter, Michigan Ex- Sievert, Louis, wagon maker, h. 296 Beau- change. bien. Simlns, Thomas, barber, bds. 47 Grand Sievert, William, stone cutter, h. 151 An- River. tietam. Simms, William, (col'd), waiter Michigan Sievewright, George, sail maker, h. 255 Exchange. Twelfth. Simon, Alexander, lab., 140 Jones. Siford, John, conductor, h. 286 Xa- Simon, David, yankee notions, C. H. M., co111b. 11. 152 Mullett. Siggins, William N., grocer, 137 Michigan Simon, Jacob, tanner, h. 311 Lafa t.tte. ave., h. 39 Church. Simon, Nicholas, tanner, bds. 235 Gdlett. Sigusrnond, Edward, furrier, bds. 223 Simon, Peter, tanner, h. 278 Maple. Cass. Simon, Reinhard, mason, h. 285 Eigh- Sigusmond. John G., turrier, h. 223 Cass. teenth. Sigler, Theodore, picture frame mouldings, Simon, Sigmund (S. Simon & Co.), h. h. 173 Woodward ave. 152 Woodward ave. Sigler, Xrs. Theodore, dressmaker, I73 Simon, Sigmund, jr., traveling agt. bds. Woodward we., h. same. 152 Woodward ave.. Sihler, John, h. 265 Sherman. Simon, Sigmund, & Co., (Si mund Simon, Sihler, Louis, music teacher, h. 204 Lafay- and Henrietta Jackson,) Pi, y goods, and ette. yankee notions, 152 Woodward ave. Sihler, Maria, (wid. Michael), washerwo- Sirnons, George B., bookkeeper, bds. 45 man, h. 109 Division. Congress w. Sikor. Frank, painter, h. 379 North. Simons, Howard A, farmer, h. 411 Clif- Silberman, George, clerk, bds. 95 Shelby. ford. Silberman, Jacob, saloon, Jefferson ave., nr. j Simons Jacob tanner, h. 311 Lafayette. Fireman's Hall, h. 95 Shelby. Simons, Julius E., music teacher, h. 35 Silberstein, Kallman, pedlar, C. H. M., h. . Beacon. 4 Clinton. Silnons, Gulmer J., insurance agent, h. 75 Silk, Walter. huckster, h. s. s. Holden Jones Road, nr. G. T. R. R. Simons, William, clerk, bds. 2'70 Catharine. Silkenstaedt, Justus, cigar maker, h. 256 Simpson, Adam, clerk, bds. Franklin Brush. House. Sill, John X. B.. prin. Detroit Female Sem- Simpson, Andrew, watchman, h. 144 Abinary, 84 Fort w., h same. bott. Silman, Charles, teamster, bds. Goodman Simpson, Anderson R., shoemaker, h. 450 House. Sixth.


Sherman, Albert P., shoemaker, h. 56 Har- ;<br />


riet.<br />

Sherman House, 67 Atwater o., Philip w. Uutual Life Insurance CO.<br />

Busang, propr. I OF MILWAUKEE, WIS.<br />

Sherman, James G., conductor, h. 275 La- Dr~, , , Au~~-~~~,<br />

fayette ave. 181s<br />

Sherman, John, saloon, 61 Jefferson ave ,<br />


h. same. 1 111 JeSereon Avenue,<br />

/ DETROIT, - - - MICH,<br />

Sherratt, George; tailor> 430 Grand River, wAgenb \Ynn&. adrsrti~m~nt, page m .a<br />

h. same. I<br />

Sherratt, Richard, carpenter, h. 81 Eliza- Shuell, John, tinsmith. h. 111 Labrosse.<br />

bet11 e. 1 Sbuell, William, mason, h. 292 Harriet.<br />

Sherring, John, lab., 11. 395 Catharine. Shuiter, William, ship carpenter, h. o. 386<br />

Shermood, Anson S., lightning rood adjus- Franklin.<br />

tor. h. 190 Bag.<br />

Shulingburgh, John, carpenter, bds. 53,<br />

Sherwood, Cllsr!es E., clerk, bcls. 130 Con- Shelby.<br />

gress e. I Shurnajack, Frank, lab., h. w. s. Hulnboldt<br />

Sherwood, Mary Jane s. m. operator, h. 88 I are., nr. Butternut.<br />

Larned e.<br />

Shunk, Jacob? carpenter, h. 109 Mayberry<br />

Shevillut, Lewis, carpenter, h. 48 Craw- ave.<br />

ford.<br />

Shurburn, Catharine, bds. 235 Congrcss e.<br />

Shevy, Joseph, pedlar, h. 692 Fifteenth. Shurburn, George, pluu~ber, bds. 35 Con-<br />

Shew, James, (col'd), lab., h. Maple, bet. gress e.<br />

Chene and Joseph Carnpau me. Shurburn, Thomas, foreman livery stable.<br />

Shewcraft, Micagy C., (col'd), fruit dealer, 1 36 Congress e.<br />

91 Atwater e., bds. Windsor.<br />

Shumard, John H., insurance agent 126<br />

Shields, Caroline, (wid. George,) boarding, Jefferson ave.<br />

h. 134 Grand River. (up stairs).<br />

Shury, Charles, engineer, bds. 218 Marion.<br />

Shiclds, Charles. lab., h. Catharine, bet. Sbute, Richard. mason, L. 417 Lafayettee.<br />

Dubois and Chene.<br />

Shyron, Henry, carpenter, h. 274 Bigh.<br />

Shields, Robert. clerk, 11. 20 Elizabeth w. Siaflala, William, cigar maker, bds. 114<br />

Shipman, George M., conductor, h. 406 La- Larned e.<br />

fayette ave.<br />

Sibley, Charles L., (Brigham & Sibley),<br />

Shipman, Royal M., agent, h. 406 Lafay- bds. 66 Grand River.<br />

ette ave.<br />

Sibley, Col. Ebenezer S. G.: h. 65 Chi-<br />

Shipley, Joseph H., tailor, h. 102 Division. filrd.<br />

Bhippey, Clark W., builder, h.444 Seventh. Sibley, Frederick B., (F. B. Sibley & Co.),<br />

Shippey, George W., butcher, 406 Grand bds. Biddle House.<br />

River, b. 404 same: (up stairs).<br />

Sibley, Frederick T., clerk, bds. 65 Clif-<br />

Shippey, Peter, h. 375 Harrison ave. ford.<br />

Bhire, John, carriage maker, 151 Larned w., -Sibley, Louis, machinist, h. 811 Elizsh.<br />

159 Abbott.<br />

beth e.<br />

Shoales, Yelanchitow, painter, h. 594 Cro- Sibley, F. B. & Co., (Frederick B. Sibghan.<br />

ley and Charles H. Little), lime and<br />

Shoemaker, John, lab., h. 2'11 Columbia e. stone dealers, 340 Atwater.<br />

Shook, Edgar H.. derk, h. 54 Madison ave. Sichle, Solomon, traveling agent, h. 30<br />

Shook, Robert D., confectioner, Si Grand Fort e.<br />

River: h. same.<br />

Sichle, Frederica, millinery, o. 114, n. 136<br />

Shotwell, Abel, grocer, 338 Nineteenth, h. Randolph, h. 30 Fort e.<br />

same.<br />

Sickers, Ellen. (wid. Robert), cook, h. next<br />

Shove, Eli, teamster, h. 59 Fifteenth.<br />

85 Abbott.<br />

Showerman, Delos, (D. Showerman & Co.,) Sickler, Benjamin E., druggist, 164 Woodres.<br />

Ypsilanti.<br />

ward ave. and 191 Jefferson ave., h. 116<br />

Showerman, Walter, clerk, bds. Garrison George.<br />

House.<br />

Sidebottom, Peter, warehouseman, h. 116<br />

Showerman, D. 62 Co.. (Delos Showerman, Larned w.<br />

Henry E. Champion and William R. Sidebottom, . -, bds. 41 Spencer.<br />

Newkirk,) commission merchants, 56 and ~ihick, Charles, teamster, h. 27 National<br />

58 Jefferson ave.<br />

ave.<br />

Shrimpton, William J., machinist, bds li5 Sidney, J. H., (col'd), waiter, Russell<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

House.<br />

Shughro, Michael, lab., bds. 432 Seventh. Sidney, William, (col'd), engineer, <strong>Detroit</strong><br />

Shuell, Anthony, lab., h. 151 Oak.<br />

Wooden Ware Works, res. Windsor,<br />

Shuell, Ellen, (wid. Edward,) h. 98 Sev- Ont.<br />

enth.<br />

Sieb, Jacob, upholsterer, h. 363 Clinton.

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