Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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SCH CITY DIRECTORY. SEC 393 Schwinden, Frank T., traveling agent: hds. 335 Franklin. Scl~winto\~. Anthony, mason, 11. s e. cor. Benton ant l Hastings. Scllwoppe, Freclcrick, carpenter, h. 85 Sherman. Scoff, Frederick. hostler, 11. 439 Sixtli. Scoficlt I, Joseph, (col'd,) barber, 11. 167 Xari 11. Scollan, Jamcs, lab., 11. 396 Franlrli~l Scosson, Fredrick, lab., 11. cor. Lieb and Lnfayette. Scotch Prrsbyterian Church, cor. Farmer and Bates. Scott, Alfred J.. pork packer, h. 131 First. Scott, Andrew, paver, h. Fourth, bet. Orange nnd Tuscola. Scott, Bianj~~nlin, carpenter, h. 32 Locust. Scott, Be~>jalniu, expressman, bds. 127 Larned w. Scott, D.lvid. c.-ullter. h. 267 Guoin. Scott, George, macllinist, 11. 76 Chestnut. Scott, Captain George. in LJ. S. governrneut eml>loy, bcls. 62 Sibley. Scott, Henry, (col'd.) cook, h. 144 Calhoun. Scott, Henry W., carriage builder, 254 Cass, bds. 32 Locust. Scott, James, painter, h. 272 Macomb. Scott, Janles D . carpenter. 324 Fourth. Scott, John, engineer, 154 Jefferson ave., rcs. Windsor. Scott, John, fireinan, h. 298 Abbott. Scott, Jol~n, painter, bds. 5r5 Howard. Scott, Johu A., grocer, Grand River, cor. Twelfth, h. same. Scott, Rev. John P., pastor United Presbyterian church, h. I30 Wayne. Scott, Joseph B., ship broker, 8 Woodward ave., h. 133 Henry. Scott, Nnrtiu, engineer, 154 Jefferson ave., res. Wiudsor. Scott, Mary, (wid. John,) h. 33 Abbott. Scott, Robert, shoemaker, bds '79 Congress east. Scott, Robert, shoemaker? bds. 257 Jefferson ave. Scott, Robert R., carriage maker, h. 46 Sev enteenth. Scott, Samuel B., fur dealer, h. 56 Wash ington ave. Scott, Silvester, teamster, h. 38 Pine. Scott, Thomas G., soap mnfr., h. 12 Marion. Scott, Vincent J.. banker, 159 Jefferson ave., h. 364 Brush. Scott, William. (co17d,) barber, h. 167 Beaubien. Scott, William. lab., h. 309 Lafayette are. Scott, Willia~n B., ornamental j apaner, h 91 Eighteenth. Scott. William J., shoemaker, I!. 634 Seventh. Scott, --, nincliinist, bds., 166 Second. Scotten, Daniel, (Scotten, Lovett & Co.), h. Springwells. Scotten, Oren, clerk, h. 104 Randolph. 50 NOBTHWESTERN Mutual Life Insurance Co. OF MILWAUKEE, WIS. DR. GEAB. AURlrH@m, STATE AGENT. 11 1 Jefferson Avenue, DETROIT, - - - XICLW, =Agents Wanted. See Scottvn, Lovett & Co., (Daniel Scotten, TVilliau E. Lovett, Joseph T. Lowry and John G. C'( elville,) tobacconists, 104 to 110 Ranclol ph. Scovel, Edward B., clerk, bds. 110 St. Antoinc. Scovel, John B., physician, 208 Jefferson ave., 11. I10 St. Ant.oine. Scougale, Malcolm, wagon maker: bds. Rrigbton House, Scribner, Sewell, carpenter, h. 199 Mullett. Scrimmager, William A., butcher, h. 182 Second. Scripps, Niss E. B., editress Tribune, bds. 135 Lafayette ave. Scripps. James E., manager Tribune, h. 135 Lafayette ave. Scripps, William A., Tribune, h. 48 Madison Scudder, John, bookkeeper, bds. 159 Fort w. Scully, James, brass finisher, h. 162 Oak. Scully, Lawrence, clerk, h. 220 Fourth. Senberry, Thomas, clerk, h. 291 Sixth. Seage, Edlllund S., (Millar & Seage,) h. 73 Gri~ tio t. Seage, John, librarian Y. M. C. A., h. 224 Second. Sealy, Henry A., (Sealy 62 Ivor,) 11. 24 Brainard. Sealy, Thomas, boiler maker, h. 56 Leverette. Sealy & Ivor, (Henry A. Sealy and Hans A. Ivor), produce and commission, 68 and 70 Woodbridge w. Seaman, John C., master seaman, h. 59 Labrosse. Searing, William R., bookkeeper, h. 47 Fort w. Searle, Daniel, carpenter, h. 62 Harrison ave. Sears, Asa B., builder, h. 699 Woodward ave. Sears, Frederick, farmer, h. s. w. cor. Rus sell and Calhoun. Sears, Julia., (wid. Ithemar,) h. e. s. Mt. Hope ave., n. Michigan ave. Seaton. John W.. clerk, h. 232 Benton. Seaton, Robert, builder, 193 and 195 Cass, h. 21 George .(&e Index, page 17.) Seaton William, conductor, h. 465 Fifth. Secomb, John L., patent right dealer, h. 233 Brush. Second Baptist (col'd) Church, n. s, Croghan nr. Beaubien.

394 SED CLARK'S DETROIT SEX M(,&hwmmw I ~P@J~B$& Q"@&&B@B# Seitz, Charles B., wood and ivory turner, 1 100 Randolph, h. 215 Lamed e. i Seitz, Charlotte. (wid George.) Yankee no- COR. CONGRESS & RANDOLPH STS. ' tions, h. cor. Hastings and Mrtcomb. DET~ZOIT, I Seitz, Daniel, hds. 114 Randolph. Conducted by Hon. &a mayhew, I Seitz, Frederick L., (F. L. Seitz $ Co.), h. JAuthor of MAYHEW'S UNIVERSITY BOOK-KEEPING - For Businens Colleges and the Counting-room. -The anlv &k- keeping published providing coln lrte instruction in practkal ac- eountantahip. See notice of colke, Book-keeping and Businees hctice, at the 31st psge of' Directory.a qedlow, Gilbert, shoemaker, h. 11 Franklin. Seefried, John C., carpenter, h. 195 Fort e. Seefried, John S., carpenter, bcls. 195 Fort e. Seefried, Silas S., clerk, lbds. 195 Fort e. 68 -Farra.r. Seitz, George 58 Russell* &itZ, John, H. (F. L. SeitZ & CO.), h. 154 Larned e. Seitz, Mary Ann, (wid. Henry,) h. 116 5Iul- lett. Seitz, Sylvester, stone cutter, bcls. 336 Rio- pelle. Seeger, Frederick, carpenter, h. 128 Catha- Seitz, F. L. & Co., (Frederick L. and rine. 1 John H. Seitz), hankers, 71 Griswold. Seehorse, Jshn, lab., h. 429 Maple Severt, Edward cigar maker, h. 396 Catha- Seeler, Otto, cigar maker, h. n. IV. cor Far- rin e rar and Bates. Seloff, Louis, lab., h 208 Antietarn. Seeley, Daniel, second-hand furniture, 130 Sell, Ferdinanci, carriage maker, 289 Daland 132 Grismrold, h. same. zelle, 11. same. Seeley, Henry A., commission merchant, h. Sell, William, clerk, bds. 37 Third. 24 Brainard. Selling, Adolph, carpenter, h. 360 St. Aubiu Seeley, John, furniture dealer, 160 JIich- ave. igan ave., h. same. Selling, Herman, plasterer, bds. 82 Park. Seely, James N., (J. 31. Seely & Co.,) h. Selling, Louis, liquors and tobacco, 292 ' 263 Woodward ave., (up stairs.) Woodward ave. SEELY, MARK A., hats and caps. 182 Selling, Louis, crockery, 314 Woodward Jefferson ave., h. 320 Randolph, (See ave. h. same. index page 17.) Selling, William, lab., bds. 264 Cass ave. SEELy, JSMES A:., & CO., (James M. Sellman, Charles, teamstei , bds. Purdy's Seely & - ,) mufrs. of perfumes and Hotel. extracts, 263 and 265 Woodward avo. Senador, anth8ny, tailor, h. 544 Sixteenth. Seereiter, John sr., h. 115 Croghan. Seneca], Alphonse, painter h. 498 Mullett. Seereiter, John G., bds. 115 Croghan. Senecal, Henry, painter. bds. 498 Xullett. Segan, Frank J., tdor, h. 110 Seventeenth. Senecal, John, h. 498 illullett. Sehl, Rl. Joseph, carpenter, 11. 41 Wilkins. Senecal, Joseph. lab. h. 149 Fifteenth. Seestadt, Henry, carpenter, bds. n. e. cor. Sennesack, Jacob. lab. h. 228 Adams ave. e. Macomb and St. Antoine. I Sennett, William, lab., h. 220 Clinton. Seib, Jacob, upholsterer h. S63 Chnton. Senninger, Nicllolas, saloon and cooper Seibel, Philip, lab. h. 137 Division. 1 shop, cor Gratiot and Pmspecf, h. sibme. Seiber, Martin, drover, h. 486 Sixteenth. Senter. Peter, lab., h. 133 Twelfth. Seiberg, William, shoemaker, h. 328 Sher- Senz, Christian, jeweler, bds. 121 Clinton. man. * Senz, George, tailor, bds. 121 Clinton. Seibert, John, shoemaker, 184 Clinton h. Senz, Joseph, painter, h. 121 Clinton. same. Serenberg, Christian, clerk, P. O., h. 205 Seidel Charlcs F.,(A. Kuhlman & Co.), bds. Fourteenth. Hotel Mauch. Sess, Charles, car builder, 11. 481 Mullett. Seidel, Christian, cigar maker, h. 145 Semald, JohnB ., clerk, hds. 183 Sherman. Brewster. - Severin, Joachim, lab., h. 283 High. Seifer, William, carpenter, 11. 164 Chest- I Severin, William. lab., h. 283 High. nut. I Sevigne. Lewis, (Nut & Bolt Co.,) 11. 148 Seigler, Mathias, tailor, bds. 103 Bates. Aclams ave. e. Seiler, Jacob, carpenter, h. 199 Clinton. Sewell, Andrea, cigar maker, bds. Good- Seilhammer, Catharine, (wid. Valentine,) man House. h. 537 Clinton ave. . Sewell, A. R., Inspector of Customs, 8 Seilhoff, Frederick, plasterer, h. e. s. Woodward ave., h. 45 Miami me. th, nr. Xichigan we. Sewer Commissioner's office 14 Mouroe Seirow, Frederick, gardener, h. 373 Seven- ave, teenth. Sexton, Cornelius, teamster, bds. 163 Lar- Seisler, John: carpenter, h. 377 Thirteenth. ned w. Seisler, John, ship carpenter, b. cor. 3Iyr- Sexton, Elmira, (wid. John,) 11. 69 Waltle, and Sullivan ave. nut. Seisler, Valentine, fur dresser, h. 644 Con- Sexton, John, gardener, h 245 Nineteenth. gress e. j Sexton, Thomas, fireman, 11.245 Nineteeth. . -


Schwinden, Frank T., traveling agent: hds.<br />

335 Franklin.<br />

Scl~winto\~. Anthony, mason, 11. s e. cor.<br />

Benton ant l Hastings.<br />

Scllwoppe, Freclcrick, carpenter, h. 85<br />

Sherman.<br />

Scoff, Frederick. hostler, 11. 439 Sixtli.<br />

Scoficlt I, Joseph, (col'd,) barber, 11. 167<br />

Xari 11.<br />

Scollan, Jamcs, lab., 11. 396 Franlrli~l<br />

Scosson, Fredrick, lab., 11. cor. Lieb and<br />

Lnfayette.<br />

Scotch Prrsbyterian Church, cor. Farmer<br />

and Bates.<br />

Scott, Alfred J.. pork packer, h. 131 First.<br />

Scott, Andrew, paver, h. Fourth, bet.<br />

Orange nnd Tuscola.<br />

Scott, Bianj~~nlin, carpenter, h. 32 Locust.<br />

Scott, Be~>jalniu, expressman, bds. 127 Larned<br />

w.<br />

Scott, D.lvid. c.-ullter. h. 267 Guoin.<br />

Scott, George, macllinist, 11. 76 Chestnut.<br />

Scott, Captain George. in LJ. S. governrneut<br />

eml>loy, bcls. 62 Sibley.<br />

Scott, Henry, (col'd.) cook, h. 144 Calhoun.<br />

Scott, Henry W., carriage builder, 254<br />

Cass, bds. 32 Locust.<br />

Scott, James, painter, h. 272 Macomb.<br />

Scott, Janles D . carpenter. 324 Fourth.<br />

Scott, John, engineer, 154 Jefferson ave.,<br />

rcs. Windsor.<br />

Scott, John, fireinan, h. 298 Abbott.<br />

Scott, Jol~n, painter, bds. 5r5 Howard.<br />

Scott, Johu A., grocer, Grand River, cor.<br />

Twelfth, h. same.<br />

Scott, Rev. John P., pastor United Presbyterian<br />

church, h. I30 Wayne.<br />

Scott, Joseph B., ship broker, 8 Woodward<br />

ave., h. 133 Henry.<br />

Scott, Nnrtiu, engineer, 154 Jefferson ave.,<br />

res. Wiudsor.<br />

Scott, Mary, (wid. John,) h. 33 Abbott.<br />

Scott, Robert, shoemaker, bds '79 Congress<br />

east.<br />

Scott, Robert, shoemaker? bds. 257 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Scott, Robert R., carriage maker, h. 46 Sev<br />

enteenth.<br />

Scott, Samuel B., fur dealer, h. 56 Wash<br />

ington ave.<br />

Scott, Silvester, teamster, h. 38 Pine.<br />

Scott, Thomas G., soap mnfr., h. 12 Marion.<br />

Scott, Vincent J.. banker, 159 Jefferson ave.,<br />

h. 364 Brush.<br />

Scott, William. (co17d,) barber, h. 167 Beaubien.<br />

Scott, William. lab., h. 309 Lafayette are.<br />

Scott, Willia~n B., ornamental j apaner, h<br />

91 Eighteenth.<br />

Scott. William J., shoemaker, I!. 634 Seventh.<br />

Scott, --, nincliinist, bds., 166 Second.<br />

Scotten, Daniel, (Scotten, Lovett & Co.), h.<br />

Springwells.<br />

Scotten, Oren, clerk, h. 104 Randolph.<br />

50<br />


Mutual Life Insurance Co.<br />


DR. GEAB. AURlrH@m,<br />


11 1 Jefferson Avenue,<br />

DETROIT, - - - XICLW,<br />

=Agents Wanted. See<br />

Scottvn, Lovett & Co., (Daniel Scotten,<br />

TVilliau E. Lovett, Joseph T. Lowry and<br />

John G. C'( elville,) tobacconists, 104 to 110<br />

Ranclol ph.<br />

Scovel, Edward B., clerk, bds. 110 St. Antoinc.<br />

Scovel, John B., physician, 208 Jefferson<br />

ave., 11. I10 St. Ant.oine.<br />

Scougale, Malcolm, wagon maker: bds.<br />

Rrigbton House,<br />

Scribner, Sewell, carpenter, h. 199 Mullett.<br />

Scrimmager, William A., butcher, h. 182<br />

Second.<br />

Scripps, Niss E. B., editress Tribune, bds.<br />

135 Lafayette ave.<br />

Scripps. James E., manager Tribune, h. 135<br />

Lafayette ave.<br />

Scripps, William A., Tribune, h. 48 Madison<br /><br />

Scudder, John, bookkeeper, bds. 159<br />

Fort w.<br />

Scully, James, brass finisher, h. 162 Oak.<br />

Scully, Lawrence, clerk, h. 220 Fourth.<br />

Senberry, Thomas, clerk, h. 291 Sixth.<br />

Seage, Edlllund S., (Millar & Seage,) h. 73<br />

Gri~ tio t.<br />

Seage, John, librarian Y. M. C. A., h. 224<br />

Second.<br />

Sealy, Henry A., (Sealy 62 Ivor,) 11. 24<br />

Brainard.<br />

Sealy, Thomas, boiler maker, h. 56 Leverette.<br />

Sealy & Ivor, (Henry A. Sealy and Hans<br />

A. Ivor), produce and commission, 68<br />

and 70 Woodbridge w.<br />

Seaman, John C., master seaman, h. 59<br />

Labrosse.<br />

Searing, William R., bookkeeper, h. 47<br />

Fort w.<br />

Searle, Daniel, carpenter, h. 62 Harrison<br />

ave.<br />

Sears, Asa B., builder, h. 699 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Sears, Frederick, farmer, h. s. w. cor. Rus<br />

sell and Calhoun.<br />

Sears, Julia., (wid. Ithemar,) h. e. s. Mt.<br />

Hope ave., n. Michigan ave.<br />

Seaton. John W.. clerk, h. 232 Benton.<br />

Seaton, Robert, builder, 193 and 195 Cass,<br />

h. 21 George .(&e Index, page 17.)<br />

Seaton William, conductor, h. 465 Fifth.<br />

Secomb, John L., patent right dealer, h.<br />

233 Brush.<br />

Second Baptist (col'd) Church, n. s, Croghan<br />

nr. Beaubien.

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