Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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SCH CITY DIRECTORY. SOH 389 Schneider. Sebastian, conductor, h. 160 1 NORTHWESTERN ~a~oleon. Schneider, Steplien, lumber dealer, Grand River bet. T tlird and Fourth. ScBneider, Wenzelan, mason: h. n. s. Hum- boldt nve. nr. Butterfield. Schneider, William, lab., bds. 85 Twelfth. Schneider, William, teamster, h. 532 Congress e. Schneider, William, lab., h. 266 Abbott. Schneidt, Christian, baker, bds. 133 Franklin. Schneidt, Frederick, helper, h. Macomb, n. s. bet St. Antoine & Hastings. Schneiderheinzen, August, grocer, 142 Chene, 11. same. Schneiderling, Ferdinand, painter, bds. 236 Mullett. Schneiderling, Henry, painter, bds. 236 Mullett. Nutual Life Insurance CO. OF MILWAUKEE, WIS. STATE AGENT. 11 1 Jefferson Avenue, DETROIT, - - - MICH, -Agents Wanted. See adrertisement, page 10i.A Schoettle, Frank, brewer, bds. 191 Larned west. Schnfield, R'illiam A., tanner, h. 84 Eighteenth. Sclioles, Adam, shoe cutter, h. 49 Porter. Scholes, Frances, s. ln. operator, h. 138 Orchard. Scholes, Jas., machinist, h. 36 Charlotte ave. Scholes, Nicholas clerk, h. 983 Michigan ave. Sclioles, Richard G., boots and shoes, 173 Michigan ave., h. same. Scholes, W~lliam, shoemaker, h. 138 Orchard. Sclioliebsc1~uetz, Joseph, pedlar, bds. 138 Clinton. Sclioller, George, bookkeeper, bds. Biddle House. Schombl~rg, Hans, tailor, bdd. 344 North. Schonmeyer, Frederick, yankee notions, 221 Michigan ave., h. same. Schoolcraft. Emmet D. Z., grocer, 483 Grand River, h. same. Schneidewind, Charles, cabinet ~nnkcr, h. 112 Marion. Schnitt, William, carriage painter, h. 481 Clinton. Schnoering, Julius, agent Mich. Health Ins. Co., h. 188 Hastings. Schober, Emil, IF. A. Schober & Bro.), h. 63 Lafayette. Schober, Frederick A., (F. A. Schober 6; Bro.), h. 84 Lafayette. Schober, F. A., 6t Bro., (Frederick A. ancl Emil Schober,) book and job printers, 90 Woodward ave., (up stairs). Schobnel, Fidel, brush maker, h. o. 22 Schoop, Henry, saloon, 48 At~ater, e.. 11. North. same. Schoehr, Louis, lab., 11. 465 Mullett. Schoop, Peter, core maker, h. 528 Wood- Schoeller, Elizabeth, h. 76 Chestnut. bridge e. Schoellhammer, Frederick, brewer, h. 345 Schoop, Theodore A., carpenter, h. 233 Riopelle. 3faplc. Schoellhammer, William, brewer, bds. 134 Schoppenliauer, Louis, carpet weaver, 218 Clinton. Napoleon, h. same Schoemann, George, carpenter, h. 113 An- Schor. Thomas. painter, h. 295 Catharine. tietam. Schorie, Charles fireman, bds. 215 Marion. Schoemann, Gottlieb, harness maker, bds. Schorie, John, boiler m:tker, bds. 218 Mar- 101 Macomb. ion. Schoemann, Henry, carpenter, h. 111 An- Schorie, Sephraim W., lab., bds. 218 Martietam. ion. Schoemann, John B., nqtary public, 90 . Schorie, Simon, stone cutter, h. 218 Mar- Griswold, h. 185 Cu tharine. ion. Sclloemann, Nicholas, box maker, h. 227 Schott, Ignatz, mason, h. 44 Crogl~an. Macomb. Scllottler, Philipp, shoe maker, 11. 27 Sil- Schoen, Joseph, machinist, h. 234 Maple. ver. Schoenbronn, Jacob, mason, 11. 162 Chest- Schrade: William, brewer, h. 297 Riopelle. nut. Schrage, John, packer. bds. 235 AXullc?tt. Schoeoherr. Christoph, pedlar, 11. 146 Jag. Schragr, dosepl~, harness maker, 505 Grat- Schoenherr, Jnlln, lab., h. 404 St. Aubin ave. iot, bds. same. Schoenwald, Christian, lab. h. 26 : Colulll- Scnrank, Friederich. lab., h. 457 Sherman. bia e. Schratz, Conrad, upholsterer, bds. 88 Laf- Schoeppe, Anton, lab., h. 35 Chestnut. ayette ave. Schoeppe, Ferdinand, carpenter, 11. 525 Schreck Lewis, foreman, bds. Tremont Gratiot. ITouse. Schoeppe, Henry, carpenter, h. 350 High. Scllreck, Michae!, wood measurer, bds. 455 Schoeppe, John, lab. h. 35 Chestnut. Gratiot. Schoettle, Charles, salooq,l91 karned a.,h. Schreckcl, Erst, brerrcr, h. n. m. cor. same. North and Dequindre.

390 SCH CLARK'S DETROIT SCH Reliable Practical Business School. MAYHEW BU~JHBS~ C~BBBBGV~TB Conducted by HON. IRA MAYEEW, AUTHOR OF Mayfiew's P~acZicnZ Zooit-iteepinCq For Common and Union Schools, and NAYFIEW'S U niversity Book-keeping for Business Collegcs and Conntinc-rooms. Bee 31st page of Directory. Scl~rein. Joseph, blacksnlith, h. 103 Maple. Schrell John, shoenlaker, bcls. 616 Woodbridge w. Schrueder, Caroline, dressmaker, bde. 12 Jay. Schroeder, Charles, lab., h. 403 Antietnm. Scllroeder, Charles, lab., h. 398 Catharine. Schroeder, Charles, sawyer, h. 190 antietam. Schroeder, Charles, grocer, s. e. cor. Beaubien and Harriet, h. same. Schroeder, Christian, barber, 96 Gratiot, bda. 270 Macomb. Schroeder, Conrad, la)). , h. cor. Twelfth and Baker. Schroeder, Edward, h. o. 140: n. 160 Lafayette ave. Scliroeder, Dr. Edward, druggist: 446 Gratiot, h. same. Schroeder, Edward C., (Fish & Schrocder,) h. 258 First. Schroeder, Ernst, tailor, bds. 630 Gratio t. Schroeder? Frederick, lab., h. 518 3fullett. Schroeder, Frederick, lab., h. 437 Sisteenth. Schroeder, Frederick. stair builder, bds. 293 Gratiot. Schroeder, George, (Fromm & Schrocckr,) h. 141 Jay. Schroeder, Henry, carpenter, bds. 493 Croghan. Schroeder, Henry, tinware, 398 Gratiot, h. 26 Chestnut. Schroeder. John, h. 293 Gratiot. Schroeder, John, carpenter, h. n. e. cor. Hastiiigs and Franklin. Schroeder, John, lab., bcls. 140 Catharine. Schroeder, John, lab., bds. 398 Catharine. Schroecler, John, (A. Bretz & Co.,) h. 86 Catharine. Schroeder, Valentine, grocer, 'n. e. cor. Franklin ancl St. Aubin ave., h. same. Scliroeder, Vincent, clcrk, bds. 160 Lafayette ave. Schroeder, William, engineer. h. 12 Jay. Schroeder, William, sawyer, h. 213 Antietam. Schroeger, John, mason. h. 509 Orleans. Schroft, John G., gardener, h. r. Marcy. bet. Sixth and Seventh. Schubert, Bprtha, h. 99 Sherman. Schubert, Hugo, grocer, 330 High, h. same. Schubert, Minna; (mid. Henry), h. 180 Adams ave. e. Schubert, Oscar, clerk, bds. 330 High. Schubnell, Leo, (Lebens c5t Schubnell), h. 232 Napoleon. Schuch, Conrad, carpenter, h. 441 St. Antoine. Schuptz, John E., saloon ancl confectioner, 49 Michigan ave., h. same. Schuetz, Rosa, dry goods and notions, 243 Fort e., h. same. Schuholz. Christian. teamster, h. 107 Cath- arine. Schuhwerk, Mary, (wid. Joseph), h. 276 North. Schuknecht, Frederick, teamster, h. 313 Rfanle. Schuknecht, Frederick, lab., h. 298 Maple. Schuknecht, John, book binder, h. 292 Maple. Schuknecht, John, lab., h. 313 Maple. Schulmeyer, Andrew, baker, 565 Dequin- dre, h. same. SCNULENBURG, CHARLES,. billiard table manufacturer, 98; 100, 102 Ran- dolph, 11. 18 Lafayette. (&e Idz, p. 17). Schullner, Lorenz, lab., bds. 206 Watson. Schuler, George, jeweler, 160 Jefferson ave., h. 307 Congress e. Schuler, John, tanner, h. 503 ;Macomb. Scliuler. William, carpenter, 11. 106 Thir- teen th-and-a-half. Schulte, Adam, porter, 11. 152 Mont- calm e. Schulte, Adolph: clerk, bds. 232 Seven- teenth. Schulte, Anthony, h. 241 Clinton. Schulte, Anthony, grocer, s. e. cor. Ma- comb, r. St. Antoine, h. same. Schulte, Anthony. porter, bds. 273 Hast- inp. Schulte, Anthony, carpenter, h. 522 Or- leans. Schulte, Anthony F., clerk, bds. s. e. cor. Macomb and St. Antoine. Schulte, August,, h. 130 Lafayette. Scltulte, Cnspar, 11. 114 Macomb. Scliulte, Caspar, physician, office 26 Monroe ave., h. same. Schulte, Caspar, (C. & P. Schulte), h. 229 Clinton. Scllulte, Caspar J. R., clerk, bds. 286 Orleans. Schulte, Catharine, (wid. John P.), h. 307 North. Scllulte, Christine, (mid. John), h. 351 Fifteenth. Schulte, Elizabeth, (wid. Francis), h. 168 Lafayet te. Schulte, Ernst, plasterer, h. 313 .North. Schulte, Frank, clerk, 11. 56 Fort e. Scliulte, Frank, shoenlaker, h. 357 North. Schulte, Frank, speculator, bds. 32 Clinton.


Schneider. Sebastian, conductor, h. 160 1 NORTHWESTERN<br />

~a~oleon.<br />

Schneider, Steplien, lumber dealer, Grand<br />

River bet. T tlird and Fourth.<br />

ScBneider, Wenzelan, mason: h. n. s. Hum-<br />

boldt nve. nr. Butterfield.<br />

Schneider, William, lab., bds. 85 Twelfth.<br />

Schneider, William, teamster, h. 532 Congress<br />

e.<br />

Schneider, William, lab., h. 266 Abbott.<br />

Schneidt, Christian, baker, bds. 133 Franklin.<br />

Schneidt, Frederick, helper, h. Macomb, n.<br />

s. bet St. Antoine & Hastings.<br />

Schneiderheinzen, August, grocer, 142<br />

Chene, 11. same.<br />

Schneiderling, Ferdinand, painter, bds.<br />

236 Mullett.<br />

Schneiderling, Henry, painter, bds. 236<br />

Mullett.<br />

Nutual Life Insurance CO.<br />



11 1 Jefferson Avenue,<br />

DETROIT, - - - MICH,<br />

-Agents Wanted. See adrertisement, page 10i.A Schoettle, Frank, brewer, bds. 191 Larned<br />

west.<br />

Schnfield, R'illiam A., tanner, h. 84 Eighteenth.<br />

Sclioles, Adam, shoe cutter, h. 49 Porter.<br />

Scholes, Frances, s. ln. operator, h. 138<br />

Orchard.<br />

Scholes, Jas., machinist, h. 36 Charlotte ave.<br />

Scholes, Nicholas clerk, h. 983 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Sclioles, Richard G., boots and shoes, 173<br />

Michigan ave., h. same.<br />

Scholes, W~lliam, shoemaker, h. 138 Orchard.<br />

Sclioliebsc1~uetz, Joseph, pedlar, bds. 138<br />

Clinton.<br />

Sclioller, George, bookkeeper, bds. Biddle<br />

House.<br />

Schombl~rg, Hans, tailor, bdd. 344 North.<br />

Schonmeyer, Frederick, yankee notions,<br />

221 Michigan ave., h. same.<br />

Schoolcraft. Emmet D. Z., grocer, 483<br />

Grand River, h. same.<br />

Schneidewind, Charles, cabinet ~nnkcr, h.<br />

112 Marion.<br />

Schnitt, William, carriage painter, h. 481<br />

Clinton.<br />

Schnoering, Julius, agent Mich. Health Ins.<br />

Co., h. 188 Hastings.<br />

Schober, Emil, IF. A. Schober & Bro.), h.<br />

63 Lafayette.<br />

Schober, Frederick A., (F. A. Schober 6;<br />

Bro.), h. 84 Lafayette.<br />

Schober, F. A., 6t Bro., (Frederick A. ancl<br />

Emil Schober,) book and job printers, 90<br />

Woodward ave., (up stairs).<br />

Schobnel, Fidel, brush maker, h. o. 22 Schoop, Henry, saloon, 48 At~ater, e.. 11.<br />

North.<br />

same.<br />

Schoehr, Louis, lab., 11. 465 Mullett. Schoop, Peter, core maker, h. 528 Wood-<br />

Schoeller, Elizabeth, h. 76 Chestnut.<br />

bridge e.<br />

Schoellhammer, Frederick, brewer, h. 345 Schoop, Theodore A., carpenter, h. 233<br />

Riopelle.<br />

3faplc.<br />

Schoellhammer, William, brewer, bds. 134 Schoppenliauer, Louis, carpet weaver, 218<br />

Clinton.<br />

Napoleon, h. same<br />

Schoemann, George, carpenter, h. 113 An- Schor. Thomas. painter, h. 295 Catharine.<br />

tietam.<br />

Schorie, Charles fireman, bds. 215 Marion.<br />

Schoemann, Gottlieb, harness maker, bds. Schorie, John, boiler m:tker, bds. 218 Mar-<br />

101 Macomb.<br />

ion.<br />

Schoemann, Henry, carpenter, h. 111 An- Schorie, Sephraim W., lab., bds. 218 Martietam.<br />

ion.<br />

Schoemann, John B., nqtary public, 90 . Schorie, Simon, stone cutter, h. 218 Mar-<br />

Griswold, h. 185 Cu tharine.<br />

ion.<br />

Sclloemann, Nicholas, box maker, h. 227 Schott, Ignatz, mason, h. 44 Crogl~an.<br />

Macomb.<br />

Scllottler, Philipp, shoe maker, 11. 27 Sil-<br />

Schoen, Joseph, machinist, h. 234 Maple. ver.<br />

Schoenbronn, Jacob, mason, 11. 162 Chest- Schrade: William, brewer, h. 297 Riopelle.<br />

nut.<br />

Schrage, John, packer. bds. 235 AXullc?tt.<br />

Schoeoherr. Christoph, pedlar, 11. 146 Jag. Schragr, dosepl~, harness maker, 505 Grat-<br />

Schoenherr, Jnlln, lab., h. 404 St. Aubin ave. iot, bds. same.<br />

Schoenwald, Christian, lab. h. 26 : Colulll- Scnrank, Friederich. lab., h. 457 Sherman.<br />

bia e.<br />

Schratz, Conrad, upholsterer, bds. 88 Laf-<br />

Schoeppe, Anton, lab., h. 35 Chestnut. ayette ave.<br />

Schoeppe, Ferdinand, carpenter, 11. 525 Schreck Lewis, foreman, bds. Tremont<br />

Gratiot.<br />

ITouse.<br />

Schoeppe, Henry, carpenter, h. 350 High. Scllreck, Michae!, wood measurer, bds. 455<br />

Schoeppe, John, lab. h. 35 Chestnut. Gratiot.<br />

Schoettle, Charles, salooq,l91 karned a.,h. Schreckcl, Erst, brerrcr, h. n. m. cor.<br />

same.<br />

North and Dequindre.

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