Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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ROT CITY DIRECTORY. RUE 379 - - -- - - Roth, Robert, machinist, bds. 149 Mullett. HOME Roth, Rudolph: cigar maker, bds. 271 Riopelle. Rothcnberg, Charles T., grocer, 311 Woodward ave , h. same. Rothenberg, Frank, clerk, bds. 139 Sherman. Rothenberg, Henry, watchman, h. 139 Sherman. Rothenberg, ~ enr~, lab., h. 328 Haple. Rother, Charles P., cigar maker, h. 186 Hastings. Rother, Nadalein, (wid. Charles, ) h. 95 Catharine. Rothfuss, John, baker, bds. 126 Fort e. Rothkopf', Frank, teamster, h. 557 Watson. Rothlipk, John, lab., h. 487 Maconlb. Rothschild David A., bookkeeper, bds. 33 Washington sve. Rothschild, Feist, (Rothschild & Brother,) h. 13 Montcalm e. Rothschild, Kaufman S., cigar mnfr., h. 36 Columbia w. Rothschild, Sigmund. (Rothschild & Brother,) h. 13 Blontcalm e. Rothschild cTt Brother, (Sigmund and Fe%t Rothschild,) tobacco, cigars and notions, 232 Jefferson ave. Rothwell, James, cooper, h. 838 Woodbridge w. Rouff, Martin, lab., h. 415 Howard. Roulet, Charles, shoemaker, h. 244 Antietam. Rourke, Garrett, shoemaker, h. 93 Brainard. Rourke, John, lab., h. 163 National ave. Rourke, John machinist, bds. o. 49 n. 83 Sibley. Rourke, Nary, (mid. Xichael,) masherwolnan b. o. 107 Plum. Rourke, Xichael, lab., h. 741 Tmelfih. Rourke, Thomas, drayman, h. 321 Abbott. Rouse, Francis, engineer h. 74 Lewis. Rouse, George, carpenter, h. 85 Harrison ave. Rouse, William H., physician, 108 Griswold, h. 401 Sixth. Rousseau, Charles AX., printer, h. 289 Mullett. Rousseat~, Jesse, watcllman, h. 81 Franklin. Rmsseau, John, mason, h. Dubois, bet. German and Gratiot. Rousseau, Thomas, telegraph constructor, h. 364 Riopelle. Rousseau, William, lab., h. 522 Whitney. Routh, Hernuan, pedlar, bds. 170 Clinton. Routhne, Elcazar, carpenter, h. o. 480 Woodbridge e. Rowe, Charles, inachinist, h. o. 49 n. 83 Sibley. Rowe, Dexter, Insurance Agt. bds. Antisdel House. Rowe, George. butcher, h. 806 Woodbridge w. Rowe, Henry, machinist, h. 418 Lafayette. ' Mutual Life Insurance CO., 84 GRLSWOLD ST., DETItOIT. - - XICH. *See advertisement, page %'.a Rowe, John, machinist, h. 83 Sibley. Romell, John, furniture dealer, 147 Michigan we., h. 204 First. Rowland, Alfred, carpenter, bds. 283 Fort e. Rowland, John, carpenter, h. 283 Fort e. Rolwand, Peter, h. cor. Chene and Fort. Rowlrmd, Richard, grocer, 236 Woodward ave., h. same. Rowley, Edwin W., bookkeeper, h. 25 Montcrslm w. Rowley, Frank, clerk, bds. 67 Grand River e. Rowley, Harvey, auctioneer, h. 67 Grand River e. Rowley, Xorris N., dealer in scales and grocer8 tinware, cor. Bstes and Woodbrid~e e., h. 175 Third. Rowley, Norton B., clerk, h. 175 Third. Rowlson, Hstrve B., collector internal revenue, bds. ussell House, res. Hills- dale. OF CINCIXNATI, OHIO. We @a @ ~ , & l ~ ~ @ J , l l & & ~ ~ 9 GENERAL AGENT. liC Roy, John W., foreman, h. 26 Twelfth. ' Roy, Julian, carpenter, h. 127 Mayberry ave. Roys, James A., news depot, cor. Griswold and Larned, h. 305 Cass ave. Ruan, Walter, bds. 45 Congress w. Rubel, Rudolph, tanner, h. 2'74 Jay. Ruben, Rudolph, ragpedlar, h. 75 Macomb. Ruby, Oliver, saloon, 1018 Michigan ave., h. same. Rucker, LeGrand, (col'd), waiter, h. 340 Lafayette. Ruch, Christian, enpineer, h. s. s. Morse, bet. Prospect and sussell Rude, H. W.. bds. 224 woodward ave. Rude, Joseph, lab.,bds. 322 Woodbridge w. Rudden, Bridget, (wid. Patrick,) h. 87 Elmwood ave. Rudden, Patrick, gardener, h. W.S. Twenty fourth, s. of R. R. track. Rudden, William, molder, h. 87 Elmwood ave. Ruddy, Joseph, carpenter, h. 434 Fifth. Rudolph, Benjamin, physician, oBce 144 Randolph, h. same. Rudolph, Hen , tinsmith, h. 500 Fort e. Ruebelmann, harles, trunk maker, bds. 270 Russell. 3 Ruebelmann, Elias, brewer, h. 2'70 Russell. Ruebenach, Joseph, varnisher, h. 410 Hasting~. Ruede, Mathias, lab., h. 323 Watson. Ruedeseley, Lewis, ci ar maker, h. Cherry, bet. Fourth and Fi th. f

380 RUE CLARK'S PHYSICJANS & DRUGGISTS Are cordially invited to c ~ll at our ofice, NO, 52 Lamed Street, West, And examine our Standard Chemical & Pharmaceutical PREPARATIONS, PArtEE' JENNxNGs -Sea advertisement, page 16. ! Ruefer, Jose h, plasterer, h. 238 Clinton. Rueger, Chri tian, rag pedlar, h. 329 Russell. Ruehle, Christopher, (Tngold & Ruehle) h. n.s. Benton, bet. Duquindre and St. Aubi ave. Ruehle, Frederick, grocer, (Alderman Seventh ward,) 70 Russell, h. same. Ruehle, Frederick, jr.,engineer,bds. 70 Russell. Ruehle, John, carpenter, bds. 355 Montcalm e. Ruehle, John G.,pedlar, h. 355Montcalm e. Ruehle, John V., clerk, h. 301 Brush. Ruehmkorff, William, cooper, n. w. cor. Grtttiot ;tnd Riopelle, h. 435 Rkpelle. Ruelle, Alexander, captain, h. 453 Fort e. Ruenkel, George, lab., h. Gratiot. bet. Joseph Campau and Elmwood aves. Ruenkel, John, lab., h. Gratiot, bet. Joseph ~Campau and Elmwood aves. Ruept, Adam lab., h. 589 Seventh. Ruetz, Frederick, lab, h. s. w. cor. St. Aubin ave. and Jay. Ruetz, Ludwig, lab., h. 152 Antietam. Ruetz, Henry, lab., h. 108 Maple. Ruff, Henry, blacksmith, h. 177 Napoleon. Ruffner, Ernest H., U. S. Lake Survey, bds. ' 47 Fort w. Ruge, Chmles, tanner, bds. 724 Woodbridge w. Ruge, Frederick, sawyer, h. 456 Clinton ave. Ruge, Nelson, bds 290 North. Rd, Charles, propr. Franklin House, cor. Bates and Larned. Ruhl, M q Ann, (wid. Jacob,) h. 69 Clinton. Rhland, George, draughtsman, h. cor Tenth and Lafayette. Ruhland, John, artist, bds. Hotel Manch. Ruke, William, lab., h. 315 Maple. Rulier, Raphael, lab., h. 306 Jay. Rumney, John, clerk, h. 91 High. Rumney, John G., clerk, bds. 91 High. Ruumey, William y., jr., clerk, h. 102 Congress e. Rumney, William Y., Receiver ot Taxes, h. 102 Congress e. Runge, John, boots and shoes, 332 Hastings, h. same. Runge, J. B., boarding, h. 114 Larned e. Ruoff, August, brewer, 339 and 341 Gratiot, and saloon 27 Monroe ave., h. 343 Gratiot DETROIT RUT Ruoff, Charles, saloon, r. 262Jefferson ave' and 139 Bates, h. 139 Bates. Ruoff, Frank. lab.. bds. 176 Clinton. RUDE, Henry, shoemaker. h. 302 Lafayette. Rupp, Jacob, cook, Russell House, Ruppel, Caspar, butcher, h. Mayborrv ave., bet poplar and M, C. R. R. Ruppel, Henry, carpenter, hi. s. s. Chest- nut, bet. Clrene and Dubois. Ruppel, Jacob, mason, 11. 228 Chestnut. Ruppert, Arnold, wagon maker. h. 77 Sher- man. Rusch, Michael, furrier, h. 198 Congress e. Rusch, Otto H., canvasser, bds. 254 Beau- bien. Rush, George, clerk, bds. 116 Randolph. Rushing, George, bds. Abbott, bet. Elev- enth and Twelfth. Rushing, Lowranna, (wid. Robert,) pedlar, h. 370 Twenty-fourth. RUSSELL, ALFRED, lawyer, '75 Gris- wold, h. 2 :0 Lafayette ave Russell, Bernard, lab., bds. 32 Wood- bridge w. Russell, Charles P., editor Peninsular Her- ald, h. Charles bet. Sixth and Seventh. Russell, Edward, carpenter, bds. 193 Frank- lin. Itussell, Frank G.: lawyer, h. $2 Sibley. Russell, George, butcher, bds. 189 Eigh- teenth. Russell, George, carpenter, h. 128 Michigan ave. Russell, Henry, cooper, bds. 415 Russell. Hussell, Herman, saloon, 2 31onr.oe ave., h. same. Russell House, Witbeck & Chittenden: proprietors. Russell, James, (col'd), porter, bds. 276 Watson. Hussell, Lamber t, (col'd), whitewasher, h. 181 Russell. Russell, Louis, carpenter, bds. 415 Russell. Russell, Mary, (col'd,) (wid. Isaac), h. 276 Watson. Russell, Mary, (wid. William), h. 232 Cass, Russell, Xiss Mary E., teacher, bds. 78 Sib- ley. Russell, Peter, teamster, h. 73 Butternut. Russell, Reuben, sawyer, h. 189 Ei~hteenth. Russell, Hose, tailoress, bds. 413 sussell. Russell, William, clerk, h. 164 Labrosse. Itussell, William, carpenter, h. 415 Russell. Russell, William, lab. h. 84 Eighteenth. Russell, William, overseer House of Cor- rection, bds. same. Rust, Charles, boiler maker, h. 319 Clinton. Rust, Elbridge G., (Walker & Rust), h. 32 Brady. Rust, Michael, fur dresser, bds. 198 Con- gress e. Ruther, Frank, cabinet maker, bds. 23 Hastings. Rutherford, Cnssius, clerk, bds. 218 Clif- ford.


- - -- - -<br />

Roth, Robert, machinist, bds. 149 Mullett. HOME<br />

Roth, Rudolph: cigar maker, bds. 271 Riopelle.<br />

Rothcnberg, Charles T., grocer, 311 Woodward<br />

ave , h. same.<br />

Rothenberg, Frank, clerk, bds. 139 Sherman.<br />

Rothenberg, Henry, watchman, h. 139<br />

Sherman.<br />

Rothenberg, ~ enr~, lab., h. 328 Haple.<br />

Rother, Charles P., cigar maker, h. 186<br />

Hastings.<br />

Rother, Nadalein, (wid. Charles, ) h. 95<br />

Catharine.<br />

Rothfuss, John, baker, bds. 126 Fort e.<br />

Rothkopf', Frank, teamster, h. 557 Watson.<br />

Rothlipk, John, lab., h. 487 Maconlb.<br />

Rothschild David A., bookkeeper, bds. 33<br />

Washington sve.<br />

Rothschild, Feist, (Rothschild & Brother,)<br />

h. 13 Montcalm e.<br />

Rothschild, Kaufman S., cigar mnfr., h. 36<br />

Columbia w.<br />

Rothschild, Sigmund. (Rothschild & Brother,)<br />

h. 13 Blontcalm e.<br />

Rothschild cTt Brother, (Sigmund and Fe%t<br />

Rothschild,) tobacco, cigars and notions,<br />

232 Jefferson ave.<br />

Rothwell, James, cooper, h. 838 Woodbridge<br />

w.<br />

Rouff, Martin, lab., h. 415 Howard.<br />

Roulet, Charles, shoemaker, h. 244 Antietam.<br />

Rourke, Garrett, shoemaker, h. 93 Brainard.<br />

Rourke, John, lab., h. 163 National ave.<br />

Rourke, John machinist, bds. o. 49 n. 83<br />

Sibley.<br />

Rourke, Nary, (mid. Xichael,) masherwolnan<br />

b. o. 107 Plum.<br />

Rourke, Xichael, lab., h. 741 Tmelfih.<br />

Rourke, Thomas, drayman, h. 321 Abbott.<br />

Rouse, Francis, engineer h. 74 Lewis.<br />

Rouse, George, carpenter, h. 85 Harrison<br />

ave.<br />

Rouse, William H., physician, 108 Griswold,<br />

h. 401 Sixth.<br />

Rousseau, Charles AX., printer, h. 289 Mullett.<br />

Rousseat~, Jesse, watcllman, h. 81 Franklin.<br />

Rmsseau, John, mason, h. Dubois, bet.<br />

German and Gratiot.<br />

Rousseau, Thomas, telegraph constructor,<br />

h. 364 Riopelle.<br />

Rousseau, William, lab., h. 522 Whitney.<br />

Routh, Hernuan, pedlar, bds. 170 Clinton.<br />

Routhne, Elcazar, carpenter, h. o. 480<br />

Woodbridge e.<br />

Rowe, Charles, inachinist, h. o. 49 n. 83<br />

Sibley.<br />

Rowe, Dexter, Insurance Agt. bds. Antisdel<br />

House.<br />

Rowe, George. butcher, h. 806 Woodbridge<br />

w.<br />

Rowe, Henry, machinist, h. 418 Lafayette.<br />

' Mutual Life Insurance CO.,<br />

84 GRLSWOLD ST.,<br />

DETItOIT. - - XICH.<br />

*See advertisement, page %'.a<br />

Rowe, John, machinist, h. 83 Sibley.<br />

Romell, John, furniture dealer, 147 Michigan<br />

we., h. 204 First.<br />

Rowland, Alfred, carpenter, bds. 283 Fort e.<br />

Rowland, John, carpenter, h. 283 Fort e.<br />

Rolwand, Peter, h. cor. Chene and Fort.<br />

Rowlrmd, Richard, grocer, 236 Woodward<br />

ave., h. same.<br />

Rowley, Edwin W., bookkeeper, h. 25<br />

Montcrslm w.<br />

Rowley, Frank, clerk, bds. 67 Grand River<br />

e.<br />

Rowley, Harvey, auctioneer, h. 67 Grand<br />

River e.<br />

Rowley, Xorris N., dealer in scales and<br />

grocer8 tinware, cor. Bstes and Woodbrid~e<br />

e., h. 175 Third.<br />

Rowley, Norton B., clerk, h. 175 Third.<br />

Rowlson, Hstrve B., collector internal<br />

revenue, bds. ussell House, res. Hills-<br />

dale.<br />


We @a @ ~ , & l ~ ~ @ J , l l & & ~ ~ 9<br />


liC<br />

Roy, John W., foreman, h. 26 Twelfth. '<br />

Roy, Julian, carpenter, h. 127 Mayberry<br />

ave.<br />

Roys, James A., news depot, cor. Griswold<br />

and Larned, h. 305 Cass ave.<br />

Ruan, Walter, bds. 45 Congress w.<br />

Rubel, Rudolph, tanner, h. 2'74 Jay.<br />

Ruben, Rudolph, ragpedlar, h. 75 Macomb.<br />

Ruby, Oliver, saloon, 1018 Michigan ave.,<br />

h. same.<br />

Rucker, LeGrand, (col'd), waiter, h. 340<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Ruch, Christian, enpineer, h. s. s. Morse,<br />

bet. Prospect and sussell<br />

Rude, H. W.. bds. 224 woodward ave.<br />

Rude, Joseph, lab.,bds. 322 Woodbridge w.<br />

Rudden, Bridget, (wid. Patrick,) h. 87 Elmwood<br />

ave.<br />

Rudden, Patrick, gardener, h. W.S. Twenty<br />

fourth, s. of R. R. track.<br />

Rudden, William, molder, h. 87 Elmwood<br />

ave.<br />

Ruddy, Joseph, carpenter, h. 434 Fifth.<br />

Rudolph, Benjamin, physician, oBce 144<br />

Randolph, h. same.<br />

Rudolph, Hen , tinsmith, h. 500 Fort e.<br />

Ruebelmann, harles, trunk maker, bds.<br />

270 Russell. 3<br />

Ruebelmann, Elias, brewer, h. 2'70 Russell.<br />

Ruebenach, Joseph, varnisher, h. 410 Hasting~.<br />

Ruede, Mathias, lab., h. 323 Watson.<br />

Ruedeseley, Lewis, ci ar maker, h. Cherry,<br />

bet. Fourth and Fi th.<br />


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