Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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ROG CITY DIRECTORY. ROS 377 - Rogers, William H. D., clerk, h. 161 Sher- NORTH WESTERN man. Rogo wsky , Raphael, confectioner, h. 478 Mutual Life Insurance Co. Gratiot. OF MILWAUKEE, WIS. Rohle, John V., lab., h. 351 Antietam. Rohu, Charles, tinsmith, h. 75 Dequindre. DR. OHAS, AURIBQZB, Rohnert, Frank, sr., h. 285 Clinton. STATE .~OENT. 111 Jeffersor, Avenue, Rohnert, Francis, vanisher, h. 85 Lafa,y- DETBOIT, - - - MICE, ette. :TAzentq Wanted. See ~dvertisemenc.~ Rohnert, William, canvasser, bds. 101 Macomb. Ronnefeltl, Theodore, druggist, 185 Gratiot, Rohns,Augustus,(Rohns & Schaefer)? h. 287 h. same. Fort e. Rood, Sidney, tinsmith,' bds. Goodman Rohns, Hermann, (Rohns & Schaefer) h. House. 47 Macomb. Roof, Martin, lab., h. Howard nr. Twelfth. Rohns & Schaefer, (Augustus and Her- Rook, Anthon M., clerk. bds. 8 Woodward maun Rohns and E. Frederick Schaefer), ave. hardware, 91 Woodward ave. Rook, Charles A., steam pumper, bds. 8 Rohr, Charles, plumber, h. 581 Dequindre. Woodward nve. Rohr, Felix, shoemaker, h. 305 Marion. Rook, Frederick, hostler, bds. 262 Second. Roler, Frank. soap malrer, 11. 193 Clinton. Rook, William H., restaur~nt, 8 Woodward Rolfe, Alonzo, livery and sale stable 13 ave, 11. same. and 15 Monroe ave., h. 124 Miami ave. Rooks, Alfred, painter, h. 422 Latayette. Rolf'e, Joseph, lab., h. 707 Fort e Rooku, Thomas, machinist, h. 422 Lafay- Roll, Bernard, shoemaker, h. 209 Fifth. ette. Roll, Francis, machinist, bds 209 Fifth. Roose, Anton, lab., h. 475 Dequindre. Rollbuehler, William, lab.. h. 178 Macoinl). Roose, Anton jr., bds. 475 Dequindre. Rollman, John mason, h. 222 Benton. Roose, Philip, saloo11,135 Larned w.h.same. Rolshoven, Frederick jeweler, 204 .i cffer- Root, Charles, (Charles Root & Co.,) h. 134 son ave., 11. 312 Congress e. (See index, Fort w. page 27.) Root, John A., saloon, 108 Dubois, h. same. Bolston, Salnuel, hostler, bds. Collins Root, Lewis, engineer, bds. 285 Jefferson House. ave. Komau, Samuel, cigar maker, h. 311 Cro- Root, Charles & Co., (Charles Root and ghan. Howard A. Dickerson,) wholesale dry Roman, Patrick, shoemaker, bds. Fraitklin bods, 46 anJ48 Woodward ave. House. ~zsch, Henry, teamster, h. 347 Dubois. Romes, aicholas, lab., h. 68 Catharine. Rose, Alphonse, ship carpenter, h. r. 498 R ,meyut Jamc's W., lawyer, office 23 Bank Woodbridge e. Block, bcts. 401 Jefferson ave. Rose, Christopher, tailor, h. 328 Sixteenth. Rolneyn. Theodore, la,wyer, office 23 Bank Rose, Conrad, lab., h. 362 Catharine. Block, 11. 404 Jefferson ave. Rose Daniel W., carpenter, h. 241 Thir- Ronan, Jl thn, carpenter, h. 153 Croghttn. teenth-and-a-half. Ronan, Michael, lab., h. 86 Franklin. Rose, E. H , shoemaker, bds. 65 Wayne. Ronaldson, Hunt, clerk, h. cor. Fort and Rose, Friederich, lab., h. 345 Maple. Fourteenth. Rose, George H., Overseer Houso, of Cor- Roney, Charles, shoemlker, bds. 234 Hast- rection, bds. same. ings. Rose, Henry, captain, h. 63 Baker. Roney, Charles A., shoemaker, h. 834 Rose, John: lab., h. 50 Twenty-third. Hastings. Rose, John A., clerk, bcls. 107 Farmer, Roney; James X., (Id. Roney cB Son,) bcls. Rose, Lev2 C., physician, h. o. 61, n. 60 76 Lewis. Miami' ave. Rouey, John, clerk, h. 277 Second. Rose, Melissa M., teacher, h. 21 Eliza- Roney, John, machinist, h. 151 Porter. beth w. Roney, Mary, (wid. Michael,) h. 154 Por- Rose, Paul, lab., h. 641 Larned e. ter.- Rose, Percie B., (wid. George W.,) h. 8 Roney, Michael, (M. Roney & Son,) h. 76 Nadison ave. Lewis. Rosen, David, saloon and boarding, 54 ~ine~, Nichitel, lab., h. 154 Porter. Fort e. Roney, William, lab., bcls. 163 Larned w. Rosenau, Frederick, lab., h. 558 Sixteenth. Roney & Son, (Michael and James M.), Rosenbauer, Rev. Michael, assistant pastor second hand crockery store, 163 Michi- St. Mnry's Church, bds. 120 Croghm. gan ave. Rosenbaum, Janette, nurse, h. 137 Hulle#. Ronkel, Phillipp. stone cutter, h. 37 Kt- Rosenbergcr, Mathias, clothier, 139 Grand comb. River, h. same. 48

378 ROS CLARK'S DETROIT ROT COR. CONGRESS & RANDOLPH STS. DETROIT, Conducted by Eon. Ira Mayhew, Author of MAYHEW'S UNIVERSITY BOOK-KEEPING For Business Colleges and :he Counting-room. -The only Robk - keeping published providin corn lete instruction In practical ac- countantahip. See notice of colLe, Book-keeping md Businees Practice, at the Slst page of Directory.- Roscnberger, Michael, hide pec',lar, h. r. 82 Jones. Rosenblatt, Maria, (wid. Jacob), nurse, h. 158 Mullett. Rosenburg, August, lab,: h. nr cor. Gratiot and Dubois. Rosenburg, Samuel, watchmaker, 3'1 Mich- igan ave., h. same. Rosenfield, Albert, pedlar, C. H. M., h. 32 Fort e. Rosenfield, Isaac, (Rosenfielcl & Co.,) h. 131 St. Antoine. Rosenfield, Joseph, traveler, h. o. 178 First. Rosenfield, Louis E. h. 32 Fort e. Rosenfield, Moses, tobacconist, 19 Jefferson ave., h. o. 178 First. Rosenfield, Reuben, (J. Brown & Co.,) h. 51 Madison ave. Rosenfield & Co., (Isaac Rosenfield and Israel Blitz,) tobacconists, 23 Jefferson rY ave. Rosengarten; Abraham E.? clerk, hds. 161 Adams ave. e. Rosengarten, Rev. Elias, h. 161 Adams ave. e. Rosenstock, Henrietta, (wid. Phillip,) h. 8 Rowland. Rosenstock, Jacob, clerk, bds. 8 Rowland. Rosenstock, Miriam, clerk: bds. 8 Row- land. Rosenstock, Sarah, clerk, t ds. 8 Row- land. Rosenthal, George, cigar maker, h. o. 258 n. 300 Randolph. Rosenthal, Levi, pedlar, h. 148 Mull~tt. Rosenthal, Max. dry goods and Yankee Notions, s. w. cor. St. Antoine and Na- poleon, h. same. Rf ~senthal, Mendel, Yankee Notions, 2 C. H. M. h. 175 Macomb. Rosenthal, Samuel, tobacconist, 101 !;rand River, h. snmc. Roser, Guenther, butcher, 196 Orleans, h. same. Rosier, August, carpenter, h. 211 Croghan. Rosier, Francis, carpenter, 11. 211 Croghan. Rosier, Francis E., grocer: 211 Croghan, h. same. .Ross, Andrew, (Ross & Co.,) h. 88 Joy. Ross. Anton, lab., h. 70 Clinton. ROSS, Charl(-s, (col'd,) boarding, 165 Beau- bicn. Ross, Clark W., bookkeeper, h. 102 Adams ave c. Ross, Daniel A., (D. A. Ross & Co.,) h. 405 Congress e. Ross, I)avid B., engineer, 11. 115 Fifth. Rosa, David H., Monroe House, 37 Third. Ross, Edward H., plumber and gas fitter, 71 Larned w., h. same. Ross, Emma, (wid. Richard,) 11. 2 Clinton. Ross, George A., lumber dealer, n. P. cor. Griswold and Michigan ave., h. 246 First. Ross, Henry, switchman, 11. Lafayette me., bet. Eighth and Ninth. Ross, Hugh C., bookkeeper, bcls. 20 Jeffer- son ave. Ross, James, conductor D. Rf. R. R., 11. n. w. cor. Jefferson ave. and St. Antoine. Ross, James, mason, bds., 2 Clinton. Ross, James E., saddler, h. 90 Larned e. Ross, John, lab., h. 79 Columbia e. Ross, John, lab., 11. 357 Lafayette ave. Ross. John, shoemaker, h. 555 Gratiot. Ross, John, teamster, bds. City Hotel. Ross, Julia, washerwoman, 11. 78 Wood- bridge w. Ross, Melvin B., bookkeepcr, bds. Michi- gan Exchange. Ross, Richard, conductor, h. n. w. cor. Jef- ferson ave. and St.- Antoine. Ross, Robert, machinist, bds 149 Mullett. Ross William, stone cutter, h. 89 Con- gress e. Ross, William A , lithographer, bds. 263 Jefferson ave. Ross, William C., mill overseer, h. o. 2'77 Larned e. Ross, William E., clerk, bds. 37 Third. Ross & Co., (Andrew Ross, Albert Fergus- son and L. W. Day,) lumber, Grand Riv- er bet. Second and Third. Rost . D. A. & Co., (Daniel A. Ross and Jeremiah Oakes), lumber dealers, n. e. cor. Atnrater and Rivard. Rossbach, Henry jr., cigar maker, bds. 387 Hastings. Rossbach, Henry, lab.. h. 387 Hastings. Rossbnch, Mathew, cigar maker, 11. 230 Mullett. Rossbach, Mathias. 1%'). , h. 565 Dequindre. Rossbach, Otto, locksmith, h. 132 Clinton. Rost, Carl C. lab., h. 319 Clinton. Rostus, Joseph, lab., h. 621 Congress e. Rotk, Arthur, clerk, bds. 149 Mullett8. Roth, Arthur, drug clerk, bds. 174 Rivarrl. Roth, Elfrida L. N.: clerk, bds. 149 Mullett. Koth, Fanny, (wid Louis). h. 149 Mullctt. Roth, George M., teamster, 11. 607 Sevl nth. Roth: George P., tailor, 11. 324 Montcallil e. Roth, Henry, grocer, s. w cor. Prospect and Marion, h. same. Roth, John, blacksmitll, h. 121 Sherman. Roth, John, pedlar, 11 2'71 Riopelle. Roth. Mathias. . saloon. . s. w. cor. Marion and Rio~elle. Roth, ~einrath, cooper, h. 293 Mullett. Roth, Phillip M.: lab., bds. 217 High.


-<br />

Rogers, William H. D., clerk, h. 161 Sher-<br />


man.<br />

Rogo wsky , Raphael, confectioner, h. 478 Mutual Life Insurance Co.<br />

Gratiot.<br />


Rohle, John V., lab., h. 351 Antietam.<br />

Rohu, Charles, tinsmith, h. 75 Dequindre. DR. OHAS, AURIBQZB,<br />

Rohnert, Frank, sr., h. 285 Clinton.<br />

STATE .~OENT.<br />

111 Jeffersor, Avenue,<br />

Rohnert, Francis, vanisher, h. 85 Lafa,y- DETBOIT, - - - MICE,<br />

ette.<br />

:TAzentq Wanted. See ~dvertisemenc.~<br />

Rohnert, William, canvasser, bds. 101<br />

Macomb.<br />

Ronnefeltl, Theodore, druggist, 185 Gratiot,<br />

Rohns,Augustus,(Rohns & Schaefer)? h. 287 h. same.<br />

Fort e.<br />

Rood, Sidney, tinsmith,' bds. Goodman<br />

Rohns, Hermann, (Rohns & Schaefer) h. House.<br />

47 Macomb.<br />

Roof, Martin, lab., h. Howard nr. Twelfth.<br />

Rohns & Schaefer, (Augustus and Her- Rook, Anthon M., clerk. bds. 8 Woodward<br />

maun Rohns and E. Frederick Schaefer), ave.<br />

hardware, 91 Woodward ave.<br />

Rook, Charles A., steam pumper, bds. 8<br />

Rohr, Charles, plumber, h. 581 Dequindre. Woodward nve.<br />

Rohr, Felix, shoemaker, h. 305 Marion. Rook, Frederick, hostler, bds. 262 Second.<br />

Roler, Frank. soap malrer, 11. 193 Clinton. Rook, William H., restaur~nt, 8 Woodward<br />

Rolfe, Alonzo, livery and sale stable 13 ave, 11. same.<br />

and 15 Monroe ave., h. 124 Miami ave. Rooks, Alfred, painter, h. 422 Latayette.<br />

Rolf'e, Joseph, lab., h. 707 Fort e<br />

Rooku, Thomas, machinist, h. 422 Lafay-<br />

Roll, Bernard, shoemaker, h. 209 Fifth. ette.<br />

Roll, Francis, machinist, bds 209 Fifth. Roose, Anton, lab., h. 475 Dequindre.<br />

Rollbuehler, William, lab.. h. 178 Macoinl). Roose, Anton jr., bds. 475 Dequindre.<br />

Rollman, John mason, h. 222 Benton. Roose, Philip, saloo11,135 Larned w.h.same.<br />

Rolshoven, Frederick jeweler, 204 .i cffer- Root, Charles, (Charles Root & Co.,) h. 134<br />

son ave., 11. 312 Congress e. (See index, Fort w.<br />

page 27.)<br />

Root, John A., saloon, 108 Dubois, h. same.<br />

Bolston, Salnuel, hostler, bds. Collins Root, Lewis, engineer, bds. 285 Jefferson<br />

House.<br />

ave.<br />

Komau, Samuel, cigar maker, h. 311 Cro- Root, Charles & Co., (Charles Root and<br />

ghan.<br />

Howard A. Dickerson,) wholesale dry<br />

Roman, Patrick, shoemaker, bds. Fraitklin bods, 46 anJ48 Woodward ave.<br />

House.<br />

~zsch, Henry, teamster, h. 347 Dubois.<br />

Romes, aicholas, lab., h. 68 Catharine. Rose, Alphonse, ship carpenter, h. r. 498<br />

R ,meyut Jamc's W., lawyer, office 23 Bank Woodbridge e.<br />

Block, bcts. 401 Jefferson ave.<br />

Rose, Christopher, tailor, h. 328 Sixteenth.<br />

Rolneyn. Theodore, la,wyer, office 23 Bank Rose, Conrad, lab., h. 362 Catharine.<br />

Block, 11. 404 Jefferson ave.<br />

Rose Daniel W., carpenter, h. 241 Thir-<br />

Ronan, Jl thn, carpenter, h. 153 Croghttn. teenth-and-a-half.<br />

Ronan, Michael, lab., h. 86 Franklin. Rose, E. H , shoemaker, bds. 65 Wayne.<br />

Ronaldson, Hunt, clerk, h. cor. Fort and Rose, Friederich, lab., h. 345 Maple.<br />

Fourteenth.<br />

Rose, George H., Overseer Houso, of Cor-<br />

Roney, Charles, shoemlker, bds. 234 Hast- rection, bds. same.<br />

ings.<br />

Rose, Henry, captain, h. 63 Baker.<br />

Roney, Charles A., shoemaker, h. 834 Rose, John: lab., h. 50 Twenty-third.<br />

Hastings.<br />

Rose, John A., clerk, bcls. 107 Farmer,<br />

Roney; James X., (Id. Roney cB Son,) bcls. Rose, Lev2 C., physician, h. o. 61, n. 60<br />

76 Lewis.<br />

Miami' ave.<br />

Rouey, John, clerk, h. 277 Second. Rose, Melissa M., teacher, h. 21 Eliza-<br />

Roney, John, machinist, h. 151 Porter. beth w.<br />

Roney, Mary, (wid. Michael,) h. 154 Por- Rose, Paul, lab., h. 641 Larned e.<br />

ter.-<br />

Rose, Percie B., (wid. George W.,) h. 8<br />

Roney, Michael, (M. Roney & Son,) h. 76 Nadison ave.<br />

Lewis.<br />

Rosen, David, saloon and boarding, 54<br />

~ine~, Nichitel, lab., h. 154 Porter.<br />

Fort e.<br />

Roney, William, lab., bcls. 163 Larned w. Rosenau, Frederick, lab., h. 558 Sixteenth.<br />

Roney & Son, (Michael and James M.), Rosenbauer, Rev. Michael, assistant pastor<br />

second hand crockery store, 163 Michi- St. Mnry's Church, bds. 120 Croghm.<br />

gan ave.<br />

Rosenbaum, Janette, nurse, h. 137 Hulle#.<br />

Ronkel, Phillipp. stone cutter, h. 37 Kt- Rosenbergcr, Mathias, clothier, 139 Grand<br />

comb.<br />

River, h. same.<br />


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