Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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ROB CITY DIRECTORY. ROD 375 ICobinson, James, helper, h. o. 36 Colnm- HOXE bia w. Robinson, James, teamster, bds. 115 Woodbridge e. Robinson, Jane, music teacher, bds. 53 Baker. Robinson, Jane, (wid. William,) h. 376 Sixth. Robinson, John, butcher, 399 Michigan ave.. h. same. Robinson, John, currier, bds. 65 Wayne. Robinson & Brooks, (George 0. Robinson, Robinson, John, engineer, h. 388 Mullett. & David W. Broolts,) lawyers, office 149 Robinson, John, pork packer, h. 232 Du- .Jefferson ave. bois. Robinson, W. D., Burtenshaw, & Co., Robinson, John, stone cutter, bcls. 72 Lafay- (William D. Robinson, James Burtenette e. shaw, and Henry S. Robinson.) boots and Robinson, John C., (Robinson & Bros.), shoes, 73 and 75 Jefferson ave. bds. n. e. cor. Charlotte ave. and Third. Robinson & Lambert (Julius Robinson & Robinson, Joseph, clerk, h. 339 Sixth. Loais Lambert.) wholesale liquors, 30 Robinson. Julius, (Robinson & Lambert), Woodward ave. 11. 120 Lafayette ave. Robison, Alexander, butcher, 11. 259 Ma- Robinson, Livingstone, lab.. h. 265 Locust. comb. Robinson, Lotty M., grocer, 323 Michigan Robison, Robert D., h. I22 Howarci. ave., h. same. Robison, William, (col'd), plasterer, h. 263 Robinson, Marcus, clothing, 204 Wood- Twenty-fourth. bridge m., h. same. Robson, Ann, (wid. Willialll,) washer- Robinson, Marsh D., clelk, h. 271 First. woman, h. 49 Sibley. Robinson, Mathew, printer, h. 281 Third. Robson, George, (Rice & Co.,) h. 6 Fifth. Robinson, Moses, pedlar, h. 10 Beacon. Robson, James E., plasterer, h. 87 Brain- Robinson. oses, pedlar, h. 26 Cat.harine. ard. Ro~inson, Perry E., stone cutter, bds. 111 Robson, Margaret, (wid. John:) h. 6G Col- Larned e. umbia w. Robinson, Robert tinsmith, o. 117 n. 141 Roby, Daniel, carpenter, h. 685 Franklin. Cass. Roby, George, engineer, bcls. 42 Cass. Robinson, Russell, carpenter, h. 2 1 Mont- Roby, Horace, confectioner, h. 37'8 Macalm w. comb. Robinson, Thomas, lumberman, h. 44 Du- Roby, Lucinda, boarding, h. 357 Cass ave. bois. Roche, John, macliinist, h. 104 Catharine. Robinson, Thomas, painter, h. 281 Third. Roche, Joseph, shoemaker, o. 306 Atwater Robinson, Thomas, sailor, h. 374 Macomb. e , h. SO9 same. Robinson, Thomas F., bookkeeper, bds. Roche, Lnke, hatter, h. 480 Ninth ave. 376 Sixth. Roche Thomas, blacksnlith, 11. 334 Frank- Robinson, Thomas T., watchman, h. 149 lin. Wicht. Roche, Thomas, undertaker, 109 Randolph, ~obiGon, Wellington L., pressman, bds. h. same. 544 Sixth. Rock, Albert, tailor, 11. 328 Seventeenth. Robinson, William, h. 257 Fourth. Rockafellow, Robert, teamster, bds. 41 Fif- Robinson: William, engineer, bds. 27 Beau- teenth. bien. Rockelinurn, Christopher, shoemaker, Robinson. William, lab., bds. 754 Fort w. Eighteenth, 7 doors n. Baker. Robinson, William, lab., bds. 282, Leverette. Rocker, Jesse, (col'ci,) sailor, h. 309 Wat- Robinson:Willianl: plastcrer, bds. 19 Plum. son. Robinson. William B , (Jackson & Wiley,) Rockford, Frederick, carpenter, bd s. 538 h. 335 Fort w. Woodbridge w. Rlt)inson, William D., (W. D. Robinson, Rockford, Tllornas, engineer, h. 41 6 Fort e. Burtenshaw & Co.), h. 103 George. Rockford: William, clerk, h. 118 Franklin. Robinson William G., patrolman, h. cor. Rockwell, Evans, clerk, bds. 285 Jefferson Fourth and Orchard. ave. Robinson, William R., lab., h. Twenty- Rockwood, Stillman, helper, bds. ' 327 fourth n. Michigan ave. Nineteenth. Robinson, William W., clerk, bds. 50 Rodars, John, teamster, bcls. w. s. Fifteenth, Twentieth. bet. Canfield and Michigan ave. Robinson Bros. (Henry & John C. Robin- Rodda, .J( )bn H., stonecutter, bds. 26 Sibley. son,) builders, n. s, Charlotte, bet. Park Rodier, Abraham, (ml'd,) cook, h. n. e. cor. and Cass ave. Clinton and St. Antoine. Xutual Life Insurance Co., OF CINCINNATI, OHIO. @a ~@!)~J~B@J~~ \, e L L. - ~ .LJL,-~. : -, -. GENERAL AGENT. 84 GRISWOLD STREET, DETIZIOIT, - - MICH- -See advertisement, page 27.-

376 ROD CLARX'S DETROIT ROG STANDA~LD 1 Eoehrig, Frank, carpenter, h. 530 Or- Fluid and Solid Extracts, I R:%s~, Henry, saloon, 361 Franklin, h. SUGAR COATED PILLS, same. Roemer, August, cigar maker, 152 Marion, h. same. Roenn, John, pedlar, h. 107 Mullett. For sale by all Druggists throughout the United States. OSB See advertisement, page 16. Roenn, Weinard, pedlar, h. 107 Mullett. Roennnn, Hans, car~et weaver, h. 549 Ma- Rodier, Edward J., bookkeeper, bds. 96 comb. Clinton. Roeschke, Gustave, carpenter, h. 224 Ben- Rodier, Noel J., agent Northern Transpor- ton. tation Co., Atmater, bet. Griswold and Roesenbury, Charles, broom maker, h. o. Shelby, h. 96 Clinton. 115, n. 127 Clifford Rodier,Peter. machinist, bds. 81 Congress e. Roessler, William, grocer, 48 Chestnut, h. Rodcr, Joseph, moulcler. b. 166 Chene. same. Rody John, bds. 26 Sibley. Roetz, Ernst, joiner, h. 283 Antietam. Roe, Alfred, drover, bds. 91 Columbia w. Roetz, John cabinet maker, bds. 32 Clinton. Roe, Charles. hoots and shoes, 93 Grand Roetz, Joseph, lab,, h. 169 Chestnut. River, h. 33 Washington ave. Roetz, Nicholas, lab., bds. 56 Bronson. Roc, Charles, jr., clerk, bds. 33 \Vashing- Roff, Charles, teamster, h. 120 Twelfth. ton ave. Roggeman, Henry, h. 508 Gratiot. Roe, Charles, drover, h. 47 Colulllbia IT. Roggenkomp, Henry, foreman, h. 406 St. Roe, George, clerk, bcls. 33 Washillgton Aubin ave. ave. Rogers, Alexander, storekeeper, h. 46 Ma- Roe, Henry, drover, h. 65 Montcalm w. comb ave. Roe. James, (col'cl), lab., h. 129 Lafap- 1 Rogers, Alice, huckster, C. H. M., h. 770 ette. Michigan ave. Roe, Mary Ann, (wid. Allen), seamstress, ' / Rogers, Andrew J., captain Metropolitan h. 124 Maple. Police, h. 63 Sproat. Roe, Michael, lab., h. 32 Harrison ave. Rogers, Benjamin, carpenter, h. 324 Gass Roe, Thomas, lab., bds. 32 Harrison ave. ave. Roe, William, drover, 11. 95 Columbia w. Rogers, Charles, 11. 70 Lewis. Roedeke, Slbert. lab., 11. 350 Croghan. Rogers, Charles, ship carpenter, h. 289 Roedel, Frederick, lab., h. s. w. cor. Bron- Whitney. son and Riopvllc. Rogers, Ebenezer H., lawyer, office 1273 Jef- Roediger, Henry, saloon, 138 Gratiot, h. ferson we., bds. Michigan Exchange. san~ e. Rogers. Francis, carpenter, bds. 2 Tenth. Roedinger, Henry, tailor, h. 154 Sher- Rogers. George B., conductor, h. 25 Sixth. ' man. Rogers, George C., captain, h. 53 Sixteenth. Roegner, Jolm, saloon, 9i Gratiot, h. ROGERS, HIRAM, plastic slate roofer, h. same. 123 Grand River. (See Index, page 27.) Roehler, Anthony, crockery dealer, 232 Rogers, James A., clerk, bds. 46 Macomb Randolph, h. same. ave. Rochm, Aupustus F.. butcher. 87 Leverett, Rogers, John L., wool agent, h. 139 High. h. 15 Sixth. Rogers, Joseph, blacksmith. h. 192 Fourth. Roehm, Charles, book binder, 116 Rogers, Lucinda, dressmaker, 121 Grand Jefferson ave., h. 81 Lafayette. (& In- Rlver, h. same. dex. page 17). Rogers, Luke, tanner, bds. 33 Lafayette. Rocllm, Elizsbeth, (wid. David). h. 19 Me- Rogers, Mary A., (wid.,) h. 132 Fifth. chanic. Rowers, Mary J., (wid. Alexander,) 11. 156 Roehm, Emii, clerk, bds. 19 Mechanic. %oodbridge e. Roehm, Herman, (Roehm Brothers), 11. 172 Rogers. Moses, saloon, 770 Michigan ave., George. h. same. Roehm, Julius, (Roehnl Brothers), bds.- 19 Rogers. Russell, bds. 192 Fourth. Mechanic Rogers, Sarah E., clerk, bds. Antisdel Roehm, Robert J. F., n~annfacturing jew- House. eler, 7 Congress w., h. 30 Eliznbeth e. Rogers, Thomas B., carpenter, bds. Good- Roehm, William, teamster, h. 100 Eighth. man House. Roehm, Brothers, (Herman and Juliiis) , Rogers, Uriah B. bookkeeper, bde. Frankdealers in carriage hardware: etc., o. 24, lin House. n. 34 Woddward ave. Rogers, William. clerk, h. 161 Sherman. Roehr, Charles. butcher, h. 285 Clinton. Rogers, William, machinist, h. 79 Char- Roehrig, Ferdinand, grocer, 60 Catharine, , lotte ave. h. same. I Rogers, William E., h. 93 Cass.


ICobinson, James, helper, h. o. 36 Colnm-<br />

HOXE<br />

bia w.<br />

Robinson, James, teamster, bds. 115 Woodbridge<br />

e.<br />

Robinson, Jane, music teacher, bds. 53 Baker.<br />

Robinson, Jane, (wid. William,) h. 376<br />

Sixth.<br />

Robinson, John, butcher, 399 Michigan<br />

ave.. h. same.<br />

Robinson, John, currier, bds. 65 Wayne. Robinson & Brooks, (George 0. Robinson,<br />

Robinson, John, engineer, h. 388 Mullett. & David W. Broolts,) lawyers, office 149<br />

Robinson, John, pork packer, h. 232 Du- .Jefferson ave.<br />

bois.<br />

Robinson, W. D., Burtenshaw, & Co.,<br />

Robinson, John, stone cutter, bcls. 72 Lafay- (William D. Robinson, James Burtenette<br />

e.<br />

shaw, and Henry S. Robinson.) boots and<br />

Robinson, John C., (Robinson & Bros.), shoes, 73 and 75 Jefferson ave.<br />

bds. n. e. cor. Charlotte ave. and Third. Robinson & Lambert (Julius Robinson &<br />

Robinson, Joseph, clerk, h. 339 Sixth. Loais Lambert.) wholesale liquors, 30<br />

Robinson. Julius, (Robinson & Lambert), Woodward ave.<br />

11. 120 Lafayette ave.<br />

Robison, Alexander, butcher, 11. 259 Ma-<br />

Robinson, Livingstone, lab.. h. 265 Locust. comb.<br />

Robinson, Lotty M., grocer, 323 Michigan Robison, Robert D., h. I22 Howarci.<br />

ave., h. same.<br />

Robison, William, (col'd), plasterer, h. 263<br />

Robinson, Marcus, clothing, 204 Wood- Twenty-fourth.<br />

bridge m., h. same.<br />

Robson, Ann, (wid. Willialll,) washer-<br />

Robinson, Marsh D., clelk, h. 271 First. woman, h. 49 Sibley.<br />

Robinson, Mathew, printer, h. 281 Third. Robson, George, (Rice & Co.,) h. 6 Fifth.<br />

Robinson, Moses, pedlar, h. 10 Beacon. Robson, James E., plasterer, h. 87 Brain-<br />

Robinson. oses, pedlar, h. 26 Cat.harine. ard.<br />

Ro~inson, Perry E., stone cutter, bds. 111 Robson, Margaret, (wid. John:) h. 6G Col-<br />

Larned e.<br />

umbia w.<br />

Robinson, Robert tinsmith, o. 117 n. 141 Roby, Daniel, carpenter, h. 685 Franklin.<br />

Cass.<br />

Roby, George, engineer, bcls. 42 Cass.<br />

Robinson, Russell, carpenter, h. 2 1 Mont- Roby, Horace, confectioner, h. 37'8 Macalm<br />

w.<br />

comb.<br />

Robinson, Thomas, lumberman, h. 44 Du- Roby, Lucinda, boarding, h. 357 Cass ave.<br />

bois.<br />

Roche, John, macliinist, h. 104 Catharine.<br />

Robinson, Thomas, painter, h. 281 Third. Roche, Joseph, shoemaker, o. 306 Atwater<br />

Robinson, Thomas, sailor, h. 374 Macomb. e , h. SO9 same.<br />

Robinson, Thomas F., bookkeeper, bds. Roche, Lnke, hatter, h. 480 Ninth ave.<br />

376 Sixth.<br />

Roche Thomas, blacksnlith, 11. 334 Frank-<br />

Robinson, Thomas T., watchman, h. 149 lin.<br />

Wicht.<br />

Roche, Thomas, undertaker, 109 Randolph,<br />

~obiGon, Wellington L., pressman, bds. h. same.<br />

544 Sixth.<br />

Rock, Albert, tailor, 11. 328 Seventeenth.<br />

Robinson, William, h. 257 Fourth. Rockafellow, Robert, teamster, bds. 41 Fif-<br />

Robinson: William, engineer, bds. 27 Beau- teenth.<br />

bien.<br />

Rockelinurn, Christopher, shoemaker,<br />

Robinson. William, lab., bds. 754 Fort w. Eighteenth, 7 doors n. Baker.<br />

Robinson, William, lab., bds. 282, Leverette. Rocker, Jesse, (col'ci,) sailor, h. 309 Wat-<br />

Robinson:Willianl: plastcrer, bds. 19 Plum. son.<br />

Robinson. William B , (Jackson & Wiley,) Rockford, Frederick, carpenter, bd s. 538<br />

h. 335 Fort w.<br />

Woodbridge w.<br />

Rlt)inson, William D., (W. D. Robinson, Rockford, Tllornas, engineer, h. 41 6 Fort e.<br />

Burtenshaw & Co.), h. 103 George. Rockford: William, clerk, h. 118 Franklin.<br />

Robinson William G., patrolman, h. cor. Rockwell, Evans, clerk, bds. 285 Jefferson<br />

Fourth and Orchard.<br />

ave.<br />

Robinson, William R., lab., h. Twenty- Rockwood, Stillman, helper, bds. ' 327<br />

fourth n. Michigan ave.<br />

Nineteenth.<br />

Robinson, William W., clerk, bds. 50 Rodars, John, teamster, bcls. w. s. Fifteenth,<br />

Twentieth.<br />

bet. Canfield and Michigan ave.<br />

Robinson Bros. (Henry & John C. Robin- Rodda, .J( )bn H., stonecutter, bds. 26 Sibley.<br />

son,) builders, n. s, Charlotte, bet. Park Rodier, Abraham, (ml'd,) cook, h. n. e. cor.<br />

and Cass ave.<br />

Clinton and St. Antoine.<br />

Xutual Life Insurance Co.,<br />


@a ~@!)~J~B@J~~<br />

\, e L L. - ~ .LJL,-~. : -, -.<br />



DETIZIOIT, - - MICH-<br />

-See advertisement, page 27.-

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