Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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-. RIo CFFY DIRECTORY. ROB 3 73 Riordan, John, lab., 11. 432 Seventh. Riordan, John. lab., 11. 84 Sullivan sve. Riplinger, Anna, (wid. Peter.) h. 231 Riopelle NORTHWESTERN Uutual Life Insurance Co. OF MILWAUKEE, WIS. Rischert, Charles, baker, 133 Franklin h. DrB, C=Asrn ~ ~ ~ same. I STATE AGENT, Rischert, Edward, upholsterer, bds. 133 , 11 1 Jefferson Avenue, Franklin. I DETROIT, - - - SMXCH, m-4~' wentea- see ad"r""men4 page 107.A Risher, Silas as, printer, h. Ash, nr. Grand ; River. ! Roberts, David, carpenter, h 505 St. An- Rishman, Benedict, blacksmith, h. cor. toine. Grove and Russell. 1 Roberts, David, pedlar, h 1% Xullett. Ritchie, Miss Ellen, teacher, bds. 51 George. Roberts, Ellis, bds. 121 Congress e. Ritchie. James. boiler maker, 11. 524 Con- ! Roberts. E~hrairn K., bank teller, bds gress e. / 19 ~ iih. * Ritchie, Jane, (wid. John,) h. 541 Larnecl e. Roberts. Eugene, fancy dying, o. 114 Ran- Ritchie, Thomas, ct~rpenter, h. 51 George. dolph? h. same. Ritchie, William, engineer, h 541 Lam- Roberts, Frank, (col'd), lab., h. 136 Prosed e. pect. Rityerodt, William, cigar maker, h. 87 Roberts, Frederick W.: bookkeeper, bds. 54 $ilkins. Seld on. Ritter, Anton, mason, h. 313 Juliette. Roberts, Herbert F., clerk, bds. 104 Con- Ritter, Frederick, engineer h. 215 Clinton. gress w. Ritter. Frederick, lab., h. e. s. Tillman ave., Roberts, James, clerk, bds. 59 First. nr. Michigan ave. 1 Roberts, James, sailor, bds. 365 Hastings. Ritter, John, lab., bds 126 Brewster. Roberts, John, h. 410 Woodward ave. Ritter, John, lab., h. e. s. Eighteenth, nr. Roberts, John, cooper, h. s. e. cor. Dc- Butternut. quindre and Juliette. Ritter, John, stone cutter, h. 379 North. Roberts, John, lab., h. 135, Harrison me. Ritter, William, cooper, bds. s. s. High, bet. Roberts, Joseph, brakesman, h. 309 Fif- Hastings and Prospect. teen th. Ritting, August, lab., bds. 953 Jefferson Roberts, Joseph, (Roberts & Hanley), h. ave. 125 Columbia e. Rivard, Daniel, sailor, h. 169 Wight. Roberts, Margaret, tailoress, bds. 9 Ab- Rivard, John, lab., h. 554 Congress e. bott. Rivard, M. J., blacksmith, h. 400 Con- Roberts, Mary, Miss, dressmaker, bcls. 70 gress e. Montcalm w. Rivenet, Theodore, tinsmith, h. 569 Cro- Roberts, Michael, carpenter and grocer, ghan. 144 Prospect, 11. same. Riveney, Victoire, (wid. Thomas), h. r. 89 Roberts, Peter, lab., h. 573 Fort w. Fifth. Roherts, Peter J., plasterer, bds. 125 Co- River, John, lab., bds. 538 Wooclbridge w. lumbia e. River St. Clair and Lake Shore Steamboat Roberts, Robert E., sec. Wntcr Works, h. Line, office foot Wayne. 596 Jefferson ave. Rix, Oel, h. 218 Clifford. Roberts, Samuel C., stone cutter, Ms. Ac- Roach, Daniel, lab., h. 73 Con ress w. kerrnan House. Roach, James, hostler, h. 171 % eech. Itoberts, Thomas, brakesman, h. next 231 Roach, John, engineer, h. 214 Second. Fifteenth. Roach, John, machinist, bds. 413 Eigh- Roberts Thomas, carpenter, h. 237 St. Auteenth. bin ave. Roach; Robert, lab., h. 301 Guoin. Roberts, Thomas, lab., h. 407 Franklin. Roach, Thomas, lab., h. 296 Fifth. Roberts, Washington, (col'd), cook, h. 151 R3at, Charles P., engineer, h. 407 Sixth. Fort e. Robb, Wm. C., teamster, h. s. s Alexan- Roberts, William J., plasterer, bds. 125 Codrine ave. bet. Second and Cass aye. lumbia e. Robbins, Camele, teamster, h, 760 Wood- ROBERTS & HAKLEY, (Joseph Robridge e. berts, & George Hanley), plain and or- Roberge, William, carpenter, h. 541 Con- namental plastering, 78 Congress e. (&e gress e. lizdex, page 17 ) Robert, Alfred, cooper, bds. s. e. cor. De- Robertson, Apes, (wid. Robert), h. n. s. quindie and Juliette. Elizabeth, cor. Cass ave. Roberts, Araminta C., matron, Home of Robertson, Alexander, blacksmith, h. 286 the Friendless, 53 High, bds. same. High. Roberts, Arnold, wagon maker, h. 77 Sher- Robertson, Alexander, painter, bds. 450 man. Catharine.

374 ROB CLARE'S DETRO~ ROB Reliable Practical Business School. 1 Robinson, Adeline, Mrs., matron House of MAYHEW Correction, bds. same. Robinson, Adolph, traveling agent, h. 109 B&d~flZ"d ~QELI~BB ,4dams avc. e. Conducted by HON. IRA MAYHEW, Robinson, Albert J., painter, h. 306 Third. - - AUTHOR OF Robinson. Alfred, , express messenger, bds. - Hayhew's PracticnZ Book- Eee;~z'ng 281 ~ hkd. For Common and Union Schools, and MAY~EW'S U niversity Book-keeping for Business Colleges Robinson, Albert, tailor, h. 91 Antietam. and Counting-rooms. See 31~t page of Directory. Robinson, Audrew, engineer, bds. 16 Beaubien. Robertson, Alexander R.: clerk h. 29 Camp- Robinson, Andrew, lab., h. 282 Leverette. bell. Robinson, A. Wilder, clerk, bds. '21 Mont- Robert son, Andrew, lab., h. 282 Lafayette calm m. ave. Robinson, Cass, clerk, bds. 242 Woodward Robertson, Ann Niss, (co17d), washerwo- ave. man, bds. 206 Congress e. Robinson, Catharine, (wid. William), h. 53 Robertson, Dzvid D., painter, h. 383 Clin- Baker. ton. Robinson, Charles, (col'd), steward, h. 143 Robertson, Dmid W., carpenter, h. 238 Co- Macomb. lumbia e. I Robinson, Charles W., bookkeeper, bds. o. Robertson, Donald, stone cutter, h. 41 Spen- 504 Jefferson ave. cer. Robinson, Charlotte, (col'd), (wid. Charles), Robertson, Edward C., painter, h. 253 Eli- 1 washerwoman, h. 271 Beaubien. zabeth e. 1 Robinson, Cordelia; (col'd), (wid. Moore- Robertson, Ellen, dressmaker, bds. 33 Fif- I man), washerwoman, h. 163 Mullett. teenth. 1 Robinson, Cornelia, (mid. Theodore), h. Robertson, George, bcls. 59 First. 1 o. 3'72 Montcalm e. Robertson. George, - . fruit - pedlar, b&. 349 I Robinson, Charles W., gardener, h. 544 Watson. Robertson, Henry We, meat market, 693 I Robinson, Sixth. ' Dewitt C., mason, h. 98 Twen- Fort w.,. h. same. tieth. Robertson, Janles, agent, bds. Goodman Robinson, Dukes, currier, bds. 65 Wa e. House. Robinson, Elisha N., (col'd), lab., b. gen- Robertson, James; blacksmith, h. 19 Plum. ty-fourth, n. Michigan ave. Robertson, John Adjutant General Michi- Robinson, Emily Jane, copyist. bds. 103 gan, office Firemens Hall, h. 17 George. George. Robertson, John T. conductor, 11. 19 Robinson. Eugene, city surveyor, h. 108 V Washington ave. High. Robertson, Louisa, (wid. James), washer- Robinson, Frank, (col'd), barber, h. 189 woman, h. 47 Lewis. Has tings. Robertson, Noah, lab., h. 649 Larned e. Robinson, George, distiller, bds 59 First. Robertson, Robert, blacksmith, h. 207 Robinson, George, engineer, h. '778 Con- Montcalm e. gress e. Robertson, Robert J., csrpent er, bds. 100 Robinson, George, lab., h. 82 Fifteenth. Elizabeth w. Robinson, George, lab., bds. 101 Larned w. Robertson, Ross, cabinet maker, h. 268 Mul- Robinson, George, (col'd), waiter, bds. 165 .a , lett Beaubien. Robertson, Sarah: Miss, seamstress, bds. 206 Robinson, George A., spring bed maker, Congress e. bds. 233 Brush. Robertson, Sophia, (wid. John), h. 450 Robinson, George - 0.. (Robinson & Brooks), Catharine. h. 15 center. Robertson, Thomas J., carpenter, h. 237 St. Robinson, George W., foreman, h. 50 Aubin ave. Twentieth. Robertson, William, lab., bds. 100 Eliza- Robinson, Henry, (col'd), lab., h., 264 Mu1 beth w. lett. Robertson, William, moulder, bds. ' 207 Robinson, Henry A., (Robinson Bros.), h. Montcalm e. cor. Charlotte ave. and Third. Robertson, William E., (col'd), barber, h. Robinson, Henry S., cigar box mnfr., Ham- 208 Croghan. tramck, h. 972 Jefferson ave. Robeson, 'Hudson, wood sawyer, h. 119 Robinson, Henry S., (W. D. Robinson, Elizabeth e. Burtenshaw (52 Co.), bds. 103 George. Robeson, John H., sailmaker, h. 54 Elm. Robinson, Jacob, agent, h. 231 Brush. Robinet, Dominick, plasterer, bds. 281 Ri- Robinson, James, conductor, h. 63 Columvard. bia e., Henry, plasterer, h. 281 Rivard. Robinson, James, printer, h. 187 Lamed e.

-.<br />


Riordan, John, lab., 11. 432 Seventh.<br />

Riordan, John. lab., 11. 84 Sullivan sve.<br />

Riplinger, Anna, (wid. Peter.) h. 231 Riopelle<br />


Uutual Life Insurance Co.<br />


Rischert, Charles, baker, 133 Franklin h. DrB, C=Asrn ~ ~ ~<br />

same. I STATE AGENT,<br />

Rischert, Edward, upholsterer, bds. 133 , 11 1 Jefferson Avenue,<br />

Franklin. I DETROIT, - - - SMXCH,<br />

m-4~' wentea- see ad"r""men4 page 107.A<br />

Risher, Silas as, printer, h. Ash, nr. Grand ;<br />

River. ! Roberts, David, carpenter, h 505 St. An-<br />

Rishman, Benedict, blacksmith, h. cor. toine.<br />

Grove and Russell. 1 Roberts, David, pedlar, h 1% Xullett.<br />

Ritchie, Miss Ellen, teacher, bds. 51 George. Roberts, Ellis, bds. 121 Congress e.<br />

Ritchie. James. boiler maker, 11. 524 Con- ! Roberts. E~hrairn K., bank teller, bds<br />

gress e. / 19 ~ iih. *<br />

Ritchie, Jane, (wid. John,) h. 541 Larnecl e. Roberts. Eugene, fancy dying, o. 114 Ran-<br />

Ritchie, Thomas, ct~rpenter, h. 51 George. dolph? h. same.<br />

Ritchie, William, engineer, h 541 Lam- Roberts, Frank, (col'd), lab., h. 136 Prosed<br />

e.<br />

pect.<br />

Rityerodt, William, cigar maker, h. 87 Roberts, Frederick W.: bookkeeper, bds. 54<br />

$ilkins.<br />

Seld on.<br />

Ritter, Anton, mason, h. 313 Juliette. Roberts, Herbert F., clerk, bds. 104 Con-<br />

Ritter, Frederick, engineer h. 215 Clinton. gress w.<br />

Ritter. Frederick, lab., h. e. s. Tillman ave., Roberts, James, clerk, bds. 59 First.<br />

nr. Michigan ave.<br />

1 Roberts, James, sailor, bds. 365 Hastings.<br />

Ritter, John, lab., bds 126 Brewster. Roberts, John, h. 410 Woodward ave.<br />

Ritter, John, lab., h. e. s. Eighteenth, nr. Roberts, John, cooper, h. s. e. cor. Dc-<br />

Butternut.<br />

quindre and Juliette.<br />

Ritter, John, stone cutter, h. 379 North. Roberts, John, lab., h. 135, Harrison me.<br />

Ritter, William, cooper, bds. s. s. High, bet. Roberts, Joseph, brakesman, h. 309 Fif-<br />

Hastings and Prospect.<br />

teen th.<br />

Ritting, August, lab., bds. 953 Jefferson Roberts, Joseph, (Roberts & Hanley), h.<br />

ave.<br />

125 Columbia e.<br />

Rivard, Daniel, sailor, h. 169 Wight. Roberts, Margaret, tailoress, bds. 9 Ab-<br />

Rivard, John, lab., h. 554 Congress e. bott.<br />

Rivard, M. J., blacksmith, h. 400 Con- Roberts, Mary, Miss, dressmaker, bcls. 70<br />

gress e.<br />

Montcalm w.<br />

Rivenet, Theodore, tinsmith, h. 569 Cro- Roberts, Michael, carpenter and grocer,<br />

ghan.<br />

144 Prospect, 11. same.<br />

Riveney, Victoire, (wid. Thomas), h. r. 89 Roberts, Peter, lab., h. 573 Fort w.<br />

Fifth.<br />

Roherts, Peter J., plasterer, bds. 125 Co-<br />

River, John, lab., bds. 538 Wooclbridge w. lumbia e.<br />

River St. Clair and Lake Shore Steamboat Roberts, Robert E., sec. Wntcr Works, h.<br />

Line, office foot Wayne.<br />

596 Jefferson ave.<br />

Rix, Oel, h. 218 Clifford.<br />

Roberts, Samuel C., stone cutter, Ms. Ac-<br />

Roach, Daniel, lab., h. 73 Con ress w. kerrnan House.<br />

Roach, James, hostler, h. 171 % eech. Itoberts, Thomas, brakesman, h. next 231<br />

Roach, John, engineer, h. 214 Second. Fifteenth.<br />

Roach, John, machinist, bds. 413 Eigh- Roberts Thomas, carpenter, h. 237 St. Auteenth.<br />

bin ave.<br />

Roach; Robert, lab., h. 301 Guoin. Roberts, Thomas, lab., h. 407 Franklin.<br />

Roach, Thomas, lab., h. 296 Fifth. Roberts, Washington, (col'd), cook, h. 151<br />

R3at, Charles P., engineer, h. 407 Sixth. Fort e.<br />

Robb, Wm. C., teamster, h. s. s Alexan- Roberts, William J., plasterer, bds. 125 Codrine<br />

ave. bet. Second and Cass aye. lumbia e.<br />

Robbins, Camele, teamster, h, 760 Wood- ROBERTS & HAKLEY, (Joseph Robridge<br />

e.<br />

berts, & George Hanley), plain and or-<br />

Roberge, William, carpenter, h. 541 Con- namental plastering, 78 Congress e. (&e<br />

gress e.<br />

lizdex, page 17 )<br />

Robert, Alfred, cooper, bds. s. e. cor. De- Robertson, Apes, (wid. Robert), h. n. s.<br />

quindie and Juliette.<br />

Elizabeth, cor. Cass ave.<br />

Roberts, Araminta C., matron, Home of Robertson, Alexander, blacksmith, h. 286<br />

the Friendless, 53 High, bds. same. High.<br />

Roberts, Arnold, wagon maker, h. 77 Sher- Robertson, Alexander, painter, bds. 450<br />

man.<br />


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