Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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47 RE1 CITY DIRECTORY. REU 369 - - -- Reinke, George, lab., h. 376 Jay. Reinstein, John, watch maker, h. 181 Fort e. Reis, George J., tanner, h. 257 Catharine. Reithard, Conrad, saloon, 271 Clinton, h. same. Reithard, Jacob, sign writer, 100 Randolph, h. 271 Montcalm e. Remick, Royal C., lumberman, h. 37 Lafayette ave. Remington, Edward L., broom maker, bds. Rensched, John J,, machinist, h. 103 Ab- 69 Grand River. bott. Remington, Frederick A., clerk, bds. 69 Renshaw, John, brass finisher, bds. 20 Grand River. Harrison ave. Remington, William H., broom factory, 69 Renshaw, Henry, clerk, h. 18 Harrison Grand River, h. same. ave. Remington, William L., news depot, 69 Renshaw, William, machlnist, h. Grand Grand River, h. same. River, nr. Flfkeenth. Renaud, George, (Renaud & Co.,) h. 137 Repp, William, tailor, h. 244 High. Grand River. Repp, William, teamster, h. ,474 Lafay- Itenaud, Frederick, bds. 214 Clinton. ette e. Renaud, Joseph, lab., h. 208 Maple. Resanka, Frank, lab., bds. 120 Bronson. Renaud, George & Co., (George Renaud Resaski, William, lab., h. Berlin bet. Gerand Frederick Shaum, ) grocers, 133 man and Gratiot. Grand River. Reschki, Caroline, (wid. Michael.) h. 40 Renig, Jacob, sawyer, h. 157 Chene. Riopelle. Renn, Stephen, teamster, h. 198 Prospect. Resico, Edward, carpenter, h. 323 Orleans. Renner, Charles K., lab., h. 19 Prospect. Resico, Edward, carpenter, h. 717 Frank- Renner, Frank, barber, h. 434 Franklin. lin. Rennick, Christian, bds. 518 Woodbridge e. Resico, Frederick, cooper, bds. 393 Bron- Ren~~ick, Laurence, lab., h. 518 Wood- son. bridge e. Resico, Joseph jr., cooper, bds. 393 Bonson. Rennie, Couture, grocer, 667 Atwater, h. Resico, Joseph, sr., cooper, h. 393 Bronson. same. Resinger, Charles, lab., h. s. s. Ohio, bet. ICennie, Henry, machinist, bdq. 365 Hast- Hast ings and Prospect. ings. Retallack, Charles, clerk, bds. 368 Sixth. Rennie, John J., auctioneer, 253 Jefferson Retell, Charles, lab., h. 141 Catharine. ave., bds. Russell House. Retgerodt, ~ohn H. W., cigar maker, bds. Rennie, Patrick, lab., h. 231 Sixth. 87 Wilkins. Reno, Angeline, (wid. Frank,) h. 36 Clin- Rettke, August, tanner, h. German nr. Duton. bois. Reno, George, expressman, h. 252 Clinton. Retz, John, cabinet maker, bds. 32 Clinton. Reno, Geo. L., clerk, bds. 592 Jefferson ave. Reudelsterz, Peter, stone cutter, h. 236 Ma- Reno, John, grocer, 594 Jefferson ave., h. rion. 592 same. Reuhle, John, sawyer, bds. 355 Mont- Reno, John, jeweler, 187 Woodward ave. calm e. h. 209 Macoinb. Reulbach, Martin, ba gageman, h. Twelfth Reno, Michael, carpenter, h. 209 Macomb. bet. Lafayette and I ort. Reno, Peter A., machinist, bds. 592 Jeffer- Reusch, Christian, grocer, 126 Catharine, son ave. h. same. Reno, Thomas, carpenter, h. 367 Dubois. Reuschman, Benedict, blacksmith, h. n. s. Rente, Frederick, wire weaver, h. 14 Me- Grove bet. Prospect and Russell. chanic. Reuter, Anton, lab., h. 632 Riopelle. Renterop, Charles, confectioner, h. 198 La- Reuter, Doratha, (wid. Frederick,) brewery, fqetti. 419 St. Antoine, h. same. Rentschler, John, tailor, h. 127 Clinton. Reuter, Hermann, stove mounter, h. 210 Rentschler, John, cooper, h. 131 Russell. Mullett Rentz, .Alfred, coppersmith, h. 91 Orleans. Reuter, Hermann, trunk maker, h. 107 Ma- Rentz Frank, butcher, h. 518 Lafayette. ple. Rentz, Henry, tanner, 382 Gratiot, h. same. Reuter, Jacob, mason, h. 126 Calhoun. Rentz, Henry, tanner, h. 301 Bronson. Reuter, John, lab., h. n. s. Detroit bet. De- Rentz, Leopold, cutter, bds. Hotel Henry. quindre and St. Aubin ave. Rentz, Joseph, finisher, h. 128 Clinton. Reuter, John, shoemaker, bds. 126 Cal- Rentz, Theodore, grocer, 396 Grand River, houn. 1 h. same. Reuter, Mather, lab., h. 218 Calhoun. NORTHWESTERN Uutual Life Insurance Co. OF MILWAUKEE, WIS. DE. CHAS. AURXH@BRg STATE AGENT, 1 11 Jefferson Avenue, DETROIT, - - - XICH, WAgents Wanted. See advertisement.^ .

370 REU CLARX'S DETROIT RIG Rhodes & Kinmsley, (Joseph J. Rhodes and Albion ~ P~in~sle~), prop Garrison House. COR. CONGRESS & RANDOLPH STS. Ricc, Abraham W., accountant, bds. o. 101, DETROIT, n. 107 Elizabeth w. Conducted by HOB. Ira HayAew, Rice, Annie, dressmaker, bds. 193 Fifth. Author of MAYHEW'S UNIVERSITY BOOK-KEEPrNG, For Businem Colleges and the Connting-room. wThe only Rook - Rice, Augusta, (wid. Lewis,) grocer, 289 keeping published providin~ coln lete instruction in practical ac- Jefferson ave., h. same (up stairs) counkntship. See notice of colLge, Book-keeping and Buainees Rice, Benjamin B., builder, 11.394 Sixth. Practice, at the Slst pwe of Direct0ry.A Ricc, Calvin, (col'd): lab., h. 170 Wilkins. Reuter, Mathias, malster, h. 64 Napoleon. Rice. Charles A. W.. clerk, bds. 67 Lewis. Reuter, Nicholas, shoe maker, bds. Lafay- ice: Charles S , bookkeeper, bds. Flnney's ette e: Hotel. Reuter, Peter: bqiildcr. bcls. 72 Russell. Rice, Cyrus B., clerk, h. 147 Rivard. Reuter, Phillip, mason, bds 1% Callloun. Rice: Delos E., foundry and machine shop, Reuterup, John C., tailor, h. 403 Mullett. 191 and 193 Atwater e., 11. 30 Lafayettc. Rcvell, Henry, clrqman, h. 109 Fifth. Rice, Elmira, (wid. Shuthelah M.), 11. 92 Rever, George, carpenter. bds. 104 Gratiot.. Locust. Reycraft, James, lab., h. 166 Porter. Rice, Garrett, mason, bds. Crawford, bet. Reynolds, Albert, lab., bds., 254 Thirteenth. Marcy and Ruena Vista. , Reynolds, Albert N., carpenter, h. 531 Sev- Rice, George, boots and shoes, 115 Woodenth. ward ave., h. 106 Congress e. Reynolds, Albert, (Reynolds & Hess), h. Rice. George, (col'd), clerk, bds. 20 Ma- 230 Sherman. rion. Re-polds, Ann, (wid. Michael), h. 136 Rice, George W., lithographer, bds. 166 Twelfth. Adams ave. e. Reynolds, Charles E., sergt. file tropolitan Rice, Henry, machinist, bds. o. 193 Fifth. Police, h. 293 Second. Rice, James B., (Rice & Co.), h. 92 Locust. Reynolds, D. E., express messenger, bds. Rice, John, bookkeeper, h. 166 Adams Michigan Exchange. ave. e. Reynolds, James D., blacksmith, bds. 21 Rice, John D., clerk, h. 147 Rivard. Croghnn. Rice. .John, letter carrier, h. 374 Grand Reynolds, James G., blacksmith, bds. 152 River. Larned w. Rice, John, lab., 11. 282 Lafayette ave. Reynolds, John J., clerk, bds. 136 Twelfth. Rice, John, mschinist, h. o. 193 Fifth. Reynolds, Nelson, (col'd), dray man, h. 410 Ricr, John, watchmaker, h. 722 Fort e. Mullett . Rice, Joseph L., clerk, h. 754 Fort e. Beynolds, Whitney, cooper, 71 Fort e., h. Rice, Louis J., ship carpenter, h. 48 Harri- 73 same. son ave. Reynolds, Willard, engineer, h. 293 Sec- Rice, Maria E., (wid. Charles P.), h. 114 ond. Larned, w. Reynolds & Hess, (Albert Reynolds and Rice, Mary, (wid. Aaron). seamstress, h 211 Andrew Hess,) painters, s. e. cor. Beau- Second. bien and Croghan. Rice, N., cigar maker, bds. 116 Randolph. Rhaesa, Adolph, cigar maker, h. 19 Pros- Rice, Oscar W., overseer House of Correcpect. tion, bds. same. Rhaesa, Amalie, (wid. Julius), bds. 246 Rice, Pink, (col'd), teamster, h. 170 Wil- Montcalm e. kins. Rhaesa, Julius, (Rhaesag& Newman), h. 159 Rice, Preston, restaurant, 48 and 50 Shelby, Michigan ave. 1 h same. Rhaesa & Newmnn, (Juli~~s Rhaesa and Rice, Samuel, tobacconist, 2874 Jefferson Henry Newman), t.obacconists, I79 31 ich- ave., h. same, (up stairs). igan ave. I Rice, Sarah, dressmaker, 11. 507 Gmtiot. Rhein, Henry, teamster, h. 486 Clinton. I Rice, William B., bank teller, bds 80 La- Rheiner, John, plasterer, bds. 282 Mont- I fayette. calm e. I Rice, William B., carpenter, h. 246 St. Au- Rheiner, William A., gunsmith and en- I b' in avc. graver, 63 Randolph. h. 133 Hastings. Rice, Theophilus; (col'd). janitor, h. 20 Ma- Rhode, John, tailor, h. 37 Biullett. rion. Rhode, Joseph, patternmaker, h. 37 Mul- I Rice, Theophilus, jr., (col'd), janitor, bds. lett. 80 Marion. Rhodes, Ebenezer joiner, h. 31 .Crogllanr Rice $l Co., (James B. Rice and George Rhodes, John B., sailor, h. 348 Twelfth. Robson), grocers, 451 Grand River. Rhodes. Joseph J., (Rhodes & Kingsley), Rich, George M., capitalist, h. 35 Lafaybcls. Garrison House. ette.

47<br />


- - --<br />

Reinke, George, lab., h. 376 Jay.<br />

Reinstein, John, watch maker, h. 181<br />

Fort e.<br />

Reis, George J., tanner, h. 257 Catharine.<br />

Reithard, Conrad, saloon, 271 Clinton, h.<br />

same.<br />

Reithard, Jacob, sign writer, 100 Randolph,<br />

h. 271 Montcalm e.<br />

Remick, Royal C., lumberman, h. 37 Lafayette<br />

ave.<br />

Remington, Edward L., broom maker, bds. Rensched, John J,, machinist, h. 103 Ab-<br />

69 Grand River.<br />

bott.<br />

Remington, Frederick A., clerk, bds. 69 Renshaw, John, brass finisher, bds. 20<br />

Grand River.<br />

Harrison ave.<br />

Remington, William H., broom factory, 69 Renshaw, Henry, clerk, h. 18 Harrison<br />

Grand River, h. same.<br />

ave.<br />

Remington, William L., news depot, 69 Renshaw, William, machlnist, h. Grand<br />

Grand River, h. same.<br />

River, nr. Flfkeenth.<br />

Renaud, George, (Renaud & Co.,) h. 137 Repp, William, tailor, h. 244 High.<br />

Grand River.<br />

Repp, William, teamster, h. ,474 Lafay-<br />

Itenaud, Frederick, bds. 214 Clinton. ette e.<br />

Renaud, Joseph, lab., h. 208 Maple. Resanka, Frank, lab., bds. 120 Bronson.<br />

Renaud, George & Co., (George Renaud Resaski, William, lab., h. Berlin bet. Gerand<br />

Frederick Shaum, ) grocers, 133 man and Gratiot.<br />

Grand River.<br />

Reschki, Caroline, (wid. Michael.) h. 40<br />

Renig, Jacob, sawyer, h. 157 Chene. Riopelle.<br />

Renn, Stephen, teamster, h. 198 Prospect. Resico, Edward, carpenter, h. 323 Orleans.<br />

Renner, Charles K., lab., h. 19 Prospect. Resico, Edward, carpenter, h. 717 Frank-<br />

Renner, Frank, barber, h. 434 Franklin. lin.<br />

Rennick, Christian, bds. 518 Woodbridge e. Resico, Frederick, cooper, bds. 393 Bron-<br />

Ren~~ick, Laurence, lab., h. 518 Wood- son.<br />

bridge e.<br />

Resico, Joseph jr., cooper, bds. 393 Bonson.<br />

Rennie, Couture, grocer, 667 Atwater, h. Resico, Joseph, sr., cooper, h. 393 Bronson.<br />

same.<br />

Resinger, Charles, lab., h. s. s. Ohio, bet.<br />

ICennie, Henry, machinist, bdq. 365 Hast- Hast ings and Prospect.<br />

ings.<br />

Retallack, Charles, clerk, bds. 368 Sixth.<br />

Rennie, John J., auctioneer, 253 Jefferson Retell, Charles, lab., h. 141 Catharine.<br />

ave., bds. Russell House.<br />

Retgerodt, ~ohn H. W., cigar maker, bds.<br />

Rennie, Patrick, lab., h. 231 Sixth.<br />

87 Wilkins.<br />

Reno, Angeline, (wid. Frank,) h. 36 Clin- Rettke, August, tanner, h. German nr. Duton.<br />

bois.<br />

Reno, George, expressman, h. 252 Clinton. Retz, John, cabinet maker, bds. 32 Clinton.<br />

Reno, Geo. L., clerk, bds. 592 Jefferson ave. Reudelsterz, Peter, stone cutter, h. 236 Ma-<br />

Reno, John, grocer, 594 Jefferson ave., h. rion.<br />

592 same.<br />

Reuhle, John, sawyer, bds. 355 Mont-<br />

Reno, John, jeweler, 187 Woodward ave. calm e.<br />

h. 209 Macoinb.<br />

Reulbach, Martin, ba gageman, h. Twelfth<br />

Reno, Michael, carpenter, h. 209 Macomb. bet. Lafayette and I ort.<br />

Reno, Peter A., machinist, bds. 592 Jeffer- Reusch, Christian, grocer, 126 Catharine,<br />

son ave.<br />

h. same.<br />

Reno, Thomas, carpenter, h. 367 Dubois. Reuschman, Benedict, blacksmith, h. n. s.<br />

Rente, Frederick, wire weaver, h. 14 Me- Grove bet. Prospect and Russell.<br />

chanic.<br />

Reuter, Anton, lab., h. 632 Riopelle.<br />

Renterop, Charles, confectioner, h. 198 La- Reuter, Doratha, (wid. Frederick,) brewery,<br />

fqetti.<br />

419 St. Antoine, h. same.<br />

Rentschler, John, tailor, h. 127 Clinton. Reuter, Hermann, stove mounter, h. 210<br />

Rentschler, John, cooper, h. 131 Russell. Mullett<br />

Rentz, .Alfred, coppersmith, h. 91 Orleans. Reuter, Hermann, trunk maker, h. 107 Ma-<br />

Rentz Frank, butcher, h. 518 Lafayette. ple.<br />

Rentz, Henry, tanner, 382 Gratiot, h. same. Reuter, Jacob, mason, h. 126 Calhoun.<br />

Rentz, Henry, tanner, h. 301 Bronson. Reuter, John, lab., h. n. s. <strong>Detroit</strong> bet. De-<br />

Rentz, Leopold, cutter, bds. Hotel Henry. quindre and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Rentz, Joseph, finisher, h. 128 Clinton. Reuter, John, shoemaker, bds. 126 Cal-<br />

Rentz, Theodore, grocer, 396 Grand River, houn.<br />

1<br />

h. same.<br />

Reuter, Mather, lab., h. 218 Calhoun.<br />


Uutual Life Insurance Co.<br />




1 11 Jefferson Avenue,<br />

DETROIT, - - - XICH,<br />

WAgents Wanted. See advertisement.^<br />


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