Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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RAf CITY DIRECTORY. RAT 365 Rairden, John, book agent, 114 Griswold, I NORTHWESTERN bcls. Franklin House. I Rairdon, Michael. lab., bds. cor. Joseph Mutual Life Insurance CO. Cnmpau ave. and Jefferson ave. 1 OF MILWAUKEE, WIS. Ealeigh, Catharine, (wid. John)$. 158 Sev- gas &~JB~-J~JGEH, enth. i Raleigh, James: blacksmith, bds. 158 Sev- STATE AGENT, enth. / 111 Jefferson Avenue, Raleigh: Walter, J., uroulcler, bds., 158 / DEgzziE;ted. Soe - - MICE, advert unnent, pqe Seventh. -- Ralph, Herman C. jr., clerk, bds. 828 Fort w. liandolph, Lucius G. N., dry goods, 13 Ralph, Peter J.. (P. J. Ralph $ Co.,) 11. 328 / Grand River w. h. 33 Rowland. Fort w. I Randolph, Merritt, bookkeeper, h. 361 Cass RALPH, P. J. & CO., (P. J. Ralph ancl A. ave. C. Burt,) coinmercit~l brokers and general Randolph. Noah, lab., h. 105 Calhoun. insurance ngmts ; foot of First. Llmclol~h, Mrs., (aid. Jo~II), l. 173 Gris- Ralston, Alextti~cier, painter, h. Si TYnlnut. wold. Rainiel, Peter, hostler, bcls. Rail Road Ex- lEandolph Park, Grand River and Ranchange. dolph. Ramer, Baptist, tailor. 11. S Eighteenth. Ranclt, Freclerick, lab., h. 350 Michigan Ranlpton, James: clerk, bcls. 52 Marion. ave. Ramsay, Alexander, Ids. 28s Howarcl. Ran kin, David, reporter Daily Union, bcls. Ramsay, Alexander, carpenter, h. 1'01 / 25 Abbott. Twelfth. Rankin. Edward P., agent, h. 135 Colum- Ramsay, Albert A.: clerk, bds. 537 Guoin. I bia e. Ramsay, Alexander 31.: clerk, h. 185 Sec- Rankin, Hamilton R., clerk, bds. 135 Coond. lumbia e. Ramsay, Clark R., clerk, h. 101 Twelfth. Rankin, Henry, traveling agent, bds. 16 Ramsay, Charles S., (R. T. & C. S. Ram- Sproat. say,) h. 279 Howarcl. Rankin, James, jr., brass finisher bds. 818 Rainsay, David, engineer, bds. 316 Frank- Fort w. lin. Rankin, James, brass founcler, 97 Eight- Ramsny, Merick A., clerk, bds. 185 Second. eenth, h. 366 Baker. Ramsay, Robert T., (R. T. & C. S. Ram- Ransier, Anna, h. 29 Fort e. say,) h. 161 Fourth. Ransom, Asa W., captain, h. 33 Eliza- Ramsay, Sarah J., (wid. James), h. 273 beth e. Third. Ransom, Hubert, marble polisher, bds. 61 Ramsay, Thomas, boiler maker, bds. 273 Beacon. Third. Raquet, David, tanner, bds. 386 Sixteenth. Ramsay, R. T. & C. S., (Robert T. and Itaquet, Jacob, tanner, 336 Sixteenth, h. Charles S Ramsay,) barbers: and bath same. rooms 136 Wood~i-ard ave. Rasasky, Albert lab., h. Berlin, bet. Ger- Ramsdell: Francis L., clerk, h. 172 Michigan man and Gratiot. ave. Rasbach, Otto, brass finisher, h. 132 Clin- Ramsclell, George, liquor dealer, o. 166, n. ton. 172 Michigan ave. I Rasch Andrew, wood turner, 11. 40'7 St. Ranck, Johannah, huckster, 10 C. H. M., h. Antoine. Woodbridge. Rasch, August, (Rasch & 13crnart), h. 120 Rancom, Joseph, caulker, h. 363 Franklin. Winder. Ranclall, Corodon C., photographer: bds. Rasch & Bernart, (Bugust Rascli, 430 Second. & TVilliam Bernart), merchant tailors 15'1 Randall, Frank, clerk, bds. Biddle House. Jefferson ave. (Set! Index, page 17). Randall, James A., lawyer, 3 Bulil's Block, Raseman, Charles, tailor, Croghan bet. h. 430 Second. / Hastings and Rivard. Randall. James J., photographer, rool!ls 1 Rasicot, Edward, ship carpenter, h. n. s. 18, 13 and 14 Fisher Block, h. 430 Ye- Franklin bet. Walker and Adair. cond. Rassing, Ferdinand, lab., bds. St. Subin Randall, Joseph, saloon, 63 Jefferson ave., ave , bet. Lafayette and Fort. h. same. Raston, Henry, teamster, h. 545 Guoin. Randall, Samuel C., general agent Grover Ratcliffe. Lavinia, (col'd), (wid. Henry), & Baker sewing machines, 4 Opera h. 225 Orleans. House Block, h 4 Cottage Place, Eliza- Ratcliffe, John, eogineer, h. 124 Harrison beth w. ave. Randolph, Edrn~~nd D.. fiour and feed, h. 1 Rath, Mathias, (Peter Rath & Bro.), h. 253 Larned e. 1 587 Michigan ave.

366 RAT CLARK'S DETROIT REA Reliable Practical Business School- MAYHEW B&&JP*~P ~~?UU&E@BB Conducted by HON. I u MAYHEW, AUTHOR OF Hayhew's PracticnZ Zoo&-keeping For Conlmon and Union Schools, andMayrr~w's U niversity Book-keeplng for Business Colleges and Countinz-rooms. See 31st page of Directory. Rath, Nicholas, tailor and clothes cleaner, 103 Bates, h. same. Rath, Peter, (Peter Rath & Bro.), 11. 587 Michigan aye. Rath, Peter :$ Bro.,( Peter and Mathias Rath), grocers, 587 Michigan ave. Rathbone, Charles A., clerk, bds. 437 Wood- ward ave. Rathbone, William, traveling agent, h. 139 Twelfth. RATHBONE, WILLIAM P., real estate broker, 44 Griswold, h. 437 Woodward ave. Rathbone, William S , clerk, bds. 435 Woodward ave. Rathmann, Henry, porter, h. 14 Clay. Ratiga, Albert, nlachinist, h. 3.50 Fort e. Rattenbury, Thomas, h. 41 George. Rattke, August, lab., 11. 117 German. Rattke, Carl, lab., h. 561 Twenty-fourth. Rattke, William, lab., bds. 334 High. Rattray, Alexancler, captain, bds. Mamion House. Rattray, Andrew, captain, bds. Mansion House. Rattray, William, captain, bds. Howard House. Ratzel, Rudolph, tailor, h. 183 Fort e. Rau, Gei srge, shoemaker, h. 229 Twelfth. Rauch, Alexander, carriage maker, bds 110Lafayette e. Rauch, Charles, wagon maker, bcls. 110 Lafayette e. Rausch, Henry, musician, h. 238 Clinton. Rausch, Jacob, tanner, h. 28 Silver. Rausch, Peter, lab., h. 132 Chestnut. Rauss, Bcrnhard, butcher, h. 118 Randolph. Rauss. John, butcher, 11. 145 Catharine. Raut, John, lab., h. 225 Nineteenth. Raw, Joseph, lab., h. 41 Sullivan ave. Itawley. Frank, grocer, 119 Grand River, h. same. Ray, Alonzo T., chair maker, h. 100 Adams ave. w. Ray, John A., bookkeeper, h. 300 Beau- bien. Ray, Joseph G., (John Stephens & Co.,) h. 23 Labrosse. Ray, Joseph I., (Ray & Co.,) h. 300 Beau- bien. Ray, Robert, printer, bds. 313 Congress w. Ray, Theodore W., Deputy LJ. S. Marshall, h. 132 Montcalm e. Ray & Co., (Joseph' I. Ray and Wm. E. Gentelel, builders, 49 Harriet. Raymond, Billings G., carpenter, bds. Goo dman House. Ra lond, Burrows, carpenter, Gds. 83 Cngress e. Raymond, Charles, insurance agent, bds. 87 Shelby. Raymond, Edward R., clerk, bds., 25 Croghan. Raymoncl, Francis, (3'. Raymond & Son), h. 25 Cro han. fi Raymon , Francis, jr., (F. Raymond & Son), h. I47 Congress e. Raymond, James F., photographer, h. 300 Woodward ave. Raymond, Tryphena, (wid. John), bds. 100 Eighth. Raymoncl, William, drayman, h. 5 St. Joseph. Raymond, William, pipeman, h. cor. High and Prospect. Raymond, William, sailor, h. 522 Fort e. Eaymond, F, & Son., (Francis and Francis jr.,), books and stationery, 5 Fort w., (See adv. back cozer.) Raynor. Albert H., printer, h. 127 Cro- ghan. Rea, Archibald, sailor, bds. 351 Fifteenth. Rea, Brice, sailor, bds. 221 Fifteentl!. Rea, Jane, dressmaker, bds. 282 31ichigan ave. Rea, Jane, vestmaker h. 351 Fifteenth. Rea William, sailor, bds. 351 Fifteenth. Rae, William J., (Rea, Braine & Simpson,) 11. 321 Howard. Re%, William J., printer, h. s. s. Jones, bet. Fifth and Sixth. Rcaby, William, sawyer, 11.647 Congress e. Read, George, bookkeeper, h. 131 Cass. Read, John R., (J. A. Berry & Co.,) h. Wight, nr. Marine Hospital. Read, Stephen, plumber, h. cor. Harrison ave. and Walnut. Read, William R., mechanic, h. 54 Twen- tieth, Reamer, William, lab., h. 319 Fifteenth. Rcapier, Henry, carpenter, h. 877' Fort e. Reardon, Eugenic, seamstress, bds. 629 Lamed e. Reardon, John, lab., h. 432 Seventh. Reardon, Patrick, plasterer, h. 629 Lar- ned e. Reardon, Robert. shoemaker, bds. 25 Beau- bien. Reardon, Timothy, fireman, h. 211 Tllir- teenth-ancl-a-half. Reath, Thomas, saloon and restaurant, 14 Woodward ave.: h. same. Reaurne. Adolph, clerk, h. 166 Rivard. Reaume, Alexander, teamster, bds. 110 ~ivard. Reaume, Jane, (wid. Oliver,) tailoress, h. 273 Lafayette. Reaume, John, lab., h. 54 St. Aubin ave. Reaume, Joseph, lab., h. s. s. Wight, bet. Chene and Joseph Campau rave.


Rairden, John, book agent, 114 Griswold, I<br />


bcls. Franklin House. I<br />

Rairdon, Michael. lab., bds. cor. Joseph Mutual Life Insurance CO.<br />

Cnmpau ave. and Jefferson ave. 1 OF MILWAUKEE, WIS.<br />

Ealeigh, Catharine, (wid. John)$. 158 Sev- gas &~JB~-J~JGEH,<br />

enth. i<br />

Raleigh, James: blacksmith, bds. 158 Sev-<br />


enth. / 111 Jefferson Avenue,<br />

Raleigh: Walter, J., uroulcler, bds., 158 / DEgzziE;ted. Soe - - MICE,<br />

advert unnent, pqe<br />

Seventh. --<br />

Ralph, Herman C. jr., clerk, bds. 828 Fort w. liandolph, Lucius G. N., dry goods, 13<br />

Ralph, Peter J.. (P. J. Ralph $ Co.,) 11. 328 / Grand River w. h. 33 Rowland.<br />

Fort w. I Randolph, Merritt, bookkeeper, h. 361 Cass<br />

RALPH, P. J. & CO., (P. J. Ralph ancl A. ave.<br />

C. Burt,) coinmercit~l brokers and general Randolph. Noah, lab., h. 105 Calhoun.<br />

insurance ngmts ; foot of First. Llmclol~h, Mrs., (aid. Jo~II), l. 173 Gris-<br />

Ralston, Alextti~cier, painter, h. Si TYnlnut. wold.<br />

Rainiel, Peter, hostler, bcls. Rail Road Ex- lEandolph Park, Grand River and Ranchange.<br />

dolph.<br />

Ramer, Baptist, tailor. 11. S Eighteenth. Ranclt, Freclerick, lab., h. 350 Michigan<br />

Ranlpton, James: clerk, bcls. 52 Marion. ave.<br />

Ramsay, Alexander, Ids. 28s Howarcl. Ran kin, David, reporter Daily Union, bcls.<br />

Ramsay, Alexander, carpenter, h. 1'01 / 25 Abbott.<br />

Twelfth. Rankin. Edward P., agent, h. 135 Colum-<br />

Ramsay, Albert A.: clerk, bds. 537 Guoin. I bia e.<br />

Ramsay, Alexander 31.: clerk, h. 185 Sec- Rankin, Hamilton R., clerk, bds. 135 Coond.<br />

lumbia e.<br />

Ramsay, Clark R., clerk, h. 101 Twelfth. Rankin, Henry, traveling agent, bds. 16<br />

Ramsay, Charles S., (R. T. & C. S. Ram- Sproat.<br />

say,) h. 279 Howarcl.<br />

Rankin, James, jr., brass finisher bds. 818<br />

Rainsay, David, engineer, bds. 316 Frank- Fort w.<br />

lin.<br />

Rankin, James, brass founcler, 97 Eight-<br />

Ramsny, Merick A., clerk, bds. 185 Second. eenth, h. 366 Baker.<br />

Ramsay, Robert T., (R. T. & C. S. Ram- Ransier, Anna, h. 29 Fort e.<br />

say,) h. 161 Fourth.<br />

Ransom, Asa W., captain, h. 33 Eliza-<br />

Ramsay, Sarah J., (wid. James), h. 273 beth e.<br />

Third.<br />

Ransom, Hubert, marble polisher, bds. 61<br />

Ramsay, Thomas, boiler maker, bds. 273 Beacon.<br />

Third.<br />

Raquet, David, tanner, bds. 386 Sixteenth.<br />

Ramsay, R. T. & C. S., (Robert T. and Itaquet, Jacob, tanner, 336 Sixteenth, h.<br />

Charles S Ramsay,) barbers: and bath same.<br />

rooms 136 Wood~i-ard ave.<br />

Rasasky, Albert lab., h. Berlin, bet. Ger-<br />

Ramsdell: Francis L., clerk, h. 172 Michigan man and Gratiot.<br />

ave.<br />

Rasbach, Otto, brass finisher, h. 132 Clin-<br />

Ramsclell, George, liquor dealer, o. 166, n. ton.<br />

172 Michigan ave. I Rasch Andrew, wood turner, 11. 40'7 St.<br />

Ranck, Johannah, huckster, 10 C. H. M., h. Antoine.<br />

Woodbridge.<br />

Rasch, August, (Rasch & 13crnart), h. 120<br />

Rancom, Joseph, caulker, h. 363 Franklin. Winder.<br />

Ranclall, Corodon C., photographer: bds. Rasch & Bernart, (Bugust Rascli,<br />

430 Second.<br />

& TVilliam Bernart), merchant tailors 15'1<br />

Randall, Frank, clerk, bds. Biddle House. Jefferson ave. (Set! Index, page 17).<br />

Randall, James A., lawyer, 3 Bulil's Block, Raseman, Charles, tailor, Croghan bet.<br />

h. 430 Second. / Hastings and Rivard.<br />

Randall. James J., photographer, rool!ls 1 Rasicot, Edward, ship carpenter, h. n. s.<br />

18, 13 and 14 Fisher Block, h. 430 Ye- Franklin bet. Walker and Adair.<br />

cond.<br />

Rassing, Ferdinand, lab., bds. St. Subin<br />

Randall, Joseph, saloon, 63 Jefferson ave., ave , bet. Lafayette and Fort.<br />

h. same.<br />

Raston, Henry, teamster, h. 545 Guoin.<br />

Randall, Samuel C., general agent Grover Ratcliffe. Lavinia, (col'd), (wid. Henry),<br />

& Baker sewing machines, 4 Opera h. 225 Orleans.<br />

House Block, h 4 Cottage Place, Eliza- Ratcliffe, John, eogineer, h. 124 Harrison<br />

beth w. ave.<br />

Randolph, Edrn~~nd D.. fiour and feed, h. 1 Rath, Mathias, (Peter Rath & Bro.), h.<br />

253 Larned e. 1 587 Michigan ave.

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