Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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48 CLAXE'S DETROIT CITY DIRECTORY. Sheldon, Intermediate Department ; Miss l~ranches at Detroit and Portage, L. S. J. Gilbert, Primary Department, Madam Agent at Detroit, John R. Grout. Office G. S. King, French, Italian ancl German and Works, Springwells, near Fort Wayne. Languages ; Prof. Carl Hintz, Director of Detr& Bridge and Iyon Wwks-ofice Musical Department; Bliss Anna E. Robin- and works, corner Foundry street and M. son, Teacher of Guitar and Harp: Mrs. Fan- C. R. R. Incorporated 1863. Capital $200,ny E. McGany, Dcpartnlent of Fine Arts. 000 ; 800 shares at $23 each. Secretary and Treasurer, Wm. C. Colburn ; Engi- FERRY BOATS. ncer, Willard S. Pope. Det~oit to lindsor, f TO%Q dock foot wood- Detroit Cay Jvv]ieel Company-Office:and ward Arenvle-Arg~, Capt. J. Forbes ; Es- works, 407 Atwitter street east. Incorporsex, Capt. Gee. Jenkins ; Detroit, Cnpt. ated July 1865. Capital, $40,000 ; shares Thos. Chilvers ; Favorite, Capt. J. Horn. $25 each. President, John S. Newberry ; Detroit & iliil~caukee R. R. Fer~y, frm Treasurer, E. C. Dean ; Secretary, James D. and LM. R. R. Depot-Union, Capt. John &I cMillan ; Superintendent, Samuel Nel- D. Sullivan ; Great Western, Capt. Edward son. Stone. Delroit Car and Manufucturing Corn- Michigan ce?&ml R. B Ferry fiaom ,M pa"y-Offi~e and works, COrIler Of Cr0 han C. n. a ~ ~ ~ capt. ~ ~~h~ ~ D - and Dequindre ~ ~ streets. i Incorporated ~ ~ f anu- , Sullivan ; Great Western, Capt. Edward a'Y 243 1867. Capitdl $100,000- Shares, . Stone. $50 each. President, Edward C. Walker ; Secretary and Treasurer, George W. A7ight Ferries-Gem, Capto J- R. Innes ; Gilbert ; Managing Director, John B. Favorite, Capt. J. Horn. Sutherland. INCORPORATED COMPSNIES. Detroit Central Mz7ls Co.-Mills, Woodbridge, between Eighth and Tenth streets. Board of Trade Bui2ding Cmpany-0 f- Office, Stimson Bleck (up stairs). Incorfice, No. 1 Board of Trade Building. In- porated September, 1868. Capital, $60,000. corporattld March 12, 1864. Capital, $41,- Sharess25 each. President, J. D. Hayes; 000 ; shares, $25 each. The fbllowing are Vice President, J. &I. Brown ; Secretary the officers and directors for 1870 : H. J. and Treasurer, Geo. W. Balch. Directors, Buckley, Geo. F. Bagley, Jas. Bspinall, J. D. Hayes, Geo. W. Balch, Francis Ad- Charles Noble, Joseph Kuhn, W. W. ams. Wheaton, H. P. Pulling, altd Theo. H. Hinchman. G. F. Baglc , President, Detroit Chair Factory-Office and works, James Aspinall, Secretary, 6. H. Wilkins, corner Fourth and Porter streets. Presi Treasurer. dent, Luther Wright; Treasurer, Henry Smith ; Secretary Franklin Barber ; Trus- Burt ~anufacturing Comj~any-Xanu- tees, Luther Wright, of Oswego, N. Y.; facturers of car wheels and iron mineral Henry Smith, of Detroit, and F. H. Conant, paint Works at Ham tramck, near toll of Adrian. gate. Incorporated April, 1868. Ca,pitzl, $200,000 ; shares $25 each. President, Detroit Ere and Man'r.. Insurance Cm- Austin Burt ; Secretary, H. E. Burt ; Di- puny-Office. 124 Jefferson avenue. Capital rectors, Austin Burt, H. E. Burt, Lee Burt, stock, $500,000. Paid up capital, $150,( 00. Wells Burt. Cash capital and surplus, $280,000. President, Caleb Van Hnsrtn ; Vice President, Ilet~ot~1 nrui? Cleveland Steam Numaation Edward Kanter ; Secretary, James J. Clark. (70.-Capital stock, $300.000 ; sharcas $25 Directors, John Owen, Charles Ducharme, each. Presiclent and Treasurer, John William A. Moore, 35. I. Mills, Edward Owen ; Secretary, David Carter ; Direc- Ranter, J. J. Bagley, C. Van Husan, tors, E. B. Ward, John Owen. Solomon Eber Ward, H. J. Buckley, T. D. Gilbert, Gardner and David Carter, of Detroit ; L. F. Wetmore, S. P. Williams, Alexander A. Pierce, of Cleveland. Lewis, E. 0. Grosvenor, S. Gardiner, Detroit and Lake Superior Iron -4Aanufac- James Beatty, Emory Wendell, Phillip tum'ng .Company-Office at Works in Ham- Bach, S. S. Cobb, Bernhard Stroh. tsramck. Incorporated March, 1825. Cap- Det,roit Gas Ltgi~t Cornpony-Chartered i tal, $150,000. , President, Edward C. in 1849 for fifty years. Commenced supply- Walker ; Vice President, W. H. Barnum ; ing gas September 21,1851. Works loca- Secretary and Treasurer, W. M, Gaylord ; tcd on River Road, between Twenty-First Board of Directors, E. C. Walker, W. H. and Twenty-Second streets. Office, 8 Lar- Rarnum, W. B. Ogden, W. M. Gaylord, ned strcet east Directors, Alexander H. Frederick W etmore. Dey, Samuel Lewis, P. E. Demill, Jacob 5. Detroit and Lake Superior Copper Corn- Farrand. John M. Berrien, G. V. N. Lothpany - An Eastern corporation, with rop, Henry Cartwright. President, Alex-

MUNICIPAL RECORD AND LOCAL IIEGISTER. 49 ander H. Dey ; Treasurer, Jacob S. Far- Detroit Stove Works-Foundry, Mt. Ellirand ; Secretary and Superintendent, P. ott avenue, Hamtramck, near U. S. Marine E. Demill ; Assistant Secretary, R. &Mas- Hospital. Incorporated 1866. Capital ter. $100,000. Shares $625 each. President, Detroit Ironking and Paving Cmpany- W. H. Tefft ; Vice-President, M. I. Mills; Office 108 Griswold street. Incorporated Secretary, H. J Fiske ; Superintendent, J. March 24,1870. Capita1 $150,00u. Shares Dwyer. Office and store, 15 and 17 Wood- $25 each. The following are the officers bridge street west. and directors for 1870. President,. Hub- Bureka Iron C'ompany-Office, dock bard Smith; Secretary, E. B. Chope; Treas- fbot of Wayne street. Furnace at Wyanurer, J H. Farwell. Directors. Hubbard dotte, Wayne county. Incorporated 1855. Smith, Calvin A. Cook, Edward B. Chope, Capital, $117,500. Shares $'25 each. Presi- H. D. Winsor, J. H. Farwvll. dent and Treasurer, E. B. Ward. Secre- Del~oit Lowmotice Works--Office, corner tary and Agent, W. X. Zabriskie, Larned and Third streets. Works, Lar- Pulton I~on and Engine Works-Brush ned, between Third and Fourth streets. In- street, near D. & M. depot. Incorporated corporated April 1,1854. Capital, $200,000. November. 1867. Capita1 $100,600. Presi- Shares, $25 each. President, C. H. Buhl ; dent, John S. Newberry ; Secretary, James Secretary and Treasurer, D. R. Pierce. HcHillan ; Treasurer and Superintendent, Directors, C. H. Buhl, J. Owen, C. Van James B, Wayne. Husan, T. H. Eaton, C. Hurlbut ; Mechanical Superintendent, J. W. Bartlett. Hamt~amck &on Wwh-Office at foundry in Hamtramck. Incorporated April Detroit A%celty Work - &lanufacture 17th, 186G. Capital, $100,000. Shares, brass goods anct machine knives. Office $25 each. P~esident, Edward C. Walker ; and works, northwest corner Brush and Business Manager, H. S. Dillon ; Secre- Woodbridge streets. Incorporated March tary, Geo. H. Russell. The Company own 6th, 1869, Capita1 $50,000. L. R. Casey, a blast furnace for manufacturing pig iron Secretary and Manager ; Walter Thomp- from Lake Superior ore. They also manuson, Mechanical Superintendent. facture castings of all descriptions, and car Detroit Omanientcil Stone Conzpccny---Cap- wheels from Lake Superior iron. ital $5,000, office 2 Atwater E., works 278 Lake St Clair and Up Riser Ice Com- Atwater E. President Thomas McGraw, pany-Office, 53 Griswold street. Capital Treasurer,E. W. Ladd; Secretary, J. A. Sex- $30,000. President, ton. Directors, Thomas McGraw, J. E. E. Chope ; Manager, Sexton, E. W. Ladd, F. Palms, A J. H. Seitz ; Secretary, F. L. Seitz. Carrier. Mechanics' and Inventors' Association-- Detroit Railroad Elevator Cmpany- Head office, Arcade building, Larned Detroit and Milwaukee Railway dock. In- street west, Detroit. Branches at Chicago, corporated May, 1868. Capital $72,000. New York and Washington. Incorpor- President, John S. Newberry : Secretary ated February 27th, 1867. Capital $20,and Treasurer, James McMillan ; Mana- 000. Shares $25 each. President, Thomas ger, Henry E. Gould S. Sprague ; Treasurer, H. Fred. Eberts, Detroit Ricer Luder Cmpany-Office, Iletroit, Mich. ; Secretary, Henry S, 315 Atwater street, between =vard and Sprague. Directors, Emanuel Andrews, Riopelle ; saw mills at Ecorse. Incorpor- Williamsport, Pa. ; Geo. 0. Manchester. ated October, 1868. Capital $70,000. Chicago, Iil. ; J. C. Carpenter, Cincinnati, President, James McMillan ; Secretary, P. 0. ; J. Ellmgwood, Owensboro, Ky. ; Wm. Vandermuelen ; Managers, James S. Huff, P. NcPherson, Oskaloosa, Iowa ; Geo. W. Henry S. Benson. Pressy, Hammonton, N. J.; A. C. Stan- Det~oit River Plank Road Cmpany-Di- nard, Milton, Wis. The business of the rectors, John P. Clark, Bela Hubbard, association is confined to obtaining foreign Moses W. Field, S. S. Barnard, Theodore and American patents, and all litigation H. Eaton. President, John P. Clark ; connected with patents. Treasurer, S. S. Barnard ; Secretary, Bela LWkhig~72 Car Company - Office and Hubbard. works corner Larned and Fourth streets. Detroit Safe Company-0 ffice and works, Incorporated March, 1864. Capital, $180,- Atwater street, between Hastings and Ri- 000. Shares $25 each. President, John vard. Incorporated 18G5. Capital $40,- 8. Newberry ; Treasurer, E. C. Dean ; 000. President John J. Bagley ; Secre- Secretary, James 3IcMillan ; Xanager, E. tary and Treasurer, 2. R. Brockway ; Su- C. Dean ; Supsintendent, James McOreperintendent, D. 0. Paige ; Directors, John gor. J. Bagley, R. N. Rice, Charles Fargo, 2. Michigan Glass Company-Incorporated R. Brockway, D. 0. Paige. May, 1869. Capital $50,000. Salesroom 7


ander H. Dey ; Treasurer, Jacob S. Far- <strong>Detroit</strong> Stove Works-Foundry, Mt. Ellirand<br />

; Secretary and Superintendent, P. ott avenue, Hamtramck, near U. S. Marine<br />

E. Demill ; Assistant Secretary, R. &Mas- Hospital. Incorporated 1866. Capital<br />

ter.<br />

$100,000. Shares $625 each. President,<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Ironking and Paving Cmpany- W. H. Tefft ; Vice-President, M. I. Mills;<br />

Office 108 Griswold street. Incorporated Secretary, H. J Fiske ; Superintendent, J.<br />

March 24,<strong>1870</strong>. Capita1 $150,00u. Shares Dwyer. Office and store, 15 and 17 Wood-<br />

$25 each. The following are the officers bridge street west.<br />

and directors for <strong>1870</strong>. President,. Hub- Bureka Iron C'ompany-Office, dock<br />

bard Smith; Secretary, E. B. Chope; Treas- fbot of Wayne street. Furnace at Wyanurer,<br />

J H. Farwell. Directors. Hubbard dotte, Wayne county. Incorporated 1855.<br />

Smith, Calvin A. Cook, Edward B. Chope, Capital, $117,500. Shares $'25 each. Presi-<br />

H. D. Winsor, J. H. Farwvll.<br />

dent and Treasurer, E. B. Ward. Secre-<br />

Del~oit Lowmotice Works--Office, corner tary and Agent, W. X. Zabriskie,<br />

Larned and Third streets. Works, Lar- Pulton I~on and Engine Works-Brush<br />

ned, between Third and Fourth streets. In- street, near D. & M. depot. Incorporated<br />

corporated April 1,1854. Capital, $200,000. November. 1867. Capita1 $100,600. Presi-<br />

Shares, $25 each. President, C. H. Buhl ; dent, John S. Newberry ; Secretary, James<br />

Secretary and Treasurer, D. R. Pierce. HcHillan ; Treasurer and Superintendent,<br />

Directors, C. H. Buhl, J. Owen, C. Van James B, Wayne.<br />

Husan, T. H. Eaton, C. Hurlbut ; Mechanical<br />

Superintendent, J. W. Bartlett.<br />

Hamt~amck &on Wwh-Office at foundry<br />

in Hamtramck. Incorporated April<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> A%celty Work - &lanufacture 17th, 186G. Capital, $100,000. Shares,<br />

brass goods anct machine knives. Office $25 each. P~esident, Edward C. Walker ;<br />

and works, northwest corner Brush and Business Manager, H. S. Dillon ; Secre-<br />

Woodbridge streets. Incorporated March tary, Geo. H. Russell. The Company own<br />

6th, 1869, Capita1 $50,000. L. R. Casey, a blast furnace for manufacturing pig iron<br />

Secretary and Manager ; Walter Thomp- from Lake Superior ore. They also manuson,<br />

Mechanical Superintendent.<br />

facture castings of all descriptions, and car<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Omanientcil Stone Conzpccny---Cap- wheels from Lake Superior iron.<br />

ital $5,000, office 2 Atwater E., works 278<br />

Lake St Clair and Up Riser Ice Com-<br />

Atwater E. President Thomas McGraw,<br />

pany-Office, 53 Griswold street. Capital<br />

Treasurer,E. W. Ladd; Secretary, J. A. Sex-<br />

$30,000. President,<br />

ton. Directors, Thomas McGraw, J. E.<br />

E. Chope ; Manager,<br />

Sexton, E. W. Ladd, F. Palms, A<br />

J. H. Seitz ; Secretary, F. L. Seitz.<br />

Carrier.<br />

Mechanics' and Inventors' Association--<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Railroad Elevator Cmpany- Head office, Arcade building, Larned<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> and Milwaukee Railway dock. In- street west, <strong>Detroit</strong>. Branches at Chicago,<br />

corporated May, 1868. Capital $72,000. New York and Washington. Incorpor-<br />

President, John S. Newberry : Secretary ated February 27th, 1867. Capital $20,and<br />

Treasurer, James McMillan ; Mana- 000. Shares $25 each. President, Thomas<br />

ger, Henry E. Gould<br />

S. Sprague ; Treasurer, H. Fred. Eberts,<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Ricer Luder Cmpany-Office, Iletroit, Mich. ; Secretary, Henry S,<br />

315 Atwater street, between =vard and Sprague. Directors, Emanuel Andrews,<br />

Riopelle ; saw mills at Ecorse. Incorpor- Williamsport, Pa. ; Geo. 0. Manchester.<br />

ated October, 1868. Capital $70,000. Chicago, Iil. ; J. C. Carpenter, Cincinnati,<br />

President, James McMillan ; Secretary, P. 0. ; J. Ellmgwood, Owensboro, Ky. ; Wm.<br />

Vandermuelen ; Managers, James S. Huff, P. NcPherson, Oskaloosa, Iowa ; Geo. W.<br />

Henry S. Benson.<br />

Pressy, Hammonton, N. J.; A. C. Stan-<br />

Det~oit River Plank Road Cmpany-Di- nard, Milton, Wis. The business of the<br />

rectors, John P. Clark, Bela Hubbard, association is confined to obtaining foreign<br />

Moses W. Field, S. S. Barnard, Theodore and American patents, and all litigation<br />

H. Eaton. President, John P. Clark ; connected with patents.<br />

Treasurer, S. S. Barnard ; Secretary, Bela LWkhig~72 Car Company - Office and<br />

Hubbard.<br />

works corner Larned and Fourth streets.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Safe Company-0 ffice and works, Incorporated March, 1864. Capital, $180,-<br />

Atwater street, between Hastings and Ri- 000. Shares $25 each. President, John<br />

vard. Incorporated 18G5. Capital $40,- 8. Newberry ; Treasurer, E. C. Dean ;<br />

000. President John J. Bagley ; Secre- Secretary, James 3IcMillan ; Xanager, E.<br />

tary and Treasurer, 2. R. Brockway ; Su- C. Dean ; Supsintendent, James McOreperintendent,<br />

D. 0. Paige ; Directors, John gor.<br />

J. Bagley, R. N. Rice, Charles Fargo, 2. Michigan Glass Company-Incorporated<br />

R. Brockway, D. 0. Paige.<br />

May, 1869. Capital $50,000. Salesroom<br />


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