Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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PFA CITY DIRECTORY. PHI 351 - Pfannenschmidt, Frederick, pedlar, h. 258 NORTHWESTERN Clinton. Pfeffer, Adolph, painter 11. 167 Bronson. Nutual Life Insurance Co. Pfeffer, David, saloon, s. IT. cor. Prospect OF IIILWAUKEE, WIS. and Kapoleon. Pfeffer, Gregor, lab., 11. 4'74 Bcaubien. Pfeffer, Gustav, mnchiuist: h. s. e. cor. Has- 1 ting~, and Nullett. 1 1 Jefrersol~ Avenue, DETROIT, Pfefferkorn, Gottfried, pedlar, h. 508 Con- - - - XICH, =Agents \\'tinted. See advertisement, page 107.a gress e. --- - Pfeifer, Anton, cabiuet maker, h. 118 Ben- Phelps, Marvin F., agent, bds. Antisdel ton. House. Pfeifer, lSliss Augusta, clressn~a1;er: bds. 11 Phel~s. - -- Miss Olive, teacher, h. 340 Fourth. Beacon. ~l1ei;s: Ralph, i~uilder, h. i91 Fourteenth. Pfeifer, John, carpenter. 11. 205 Croghan. Phelps, -- Samuel: real estate, bds. Antisdel Pfeifer, John, finisher, 11. 373 Crogllt.111. House. Pfeifer, Johanna, (~7icI. IVillia111,) h. 786, Phelps, Truman, clerk, 11. 33 Abbott. Twenty-fourth. Phelps, Truman, clerk, 11. 340 Fourteenth. Pfeifer, Joseph, cutter, h. 7S6 Twenty- Pllelps, ITilliztn~, (Willlam Phelps & Co.,) fourth. ,Qldernlan Fifth Warcl, h. 52 Washing- Pfeifle, 9('1ain, brewer: 11.309 Colun~bia e. ton ave. Pfeifle, Christian: watchman, h. 102 Bttgg. Phelps, William J., sailor, bds. 121 Lafay- Pfeifle. Frederick, bookbinder, bds. 290 ette. ~ronson. Phelps, W. & Go., (William Phelps, Orren Pfeifle, Frederick, shoenlaker: h. 306 Mont- Staples and Wnl. H. Brace,) wholesale calm e. erocers, 81 and 83 Jefferson me. Pfeifle, Fredericka: (mid. Fred. .) 11. 290 ~Glbrick. Elbridge G., h. 813 Jefferson ave. Bronson, Phiibrick, Helen, clerk, bds. 187 Cass. Pfeifle, Jacob, shoemaker, 325 Woodard Phillips, hgatha, (wid. John,) h. 96 Maple. ave.,' h. same. Phillips, Alonzo W., clerk. bds. 254 Wood- Pfeifle, John, carpenter, h. 126 Benton. bridge e. Pfeifle, John, picture framer: bds. 295 Phillips, David, patrolman, h. 1'72 National Bronson. ave. Pfeifle, Peter. cabinet maker, 86 Lafayette, Phillips, Edward, hachinist, bds. 97 Jefferh. 226 Maconlb. son ave. Pfeifle, Peter, bar tender, bdP. 49 Michigan Phillips, Evan D., clerk, h. 43 Elizabeth e. ave. Phillips, Eli J., picture frame maker, h. 63 Pfilister, Jonas, painter, h. 90 hlncomb. I Erady. Pfitzner, Hermann. (F. R. Ulrich $ Co.,) , Phillips, Francis, plastcxSer, h. 158 Chene. h. e. s. Brush, bet. Harriet and Adams I Pllillips, George, carpenter, h. 398 Michiave. gan ave. Hster, John. lab., 11. 3'75 Gratiot. Ph~llips, George: sailor, h. 158 Chene. Rster, Joseph, joiner, h. 166 Brewster. PlriTlips, George, (col'd), sailor, bds. 10 In- Pfister, Joseph, tai1or;h. 148 Macomb. diana. Pfluger: August, lab. 576 Gratiot. Phiilips, Henry, butcher, h. 62 BIont- Pfluger, Frank, teamster, bds. 159 3lacomb. calm w. Pfromm, Jacob, butcher, bds. 301 Croghan. Phillips: Henry T., (H. T. Phillips & Co.), Pfiomm, Mart,in, (Gerber & Pfromm,) h. h. 11 Spencer. 319 Croghan. Phillips: Hugh, drayman, 11. s. s. Whitney Phalen, Richard, brass finisher, bds. 13'7 bet. St. Antoine and Hastings. Porter. Phillips, James, sub marine diver, 21. 283 Phalen, William, plumber, bds 146 Per- First. ter. Phillips, Jasper E., miller, h. n. side Vine Pharis, George, clerk, bds. Eisenlord's bet. Fourth and Fifth. Hotel. Phillips, John: shoemaker, h. 277 Fourth. Phelps, Athalinda, (wid. James D. ) h, 68 Phillips. John, (Pollard (e Phillips), h. 300 Laverette. Brush. Phelps, Caroline, (wid. William,) h. 85 Phillips, John C., pt~intcr, bds. 163 Lamed Elizabeth w. W. Phelps, Eliza, (wid. Frank B.,) h. 269 Con- Phillips,Captain John P., lumber merchant, gress e. h. o. 176 n. 278 Fort w. Phelps, Francis M., clerk, h. 417 Russell. Phillips, Louis, carriage trimmer, bds. 96 Phelps, Isabella, (wid. William,) h. 121 Maple. Lafayette e. Phillips, Louis, pedlar, h. s. s. Harriet nr. St. Phelps, James A., bds. 62 Laverette. Antoine.

358 PHI CLAR$S DETRO~T PIP Reliable Practical Business School. Pierce, Origen A., machinist, h. 106 Sixth MAYHEW Pierce. Sarah E., teacher: bds. 381 Woodbridge e. BP~B~B&~ @@BBBGB~ Pierce, Thomas, clerk, bds. Central Rail- Conducted by HON. IRA MAYHEW, road Hotel. . AUTHOR OF Pierce, William, plasterer, h. 88 Brady Xayhe&s P~acticaZ Book-keeping Pierce, Albert D. & Co., (Albert , For Common and Union Schools, ?nd MAYXIETV's U niversity Book-keeplng for Buslness Colleges D. Pierce), wholesale dry goods, 35 and Counting-rooms. See 3lst page of Directory. Woodward me., (See Index, page 17.) Pierson, Rev. Arthur T., pastor Fort Street Phillips, Lyman H., hostler, bds o. 280 Jef- Presbytelian Church, h. 299 Lafayette ferson ave. me. Phillips, Lieut. Fo1:orton L., U. S. str. John A. Pierson, John W., barber, h. 288 Macomb. Dix, bds. Biddle House. Pierson, William, cabinet maker, h. 154 Phillips, Patrick M., h. 171 Porter. Ninth ave. Phillips, Simeon A., carpenter, h. 99 Grand Pierson, William H., painter, h. 76 Col- River. umbia e. Phillips, William. lab., h. 460 Fort e. Pierre, Nicholas, painter, h. 51'7 James. Phillips, Zachariah T., pail, bcls. s. s. Pieszynski, Julius, lab., h .594 Seventeenth. Franklin, bet. Adair and Leib. Piggott, Henry, cabinet maker, h. Pine Phillips, H. T. & Co., (Henry T. Phillips and bet. Njnth and National aves. Robert. M. Baker,) fish and garne: 42 Pike, George, sawyer, bds. 298 Franklin. Michigan Grand ave. Pikt!, Robert, lab., bds. 41 Fifteenth. Philo, Esther, (wid. John,) boarding, h. 350 Pillar, Joseph, carpenter, bds, 278 Gratiot. Randolph. Pillon, Josephine, (wid. tho ma^,) bds. 708 Phylor, William T., ugent, bds. 207 Fourth. Franklin. Picard, Albert, baker, bds. 27 Beacon. Pilon, Frank X., lab., h. 255 Franklin Picard, Charles, musician, h. 294 Riopelle. Pindel, Peter, butcher, s. e. cor. Mary and Picard, George, engineer, h. 457 Macomb. Riopelle. h. Bame. Picard, Joseph, carver, o. 50 Riopelle, h. Pinder, Edward W., h. o. 127 n. 145 Eliza- 96 same. beth e. Picard, Joseph, jr., carpenter, h. 385 Fort e Pinder, Thomas, carpenter, h. Congress Picard, Leander, carpenter. h. 27 Beacon bet. Orleans and Dequindre. Picard, Newberry, carpenter, h. 535 Lar- Pine, Jonathan P., bookkeeper, h. 11 Cenned e. ter. Picard, Theresa, (wid. Newberry), dress- Pinegar, John, machinist, h. 101 Sixmaker, h. 172 Fort e. teenth. Picha, Archange, (vid. Michael), h. 22 Pinegsr, William, machinist, h. 121 Baker. Wight. Pinet, Alphonse, clerk, h. 500 Congress e. Picha, Louis, lab., h. 435 Guoin. Pinger, Michael, tailor, h. 324 Lafayette. Picha, Ma, sailor, h. 540 Franklin. Pingree, -- Everett W., cutter, bds. Biddle Picha, Peter, sailor, h. 38 Wight. House. Piche, Frank, teamster, h. Mt. Elliott ave.. Pingree, Frank C., cutter, bds. Howard bet. Fort and Lahyette. House. Pickett, John J., grocer, 180 Abbott, h. Pingree, Hazen S., (Pingree 6; Smith,) bds. same. Biddle House. Pickett, Patrick, lab., h. 184 Oak. Pingree (B; Smith, (Hazen S. Pingree, Pickford, Thomas, cooper, h. 114 Lar- Charles H. Smith and James S. Covel.) ned w. manfr7s. ladies sewed shoes, 31 wood: Pieper, William, editor Daily . German bridge w. Evening Post, bds. 295 St. Antoine. Pinnel, Henry, saloon, 227 Atwater e., h. Pierce, Albert D., (A. D. Pierce & Co. ) h. same. o. 612 Jefferson ave. Pinnel, William, saloon and boarding, 35 Pierce, Charles E.: plasterer, h. 19 Oak. Hastings. Pierce, David, photographer, cor. Blichi- Piotter, August, lab., h. 414 Riopelle. - gan ave. and Wayne, h. 146 Oak. Piotter, Hermann, lab., h. Riopelle, bet. Pierce, Edwin, plumber: bds. 86 Brady. Jay and Antietam. Pierce, Edwin J., ticket agent, bds. Biddle Pip, Annie, dressmaker, bds. 254 Croghan. House. Pip, Caspar, (Pip & Spitzley Bros.,) h. 254 Pierce, Estella, (wid. Emory), h. 72 Lar- Cro han. ned w. Pip, 4 ichael, carpenter, h. Fifteenth, bet. Pierce, Henry, carpenter, bds. 86 Brady. Baker and Marquette. Pierce, Hannah. (mid. Edwin) , h. 86 Brady. Pip & Spitzley Bros., (Caspar Pip and Pierce, Ler~y E., policeman, h. 166 Na- Joseph and Henry Spitzle ,) builders, nr. tional ave. s. e. cor. St. Antoine and 3 eacon.


-<br />

Pfannenschmidt, Frederick, pedlar, h. 258<br />


Clinton.<br />

Pfeffer, Adolph, painter 11. 167 Bronson. Nutual Life Insurance Co.<br />

Pfeffer, David, saloon, s. IT. cor. Prospect<br />


and Kapoleon.<br />

Pfeffer, Gregor, lab., 11. 4'74 Bcaubien.<br />

Pfeffer, Gustav, mnchiuist: h. s. e. cor. Has-<br />

1<br />

ting~, and Nullett.<br />

1 1 Jefrersol~ Avenue,<br />

DETROIT,<br />

Pfefferkorn, Gottfried, pedlar, h. 508 Con-<br />

- - - XICH,<br />

=Agents \\'tinted. See advertisement, page 107.a gress e.<br />

--- -<br />

Pfeifer, Anton, cabiuet maker, h. 118 Ben- Phelps, Marvin F., agent, bds. Antisdel<br />

ton.<br />

House.<br />

Pfeifer, lSliss Augusta, clressn~a1;er: bds. 11 Phel~s. - -- Miss Olive, teacher, h. 340 Fourth.<br />

Beacon.<br />

~l1ei;s: Ralph, i~uilder, h. i91 Fourteenth.<br />

Pfeifer, John, carpenter. 11. 205 Croghan. Phelps, -- Samuel: real estate, bds. Antisdel<br />

Pfeifer, John, finisher, 11. 373 Crogllt.111. House.<br />

Pfeifer, Johanna, (~7icI. IVillia111,) h. 786, Phelps, Truman, clerk, 11. 33 Abbott.<br />

Twenty-fourth.<br />

Phelps, Truman, clerk, 11. 340 Fourteenth.<br />

Pfeifer, Joseph, cutter, h. 7S6 Twenty- Pllelps, ITilliztn~, (Willlam Phelps & Co.,)<br />

fourth.<br />

,Qldernlan Fifth Warcl, h. 52 Washing-<br />

Pfeifle, 9('1ain, brewer: 11.309 Colun~bia e. ton ave.<br />

Pfeifle, Christian: watchman, h. 102 Bttgg. Phelps, William J., sailor, bds. 121 Lafay-<br />

Pfeifle. Frederick, bookbinder, bds. 290 ette.<br />

~ronson.<br />

Phelps, W. & Go., (William Phelps, Orren<br />

Pfeifle, Frederick, shoenlaker: h. 306 Mont- Staples and Wnl. H. Brace,) wholesale<br />

calm e.<br />

erocers, 81 and 83 Jefferson me.<br />

Pfeifle, Fredericka: (mid. Fred. .) 11. 290 ~Glbrick. Elbridge G., h. 813 Jefferson ave.<br />

Bronson,<br />

Phiibrick, Helen, clerk, bds. 187 Cass.<br />

Pfeifle, Jacob, shoemaker, 325 Woodard Phillips, hgatha, (wid. John,) h. 96 Maple.<br />

ave.,' h. same.<br />

Phillips, Alonzo W., clerk. bds. 254 Wood-<br />

Pfeifle, John, carpenter, h. 126 Benton. bridge e.<br />

Pfeifle, John, picture framer: bds. 295 Phillips, David, patrolman, h. 1'72 National<br />

Bronson.<br />

ave.<br />

Pfeifle, Peter. cabinet maker, 86 Lafayette, Phillips, Edward, hachinist, bds. 97 Jefferh.<br />

226 Maconlb.<br />

son ave.<br />

Pfeifle, Peter, bar tender, bdP. 49 Michigan Phillips, Evan D., clerk, h. 43 Elizabeth e.<br />

ave.<br />

Phillips, Eli J., picture frame maker, h. 63<br />

Pfilister, Jonas, painter, h. 90 hlncomb.<br />

I Erady.<br />

Pfitzner, Hermann. (F. R. Ulrich $ Co.,) , Phillips, Francis, plastcxSer, h. 158 Chene.<br />

h. e. s. Brush, bet. Harriet and Adams I Pllillips, George, carpenter, h. 398 Michiave.<br />

gan ave.<br />

Hster, John. lab., 11. 3'75 Gratiot.<br />

Ph~llips, George: sailor, h. 158 Chene.<br />

Rster, Joseph, joiner, h. 166 Brewster. PlriTlips, George, (col'd), sailor, bds. 10 In-<br />

Pfister, Joseph, tai1or;h. 148 Macomb. diana.<br />

Pfluger: August, lab. 576 Gratiot.<br />

Phiilips, Henry, butcher, h. 62 BIont-<br />

Pfluger, Frank, teamster, bds. 159 3lacomb. calm w.<br />

Pfromm, Jacob, butcher, bds. 301 Croghan. Phillips: Henry T., (H. T. Phillips & Co.),<br />

Pfiomm, Mart,in, (Gerber & Pfromm,) h. h. 11 Spencer.<br />

319 Croghan.<br />

Phillips: Hugh, drayman, 11. s. s. Whitney<br />

Phalen, Richard, brass finisher, bds. 13'7 bet. St. Antoine and Hastings.<br />

Porter.<br />

Phillips, James, sub marine diver, 21. 283<br />

Phalen, William, plumber, bds 146 Per- First.<br />

ter.<br />

Phillips, Jasper E., miller, h. n. side Vine<br />

Pharis, George, clerk, bds. Eisenlord's bet. Fourth and Fifth.<br />

Hotel.<br />

Phillips, John: shoemaker, h. 277 Fourth.<br />

Phelps, Athalinda, (wid. James D. ) h, 68 Phillips. John, (Pollard (e Phillips), h. 300<br />

Laverette.<br />

Brush.<br />

Phelps, Caroline, (wid. William,) h. 85 Phillips, John C., pt~intcr, bds. 163 Lamed<br />

Elizabeth w.<br />

W.<br />

Phelps, Eliza, (wid. Frank B.,) h. 269 Con- Phillips,Captain John P., lumber merchant,<br />

gress e.<br />

h. o. 176 n. 278 Fort w.<br />

Phelps, Francis M., clerk, h. 417 Russell. Phillips, Louis, carriage trimmer, bds. 96<br />

Phelps, Isabella, (wid. William,) h. 121 Maple.<br />

Lafayette e.<br />

Phillips, Louis, pedlar, h. s. s. Harriet nr. St.<br />

Phelps, James A., bds. 62 Laverette. Antoine.

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