Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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PAR CITY DIRECTORY. PAU 353 - - Partlin, Thomas, gas inspector, h. n. s. Vine, NORTHWESTERN xutual Life Insurance Corn OF MILWAUKEE, WIS. bet*. Fourth and Fifth. P:u.triage, ~~illiarn J., saloon. 687 Atwater e.. 11. sttnle. Pascoe, Albert N., druggist, bds. 112 Larned W. DR, a ~ ~ s , Pt~scoe, Chnrles, confectioner, bds. 49 Ab- STATE AGEXT, bott. 11 1. JefPer*solr. Avenue, - - P::scofa, Cllnrles E., clerk, h. 107 Russell. - MICI3, :r Asen t.i \%-anted. See adrertisement.&l P:!scoe. Clinton, clerk. bds. 112 Larncd w. I - ~ascoe; Emeline, (mid. Cllarles,) h. 112 Patterson, James W., veterinary surgeon, of- Larned w. fice, '71 C'oluiilbia w., h. same. Pnscor., hInrk. stuclent, bds. 112 Larnecl w. Patterson, John, carpenter, h. 1'7 Plum. Passlte. Frs:)I;. tailor, bets. 553 Dequindre. Patterson. John, lab., h. cor. Rose and Passinan, John, lab., 11. 85 Chene. Seventeenth- Patchin, Ahel, 11. 340 Third. Patterson, John A., lab., h. 508 Wood- Patchin, George E. , lab., bds. 35 >Tout- bridge w. calm w. Patterson, Joseph, porter, h. 192 Labrosse. Pntchin, Hon. Jared, Judge Circuit Court Patterson, Niel, carpenter, h. 97 National office Bank Block, h. 16 Plum. ave. Paton, Annn. h. 33 Sproat. Patterson, Phil o 31.. principal school for Paton. Christina J., teacher, bds. 112 Ab- boys, 109 Griswold, h. 323 Woodbott. bridge w. Pnton, Jaiues B.. foreman, bds. 383 Bron- Patterson, William, lab., h. 151 Seventh. son. Patterson, William, sailor, h. 534 Gratiot. Paton, Peter, agent, h. 200 Catharine. Patterson, William, (col'd,) lab., h. alley, Paton, Robert, (Willirtnl Paton & Son,) bds. nr. Beaubien, bet. Lafayette and Croghan. 1'70 Gratiot. Patterson, William H., policeman, h. 785 Pntton, William: carriage maker, bds. Congress e. 210 Bettubicn. Patterson & &4llen, (David W. Patterson Paton, IVillia~n, (3fcComb & Paton,) h. and Isaac Allen,) bracket makers, 208 104 Sistll. Second. P:xton TVilli:lm, ('William Paton cf Son,) Pattison, Charles W., (G. W. Pattison & 11. I70 Gmliot. Co..) bds. 115 Larned e. Prxton, Willia~n c. Son, (Williani and Pattison, George W., (G. W. Pattison & Rolwrt,) new and second hand furniture, Co.,) h. 115 Larned e. 172 Gratiot. Pattison, John, machinist, h. 68 National Patrick. Alesailcler L.: boat builder, h. 105 ave. El~ilwood ave. Pattison, John, sailor, h. e. s. Fourteenth, Patridge, George I3., watchman House of nr. Xarentette. Correction. bds. sntie. Pattison, Joseph, clerk, h. 192 Labrosse. Patten. Charles, clerk. bds. 114 Xational ave. Pattison, G. W. & Co., (George W. and Patten, John kF., drover, h. 223 Cass ave. Charles W. Pattison,) old book store, 67 Patten, Jolnrn S., agent Erie Rail- Griswold. way. office, 187 Wooclbritige a., h. 27 Co- Yatton, Alesancler R., sign writer, h. 90 1umbi;t w. Chene. P:ttten, John TV.. h. 27 Columbia w. Patton, Charles, clerk, bds. 83 Congress e. Patten, Silas, clerk, 11. 114 National ave. Patton,J3enry7 lab., h. 76 Abbott. Patterson, Alesanclcr, clerk, h. 17 Plum. Patton, James F., clerk, bds. Goodman Patterson. 31iss Ann, h. n. w. cor. St. 9u- House, Grand River. bin ave. and Guoin. Patton, John, sailor, h. 333 Eighteenth. Patterson, C11:~rles J., carpenter, h. 347 Patton John, (John Patton & Son,) sheriff Fourt 11. Wayne county, h. 210 Beaubien. PATTELtSOX, DAVID, nionunients, etc., Patton. John J., (John Patton & Son,) bds. 61 Larnecl w., 11. Elmwood Cemetery. 210 Beaubien. (See in&.c, pa.qe 17.) Patton, Mary, (wid. James,) seamstress, Pt~ttcrson, David W., (Patterson & Allen,) bds. 23'7 Montcalm e. 11. 77 Beecli. PATTON: JOHN 62 SON, (John and John Patterson, Edward, lab., h. Thirteenth, nr. J.,) carriage mnfs., s. m. cor. Brush and Baker. Woodbridge. (See Index, page 17.) Patterson, Etlmard H., clerk, bds. 206 Paul, Albert, lab., h. s. s. Railroad. nr, Fourth. Dequin dre. Patterson, George, lab., h. 205 Franklin. Paul, Caspar, h. 329 Bronso2. Psttcrson, Earnilton E., clerk, h. 206 Paul, Charles, grocer and saloon, 749 and Fourth. 751 Michigan ave. 45 &uaam@~a~ *

554 PAU CLARE'S DETROIT PEL rH-ATcB:EjW Q"@&&B@B~ Pease & Sinitb ,(George L. Pease and George H. Smith), prop. Detroit Paper Company, B@&B#B&& 69 Woodward ave. COR. CONGRESS dZ RANDOLPII STS. Peak, George, tailor, 11. 1.55 Division. DETROIT, Peavey, Frank, Gcrleral Agcnt of Co7zducted by Zon. Ira wWayhe~u, New England Xntual Life Insurance ' Author of MAYHEW'S UNIVERSITY BOOK-KEEPING, Con~pany, 111 Griswold, 11. 196 Twenty- For Buainess Colleges and the Counting-room. =The only Rookkeeping published providin corn lete instruction in Pr~~tc~~l nc- fourth. countanttihip. See notice of C!olf&e Book-keeping and Bu~ine~s Pechhold, Peter, lab., 11. 85 i\Iullett. Practice, at the Slstpage of ~irecto;..~ Peck, George, dry goods, 137 Wooclward Paul, Gideon, bookkeeper, h. 114 First. ave., h. o. 47 n. 80 Miami ave. Paul, Henry, cigar maker, h. 473 Sherman. Peck. Morris M., (Cornwells, Price & Co.), Paul, Henry, shoemaker, bcls. s. e. cor. h. 33 George. Sherman and Dequindre. f eckham, William S., wood turner, m. s. Paul, James, slloemaker, 11. 232 Abbott. Brush, nr. Woodbridge, 11. 45 Lewis. Paul, Thomas J., clerk, h. 40 Montcalnl e. Peden, Thomas, porter, bcls. 312 Ranclo!pll. Paulus, Augustus, grocer, 159 St. Antoine, Pedo, Henry. lab., h. 558 Lafayette. h. same. Pedrick, Alfred L., conductor, h. w. s. Paulus, Charles. tinware and stoves, 53 Twelfth, nr. Grand River. Michigan Grand ave., 11. same. PEEK, WILLIAitI , merchandise broker, Paulus, Emil G., clerk. bds. 159 St. Antoine. 133 Jefferson ave., h. 37 Wa~shington ave. Pauly, Charles, saloon, 172 Lamed w., h. Peers, David, carpenter, h. Fourth cor. same. Orange. Pavey, Samuel, stock agent :G. W. R., 11. Pegscheck, Wcnzel, lab , h. 346 Watson. IS7 Elizabeth e. Pvi rce, David R., Secretary and Treasurer Pawley, William, restaurant, 76 Atwater e. Detroit Locolnotive Works, h. 15 Madi- Pa ette, Charles, ship carpenter, h. 563 son ave. Zongress e. Peirce, John C., bo;kkeeper, h. s. s. Daven- Payette, George, lab., h. 286 Franklin. port nr. Woodward ave. Pa~ette: Peter, cutter, h. s. s. Canfield, bet. Peirce, Leroy E., patrolman, h. 166. Natiobixth and Seventh. nal ave. Payne, Douglas, (Mumford, Foster & Co.,) Peirce, Rolland, plug tobacco manfr., bds. h. 105 Elizabeth w. Tremont House. Payne, Joseph, boarding, 27 Beaubien. Peichel, Frederick, carpenter, 11. m-. s. Sis- Payne, Thos., h. o. 98, n. 118 Adams ave. e. teenth, bet. Pine and Cllestnut. Peabody, Cyrus, editor Daily Union, h. Peil! Peter, lab., h. 315 Montcalm e. 340 Fourth. Peine, Albert, supervisor 6th Ward! 11. IS Peabody, Daniel W., wood dealer, s. m. echanic. cor. Williams and Miami ave., bds. 439 Peitsch, Caspar, joiner, h. 296 High. Woodward ave. Peitsch, William, lab , bds. 296 High. Peabody, Jeremiah, physician, h. 12 High. Peitz, Joseph, lab., h. 173 Franklin. Peabody, William, clerk, bds. 265 Wood- Pelgrim, Christopher, h 71 Sibley. ward ave. (up stairs.) Pelhain, Joseph, (col'd). mason, bds. 210 Peal, Walter, mason, h. 218 Second. Congress e. Pearce, Henry, harness maker, o. 331 Pelham, Robert, (col'd), mason, 11. 210 Con- Woodward ave., h. same. gress e. Pearce, Oregan A., machinist, h. 106 Sixth. Pellen, Nelson shoe maker, h. 95 Natio- Pearl, Joseph, butcher, bds. 75 Nineteenth. nal ave. Pearsall, Cornelius, block maker, h. cor. Pellrin, Louis, shoe maker, h. 474 St. Au- Eighth and Fort Pearsall, Oscar, huckster, h. 385 Riopelle. 1 PgE,"d, Louis H., Assistant Adjutant Pearen, Laureuce, currier, bds. 463 Lafay- I General, h. 556 Jefferson ave. ette. I Peltier, *4dolph, captain, h. 161 Na-110- Pearson, James, brewer: h. 325 Abbott I leon. Pearson, Thomas, brewer, h. o. 313 n. 403 Peltier, Alexander, sailor: bds. 153 Jay. Howard. Peltier, Alexander, sailor, bds. 390 T'Vood- Pearson, Thomas, drayman, bds. 225 Ab- bridge e. bott. Pelticr, Angeline, (wid. Fzzbien), h. 390 Pearson, William S., cabinet maker, h. 456 Wood bridge e. Ninth ave. Peltier, Charles, (Charles Peltier & Son), h . Pease, E. Brooks, clerk, bcls. 32 Fort w. 143 Congress e. Pease, Charles H., clerk, bds. 83 Walnut. Peltier, Charles, wagon maker, h. w. s Pease, Georg?B., h 82 Fort w. Sixteenth, nr. Linden. Pease, George L., (Pease & Smith,) res Peltier, Charles F., (Chas. Peltic:. & New York city. Son), h. 143 Congress e.


rH-ATcB:EjW<br />

Q"@&&B@B~<br />

Pease & Sinitb ,(George L. Pease and George<br />

H. Smith), prop. <strong>Detroit</strong> Paper Company,<br />

B@&B#B&&<br />

69 Woodward ave.<br />

COR. CONGRESS dZ RANDOLPII STS. Peak, George, tailor, 11. 1.55 Division.<br />

DETROIT, Peavey, Frank, Gcrleral Agcnt of<br />

Co7zducted by Zon. Ira wWayhe~u, New England Xntual Life Insurance<br />

' Author of MAYHEW'S UNIVERSITY BOOK-KEEPING, Con~pany, 111 Griswold, 11. 196 Twenty-<br />

For Buainess Colleges and the Counting-room. =The only Rookkeeping<br />

published providin corn lete instruction in Pr~~tc~~l nc- fourth.<br />

countanttihip. See notice of C!olf&e Book-keeping and Bu~ine~s Pechhold, Peter, lab., 11. 85 i\Iullett.<br />

Practice, at the Slstpage of ~irecto;..~<br />

Peck, George, dry goods, 137 Wooclward<br />

Paul, Gideon, bookkeeper, h. 114 First. ave., h. o. 47 n. 80 Miami ave.<br />

Paul, Henry, cigar maker, h. 473 Sherman. Peck. Morris M., (Cornwells, Price & Co.),<br />

Paul, Henry, shoemaker, bcls. s. e. cor. h. 33 George.<br />

Sherman and Dequindre.<br />

f eckham, William S., wood turner, m. s.<br />

Paul, James, slloemaker, 11. 232 Abbott. Brush, nr. Woodbridge, 11. 45 Lewis.<br />

Paul, Thomas J., clerk, h. 40 Montcalnl e. Peden, Thomas, porter, bcls. 312 Ranclo!pll.<br />

Paulus, Augustus, grocer, 159 St. Antoine, Pedo, Henry. lab., h. 558 Lafayette.<br />

h. same.<br />

Pedrick, Alfred L., conductor, h. w. s.<br />

Paulus, Charles. tinware and stoves, 53 Twelfth, nr. Grand River.<br />

Michigan Grand ave., 11. same. PEEK, WILLIAitI , merchandise broker,<br />

Paulus, Emil G., clerk. bds. 159 St. Antoine. 133 Jefferson ave., h. 37 Wa~shington ave.<br />

Pauly, Charles, saloon, 172 Lamed w., h. Peers, David, carpenter, h. Fourth cor.<br />

same.<br />

Orange.<br />

Pavey, Samuel, stock agent :G. W. R., 11. Pegscheck, Wcnzel, lab , h. 346 Watson.<br />

IS7 Elizabeth e.<br />

Pvi rce, David R., Secretary and Treasurer<br />

Pawley, William, restaurant, 76 Atwater e. <strong>Detroit</strong> Locolnotive Works, h. 15 Madi-<br />

Pa ette, Charles, ship carpenter, h. 563 son ave.<br />

Zongress e.<br />

Peirce, John C., bo;kkeeper, h. s. s. Daven-<br />

Payette, George, lab., h. 286 Franklin. port nr. Woodward ave.<br />

Pa~ette: Peter, cutter, h. s. s. Canfield, bet. Peirce, Leroy E., patrolman, h. 166. Natiobixth<br />

and Seventh.<br />

nal ave.<br />

Payne, Douglas, (Mumford, Foster & Co.,) Peirce, Rolland, plug tobacco manfr., bds.<br />

h. 105 Elizabeth w.<br />

Tremont House.<br />

Payne, Joseph, boarding, 27 Beaubien. Peichel, Frederick, carpenter, 11. m-. s. Sis-<br />

Payne, Thos., h. o. 98, n. 118 Adams ave. e. teenth, bet. Pine and Cllestnut.<br />

Peabody, Cyrus, editor Daily Union, h. Peil! Peter, lab., h. 315 Montcalm e.<br />

340 Fourth.<br />

Peine, Albert, supervisor 6th Ward! 11. IS<br />

Peabody, Daniel W., wood dealer, s. m. echanic.<br />

cor. Williams and Miami ave., bds. 439 Peitsch, Caspar, joiner, h. 296 High.<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Peitsch, William, lab , bds. 296 High.<br />

Peabody, Jeremiah, physician, h. 12 High. Peitz, Joseph, lab., h. 173 Franklin.<br />

Peabody, William, clerk, bds. 265 Wood- Pelgrim, Christopher, h 71 Sibley.<br />

ward ave. (up stairs.)<br />

Pelhain, Joseph, (col'd). mason, bds. 210<br />

Peal, Walter, mason, h. 218 Second. Congress e.<br />

Pearce, Henry, harness maker, o. 331 Pelham, Robert, (col'd), mason, 11. 210 Con-<br />

Woodward ave., h. same.<br />

gress e.<br />

Pearce, Oregan A., machinist, h. 106 Sixth. Pellen, Nelson shoe maker, h. 95 Natio-<br />

Pearl, Joseph, butcher, bds. 75 Nineteenth. nal ave.<br />

Pearsall, Cornelius, block maker, h. cor. Pellrin, Louis, shoe maker, h. 474 St. Au-<br />

Eighth and Fort<br />

Pearsall, Oscar, huckster, h. 385 Riopelle.<br />

1 PgE,"d, Louis H., Assistant Adjutant<br />

Pearen, Laureuce, currier, bds. 463 Lafay- I General, h. 556 Jefferson ave.<br />

ette.<br />

I Peltier, *4dolph, captain, h. 161 Na-110-<br />

Pearson, James, brewer: h. 325 Abbott<br />

I leon.<br />

Pearson, Thomas, brewer, h. o. 313 n. 403 Peltier, Alexander, sailor: bds. 153 Jay.<br />

Howard.<br />

Peltier, Alexander, sailor, bds. 390 T'Vood-<br />

Pearson, Thomas, drayman, bds. 225 Ab- bridge e.<br />

bott.<br />

Pelticr, Angeline, (wid. Fzzbien), h. 390<br />

Pearson, William S., cabinet maker, h. 456 Wood bridge e.<br />

Ninth ave.<br />

Peltier, Charles, (Charles Peltier & Son), h .<br />

Pease, E. Brooks, clerk, bcls. 32 Fort w. 143 Congress e.<br />

Pease, Charles H., clerk, bds. 83 Walnut. Peltier, Charles, wagon maker, h. w. s<br />

Pease, Georg?B., h 82 Fort w.<br />

Sixteenth, nr. Linden.<br />

Pease, George L., (Pease & Smith,) res Peltier, Charles F., (Chas. Peltic:. &<br />

New York city.<br />

Son), h. 143 Congress e.

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