Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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O'DO CITY DIRECTORY. O'LE 347 O'Donoghue, Charles, carpenter, bds. 661 Six teen th. O'Donoghue, Daniel, lab,, h. Mt. Hope ave., n. Michigan nve. O'Donoghue, Elizabeth, dressmaker, h. Mt. Hope ave., n. Michigan ave. O'Donoghue, John, lab., h. 338 Franklin. 07Donoghue, John, lab., bds. 661 Sixteenth. O'Donoghue, Joseph, lab., h. Mt. Hope ave., n. Michigan ave. O'Donoghue Joseph, h. 661 Sixteenth. O'Donoghue, Matthew, lab., h. Mt. Hope ave.. n. Michigan ave. O'Donoghue, William, lab., h. Mt. Hope me., li. Michi~an me. O'Donoghue, W~lliam, lab., bds. 661 Six- teenth. . Oehlke, Julius, machinist, bds.379 Twelfth. 0 ehlke, Michael, lab., h. 379 Twelfth. Oehon, William, carpenter, h. 85 Mullet. Oelke, Frederick, joiner, h. 19'7 Antietam. Oelrich, Henry, clerk, bds. 211 Cass. Oelrich, John, lab., h. 288 Maple. Oelrich, Joseph, blacksmith, h. 394 Mullet. Oelrich, Mathias, lab., h. 147 Elmwood ave. Oelschlaeger, Hermann, coppersmith, h. 71 Leverette. Oestlieno, John, mason, h. 58 Baker. Oestreicher, John, pedlar, h. s. St. Joseph, bet. Dequindre and St. Aubin ave. Oettinger, William O.? Green Tree hotel, cor. Jefferson ave. and Second, Offerman, John, baker, h. 43 Catharine. Offerman, Joseph, drayman, h. 81 Colum- bia e. O'Flaherty, CatSarine, dressmaker, h. 58 Wayne. O'Flynn, Cornelius J., lawyer, room 5 Ro- tunda, h. 32 Winder. O'Flynn, Irene, teacher, bds. 562 Jefferson ave. 07Flynn, Mary Ann, (wid. ~ornelius,) h. 562 Jefferson ave. Ogden, Thebold, student, bds. Fort w., nr. s. w. cor. Nineteenth. 07Gorman, Martin, lab., h. 343 Oak. 07Gorman, Patrick, sailor, h. 170 Cherry. O'Grady, Bernard, insurance agent, h. 12 Adelaide. O'Grady, George, traveling agent, h. # Duffield. O'Grady, John, lab., h. 100 Plum. O'Giady, - - John, shoemaker, h. 413 Franklin. O'Grady, Mary, sorter, bda. 657 Sixteenth. O'Grady, Patrick, watchman, h. 657 Sixteenth. O'Hara, Arthur, brewer, bds. 113 Bates. 0' Hara, Patrick. carpenter, bds. Goodman House. O'Hare, Dennis, lab., bds. 273 Sixth. 07Heron, James, lab., h. 204 Fifth. Ohlert, Joseph, clerk, bds. 393 Michigan aye. - - HOME Xutual Life Insurance Co., OF CIRCINNATI, OHIO. aa&m@$JB'&lB, GENERAL AGENT, S4 GRlSWOLD HT., DETItOIT, - - MICH, -See advertisement, page 27. .a Ohlert, Peter, grocer, 393 Michigan ave., h. same. Ohlert, Peter, sashmaker, 11. 606 Michigan ave. Ohmer, Philip, lab., h. 103 Latayette. Orstadt, Henry, pedlar, h. 369 Hastings. O'Keefe, Daniel, gardener, 11. w. s. Third, nr. Tuscoia. O'Keefe, Dennis, plasterer, h. 610 Third. O'Keefe, John, lab., h. 200 Sixth. 1 O'Keefe, John, saloon, 208 Woodbridge w., h. same. 07Keefe, John. tobacconist, h. 211 Sixth. 1 O'Keefe, Miss Mary, dressmaker, bds. 132 Michigan ave. 07Keefe, Michael, lab., h. o. 184 Wood- bridye e. ~'~ee?e, Nicholas, lab., h. 102 Beech. ' O'Keefe, Patrick, lab., h. 498 Woodbridge w. Oldall, Frederick J., (John Oldall 62 Son), h. 489 Larned e. Oldall, John, (John Oldall & Son), bds. 489 1 Oka??Jdo& & son, (John L Fiederick J.), file manufacturers, h. 217 Atwater e. Oldbrook, Christian, carpenter, bds. Good- I man House. Oldbrook, Henry, clerk, bds. 138 First. Oldenbrandt, August, tailor, h. 207 Croghan. Oldenbrandt, Francis, lab., h. 264 Abbott. Oldenburg, John, lab., h. 505 Lafayette. Oldekopp, George, grocer, 294 St. Antoine, h. same. Oldham, Willism, engineer, h. 59 Fifteenth. Oldri dge, John W., boot and shoe manfi. 237 Michigan ave., h. same. O'Leary, Cornelius, lab., h. 188 Abbott. O'Leary, Daniel, bds. 166 Larned w. O'Leary, Daniel, blacksmith, h. 49 Labrosse. O'Leary, James, boiler maker, h. 166 Larued w. O'Leary, James, horse shoer, h. 502 Seventh. O'Leary, John, lab., bds. 104 Porter. fireman, bds. 208 Abbott. O'Leary,John W., O'Leary, Michael, watchman, h. 341 Michian ave. O'%esrJT, Patrick, carpenter, h. 408 Abbott O'Leary, Patrick, machinist, h. 208 9b: bott.

348 O'LE . CLARK'S DETROIT ORM PARKE, JENNINGS & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF @pfipig$ Nfi@jpes Hsbgps, Aqua Ammonia, kc., DETROIT, - - MICE, JENNINGS & Co'Sm~ -See advertisement, page 16. O'Leary, Quinlan, milkman, h. 490 Fort e. O'Leary, Timothy, conductor, bds. 490 Fort e. Olewine, Avery R., machinist, h. 460 Con- gress e. O'Neil, James, lab., h. 18 National ave. O'Neil, James, moulder, h. 788 Con ress e. O'Neil, James, wood dealer, h. 179 Earned e. O'Neil, James F., saloon and restaurant, 6 and 8 Michigan ave., h. same. O'Neil, John, clerk, bds. 18 National avo. O'Neil, John, dravman, 11. 70 Elizabeth e. O'Neil, John, fireman, bds. 29 Washington ave O'Neil, John, lab., bds. 126 Larned w. O'Neil John C.. clerk, bds. 8 Michigan ave. O'Neil, Mary, (wid. Hugh), h. 29 Wash- ington ave. O'Neil, Mary, (mid. Patrick), mrtsherwo- Olewine, Edward M., clerk, h. 460 Con- / man. h. 96 Wilkins. qess e. 1 O'Neil, Owen, hostler, h. 178 Franklin. ~iewine, George W., millwright, h. 460 ! O'Neil, Patrick, butcher, bds. 1 Abbott. Congress e. Olewine, John, drayman, h. o. 268 n. 324 Lafay ette. Olfs, Peter, machinist, h. 261 Fort e. Olin, George, stair builder, h. 597 Con- gress e. Oliver, Henry, moulder, h. 326 Franklin. Oliver, Mathew, plasterer, h. 69 Pitchcr. O'Neil, Patrick, agent, bds. 37 Third. O'Neil, Patrick, bds. 29 Washington ave. O'Neil, Patrick A., associate editor Journal ot Conlmerca, bds. Locust nr. Sixth. O'Neil, Patrick H., captain, h. 61 Duffield. O',Neil, Thomas, lab., h. 583 Fort e. O'Neil, Thomas, lab., h. 448 Sixth. O'Neil, Thomas, proof reader, 11.413 Sixth. Oliver, Rebecca, dressmaker, h. 328 Wood- Onley, Sanford P., (S P. Onley & Co.,) h. ward ave. 1 275 Congress e. Oliver, William, tailor, h. 308 Montcalm e. Onley, S P. dZ Co., (Sanford P. Onley and Ollenbrook, Herman, teacher, h. 9 Wil- Isaac W. Hershiberg.) motis. vinegar, 98 kins. / Randolph. O'Lone, John, lab., h. Thirteenth, nr. Ontio, *John, lab., bds. 95 Riopelle. Fort w. O'Mahoney, Patrick, trucksmith, h. 222 Fifteenth. O'Mealy, Mary, (wid. Patrick), washenvoman, h. 345 Fort e. O'Meara, Abigail, (wid. John). h. 399 Franklin. O'Meara, Bartholomew, plasterer. bds. 39 Columbia w. O'Meara, Benjamin F., clerk, h. 1 Aspinall Terrace, Macomb ave. O'Meara, Cornelius, lab., h. 330 Fifth. O'Meara, Daniel, packer, h. 217 First. O'Meara, Hugh, grocer, 134 Labrosse, h. same. O'Meara, Joseph, shoemaker, h. 706 Michi- Oosdyke, Arie, tailor, h, 149 Naple. Opdyke, Peter, sh oemnlter, h. 73 Walnut. Opera House, Dr. E. M. Clark, proprietor, Can1 pus 3lartius. 0 ppenheimer, Abraham, pedlar, h. .264 Lafayetto e. Oppenheimer, Asaha, segar maker, bds 40 Michigan ave. Oppenheimer, David, painter, bds. 161 Adams ave. r. Oppenheimer, Jacob, pedlar, h. 178 Hast- ings. O'Rafferty, John, bookkeeper, bds. 195 Macomb.. Orchard, George, bell finisher, bds 25 an ave. 1 0'EF:i; John, sailor, bds. 80 Wood- ~'keara, Mary A,, (wid John), ' h. 17 Sproat. O'Meara, Timothy, policeman, h. 169' Locust. O'Neil, Albert, carpenter, h. 28 Orleans. O'Neil, Charles, boilermaker, h. 138 Si sth; O'Neil, Charles, collector 2n1 ward, 11. 49 Larned w. O'Neil, Daniel, cutter, bds. Ganison House. bridge w. O'Reilly, Michael, drayman, h. 115 Oak. O'Reilly, Miles J., lawyer, h. 189 Fifth. O'Reilly, Patrick, lab., h. 211 Abbott. Orleman, Anthony, fish dealer, 88 C. H. M., 11. 141 Croghan. Orleman. Jolin A., huckster, 91 C. H. M., h. 40 Fort e. Orleman, John A., Jr,, clerk, h. 27 Fort e. Orleman, William, huckster, h. 162 Rivard. O'Neil, Elizabeth, washerwdman, h. 286 Ormsn, James, plasterer, bds. 141 Division. Fifth. I Ormerod, Jon:lthan, carpenter, h. 236 Thir- O'Neil, Eugene, engineer, bds. 265 Frank- teenth-and-a-half. lin. Ormoud, Alexander, gardener, h. s. e. cor. O'Neil, Francis, hackdriver, bds. 24 Michi- Prospect and Grove. gan ave. I Ormond, Andrew, pedlar, h. 418 Gouin.




@pfipig$ Nfi@jpes Hsbgps,<br />

Aqua Ammonia, kc.,<br />

DETROIT, - - MICE,<br />

JENNINGS & Co'Sm~<br />

-See advertisement, page 16.<br />

O'Leary, Quinlan, milkman, h. 490 Fort e.<br />

O'Leary, Timothy, conductor, bds. 490<br />

Fort e.<br />

Olewine, Avery R., machinist, h. 460 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

O'Neil, James, lab., h. 18 National ave.<br />

O'Neil, James, moulder, h. 788 Con ress e.<br />

O'Neil, James, wood dealer, h. 179 Earned<br />

e.<br />

O'Neil, James F., saloon and restaurant, 6<br />

and 8 Michigan ave., h. same.<br />

O'Neil, John, clerk, bds. 18 National avo.<br />

O'Neil, John, dravman, 11. 70 Elizabeth e.<br />

O'Neil, John, fireman, bds. 29 Washington<br />

ave<br />

O'Neil, John, lab., bds. 126 Larned w.<br />

O'Neil John C.. clerk, bds. 8 Michigan ave.<br />

O'Neil, Mary, (wid. Hugh), h. 29 Wash-<br />

ington ave.<br />

O'Neil, Mary, (mid. Patrick), mrtsherwo-<br />

Olewine, Edward M., clerk, h. 460 Con- / man. h. 96 Wilkins.<br />

qess e. 1 O'Neil, Owen, hostler, h. 178 Franklin.<br />

~iewine, George W., millwright, h. 460 ! O'Neil, Patrick, butcher, bds. 1 Abbott.<br />

Congress e.<br />

Olewine, John, drayman, h. o. 268 n. 324<br />

Lafay ette.<br />

Olfs, Peter, machinist, h. 261 Fort e.<br />

Olin, George, stair builder, h. 597 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Oliver, Henry, moulder, h. 326 Franklin.<br />

Oliver, Mathew, plasterer, h. 69 Pitchcr.<br />

O'Neil, Patrick, agent, bds. 37 Third.<br />

O'Neil, Patrick, bds. 29 Washington ave.<br />

O'Neil, Patrick A., associate editor Journal<br />

ot Conlmerca, bds. Locust nr. Sixth.<br />

O'Neil, Patrick H., captain, h. 61 Duffield.<br />

O',Neil, Thomas, lab., h. 583 Fort e.<br />

O'Neil, Thomas, lab., h. 448 Sixth.<br />

O'Neil, Thomas, proof reader, 11.413 Sixth.<br />

Oliver, Rebecca, dressmaker, h. 328 Wood- Onley, Sanford P., (S P. Onley & Co.,) h.<br />

ward ave. 1 275 Congress e.<br />

Oliver, William, tailor, h. 308 Montcalm e. Onley, S P. dZ Co., (Sanford P. Onley and<br />

Ollenbrook, Herman, teacher, h. 9 Wil- Isaac W. Hershiberg.) motis. vinegar, 98<br />

kins. / Randolph.<br />

O'Lone, John, lab., h. Thirteenth, nr. Ontio, *John, lab., bds. 95 Riopelle.<br />

Fort w.<br />

O'Mahoney, Patrick, trucksmith, h. 222<br />

Fifteenth.<br />

O'Mealy, Mary, (wid. Patrick), washenvoman,<br />

h. 345 Fort e.<br />

O'Meara, Abigail, (wid. John). h. 399<br />

Franklin.<br />

O'Meara, Bartholomew, plasterer. bds. 39<br />

Columbia w.<br />

O'Meara, Benjamin F., clerk, h. 1 Aspinall<br />

Terrace, Macomb ave.<br />

O'Meara, Cornelius, lab., h. 330 Fifth.<br />

O'Meara, Daniel, packer, h. 217 First.<br />

O'Meara, Hugh, grocer, 134 Labrosse, h.<br />

same.<br />

O'Meara, Joseph, shoemaker, h. 706 Michi-<br />

Oosdyke, Arie, tailor, h, 149 Naple.<br />

Opdyke, Peter, sh oemnlter, h. 73 Walnut.<br />

Opera House, Dr. E. M. Clark, proprietor,<br />

Can1 pus 3lartius.<br />

0 ppenheimer, Abraham, pedlar, h. .264<br />

Lafayetto e.<br />

Oppenheimer, Asaha, segar maker, bds 40<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Oppenheimer, David, painter, bds. 161<br />

Adams ave. r.<br />

Oppenheimer, Jacob, pedlar, h. 178 Hast-<br />

ings.<br />

O'Rafferty, John, bookkeeper, bds. 195<br />

Macomb..<br />

Orchard, George, bell finisher, bds 25<br />

an ave. 1 0'EF:i; John, sailor, bds. 80 Wood-<br />

~'keara, Mary A,, (wid John), ' h. 17<br />

Sproat.<br />

O'Meara, Timothy, policeman, h. 169' Locust.<br />

O'Neil, Albert, carpenter, h. 28 Orleans.<br />

O'Neil, Charles, boilermaker, h. 138 Si sth;<br />

O'Neil, Charles, collector 2n1 ward, 11. 49<br />

Larned w.<br />

O'Neil, Daniel, cutter, bds. Ganison<br />

House.<br />

bridge w.<br />

O'Reilly, Michael, drayman, h. 115 Oak.<br />

O'Reilly, Miles J., lawyer, h. 189 Fifth.<br />

O'Reilly, Patrick, lab., h. 211 Abbott.<br />

Orleman, Anthony, fish dealer, 88 C. H. M.,<br />

11. 141 Croghan.<br />

Orleman. Jolin A., huckster, 91 C. H. M.,<br />

h. 40 Fort e.<br />

Orleman, John A., Jr,, clerk, h. 27 Fort e.<br />

Orleman, William, huckster, h. 162 Rivard.<br />

O'Neil, Elizabeth, washerwdman, h. 286 Ormsn, James, plasterer, bds. 141 Division.<br />

Fifth.<br />

I Ormerod, Jon:lthan, carpenter, h. 236 Thir-<br />

O'Neil, Eugene, engineer, bds. 265 Frank- teenth-and-a-half.<br />

lin.<br />

Ormoud, Alexander, gardener, h. s. e. cor.<br />

O'Neil, Francis, hackdriver, bds. 24 Michi- Prospect and Grove.<br />

gan ave.<br />

I Ormond, Andrew, pedlar, h. 418 Gouin.

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