Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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NUG CITY DIRECTORY. O'CA 345 'Nugen, Edward, brakesman, h. 409 Fort e. Nugen, Ellen, (wid. John,) h. 409 Fort e. Nugent, Martin, moulder, bds. 79 Riopelle. Nugent, William, shoemaker, bds. 53 Mich- igan Grand ave. Nuppenau, Ernst, (Morhous, Mitchell & Byram,) h. 313 Russell. Nussle, Eve, h. s. s. Franklin, bet. Hastings and St. Antoine. Nuttall, Joseph, lab., h. 165 Harrison ave. Nuttall, Thomas, bds. 165 Harrison ave. Nutter, Littleton, (col'd,) lab., bds. 149 Clinton. Nutting, Rufus, h. o. 142 n. 166 Clif- ford. Nutz, Henry, butcher, h. 137 Twelfth. Nye, George B., bds. Brighton House. Nye, James S., drover, bds. Brighton House. Nye, William, cigar maker, bds. 952 Mich- igan ave. 0 ADES, John, ship carpenter, h. 46 0 Russell. Oakes, Jeremiah, (D. A. Ross & Co.,) h. 4'74 Congress e. Oakes. William, dealer in pine logs and lumber, office, 112 Griswold, h. 612 Jefferson ave. Oakland, Nelson, caulker, h. 310 Franklin. Oakley, Dewitt, clerk bds. 321 Second. Oakley, George, lab., h. 99 Nineteenth. Oakley, George W., bar tender, 61 Grand River, h. same. Oakley, James, machinist, h. 47 Lewis. Oakley, John H., farmer, h. 13 Abbott. Oakley, Jnhn J., physician, office, 114 Griswold, h. 321 Second. Oakman, John, grocer, 260 Howard, h. same. Oakman, William, printer, bds. i260 Howard. Oaks, Peter, moulder, h. 136 Beech. Oaks, William, machinist, bds. 166dElizabeth e. Oasdyke, Henry, lab., h. 209 St. Aubin ave. Oats, Michael, trucksmith, h. 85 National ave. Oberfeld, Frank, rope maker, bds. 603 Gratiot. Oberheimer, Charles, clerk, h. 139 Elizabeth e. Oberhoff, Frank, drover, h. 94 Macomb. Oberst, Frank A., clerk, rea. Ypsilanti. O'Brien, Bridget, milliner, bds. 918 Michigan ave. O'Brien, Charles, lab., bds. 16 Beaubien. O1Brien1 Daniel J., clerk, h. 324 Con ress e. O'Brien, Dennis, clerk, bds. 88 ational ave. Np O'Brien, Dennis, teacher, h. 60 Russell. O'Brien, Edward, teamster, h. 918 Michi- gan ape. - NORTHWESTERN Mutual Life Insurance Co. OF MILWAUKEE, WIS. 1 11 Jefferson Avenue, DETROIT, - - - XICH- WAgents Wanted. See advertisement.a -- O'Brien, Ellen, clerk, bds. 542 Michigan ave. 07Brien, Ellen, (wid. John,) h. 364 Macomb. O'Brien, Herbert L., teller, bds. Biddle House. O'Brien, James, h. 530 Clinton ave. 07Brien, James, lab., h. 168 Abbott. O'Brien, James, lab., bds. 247 Sixth. O'Brien, James, wood engraver, oBce 48 Larned w., h. 54 Adams ave. e. O'Brien, James S., machinist, h. -235 Eigh- teenth. O'Brien, Johanna. (wid. William), washer- woman, h. 193 Baker. O'Brien, John, blacksmith, bas. 918 Michi- an ave. 0'5 rien, John, lab., bds. 168 Abbott. O'Brien, John, lab., bds. 228 Franklin. O'Brien, John, lab., h. 542 Michigan ave. O'Brien, John, lab., h. 123 Seventh. U'Brien, John, pedlar, bds. w. s. Hastinga, bet. Grove and Ohio. O'Brien, John, clerk, h. 375 Fort e. OyBrien, John F., grocer, 701 Jefferson ave., h. same. O'Brien, Joseph E., shoemaker, bds. cor. Fort and Rivard. O'Brien, Louis, painter, h. 619 Forte. O'Brien, Nellie, clerk, bds. 148 St. knto- 'ine. O'Brien, Noel C., bookkeeper, bds. 207 Larned e. O'Brien, Patrick, grocer, 88 National ave., h. same. O'Brien, Patrick, saloon, 84 Woodbridge w., h. same. O'Brien, Thomas, bds. 146 Larned w. O'Brien, Thomas, carpenter, bds. 79 Con- gress e. OIBrien, Thomas, lab., h. 197 Abbott. O'Brien, Thomas, saioon, 50 Front, h. same. O'Brien, Thomas, tailor, 70 Larned w., h. same. O'Brien, Timothy, tailor, h. 519 Beau- bien. O'Brien, William, lab., h. 200 Cherry. O'Brien, Winnaford, (wid. Thomas), h. 655 Franklin. 07Callaghan, Catharine, (wid. Jeremiah), h. o. 197 Fifth. O'Callaghan, John, cigar maker, bds. 31 Woodbridge e.

346 O'CA CLARK'S DETROIT O'DO ~ L ~ ) ' O'Connor, ~ Pierce, ~ clerk, ~ bds. 388 Fifth. w O'Connor, Pierce, lab., h. 142 Porter. B@~BRB&~ @@&&E@B~ COR. CONGRESS & RANDOLPH STS. DETROIT- Conducted by HOB. Ira Nayhew, Author of MAYHEW'S UNIVERSITY BOOK-KEEPING For Buainase Colleges and the Countin room. WThe only &k - keeping published proridin corn lete%strootion in practical ac - countantehip. See notice of ~olf&e, Book-keeping and Bnsinee s Practice, at the 3152 page of Directory.eJ O'Callaghan, Lawrence, tailor, bds. 81 First. O'Callaghan, William, h. 45 Lafayette ave. Ochs, August, butcher, h. 514 Croghan. Ochs, John. lab., h. 480 Catharine. Ochsenfeld, Anton, tailor, h. 358 North. Ochsenfeld, Cstspar, lab., h. 94 Jay. Ochsenfeld, Lorenz, tailor, bds. 358 North. Ochsenfeld, Theodore, tailor, bds. 358 North. Ochsenhirt, Adam, blacksmith and car- riage maker, n. e. cor. Gratiot and St. Antoine, h. same. Ockf'ord, Enos, painter, h. 255 Twelfth. Ockford, Enos N., engineer, h. 255 Twelfth. Ockford, Sophia, - bds. 255 Twelfth. O'Connell, Daniel, lab., h. 244 Abbott. . O'Connell, John, constable, h. o. 225,n. 275, Fifth. O'Connell, Margaret, (wid. Dennis,) wash- erwoman, h. e. s. Macomb ave., nr.Grand River. 07Connell, Thomas, shoemaker, h. 514 Seventh. O'Connor, Batholomew, lab., h. 464 Fifth. O'Connor, Catharine, wid. Arthur, huck- ster, 9 C. H. M., h. 199 Congress e. O'Connor, Daniel, livery stable, 53 Jef- ferson ave., h. 235 Congress w. O'Connor, Edward, lab., h. 399 Twelfth. O'Connor, Elizabeth, (wid.Thomas,) h. 243 Brush. O'Connor, Eugene, millwright, bds. 59 First. O'Connor, Eugene, stone cutter, h. 13 Lo- cust O'Connor, James, butcher, 864 Michi- an ave. 0'8onnor, James, plumber, bds. o. 99 Plum. O'Connor, Jeremiah, lab., h. I Walnut. ' 0' Connor, Jeremiah, patrolman, h. 209 Sixth. O'Connor, John, h. 213 Congress e. O'Connor, John, printer, bds. 131 High. O'Connor, Joseph, lab., h. 220 Second. 0' Connor, Mary ,(wid. Andrew,) h. 98 Plum. O'Connor, Nary, (wid. Joseph F.,) tailoress, h. 234 Sixth. O'Connor, Michael, lab., h. 354 Franklin. O'Connor, Patrick, lab., h. 734, Franklin. O'Connor, Patrick, lab., h. o. 99 Plum. O'Connor, Patrick, lab., bds. 827 Woodbridge w. O'Connor, Robert, printer, bds. Finney's Hotel. O'G'onnor, Roderick, machinist, h. 12 Howard. O'Connor, Thomas, clerk, bds. 243 Brush. O'Connor, Thomas, clerk, h. 382 Fifth. O'Connor, Thomas, lab., h. 82 Sullivan ave. O'Connor, Timothy, machinist, h. 56 Clinton. nor, Timothy, stone cutter, h. 331 Fifth. O'Connor, William, porter, h. cor. Canfield and Twelfth. Ocumpaugh, Peter A., shirt mnfr., h. 253 Congress e. O'Den, Bridget, (wid. Michael), bds. 49 Spencer. O'Dea, Patrick, lab., h. 135 Porter. O'Dea, Patrick, lab., h. 160 Seventh. Odell, Arimantha Miss, h. 297 Croghan. Odell, August, fireman, bds. 315 Fort e. Odell, Benjamin, engineer, bds. 345 Fort e. Odell, Charles, lab., bds. 251 Congress e. Odell, Elizabeth, (wid. John), h. 345 Fort e. Odell, Henry, baggageman, bds. 345 Fort e. Odell, Henry P., engmeer, h. 382 Michigan ave. Odell, Hiram M., carpenter, h. 173 Abbott Odell, James A., cabinet maker, h. 137 Abbo tt. Odell, Stephen, painter, bds. 257 Congress e. Odelon, Visina, lab., h. 455 Croghan. O'Donnell, James, lab., h. 76 Porter. O'Donnell, James, sailor, Bds. cor. Columbia and Woodward ave. O'Donnell, Jeremiah, sailor, bds. cor. Columbia and Woodward ave. O'Donnell, John J., drayman, h. r. 109 Beach. - O'Donnell, John H., grocery, o. 325 n. 447, Woodward ave., h. 313 same. O'Donnell, John, jr , mason, bds. cor. Columbia and Woodward ave. O'Doi!nell, Joseph, printer, bds. 181 Beech. 07Donnell, Mary, (mid. Thomas), washermoman, h. e. s. Seventeenth nr. Howard. O'Donnell, Blichael, lab., h. o. 380 n. 892 Frttnklin. O'Donnell, Michael, lab., bds. 78 Porter. O'Donnell, Patrick, lab., h. o. 98 Franklin. O'Donnell, Stephen, lab., h. 390 Franklin. O'Donnell, Thomas, (O'Donnell & Carmody,) h. 678 Congress e. O'Donnell, Thomas, lab., h. 181 Beach. O7Donnell,William, lab., bds. 27 Beaubien. O'Donnell 62; Carmody,(Thomas O'Donnell, and James Carmody,) blacksmiths, 19 Congress e. O'l)onnovan, Michael Rev., bds. 353 Jefferson ave. O'Donnovan, William, clerk, bds. City Hotel, P


'Nugen, Edward, brakesman, h. 409 Fort e.<br />

Nugen, Ellen, (wid. John,) h. 409 Fort e.<br />

Nugent, Martin, moulder, bds. 79 Riopelle.<br />

Nugent, William, shoemaker, bds. 53 Mich-<br />

igan Grand ave.<br />

Nuppenau, Ernst, (Morhous, Mitchell &<br />

Byram,) h. 313 Russell.<br />

Nussle, Eve, h. s. s. Franklin, bet. Hastings<br />

and St. Antoine.<br />

Nuttall, Joseph, lab., h. 165 Harrison ave.<br />

Nuttall, Thomas, bds. 165 Harrison ave.<br />

Nutter, Littleton, (col'd,) lab., bds. 149<br />

Clinton.<br />

Nutting, Rufus, h. o. 142 n. 166 Clif-<br />

ford.<br />

Nutz, Henry, butcher, h. 137 Twelfth.<br />

Nye, George B., bds. Brighton House.<br />

Nye, James S., drover, bds. Brighton<br />

House.<br />

Nye, William, cigar maker, bds. 952 Mich-<br />

igan ave.<br />

0<br />

ADES, John, ship carpenter, h. 46 0 Russell.<br />

Oakes, Jeremiah, (D. A. Ross & Co.,) h.<br />

4'74 Congress e.<br />

Oakes. William, dealer in pine logs and<br />

lumber, office, 112 Griswold, h. 612 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Oakland, Nelson, caulker, h. 310 Franklin.<br />

Oakley, Dewitt, clerk bds. 321 Second.<br />

Oakley, George, lab., h. 99 Nineteenth.<br />

Oakley, George W., bar tender, 61 Grand<br />

River, h. same.<br />

Oakley, James, machinist, h. 47 Lewis.<br />

Oakley, John H., farmer, h. 13 Abbott.<br />

Oakley, Jnhn J., physician, office, 114 Griswold,<br />

h. 321 Second.<br />

Oakman, John, grocer, 260 Howard, h.<br />

same.<br />

Oakman, William, printer, bds. i260 Howard.<br />

Oaks, Peter, moulder, h. 136 Beech.<br />

Oaks, William, machinist, bds. 166dElizabeth<br />

e.<br />

Oasdyke, Henry, lab., h. 209 St. Aubin ave.<br />

Oats, Michael, trucksmith, h. 85 National<br />

ave.<br />

Oberfeld, Frank, rope maker, bds. 603<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Oberheimer, Charles, clerk, h. 139 Elizabeth<br />

e.<br />

Oberhoff, Frank, drover, h. 94 Macomb.<br />

Oberst, Frank A., clerk, rea. Ypsilanti.<br />

O'Brien, Bridget, milliner, bds. 918 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

O'Brien, Charles, lab., bds. 16 Beaubien.<br />

O1Brien1 Daniel J., clerk, h. 324 Con ress e.<br />

O'Brien, Dennis, clerk, bds. 88 ational<br />

ave.<br />

Np<br />

O'Brien, Dennis, teacher, h. 60 Russell.<br />

O'Brien, Edward, teamster, h. 918 Michi-<br />

gan ape.<br />

-<br />


Mutual Life Insurance Co.<br />


1 11 Jefferson Avenue,<br />

DETROIT, - - - XICH-<br />

WAgents Wanted. See advertisement.a --<br />

O'Brien, Ellen, clerk, bds. 542 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

07Brien, Ellen, (wid. John,) h. 364 Macomb.<br />

O'Brien, Herbert L., teller, bds. Biddle<br />

House.<br />

O'Brien, James, h. 530 Clinton ave.<br />

07Brien, James, lab., h. 168 Abbott.<br />

O'Brien, James, lab., bds. 247 Sixth.<br />

O'Brien, James, wood engraver, oBce 48<br />

Larned w., h. 54 Adams ave. e.<br />

O'Brien, James S., machinist, h. -235 Eigh-<br />

teenth.<br />

O'Brien, Johanna. (wid. William), washer-<br />

woman, h. 193 Baker.<br />

O'Brien, John, blacksmith, bas. 918 Michi-<br />

an ave.<br />

0'5 rien, John, lab., bds. 168 Abbott.<br />

O'Brien, John, lab., bds. 228 Franklin.<br />

O'Brien, John, lab., h. 542 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

O'Brien, John, lab., h. 123 Seventh.<br />

U'Brien, John, pedlar, bds. w. s. Hastinga,<br />

bet. Grove and Ohio.<br />

O'Brien, John, clerk, h. 375 Fort e.<br />

OyBrien, John F., grocer, 701 Jefferson<br />

ave., h. same.<br />

O'Brien, Joseph E., shoemaker, bds. cor.<br />

Fort and Rivard.<br />

O'Brien, Louis, painter, h. 619 Forte.<br />

O'Brien, Nellie, clerk, bds. 148 St. knto-<br />

'ine.<br />

O'Brien, Noel C., bookkeeper, bds. 207<br />

Larned e.<br />

O'Brien, Patrick, grocer, 88 National ave.,<br />

h. same.<br />

O'Brien, Patrick, saloon, 84 Woodbridge<br />

w., h. same.<br />

O'Brien, Thomas, bds. 146 Larned w.<br />

O'Brien, Thomas, carpenter, bds. 79 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

OIBrien, Thomas, lab., h. 197 Abbott.<br />

O'Brien, Thomas, saioon, 50 Front, h.<br />

same.<br />

O'Brien, Thomas, tailor, 70 Larned w., h.<br />

same.<br />

O'Brien, Timothy, tailor, h. 519 Beau-<br />

bien.<br />

O'Brien, William, lab., h. 200 Cherry.<br />

O'Brien, Winnaford, (wid. Thomas), h. 655<br />

Franklin.<br />

07Callaghan, Catharine, (wid. Jeremiah),<br />

h. o. 197 Fifth.<br />

O'Callaghan, John, cigar maker, bds. 31<br />

Woodbridge e.

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