Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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NfE ' CITY D~CTORY. NOR 343 Niemann, Charles, lab., h. 351 Antietam. Niemann, William, lab., h. 358 Seventeenth. Niepoth, Charles, helper, bds. 314 Sixteenth. Niepot h, Frederick C., insurance ag't, h. 314 Sixteenth. Nier, John W., student, bds. 36 Centre. Nier, William, safe agent, h. 36 Centre. Nietsch, Josepl~, ]at) , h. 482 Sherman. Nigg, Clements, macon, h. 113 Catharine. Nilaus, Abraham csarpenter, 11. 186 Fort e. Niles, Charles W.: student, bd~. 88 Henry. Niles, George, agent, 11. 84 Elizabeth w. Niles: Ira, traveling ageat, h. n. 88 Henry. Niles, Silas M., clerk, bds. 84 Elizabeth w. Nimens, George, shoemaker, bds. 379 Atwater e. Nimmescheck, Joseph, lab., h. 32 Sullivan ave. Ninth Aveilue Mission Chapel, tor. Ninth ave. and Howard. Ninth Ward German English School, cor. Sixteenth and Baker. Ninth, Ward School, Thirteenth, bet. Dalzelle and Marentette. Niskern, Philip W., printer, bds. 63 Wayne. Nixon, Edward, bookkeeper, h. 412 Beaubien. Noacker, Anthony, carpenter, h. 350 Maple. Noah, Andrew, tanner, h. 257 Clinton. Noah, Charles, lab., h. 215 Mullett. Noah, Frank N , upholsterer, h. 217 Mullett. Noah, Michael, mason, h. 678 Catharine. Noake, William, drayman, h. 187 Lafayette. Noakes, John, teamster, 11. 16 Wilkinu. Noat, Edward, captain, h. 83 Chene. Noble, Charles (George S. Frost & Co.), bds. 213 Fort w. Noble, Charles W., (George S. Frost & Co.), h. 213 Fort w. Noble, E. C., h. 69 Adams ave e. Noble, Emory A., clerk, bds. 171 Henry. Noble, Francis W., clerk, h. 405 Cass ave. Noble, G. B., h. 359 Larned e. Noble, James, bookkeeper, h. 180 Bagg. Noble, John, bookkeeper, h. 210 Whitney. Noble, John, sawyer, bds. 21 Marion. Noble, John C., bookkeeper, h. 18 Montcalm w. Noble, _Lucy, washerwoman, h. 239 Croghan. Noble, Sylvester, whips and lashes, 123 Woodward ave., h. same. Noble, Thomas, sailmaker, bds. 263 Jefferson avc. Noble, Thomas J., fireman, h. 267 Seventh. Noeker, Anthony, carpenter, h. 350 Dubois. Noeker, Augcst, lab., h. 99 Sherman. Noeker, Herman, bds. 99 Sherman. Noerholm, Lorenz, lab., bds. St. Aubine nr. St. Joseph. Noetlin , Emanuel, lab., 664 Fort w. Nogle, fohn, grocer, 234 Third, h. same. figle, John, machinist, h. 462 Ninth ave. I comb. HOME Mutual Life Insurance Co., OF CINCINNATI, OHIO. we @,@ @ : ~ ~ ~ & ~ GENERAL AGENT. 84 ~RISWOLD STREET, DETR,OIT, - - MICE- FSee advertisement, page %.& --- ppp.-.----.- --p- Nohe, Charles, hb., h. 215 Mullett. Nohr, Pllillip, distiller, h. 125 Seventh. Nolan, Clemens, boiler ma.ker, h. 349 Frank- lin. Nolan, Edward, dept. sheriff, I!. 4 Cass. Nolan, Gregory, lab., h. 118 Chene. Nolm, James, clerk, bds. 131 High. Nolan, James, teamster, bds. 566 Wood- bridge w. Nolan, James L., clerk, bds. High nr. Brush. Nolan, John, la$., h. 141 Seventeenth. Nolan, Lawrence, foreman, h. 29i Lafay- ette ave. Nolan, Luke, h. 222 Second. Nolan; Mav, wid. Thomas, h. 131 High. Nolan, Michael, lab. h. 253 Fifth. Nolan, Michael, machinist, bds, 141 Sev- enteenth. Nolan, Michael, moulder, bds. 553 Fort e Nolan, Michael, moulder, bds. 222 Second. Nolan, Patrick, lab., h. 889 Twelfth. Nolan, Patrick, lab., bds., 502 Wood- bridge e. Nolan, Patrick, moulder, bds. 141 Seven- teenth. Nolan, Patrick W., grocer, 124 Michigan ave. h. n. 210 Fourth. Nolan, Thomas, caller, bds. 222 Second. Nolan, Thomas, machinist, h. 131 High, Nolan, William, policeman, 11. 553 Fort e. Nolan, William, 2d, moulder, bds. 105 Beau- bien. Nolan, William J., drayman, h. 105 Beau- bien. Nold, Edward, foreman, h. 385 St. An- toine. Nolde, Frederick, carpenter, h. 12 Buena Vista. Nole, Nicholas, mason, h. 218 St. Aubin ave. Nollet, Peter, lab.. h. s. s. Grove, bet. St. Antoine and Hastings. Nolton, John, lab., h. 728 Franklin. Nonot, Frank, drover, h. n. s. Bellair, bet. Dequindre 2nd St. Aubin ave. Noon, Patrick, lab., h. 162 Sixteenth. Noon, William, carpenter, h. cor. Orleans and Maple. Noonan, James, lab., h. 168 Sixteenth. Noonan, John, lab., h. 148 Woodbridge e. Noonan, Patrick, helper, h. 152 Sixteenth. Nordwarnick, Charles, lab., h. 112 Eigh- 1 teenth. Norman, Paul, ship carpenter, h. 344 Ma- .

344 NOR CLARK'S DETROIT NUE @mgJmr@J ' '-7 '-7 , &&LE4B s. Jefferson ave. bet. Brush and Bea.u- bien. OF STANDARD QUALITY. / Norton, Edwin, clerk, h. 74 Walnut Manufactured and for sale by 1 X'orton, Ellcu, grocer, 367 Sixth, h. 365 same. il$=k%!b, 8en@&@@ & Norton, Frank, cooper, h. 302 Atwater. Office 52 Lamed St., West, Norton, Haylon E., clerk, h. 125 Wight. I See advertisement, page lfi. Norton, Helena, boarding, s. S. Jefferson -. I avcA. bet. Brush and Besubien. Nol-man& Louis E., cutter, h. 67 Sibley. Norton, Dr. Horace, ( W. A. Norton & Co., Norrnnnrler, Frank, teleg~~aph operator, h. I and M. 8. Chamberlain & Co.,) bds. 46 81 Congress e. / Lafayette ave. Normander, Therese, boarding, h. 81 Con- Norton, James R., carpenter, h. 524 Michigress e. gan ave. Normandy, John, lab., h. 38 Maple. Korton, John E., pattern maker, h. 313 Normile, James, lab., h. o. 189 Fifth. Congress e. Normile, John, bar tender, bds. Detroit Norton, Stanley, clerk, bds. 46 Lafayette Exchange, cor. Second and Front. ft ve. Normoyle, James B., clerk, h. 28 Park Norton, Thomas, blacksmith, h. 49 Seventh. Place. Norton, Thomas, blacksmith, h. 365 Sixth. Norris, Charles, bottling works, 63 and 65 Norton, Thomas, shoemaker. h. 105 May- Second, h. 69 same. berry ave. Norris, Edward A., (Norris, Perkins, and Norton, Warren A., (M. H. Chamberlain Co.), bds. 231 Cass. & Co., and W. A. Norton & Co.,) h. 409 Norris, George, h. 65 Larned w. Congress e. Norris, John, veterinary surgeon, bds. 32 Norton, W. A. & Co., (Warren A. and Dr. Woodbridge w. Horace), mnf"rs pf cigars, 21 Jefferson Norris,' Josiah J., clerk, h. 432 Lafayette ave. ave. Norvell, Alfred C., collector Free Press, Norris, Philetus W., (Norris, Perkins, and tds. Biddle House. Co.), h. 251 Cass. N orvell, Freeman, Secy. (Free Press Co.) Norris, Perkins, and Co., (Philetus W. Nor- res. Grosse Isle. ris, Mason A. Perkins, and Edwarcl A. Nosseck, Joseph, furrier, h, 148 Lafay- Norris), real estate and insurance agts., ette e. office 3 Butlers Block, opp. P. 0. Note, Leopold, (Dingeman, Van Loon & Norse, John, sailor, h. 40 Eighteenth. Note,) h. 296 Second. North, James, slater, bds. 142 National Noten, Adam, lab., h. 115 Benton. ave. Nothaf't, John, shoemaker; h, 405 St. An- North, Jessie, slater, h. 142 National ave. toine. North American Mutual Benefit Company, Nothnage J Fredcrick, milkman, h. 90 S. J. Clark, Secretary, offices 131 and Twelfth. 133 Slichigan ave. Notley, William, lab.? h. 705 Fort e. North Western Advertising Agency, Wil- Nourse, John P., clerk, h. 25 Sixth. liam H. Burk & Co., proprietors, 44 Nouveau, Frederick, lab., h. 661 Atwater. Larned w. Nouack, Michael shoemaker, h. 16 Twen- Northmore, Joseph, clerk, bds. Purdy's ty-first. Hotel. Nowland, Hiram, R., h. 137 Larned e. Northolfer, Sigismond. lab., h. e. s. Fif- Nowland, William, bds. 137 Larned e teenth nr. Michigan ave. Nowlin, Thomas, machinist, h: 131 High. Northrop, Charles B., gents hrnishing Noyes. Abraham, lab., bds., Goodman goods, 170 Jefferson ave, b. 13 High. House. Northrop, Frank, machinist, h. o. 37, n. 43 Noyes, Alexander G., insurance agent, Labrosse. Kauter's Building, h. s. w. cor. Cass and Nortfirop, George A., carpenter, s. e. cor. Lafi~yette ave. Beacon and St. htoine. - Noyes, Benjamin B., insurance agent, Northrup, Wesley, express messenger, h. Kanter's Building, h. s. w. cor. Cass and 539 Seventh. Lafay ette ave. Northrup, Leonard S. (Horthrup & Rich- Noyes, James F., physician, office 101 ards), res. Broadalbin, N. Y. Shelby, h. same. Northrup & Richards, (Leonard S. North- Noyes, Seraphin E., bds., cor. Cass and Larup and John N. Richards), wholesale fayette ave. gloves, 167 Jefferson ave. Nuber, William H., painter, bds. 41 Ma- Norton, Caroline, hews dealer, 524 Michi- rion. gan ave., h. same. , Nuerndo* Sybille, (wid. Joaeph,) h. 84 Norton, Charles W., marine artist, bds. s. [ Macomb.

NfE ' CITY D~CTORY. NOR 343<br />

Niemann, Charles, lab., h. 351 Antietam.<br />

Niemann, William, lab., h. 358 Seventeenth.<br />

Niepoth, Charles, helper, bds. 314 Sixteenth.<br />

Niepot h, Frederick C., insurance ag't, h.<br />

314 Sixteenth.<br />

Nier, John W., student, bds. 36 Centre.<br />

Nier, William, safe agent, h. 36 Centre.<br />

Nietsch, Josepl~, ]at) , h. 482 Sherman.<br />

Nigg, Clements, macon, h. 113 Catharine.<br />

Nilaus, Abraham csarpenter, 11. 186 Fort e.<br />

Niles, Charles W.: student, bd~. 88 Henry.<br />

Niles, George, agent, 11. 84 Elizabeth w.<br />

Niles: Ira, traveling ageat, h. n. 88 Henry.<br />

Niles, Silas M., clerk, bds. 84 Elizabeth w.<br />

Nimens, George, shoemaker, bds. 379 Atwater<br />

e.<br />

Nimmescheck, Joseph, lab., h. 32 Sullivan<br />

ave.<br />

Ninth Aveilue Mission Chapel, tor. Ninth<br />

ave. and Howard.<br />

Ninth Ward German English School, cor.<br />

Sixteenth and Baker.<br />

Ninth, Ward School, Thirteenth, bet. Dalzelle<br />

and Marentette.<br />

Niskern, Philip W., printer, bds. 63 Wayne.<br />

Nixon, Edward, bookkeeper, h. 412 Beaubien.<br />

Noacker, Anthony, carpenter, h. 350 Maple.<br />

Noah, Andrew, tanner, h. 257 Clinton.<br />

Noah, Charles, lab., h. 215 Mullett.<br />

Noah, Frank N , upholsterer, h. 217 Mullett.<br />

Noah, Michael, mason, h. 678 Catharine.<br />

Noake, William, drayman, h. 187 Lafayette.<br />

Noakes, John, teamster, 11. 16 Wilkinu.<br />

Noat, Edward, captain, h. 83 Chene.<br />

Noble, Charles (George S. Frost & Co.),<br />

bds. 213 Fort w.<br />

Noble, Charles W., (George S. Frost & Co.),<br />

h. 213 Fort w.<br />

Noble, E. C., h. 69 Adams ave e.<br />

Noble, Emory A., clerk, bds. 171 Henry.<br />

Noble, Francis W., clerk, h. 405 Cass ave.<br />

Noble, G. B., h. 359 Larned e.<br />

Noble, James, bookkeeper, h. 180 Bagg.<br />

Noble, John, bookkeeper, h. 210 Whitney.<br />

Noble, John, sawyer, bds. 21 Marion.<br />

Noble, John C., bookkeeper, h. 18 Montcalm<br />

w.<br />

Noble, _Lucy, washerwoman, h. 239 Croghan.<br />

Noble, Sylvester, whips and lashes, 123<br />

Woodward ave., h. same.<br />

Noble, Thomas, sailmaker, bds. 263 Jefferson<br />

avc.<br />

Noble, Thomas J., fireman, h. 267 Seventh.<br />

Noeker, Anthony, carpenter, h. 350 Dubois.<br />

Noeker, Augcst, lab., h. 99 Sherman.<br />

Noeker, Herman, bds. 99 Sherman.<br />

Noerholm, Lorenz, lab., bds. St. Aubine nr.<br />

St. Joseph.<br />

Noetlin , Emanuel, lab., 664 Fort w.<br />

Nogle, fohn, grocer, 234 Third, h. same.<br />

figle, John, machinist, h. 462 Ninth ave. I comb.<br />

HOME<br />

Mutual Life Insurance Co.,<br />


we @,@ @ : ~ ~ ~ & ~<br />



DETR,OIT, - - MICE-<br />

FSee advertisement, page %.&<br />

--- ppp.-.----.- --p-<br />

Nohe, Charles, hb., h. 215 Mullett.<br />

Nohr, Pllillip, distiller, h. 125 Seventh.<br />

Nolan, Clemens, boiler ma.ker, h. 349 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

Nolan, Edward, dept. sheriff, I!. 4 Cass.<br />

Nolan, Gregory, lab., h. 118 Chene.<br />

Nolm, James, clerk, bds. 131 High.<br />

Nolan, James, teamster, bds. 566 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Nolan, James L., clerk, bds. High nr.<br />

Brush.<br />

Nolan, John, la$., h. 141 Seventeenth.<br />

Nolan, Lawrence, foreman, h. 29i Lafay-<br />

ette ave.<br />

Nolan, Luke, h. 222 Second.<br />

Nolan; Mav, wid. Thomas, h. 131 High.<br />

Nolan, Michael, lab. h. 253 Fifth.<br />

Nolan, Michael, machinist, bds, 141 Sev-<br />

enteenth.<br />

Nolan, Michael, moulder, bds. 553 Fort e<br />

Nolan, Michael, moulder, bds. 222 Second.<br />

Nolan, Patrick, lab., h. 889 Twelfth.<br />

Nolan, Patrick, lab., bds., 502 Wood-<br />

bridge e.<br />

Nolan, Patrick, moulder, bds. 141 Seven-<br />

teenth.<br />

Nolan, Patrick W., grocer, 124 Michigan<br />

ave. h. n. 210 Fourth.<br />

Nolan, Thomas, caller, bds. 222 Second.<br />

Nolan, Thomas, machinist, h. 131 High,<br />

Nolan, William, policeman, 11. 553 Fort e.<br />

Nolan, William, 2d, moulder, bds. 105 Beau-<br />

bien.<br />

Nolan, William J., drayman, h. 105 Beau-<br />

bien.<br />

Nold, Edward, foreman, h. 385 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Nolde, Frederick, carpenter, h. 12 Buena<br />

Vista.<br />

Nole, Nicholas, mason, h. 218 St. Aubin ave.<br />

Nollet, Peter, lab.. h. s. s. Grove, bet. St.<br />

Antoine and Hastings.<br />

Nolton, John, lab., h. 728 Franklin.<br />

Nonot, Frank, drover, h. n. s. Bellair, bet.<br />

Dequindre 2nd St. Aubin ave.<br />

Noon, Patrick, lab., h. 162 Sixteenth.<br />

Noon, William, carpenter, h. cor. Orleans<br />

and Maple.<br />

Noonan, James, lab., h. 168 Sixteenth.<br />

Noonan, John, lab., h. 148 Woodbridge e.<br />

Noonan, Patrick, helper, h. 152 Sixteenth.<br />

Nordwarnick, Charles, lab., h. 112 Eigh-<br />

1 teenth.<br />

Norman, Paul, ship carpenter, h. 344 Ma- .

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