Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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Ikn'JE CITY DIRECTORY. MuN 337 Mueller. Oscar. clerk, bds. Tremont House. 1 NOETHWESTERN ~ueller; Otto, confe~tionar~, 124 Gratiot h. same. Uutual Life Insurance Co. Mueller, Ruilolph, miller, bds. 236 Gratiot. OF NILWAUKEE, WIS. Mueller, William, butcher, 330 Orleans, h. same. DR. caas. auasmsEo, Mueller, William, lab., h. 214 Adnms ave., e. STATE AGENT. Muenz, Anton, carpenter, h. 60 Maple. 11 1 Jeflersan Avenue, DETROIT, Muenzer, Julius, porter, h. 119 Mullet. - - - XICH. Agents W:~nted. See advertieement.m Muesch, Michael, farmer, w. s. Jlt. Elliot ave., nr. Gratiot. ~ulve~, James, swit,chm~n, h. 405 Fort e. Mueser, Willjam, lab., h. 245 Beaubien. Mulvey, Martha, dressmaker, h. 134 Cro- Muethel, Henry, lab., h. 411 Maple. ghan. Mufferant, Joseph, caulker, bds. Atwater, Mulvey, Mary Ann, dressmaker, bds. 134 2d door w. Riopelle. Croghan. Nugree, Rosa, (wid.,) h. 737 Fifteenth. Mumford, Benjamin P., (M umlorcl, Fos- Muick, Owen, sailor, h. r. 350 Franklin. ter & Co.), h. 132 Shelby. Muil, Asa J., carpenter, h. 200 Park. Mumford, Frederick A., (col'd), srilor, h. Muir, Alexander H., agent Xerchants' Des- 226 St. Antoine. patch, bds. 460 Jefferson ave. Mumford, George, (col'd), lab. h. 269 Wat- Muir, Amanda, bds. 203 Park. son. Muir, Asa J., carpenter, h. 200 Park. Mumford, James, (col'd), waitel, Michigan Muir, Anthony, cigar maker, 500 Gratiot, Exchange. h. same. Mumford, John, (col'd), sailor, h. 226 St. Muir, James H., Sec'y D. &N. R. R., h. 78 An toine. Farrar. Mumforcl, Samuel, (Mum ford, Foster & Muir, Joseph, saloon, 502 Gratiot, h. same. Co.), bds. o. 69 n. 73 Elizabeth w. Muir, Lindock, teacher, bds. foot Rivard. Mumford, William T., (col'd), barber, h. Muir, Thomas, bookkeeper, h. 316 Ran- 164 Marion. dolph. Mumford, William H., (col'd), h. r. 262 Xuir, William K., Supt. Great Western Watson. Ra~lway, h. o. 225 n. 353 Fort w. Mumford, Foster & Co., (Samuel R. and Muirle, John, lab., h. e. s Crawford, bet. Benjamin P. Mumford, Edward D. Foster Vine and Noyes. and Douglas Payne,) leather and find- Mulcal~y, William, lab., h. 41 Porter. ings, o. 20 n. 24 Monroe ave. Mulch, John, patent-rights, h. Clinton ave., RIunck, Charles, shoemaker, 1213 Xaple, h. bet. Joseph Campau and McDougall aves. S8Lne. Mulderick, Mrs. Annie, h. 124 Seventh. Munck, Frederick, lab., h. 123 Maple. Alulford, Rebecca, (wid. Nelson), h. 22 Cath- Munck, Maximilian, blacksmith, bds. 121+ arine. Maple. Mulheron, John J., physician and surgeon, Munck, William, clerk, bds. 121C Maple. o. 278 Jefferson ave., h. same. Mundelke, Michael, lab., h. 599 Sevenr\,Il.lllaney, Anna, (wid. -Robert.) bds. 244 teenth. porter. ' Mundey, John, lab., h. 150 Franklin. 31ullen, Lawrence, telegraph operator, L. Mundt, Christopher, lab., h. 186 Maple. S. &. M. S. R. R., h. - Buena Vista. Mundt, Henry, turner, bds. Maplc nr. De- Mullen, Michael, lab., h. 119 Elmwood quindre. ave. Mundt, John, lab., h. Dubois bet. Croghan Mullen, Thomas, clerk, bds. 62 Beaubien. , & Macomb. Mullenhagen, Charles, lab., h. 580 Cro- 1 Munger, Miss Lillie E., teacher, bds. 20 ghan. Montcalm w. Mutter, Louis W., jeweler, bds. 81: Lafay- Munger, T. M., dept. sheriff, h. 19 John R. ette e. Munk, Charles, butcher, h. 197 Marion. blullholand, Michael, grocer, h. 232 Fifth, Munke, Nicholas, teamster, bcls. n. w. cor. h. same. Fort and St. Antoine. Mullhollrsnd, Peter, teamster, bds. 232 Fifth. Munro, John F., surveyor, h. 38 Bag. Mulligan, Michael, steward, h. 183 Orch- Munroe, Almond B., carpenter, h. s. e. cor. ard. St. Antoine and Elizabeth. Mullin, T. H., clerk, bds. 80 Beaubien. Munroe, George, h. 157 Williams ave. Mullins, Annie, (wicl. Patrick,) h. 447 Six- Munroe, Elmira, (wid. Carlos,) h. 303 Third. teenth. Munson, Henry C., insurance agent, 48 Mullins, Patrick, carpenter, bds., 445 Six- Griswold, bds. Biddle House. teenth. Munson, Mary, teacher, h. 303 Third. Mulroy, John, foreman, h. n. 262 o. 238 Munson, William, shoemaker, h. 118 Twelfth. Eighth. 43

338 MuN CLARK'S DETROIT MuR S'~@JNB~@ Q"@&&B@B@ COR. CONGRESS & RANDOLPH STS. DETROIT- Conducted by Bon. Ira aayAew, Author of MAYHEW'S UNIVERSITY BOOK-KEEPING For Busineea Colleges and tbe Counting-room. WThe on!y Bdok- keeping published providing corn lete instruction in practical ac- countantship. See notice of colEw Book-keeping and Boainees hctice, at the Slat page of ~irectob;-.m - - -- Muntermann, Mathias, blacksmith, h. 301 Croghan. 1)3[untroll, Peter, clerk, h. 475 Croghan. Muntz, Jacob, janitor, h. 215 Russell. Murdock, Delos, cigar maker, bds. 1 Wal- nut. Murdock, James, lab., h. 175 Clinton. Murdock, .Mathew J., clerk, bds. Echigan Exchan e ~urdock,%illiam, teamster, h. r. 284 At- water e. Murman, Daniel, h. 118 Riopelle. Murphy, Ann, (wid. Patrick), h. 181 Orch- ard. Murphy, Anne, dressmaker, bds. 198 Cass. Murphy, Arthur, lab., h. 564 Seventeenth. Murphy, Bartholomew, grocer, 347 Grand River, h. 345 same. Murphy, Catharine, (wid. James), h. 198 Cass. Murphy, Catharine, (wid. John), washer- woman, h. 145 Plum. Murphy, Charles S., soap mnfi, h. 77 Baker. Murpl~ y, Daniel, lab., bds. 44 Eighteenth. Murphy, Dennis, inspector, of fish, h. 55 Montcalm w. Murphy, Dennis, lab., h. 59 Abbott. Murphy, Dennis, lab., bds. 193 Franklin. Murphy, Dennis, lab., h. 280 Lafayette ave. Murphy, Elizabeth, milliner, bds. 293 Fort w. Murphy, Elizabeth, (wid. Martin), h. 512 Michigan ave. Murphy, Henry, huckster C. H. M., h. 519 Fort e.. Murphy, Hugh, carpenter, bds. 198 Cass. Murphy, James, carpenter, bds. 126 Sixth. Murphy, James, coachman, h. 619 Larned e. Murphy, James, confectioner, bds. 55 Montcalm w. Murphy, James, engineer, h. 189 Cass. - Murphy, James, lab., h. 240 Howard. Murphy, James, sawyer, h. 578 Michigan ave. Murphy, James S., clerk, bds. 198 Cass. Murphy, Jeremiah, lab., h. 3i0 Porter. Murphy, John, bookkeeper, h. 181 Orchard. Murphy, John, h. 231 Fifteenth. Murphy, John, cigar maker, bds. 55 Montcalm w. Murphy, John, lab., h. 124 Seventh. Murphy, John, packer, h. 277 Fifth. Murphy, John (col'd), waiter Russell House. Murphy, Margaret (wid. Felix), h. 163 Larned w. Murphy, Margaret (wid. Jeremiah), board- ing, h. 152 Larned w. Murphy, Matthew, fireman h. 262 Fifth. Murphy, Michael, coachman, bds. 500 Jef- ferson ave. Murphy, Michael, lab., h. 44 Eighteenth. Murphy, Michael, lab., h. 249 Fifth. Mcrphy, Morris, drayman, h. 800 Fifth. Murphy, Morris, lab.. h. 263 National ave. Murphy, Patrick, drayman, h. 622 Con- gress e. Murphy, Patrick, lab., h. o. 276 Fifth. Murphy, Patrick, lab., h. o. 336, n. 348 Sev- enth. Murphy, Patrick, moulder, bds. e. s. Mt. Elliott ave., bet. Jefferson ave. and Con- gress e. Murphy, Patrick, moulder, bds. 79 Riopelle. Murphy, Peter, brewer, h. 71 Sullivan ave. Murphy, Peter, lab., h. 116 Franklin. Murph : Robert, huckster, h. Grand River, bet. 4welfth and Thirteenth. Murphy, Samuel A., bookkeeper, bds. 449 Larned e. Murphy, Simon J. (&erg-, Murphy & Co.). h. f2d2 Fort w. Murphy, Stephen, carver, bds. 512 Michi- gan ave. Murphy, Stephen, lab., h. r. 161 Porter. Murphy, Theresa, seamstress, bds. 578 Michigan ave. Murphy, Thomas, lab., h. 67 Sproat. Murphy, Thomas, sawyer, h. n. w. cor. Har- rison ave. and Locust. Murphy, Thomas, porter, h. 51 Labrosse. Murphy, William, lab. bds. 502 Wood- bridge e. Murphy, William C., broom maker, bds. 198 Cass. Murray, Alexander, cashier, h. s. s. Ash, nr. Grand River. Murray, Alexander, grocer, cor. Grand River and Elizabeth, h. 90 Pine. Murray, Alexander, veterinary surgeon, h. o. 265, n. 281 Beaubien. Murray, Charles, bookkeeper, h. Ash, bet. Ninth ave. and Grand River. I Murray, David, carpenter, h. 496 Wood- bridge e. Murray, David N., clerk, 11. 169 Gratiot. Murray, Eliza, (wid. John R.), h. 91 Pine. I Murray, Frank, varnisher, bds. 102 Brush. Murray, Frank, painter, bds. 60 Wayne. Murray, Hugh, painter, h 91 Pine. Murray, James, porter, h. 45 Sproat. Murray, James, blacksmith, h. 774 Fif- teenth. Murray, John, lab., h. 105 Bronson. Murray, John, lab., h. 444 Grand River. Murray, John A., jr., clerk, bds. o 69, n. 73 Elizabeth w. Murray, Joseph, lab., h. 59 Howard.


S'~@JNB~@<br />

Q"@&&B@B@<br />


DETROIT-<br />

Conducted by Bon. Ira aayAew,<br />


For Busineea Colleges and tbe Counting-room. WThe on!y Bdok-<br />

keeping published providing corn lete instruction in practical ac-<br />

countantship. See notice of colEw Book-keeping and Boainees<br />

hctice, at the Slat page of ~irectob;-.m<br />

- - --<br />

Muntermann, Mathias, blacksmith, h. 301<br />

Croghan.<br />

1)3[untroll, Peter, clerk, h. 475 Croghan.<br />

Muntz, Jacob, janitor, h. 215 Russell.<br />

Murdock, Delos, cigar maker, bds. 1 Wal-<br />

nut.<br />

Murdock, James, lab., h. 175 Clinton.<br />

Murdock, .Mathew J., clerk, bds. Echigan<br />

Exchan e<br />

~urdock,%illiam, teamster, h. r. 284 At-<br />

water e.<br />

Murman, Daniel, h. 118 Riopelle.<br />

Murphy, Ann, (wid. Patrick), h. 181 Orch-<br />

ard.<br />

Murphy, Anne, dressmaker, bds. 198 Cass.<br />

Murphy, Arthur, lab., h. 564 Seventeenth.<br />

Murphy, Bartholomew, grocer, 347 Grand<br />

River, h. 345 same.<br />

Murphy, Catharine, (wid. James), h. 198<br />

Cass.<br />

Murphy, Catharine, (wid. John), washer-<br />

woman, h. 145 Plum.<br />

Murphy, Charles S., soap mnfi, h. 77<br />

Baker.<br />

Murpl~ y, Daniel, lab., bds. 44 Eighteenth.<br />

Murphy, Dennis, inspector, of fish, h. 55<br />

Montcalm w.<br />

Murphy, Dennis, lab., h. 59 Abbott.<br />

Murphy, Dennis, lab., bds. 193 Franklin.<br />

Murphy, Dennis, lab., h. 280 Lafayette<br />

ave.<br />

Murphy, Elizabeth, milliner, bds. 293<br />

Fort w.<br />

Murphy, Elizabeth, (wid. Martin), h. 512<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Murphy, Henry, huckster C. H. M., h. 519<br />

Fort e..<br />

Murphy, Hugh, carpenter, bds. 198 Cass.<br />

Murphy, James, carpenter, bds. 126 Sixth.<br />

Murphy, James, coachman, h. 619 Larned<br />

e.<br />

Murphy, James, confectioner, bds. 55 Montcalm<br />

w.<br />

Murphy, James, engineer, h. 189 Cass.<br />

-<br />

Murphy, James, lab., h. 240 Howard.<br />

Murphy, James, sawyer, h. 578 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Murphy, James S., clerk, bds. 198 Cass.<br />

Murphy, Jeremiah, lab., h. 3i0 Porter.<br />

Murphy, John, bookkeeper, h. 181 Orchard.<br />

Murphy, John, h. 231 Fifteenth.<br />

Murphy, John, cigar maker, bds. 55 Montcalm<br />

w.<br />

Murphy, John, lab., h. 124 Seventh.<br />

Murphy, John, packer, h. 277 Fifth.<br />

Murphy, John (col'd), waiter Russell House.<br />

Murphy, Margaret (wid. Felix), h. 163 Larned<br />

w.<br />

Murphy, Margaret (wid. Jeremiah), board-<br />

ing, h. 152 Larned w.<br />

Murphy, Matthew, fireman h. 262 Fifth.<br />

Murphy, Michael, coachman, bds. 500 Jef-<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Murphy, Michael, lab., h. 44 Eighteenth.<br />

Murphy, Michael, lab., h. 249 Fifth.<br />

Mcrphy, Morris, drayman, h. 800 Fifth.<br />

Murphy, Morris, lab.. h. 263 National ave.<br />

Murphy, Patrick, drayman, h. 622 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Murphy, Patrick, lab., h. o. 276 Fifth.<br />

Murphy, Patrick, lab., h. o. 336, n. 348 Sev-<br />

enth.<br />

Murphy, Patrick, moulder, bds. e. s. Mt.<br />

Elliott ave., bet. Jefferson ave. and Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Murphy, Patrick, moulder, bds. 79 Riopelle.<br />

Murphy, Peter, brewer, h. 71 Sullivan ave.<br />

Murphy, Peter, lab., h. 116 Franklin.<br />

Murph : Robert, huckster, h. Grand River,<br />

bet. 4welfth and Thirteenth.<br />

Murphy, Samuel A., bookkeeper, bds. 449<br />

Larned e.<br />

Murphy, Simon J. (&erg-, Murphy & Co.).<br />

h. f2d2 Fort w.<br />

Murphy, Stephen, carver, bds. 512 Michi-<br />

gan ave.<br />

Murphy, Stephen, lab., h. r. 161 Porter.<br />

Murphy, Theresa, seamstress, bds. 578<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Murphy, Thomas, lab., h. 67 Sproat.<br />

Murphy, Thomas, sawyer, h. n. w. cor. Har-<br />

rison ave. and Locust.<br />

Murphy, Thomas, porter, h. 51 Labrosse.<br />

Murphy, William, lab. bds. 502 Wood-<br />

bridge e.<br />

Murphy, William C., broom maker, bds.<br />

198 Cass.<br />

Murray, Alexander, cashier, h. s. s. Ash, nr.<br />

Grand River.<br />

Murray, Alexander, grocer, cor. Grand<br />

River and Elizabeth, h. 90 Pine.<br />

Murray, Alexander, veterinary surgeon, h.<br />

o. 265, n. 281 Beaubien.<br />

Murray, Charles, bookkeeper, h. Ash, bet.<br />

Ninth ave. and Grand River.<br />

I Murray, David, carpenter, h. 496 Wood-<br />

bridge e.<br />

Murray, David N., clerk, 11. 169 Gratiot.<br />

Murray, Eliza, (wid. John R.), h. 91 Pine.<br />

I Murray, Frank, varnisher, bds. 102 Brush.<br />

Murray, Frank, painter, bds. 60 Wayne.<br />

Murray, Hugh, painter, h 91 Pine.<br />

Murray, James, porter, h. 45 Sproat.<br />

Murray, James, blacksmith, h. 774 Fif-<br />

teenth.<br />

Murray, John, lab., h. 105 Bronson.<br />

Murray, John, lab., h. 444 Grand River.<br />

Murray, John A., jr., clerk, bds. o 69, n.<br />

73 Elizabeth w.<br />

Murray, Joseph, lab., h. 59 Howard.

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