Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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MOR CITY DIRECTORY. MOP 335 Morrison, Samuel P., lab., h. 271 Con- gress e. Morrison, Thomas, moulder, bds. w. s. De- quindre, nr. Gratiot. Morrison, William, clerk, bds. 87 Eliza- beth e. Morrison, William, (col'd), cook, bds. 206 Colunlbia e. Morrison, J. H. & Son, (John H. and Charles II.), dealers in coke, foot of Ri- vard. Morrow, Richard, cooper, Hastings, nr. Catharine, res. Windsor. Morrow, Christopher, h. 291 Beaubien. Morrow, Claufus C.. bookkeeper, bds. 291 Beaubien. Norrow, Victor, mason, bds. 891 Beau- bien. Morrow, William, engineer, h. 62 Twen- tiet h. Morschel, Eva, (wid. Anton), seamstress, h 59 Jay. Morse, Charles B., clerk, h. o. 135, n. 137 Park. Norse, Edward, picture frames, 40 Con- gress e., h. same. Morse, Elijah C. (W. M. Dwight & Co.),. res. Au Sauble., Morse, Ella, (wid. John W.), bds. 41 Beech. Morse, Jennie C., teacher, h. 143 Third. Morse, John B., shoemaker, h. 265 Rus- sell. Morton, Abraham, clerk, bds. 701 Fort w. Morton, Andrew R., lithographer, h. 4 31 Lafayette ave. Morton, Barbara, (wid. James), h. 151 Sev- en th. Morton, Benjamin F.. ticket agent, bds. 49 Shelby. Morton, Charles, teamster, h. 249 Abbott. Morton, Emeline, (wid Julius D.), h. 354 Jefferson are Nor ton, Frazer, engineer, bds. Antisdel House. Morton, James, (col'd), huckster, C. H. M., h. 227 Hastings. Morton, John, lithographer, h. 431 Lafay- ette ave. Morton, John &4., hop exchange, 37 Atwa- ter e., bds. 46 Lafayette ave. Mortbn, John D., die sinker, 16 Merrill Block, h. Warren ave., nr. Woodward Morton, Romulus, (col'd), plasterer, h. 398 Clinton. Morton, William, (col'd) , carpenter, h. 15 Grove. Morton, William D., banker, cor. Third and Woodbridge, bds. 354 Jefferson ave. Morwood, Hugh D., shoe maker, h. 258 Park. Mosan, Francis, carpenter, kds. 169 Cass. Maschert, Marv, (wid. Jacob), washerwo- man, h. 393 kiopelle. Moschkewitz, Moses, pedlar, h. 113 Lafay- ette. HOME Uutual Life Insurance Co., OF CIKCLXNATI. OHIO. GENERAL AGENT. 84 GRISWOLD STREET, DE'X'ROIT, - - MICH- WSee advertisement, page 2 7.a - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - . - - -- Moser, Theodore, druggist, 234 Randolph, h. same. Bloscs, Louis. pedlar, 11.205 Macomb. D!loses. Lucian, (Fiske and Moses), bds. Bid- dle House. Mosher Amasa, farnler, h. Woodward ave., e s. nr. Holden Road. BIosier, Edward, engineer h. 603 Gratiot Mosier. Michfiel, broom maker, bds. 603 Gratiot. Moss, Frederick, lab., h. Sherman, bet. Cllene and Joseph Campau ave. Mott, John T., (Mott & Donahue), h. 1000 Woodward ave. Mott, Joseph, jr., lab., h. 10 Clay. Molt, Joseph, sr., huckster, 18 C. H. M., h. 10 Clay. Mott, Victoria, clressmaker, h. 555 Wood- bridge w. Mott, William H., government, inspector h. 280 Seventeenth. Mott & Donahue, (John T. Mott, and Thomas S. Donahue), manfrs. of saw sharpener and gummer, 15 Jefferson ave. Mouat, John D., (Ferguson, McKay, and Mouat), h, 258 Twelfth. Mountain Andrew, painter, h. 389 Bron- son. Mourer Nicholas, cooper, h. 511 James. Mourer, John, carpenter, bds. 166 Rivard. Mourisse, Louis, carpenter, h. 247 Maple. Mouseau, Xavier, carpenter, bds. 169 Clin- ton. Morcaurel, Sophia, (wid. Hyacinth), h. 194 Napoleon. Mow, Miss Jennie M., h. 25 Abbott. Mowat: Angus, carpenter, h. 120 Eigh- teenth. Mower, John: pedlar, bds.. 8 Woodward ave. Mowry, Henry, mariner, bds. Detroit Ex- change Mowry, Granville G., clerk, bds. 119 La- fayette ave. Mowry, Israel, (Nowry and Co.), h. 119 Lafayette ave. Mowry (5Z Co., (Israel Mowry, and H. Norton Strong), tobacconists, 60 and 62 Jefferson ave. Moyford, John, coachman, bds. cor. Con- gress and Second. Moyland, John, saloon, 108 Woodbridge w. Mopahan, Cornelius, porter, bds. 131 Labrosse. Mopahan, Jeremiah, h. 123 Porter. a

336 MOP CLARK'S DETROIT MIB PARXE, JENNINGS & GO., MANUFACTUR I NG CHEM I ST.S, Oflee, 52Zarned St., West. Laboratory Cor. CUford & Henry Sts. & Cass Ave DETROIT, MICH. WSee advertisement, page 16. -- ~o~nahan. Matthew JI, Deputy Co. Clerk, h. 258 Third. Moynahan , Mary, (wid. James), washerwoman, h. 168 Sixteenth. Movnahan, Patrick, lab., bds. 136 Larned m. Moynahan, Timothy, hackman, bds. Goodman House. Moyna,llan, Timothy, lab., h. 131 Labrosse. Noynahan, Tinlothy, jr., blacksmith, bds. 131 Labrl. sse. Muehlberger, Frederick, mechanic, h. 154 Catharine. Muehllutgen, Carl, lab., h . 550 Croghan, Muehlhaus, John, lab., bds. 225 Whitney. Muelring, John, lab., h. Catharine bet. Joseph Campau and Elmmood aves. Muellenbach, Peter, (Holthoefer & Muellenbach), h. 149 Mullett. Muehlm ann, Jacob. grocer, 134 Clinton, b. same. Muehlmann, William, painter, hds. 134 Clinton. Mueller, Adam, lab., bds. 167 Fort e. Mueller, Albert, grocer, 510 St. Antoine, h. same. Mueller, Anthony, drayman, h. 108 Clinton. Mueller, Anthony, carpenter, cor. Gratiot and Joseph Campan ave. Nueller, Anton, carpenter, bds. 154 Antietam. Mueller, Anton, carpenter, h. 17'7 Hastings. Mueller, Anton, lab., h. Gratiot, nr. toll gate. Mueller, Anton, lab., h. w. s. Dequindre, nr. City Ditch. Mueller, Anton, stone cutter, h. 87 Mullett. Mueller, August, teamster, h. 319 Watson. Mueller, August A., cabinet maker, bds 66 Clinton. Mueller. Catharine, (wid. ,4ndrew), .h. 221 Has tine. ?dueller. Catharine, (wid. Nicholas), h. 108 Clinton. MUELLER, CARL, confectioner, 186 Croghan, h. same (&e Index, p. 17.) Mueller, Charles, painter, h. 136 Nacomb. Mueller, Charles, plumber, bds. n. s. Scott bet. Dequindre and St. Aubin nve. Mueller, Charles F., h. 175 Michigttn ave. Mueller, Christian, blacksmith, h. n. s. Scott, bet. Dequiadre and St. Aubin ave. Mueller, Christine, washerwoman, h. 891 Franklin. Hueller, Dominick, lab., bds. cor. Joseph Campau ave. and Gratiot. Nneller, Edward, shoemaker, h. 665 Catharine. ~Iueller, Elizabeth, (mid. Clements) , h. 188 Hastings. Mueller, Frederick, tanner, bds. 159 Macomb. Blueller, Frederick, upholsterer, h. 212 Clinton. Mueller, Frederick W., clerk, h. 311 St. Antoine. Mueller, George, grocer, h. 234 Hastings. Mueller, George, lab., h. 151 Clinton. Mueller. George, lab., bds. 154 Clinton Mueller, George M., wagon mtiker h. 276 Sherman. Mueller , Henry, carpenter, bds. Hotel Henry. Muellw, Henry, lab., bds. 80 Lafayette e. Mueller, Henry, tailor, 87 Mullett h. same. i'vlueller, Herman, lurrier, h. 275 Beaubien. Mueller, Hironimus, lab., bds. 154 Antietam. Mueller, Jacob, l;rb., bds. e. s. Hastings, above Indiana. Mueller, Jacob, lab., h. 222 Marion. Mueller, Jacob, lab., h. n. s. Detroit, bet. Dequindre and St: Aubin ave., Mueller, Jacob, painter, bds. 293 Marion. Mueller, J~cob, painter, h. 298 Whitney. Mueller, Jacob, porter, bds. n. s. Scott, bet. Dequindre and St. Aubin ave. . Mueller, Jerome, mechanic, bds. 154 Antietam. Mueller, John, lab., h. o. 432 Mullett. Biueller: John, locksmith, bds. 191 Congress. e. Mueller, John, tanner, h. 120 Mullett. Mueller, John J., Lake Survey Office, h. 84 George. Mueller, Joseph, fish dealer, C. H. M. h. 86 Clinton. Mueller, Josephine. (wid. Joseph,) washerwoman bcls. 173 Clinton. Mueller, Lawrence T., carpenter, h. 15 Buena Vista. Nueller, Lewis W., jeweler, bds. 81 Lnfayayette. Mueller, Lisette, (wid. Frederick,) h. 275 Beaubien. Mueller, Louis, shoemaker, bds. 124 Chestnut. MUELLER, LOUIS, boots and shoes, 81 and 83 Lafayette, h. same, (See Index, page. 17.) Mueller, Louis, tailor, h. 138 Macomb. Mueller, Mary, (wid. Jacob,) h. n. s. Scott bet. Deqnindre and St. Aubin ave. Mueller, 'Mathew J., cleik, bds s. e. cor. Macolnh and St. Antoine. Mueller, Mathias, clerk, h. w. s. Russell nr. city limits. Mueller, Michael, painter, h. 293 Marion. Mueller, ldichael, shoemaker, h. 294 Whit- . ney.


Morrison, Samuel P., lab., h. 271 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Morrison, Thomas, moulder, bds. w. s. De-<br />

quindre, nr. Gratiot.<br />

Morrison, William, clerk, bds. 87 Eliza-<br />

beth e.<br />

Morrison, William, (col'd), cook, bds. 206<br />

Colunlbia e.<br />

Morrison, J. H. & Son, (John H. and<br />

Charles II.), dealers in coke, foot of Ri-<br />

vard.<br />

Morrow, Richard, cooper, Hastings, nr.<br />

Catharine, res. Windsor.<br />

Morrow, Christopher, h. 291 Beaubien.<br />

Morrow, Claufus C.. bookkeeper, bds. 291<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Norrow, Victor, mason, bds. 891 Beau-<br />

bien.<br />

Morrow, William, engineer, h. 62 Twen-<br />

tiet h.<br />

Morschel, Eva, (wid. Anton), seamstress, h<br />

59 Jay.<br />

Morse, Charles B., clerk, h. o. 135, n. 137<br />

Park.<br />

Norse, Edward, picture frames, 40 Con-<br />

gress e., h. same.<br />

Morse, Elijah C. (W. M. Dwight & Co.),.<br />

res. Au Sauble.,<br />

Morse, Ella, (wid. John W.), bds. 41 Beech.<br />

Morse, Jennie C., teacher, h. 143 Third.<br />

Morse, John B., shoemaker, h. 265 Rus-<br />

sell.<br />

Morton, Abraham, clerk, bds. 701 Fort w.<br />

Morton, Andrew R., lithographer, h. 4 31<br />

Lafayette ave.<br />

Morton, Barbara, (wid. James), h. 151 Sev-<br />

en th.<br />

Morton, Benjamin F.. ticket agent, bds. 49<br />

Shelby.<br />

Morton, Charles, teamster, h. 249 Abbott.<br />

Morton, Emeline, (wid Julius D.), h. 354<br />

Jefferson are<br />

Nor ton, Frazer, engineer, bds. Antisdel<br />

House.<br />

Morton, James, (col'd), huckster, C. H. M.,<br />

h. 227 Hastings.<br />

Morton, John, lithographer, h. 431 Lafay-<br />

ette ave.<br />

Morton, John &4., hop exchange, 37 Atwa-<br />

ter e., bds. 46 Lafayette ave.<br />

Mortbn, John D., die sinker, 16 Merrill<br />

Block, h. Warren ave., nr. Woodward<br />

Morton, Romulus, (col'd), plasterer, h. 398<br />

Clinton.<br />

Morton, William, (col'd) , carpenter, h. 15<br />

Grove.<br />

Morton, William D., banker, cor. Third<br />

and Woodbridge, bds. 354 Jefferson ave.<br />

Morwood, Hugh D., shoe maker, h. 258<br />

Park.<br />

Mosan, Francis, carpenter, kds. 169 Cass.<br />

Maschert, Marv, (wid. Jacob), washerwo-<br />

man, h. 393 kiopelle.<br />

Moschkewitz, Moses, pedlar, h. 113 Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />

HOME<br />

Uutual Life Insurance Co.,<br />




DE'X'ROIT, - - MICH-<br />

WSee advertisement, page 2 7.a<br />

- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - . - - --<br />

Moser, Theodore, druggist, 234 Randolph,<br />

h. same.<br />

Bloscs, Louis. pedlar, 11.205 Macomb.<br />

D!loses. Lucian, (Fiske and Moses), bds. Bid-<br />

dle House.<br />

Mosher Amasa, farnler, h. Woodward ave.,<br />

e s. nr. Holden Road.<br />

BIosier, Edward, engineer h. 603 Gratiot<br />

Mosier. Michfiel, broom maker, bds. 603<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Moss, Frederick, lab., h. Sherman, bet.<br />

Cllene and Joseph Campau ave.<br />

Mott, John T., (Mott & Donahue), h. 1000<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Mott, Joseph, jr., lab., h. 10 Clay.<br />

Molt, Joseph, sr., huckster, 18 C. H. M., h.<br />

10 Clay.<br />

Mott, Victoria, clressmaker, h. 555 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Mott, William H., government, inspector<br />

h. 280 Seventeenth.<br />

Mott & Donahue, (John T. Mott, and<br />

Thomas S. Donahue), manfrs. of saw<br />

sharpener and gummer, 15 Jefferson ave.<br />

Mouat, John D., (Ferguson, McKay, and<br />

Mouat), h, 258 Twelfth.<br />

Mountain Andrew, painter, h. 389 Bron-<br />

son.<br />

Mourer Nicholas, cooper, h. 511 James.<br />

Mourer, John, carpenter, bds. 166 Rivard.<br />

Mourisse, Louis, carpenter, h. 247 Maple.<br />

Mouseau, Xavier, carpenter, bds. 169 Clin-<br />

ton.<br />

Morcaurel, Sophia, (wid. Hyacinth), h. 194<br />

Napoleon.<br />

Mow, Miss Jennie M., h. 25 Abbott.<br />

Mowat: Angus, carpenter, h. 120 Eigh-<br />

teenth.<br />

Mower, John: pedlar, bds.. 8 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Mowry, Henry, mariner, bds. <strong>Detroit</strong> Ex-<br />

change<br />

Mowry, Granville G., clerk, bds. 119 La-<br />

fayette ave.<br />

Mowry, Israel, (Nowry and Co.), h. 119<br />

Lafayette ave.<br />

Mowry (5Z Co., (Israel Mowry, and H.<br />

Norton Strong), tobacconists, 60 and 62<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Moyford, John, coachman, bds. cor. Con-<br />

gress and Second.<br />

Moyland, John, saloon, 108 Woodbridge w.<br />

Mopahan, Cornelius, porter, bds. 131<br />

Labrosse.<br />

Mopahan, Jeremiah, h. 123 Porter.<br />


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