Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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MOO CITY DIRECTORY. INOR 333 - - Moore, William H., collector, bds. 84 Larn - ed e. NORTHWESTERN Mutual Life Insurance Co. Moor el William S., gardener, h. 489 Russell. i 1 ' OF 31ILWAUKEE. WIS. Moore, William W., engineer, bds. 265 Second. BE. GHAS. ATIREHBER, Moore, Foote & Co., (Franklin Moore, STATE AGENT, George Foote, and George F. Bagley), 11 1 Jefferson Avenlle, wholesale grocers, foot Cass. DETROIT, - - - MICE, WAgents Wanted. See adrerliwment, page 107.- MOORE -- - - & ALGER (Franklin Moore -- and Russell A. Alger). 'wholesale dealers ' Morawilz, Thomas. pedlar, bds. 211 Coliu timber and spars, office foot of First. umbia e. Moore, F & , F'mnklin and Samuel), Moray. Margaret, washerwoman, h. 405 lumber, 755 Woodbridge w. Macomb. Moore & Griffin, (William A. Moore and M(lr(lllost, John, cigar mnfr, 202 Wood- Levi T. Griffin), lawyers office 149 kf- bridqe \I-.. 11. same. ferson a\-e. Morcau, Clippe~s. lab,, h. 436 Catharine. Moore & Co., (Everett W. nn(1 Charles H- Morenau, Catharine, (wid. Michael), h. 118 Moore), produce and com~nission mer- Riopelle. chants), 7 & 9 Woodwart1 a1.e. Morenau, Dsiliel lab., h. 118 Riopelle. Moore 6; Sullivan, (Tholnas Moore a,n(I Morenau, Martin, lab , h. 118 Riopelle. James Sullivan), builders, r. 240 Fif- Morenau Patrick. lab.. h. 118 Riopelle. teenth. Morencp, Frank, carpenter, bds. 20 Nine- Moorey, James, mason, h. 266 Cass ave. teenth. Noorhead. Join, watchman, 11- on Brush I Morenus, Henry C., clerk, bds. 307 Woodfarm opp. bt~mson. ward nve Noorlnan. Ass P., carpenter. h. 43 Ma- Morenus, Rose A. Mrs., fancy goods, etc., comb ave. 307 Woodward ave., h. same Moorman, Charles E., sash and blind Moretonper, Percy, clerk G. W. R., res. maker, h. 271 First. Windsor, Ontario. Moorman Eli, hutcher. bds. 335 Larned e. 'Morgan Albert R., boots and shoes, 0. 91, Moorman, Eli jr., butcher, 11. 271 First. n. 109 Wood ward ave.. h. 9s Elizabeth w. Moorman, Harriet G., (wid. J~mes), h. 274 Morgan, Ann (wid. George), h. 254 Abbott. First. Morgan, Daniel, saloon, bds. 254 Sbbott. Moorman, Henry C., carpenter, bds. 43 Morgan, David, sailmaker, h. 172 Abbott. Macomb ave. Morgan, Elizabeth (wid. James). h. n. w. Moorman, James R., machinist, bds. 271 cor. Locust and Seventh. First. Morgan, George W., clerk, bds. 175 Wood- Morahan, Peter, clerk, bds. 70 Porter. ward ave. Morahan, Thomas, grocer, 184 Michigan ' Morgan, James W., captain, bds. o. 98 ave., h. sanle. Lewis. &loran, Charles, h. 373 Jefferson ave. Morgan, J~emial~, clerk. bds. 114 Fifth. Momn, Charles, teamster, bds. 278 Lar- I Morgan, .Jeremiah, veterinary surgeon, bds. ned e. I Franklin House. Moran, James, Ial)., h. 949 Grand River. , Morgan, John, moulder, h, n. IT. cor. Moran, Jolm, bookkeeper, bds. 373 Jeffer- 1 Locust and Seventh. son ave. 1 Morgan, M., engineer, h. 344 Chene. Moran, John, Ontario House, 566 Wood- Morgan, Quinton, captain, bds. 310 Woodbridge w., h. same. bridne r. Maran, John V.. clerk, bds. 873 Jeffvrson ave. . Morgan, Samuel S., carpenter, h. 119 Labrosse. Joseph, engl'arer, l)ds. 103 Wood- i Morgan. Sanford W., lumber dealer. h. o. ward ave. 98 Lewis. Moran. Morris, slloon 1004 Michigan aave., I Mnr.van, William, &airmal

334 MOR CLARK'IS DETROIT MOR Reliable Practical Business School. MAYHEW BV~BNB~~ Q"@~GEBB~ Conducted by HON. IRA MAYHEW, AUTHOR OF Na yA.ew's TracZicnZ 230oE-Eeepiplg For Common and Union Schools, andMarn~w's U niversitx Book-keeping for Business Colleges and Counting-rooms, See 3lst page of Directory. Morhous, Williain 9 : clerk, bds. 134 George. ,Worhous, Mitchell & Byram (George Morhous, Nicol Mitchell, Charles Byram and Ernst Nuppenau), builders, sash door and blind mnfrs., 133 and 134 Woodbridge e. (See Index, page 17.) Morhouse,lCecilia, box maker, bds. 504 St. An toine. Morhouse, Julia, dressmaker, bds. 504 St. Antoine. Morehouse, Williain, A. B., bookkeeper, h. 296 Third. Moriarty, Bridget (wid. Michael) washer- woman. h. 280 Sixth. Moriarty, Michael, plasterer, bds. 280 Sixth. Moritsch, Moritz, porter, bds. 353 Jefferson ave. Morland, Alfred, boiler maker, h. 132 La- fctyette. Morler, Henry W., policeman, h. 604 Third. Morley, Frederick, sup't Daily Post Cfo., h. 133 Congress e. Morley, Jeremiah J., printer, h. 50 H~rri- son ave. Morley, Richard, teamster, h. 338 Wood- bridge e. Noross, Joseph, mason, h. 93 Adams ave. e. Morphg: Charles (col'd), lab., bcls. n. s. Bcn- ton, bet. St. Antoine and Hastings. Morph , Thomas A., express messenger, h. 269 iecond. Morrell, Alexander, tobacconist, h. 123 Harrison ave. Morell, Ferdinand, sawmill, Marine City, h. 163 Congress e. Morrer, Jacob, ~uilkman, 11. n. e. cor. Hastings and Grove. Morrg John, butcher, bds., n. e. cor. Eastings and Grove. Norris, Arthur, mason, h. 216 High. Morris, Bernard, clerk, bds. 150 Macomb. Morris, Bernard, shoemaker, h. 355 Croghan. Morris, Catherine, (wid. hlilcs): h. 119 Tmen ty-fourth. Morris, George , hatter, 216 Jefferson ave., h. same. Morris, George, watchman, bds. 197 Porter. Morris, Ivcrs P.. engineer, 11. 538 Fort w. Morris, .James, Can:ada House. 198 Woodbridge w., h. same. Morris, James, h. 119 wenti ti-fourth. * Morris, Joseph, bill poster, bds. 48 Jones. RIorris, Joseph, lab., h. 365 Macomb. Morris, Joseph, tailor, bds. 418 St. Antoine. Morris. Josepli M., physician, 1983 Wood- ward ave. Morris, L. R., insurance agt., bds. Michi- gall Exchange. Morris, Moritz, pedlar, h. 170 Macomb. Morris: Nazarre, carpenter, 11.36 Dubois. Morris, Peter K., (Morris & Kellogg), h. 73 Grand River. Morris, Richard W., printer, bds. 197 Por- ter. Morris, Robert, (col'd), saloon, h. 148 Beau- bien. Morris, Robert, (R. Morris & Co.), h. s. e. cor. Porter and Eight. Morris, Robt J., ca.rpenter, bls. 197 Porter. Morris William, ship carpenter, h. 93 Twelfth. Morris & Kellogg? (Peter K. Morris and Frank E. D. Kellogg), wholesale liquors, 89 Grand River. Morris, R & Co., (Robert Morris and Jon- athan Teagan), grocers, 197 Porter. Morrisette, Joseph, turner, bds. 495 Lar- ned e. Morrissey, John, printer, bds. 384 Fifth. Morrison, Alexander, blacksmith, bds. 160 Rivard. Morrison, Alexander, reporter, h. 106 Ad- ams ave e. Morrison, Alexander, machinist: h. . 17 Eighteenth. Morrison, Alcxander, machinist, h. 361 Twelth. Morrison, Alexander, pattern maker, h. 106 Fifteenth. Morrison, A. W., carpenter, h. 15 Eigh- teenth. Morrison, Angus, ship carpenter, h. 435 Larned e. Morrison, Charles H.. (J. H. Morrison & Son), bds. 35 Elizabeth e. Morrislln, George E., clerk bds. 35 Eliza- beth e. Morrison, George H., grocer, 621 Michigan ave., h. same. Morrison, Hamilton car builder, h. 410 La- fayette ave. Morrison, James, carpenter, h. 155 La- brosse. l\Iorrison, James, engineer, h '171 Twelfth. Morrison, John, moulder, h. 537 Guoin. Morrison, John G., carpenter. h. 165 Mul- lett. Morrison John H., (J. H. Morrison & Son. ) h. 35 Elizabeth e. Morrisoil, Llewellyn 8.. carpenter, h. 323 Thirteenth. Morrison, Mary, (wid.), h. r. 213 Congress e. Morrison, Richard, boiler maker, h. 191 Porter. Worrison, Robert, boiler maker, h. 191 ?or- ter.


- -<br />

Moore, William H., collector, bds. 84 Larn -<br />

ed e.<br />


Mutual Life Insurance Co.<br />

Moor el William S., gardener, h. 489 Russell.<br />

i<br />

1 ' OF 31ILWAUKEE. WIS.<br />

Moore, William W., engineer, bds. 265<br />

Second.<br />


Moore, Foote & Co., (Franklin Moore,<br />


George Foote, and George F. Bagley), 11 1 Jefferson Avenlle,<br />

wholesale grocers, foot Cass.<br />

DETROIT, - - - MICE,<br />

WAgents Wanted. See adrerliwment, page 107.-<br />

MOORE -- - - & ALGER (Franklin Moore --<br />

and Russell A. Alger). 'wholesale dealers ' Morawilz, Thomas. pedlar, bds. 211 Coliu<br />

timber and spars, office foot of First. umbia e.<br />

Moore, F & , F'mnklin and Samuel), Moray. Margaret, washerwoman, h. 405<br />

lumber, 755 Woodbridge w.<br />

Macomb.<br />

Moore & Griffin, (William A. Moore and M(lr(lllost, John, cigar mnfr, 202 Wood-<br />

Levi T. Griffin), lawyers office 149 kf- bridqe \I-.. 11. same.<br />

ferson a\-e.<br />

Morcau, Clippe~s. lab,, h. 436 Catharine.<br />

Moore & Co., (Everett W. nn(1 Charles H- Morenau, Catharine, (wid. Michael), h. 118<br />

Moore), produce and com~nission mer- Riopelle.<br />

chants), 7 & 9 Woodwart1 a1.e.<br />

Morenau, Dsiliel lab., h. 118 Riopelle.<br />

Moore 6; Sullivan, (Tholnas Moore a,n(I Morenau, Martin, lab , h. 118 Riopelle.<br />

James Sullivan), builders, r. 240 Fif- Morenau Patrick. lab.. h. 118 Riopelle.<br />

teenth.<br />

Morencp, Frank, carpenter, bds. 20 Nine-<br />

Moorey, James, mason, h. 266 Cass ave. teenth.<br />

Noorhead. Join, watchman, 11- on Brush I Morenus, Henry C., clerk, bds. 307 Woodfarm<br />

opp. bt~mson.<br />

ward nve<br />

Noorlnan. Ass P., carpenter. h. 43 Ma- Morenus, Rose A. Mrs., fancy goods, etc.,<br />

comb ave.<br />

307 Woodward ave., h. same<br />

Moorman, Charles E., sash and blind Moretonper, Percy, clerk G. W. R., res.<br />

maker, h. 271 First.<br />

Windsor, Ontario.<br />

Moorman Eli, hutcher. bds. 335 Larned e. 'Morgan Albert R., boots and shoes, 0. 91,<br />

Moorman, Eli jr., butcher, 11. 271 First. n. 109 Wood ward ave.. h. 9s Elizabeth w.<br />

Moorman, Harriet G., (wid. J~mes), h. 274 Morgan, Ann (wid. George), h. 254 Abbott.<br />

First.<br />

Morgan, Daniel, saloon, bds. 254 Sbbott.<br />

Moorman, Henry C., carpenter, bds. 43 Morgan, David, sailmaker, h. 172 Abbott.<br />

Macomb ave.<br />

Morgan, Elizabeth (wid. James). h. n. w.<br />

Moorman, James R., machinist, bds. 271 cor. Locust and Seventh.<br />

First.<br />

Morgan, George W., clerk, bds. 175 Wood-<br />

Morahan, Peter, clerk, bds. 70 Porter. ward ave.<br />

Morahan, Thomas, grocer, 184 Michigan<br />

'<br />

Morgan, James W., captain, bds. o. 98<br />

ave., h. sanle.<br />

Lewis.<br />

&loran, Charles, h. 373 Jefferson ave. Morgan, J~emial~, clerk. bds. 114 Fifth.<br />

Momn, Charles, teamster, bds. 278 Lar- I Morgan, .Jeremiah, veterinary surgeon, bds.<br />

ned e. I Franklin House.<br />

Moran, James, Ial)., h. 949 Grand River. , Morgan, John, moulder, h, n. IT. cor.<br />

Moran, Jolm, bookkeeper, bds. 373 Jeffer- 1 Locust and Seventh.<br />

son ave.<br />

1<br />

Morgan, M., engineer, h. 344 Chene.<br />

Moran, John, Ontario House, 566 Wood- Morgan, Quinton, captain, bds. 310 Woodbridge<br />

w., h. same. bridne r.<br />

Maran, John V.. clerk, bds. 873 Jeffvrson<br />

ave. . Morgan, Samuel S., carpenter, h. 119 Labrosse.<br />

Joseph, engl'arer, l)ds. 103 Wood- i Morgan. Sanford W., lumber dealer. h. o.<br />

ward ave. 98 Lewis.<br />

Moran. Morris, slloon 1004 Michigan aave., I Mnr.van, William, &airmal

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