Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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MIL CITY DIRECTORY. MIT 829 Mills, Daniel, (col'd), barber, Third opp NORTH WESTERN M. C. Depot, h. 153 Clinton. Mills, Daniel H., sign painter, MS. 80 uutual Life Insurance Co. Spruce. OF MILWAUKEE, WIS. Mills, Gelston, teacher, bds. 19 High. Mills, George W.. clerk D. & M. R. R., res. Pontiac. STATE AGENT. Mills, John, sailor, h. 439 Franklin. 1 11 Jefferson Avenue, DETILoxTs Nills, Lida, milliner, h. 139 Michigan - - - XICW. w Agents Wanted. See advertieement.a ave. Mills, Margaret, (wid. George), h. 106 Por- Minns, Lydia, washerwoman, h. 317 Cathter. - arine. Mills, Mary, miliinery, 226 Randolph, h. Minock. Edward (Vining 81; Minock), Cirsame. cuit Court Commissioner, bds. 175 Grand Mills, Merrill I., (Nevins r& Mills), h. 44 River. Washington ave. Minor Henry, mason, h. 231 Mullett. Mills, Robert, h. Rivard near Naple. Minor, John, mason, h. 231 Mullett. Mills, R.obert, teamster, h. 248 Macomb. Minor, John, (col'd), waiter, Biddle House. Mills, William T., piano tuner, h. 619 Ma- Minor, Victoria (wid. Oliver), h. 139 Wight. comb. Minster, Henry, blacksmith, h. Fourlh, nr. Milman, John, segar maker, bds. cor. Clin- Holden &ad. ton and Hastings. Mintch, Jlichael, watchman, h. w. s. Milne, John, carpenter, h. 792 Congress e. Twelfth, nr. Mulberry. Milroy, James, produce dealer, Grand Hiv- Minterferring, John: lab., h. 467 Fort e. er bet. Twelith and Thirteenth, h. same. Mintern, Adam, carpenter, h. 279 Sixteenth. Elilroy, James A., clerk, bds. Grand River Mintern, Elizabeth, clerk, bds. 279 Sixbet. Twelfth and Thirteenth. teenth. Milsom, Joseph, bds. 21 Charlotte ave. Jlinwagen, Jacob, blacksmith, h. 433 Cro- Milspaugh, Daniel, conductor, h. 56 Seven- ghan. teenth. Minwagen, Madison, blacksmith, h. 430 Millspaugh, Sidney S., carpenter, h. 377 Beau bien. Croghan. Blinwagen, Peter V., carriage painter, h. Milward, Henry S., merchant tailor, 184 430 Beaubien Woodward ave., h. same. Mirdien, Conrad: cabinet maker, h. 667 Milwaukee Exchancre, 115 Atwater. Congress e. Minard, Charles $., grocer and brewor, Mirlein, Vincent, cabinet maker, h. 100 577,581, 588 Michigan ave., h. same. Calhoun. Minard, Charles \V., jr., plasterer, h. s. s. Miro, Louis, lab., 11. 248 Sherman. Locust bet. Twelfth aud Thirteenth. Alisner, Frederick. lab., h. 240 Twelfth. Mincel, Henry, printer, bds. cor. Hastings Mitchell, Aaron D., painter, h. &It. Hope and Benton. ave., n. Blichigan nve. Minchener, Arthur, clerk, bds. 21 Winder. Mitchell, Alexander, (coI7d), sailor, h. 269 MINCHENER, GEORGE H., (B. G. Dun Catharine. & Co ,) h. 21 Winder Mitchell, Anthony, taiior, h. 23 Abbott. Minckler, Cnarles, carpenter, h. 101 Mul- Mitchell, Barrett B., clerk, bds. Russell lett. House. Mind, Albertine. (wid. John), h. 283 Maple. Mitchell, Carlos, carpenter, bds. 272 Con- Mind, Charles, lab., h. 283 Naple. gress w. Miner, Edward, (Edward, Miner & Son), Mitchell Charles, artist, h. 366 Conh. 150 Adams ave. e. gress e. Miner, John, captain, h. 861 Congress e. Mitchell, Edward C., Rev., h. 102 Eliza- Miner, John, (Edward Miner 5;; Son), bds. beth w. 150 Adams ave. e. Mitchell, Esau, shoemaker, bds. 93 Adams Miner, Joseph L., (Belle Isle Ice Co ), h. 383 ave. w. Franklin. itIitchel1, Frederick, shoemaker, bds. Perk- Miner, Oliver, lab., h. 361 Congress e. ins' Hotel. Miner, Peter, drayman, h. 118 Riopelle. Mitchell, George W., lake captain, h. 328 Miner, Edward 62 Son (Edward and John Franklin. Miner), merchant tailors, cor. Jefferson Mitchell, Horace, (Ashley, Lewis & Co.), ave and Brush. bds. Nichigan Exchange. Mink, Constantine, cahinet maker, h. 308 Mitchell, Jacob, shoemaker, bds. 109 0r- Marion. lean3 . Mink, James, cabinet maker, h. 303 Marion. Mitchell, James F., (col'd), whitewasher, h. Minna, Herman, pedlar, bds. 244 Wat- 1 4$6 Cryhan. son. ahtchell, tames I., clerk, bds. 73 Hmiet. 42 Barn CH&% b~ua'LB@=&

330 MIT CLARK'S DETROIT MOL I ~ ~ , ~ > ~ > ~ < Moebs, ) ~ \ ~ Q"@&&B@B~ - P~osD~c~, B&&&#B~&' COR. CONGRESS & RANDOLPH STS. DETROIT, Conducted by 2307~. Im Mayhew, O( MAYHEW'S UNIVERSITY BOOK-KEEPING For Businasa Collages and the Counting-room. WThe on!y ~&k- keeping published pruridin complete instruction m prastwal ac- countantship. Sac notice 07 College Book-keeping and Bu~inas Pmctice, at the Slst pwe of ~ irectoj.~ Georme. cigar maker, h. e. s. ~astings opp. kentucky. Moebs, George, saloon, cor. Napoleon and li. same. Moeller, Andrew, organ builder, 245 Rivard, h. same. Moeller, August, cabinet maker, bds. 245 Moeller, John, lab., h. 434 Mullett, Moeller, Margaret, seamstress, bds. 246 Mitchell, John, blacksmith, h. 50 National Montcalm e. ave. Moeren, Mathias J., teamster, h. n. w. cor. Mitchell: John, gilder, h. 509 Wood- Russell and Clay. bridge w. Moerschel, Caspar. lab., h. 3 German. Mitchell, John, wagonmaker, h. 120 St. Moerschel, John. lab.. h. 3 German. Aubin ave. Moffat, Hugh, saw mill .~nd lumber yard, Mitchell, Maria, (wid. Thomas,) tailoress, foot of Chene, h. '750 Jefferson ave. h. 251 Fourth. Moffat, William, bookkeeper, bds. 750 Jef- Mitchell, Nicol, (Morhous, Mitchell & ferson ave. Byram,) h. 224 Lafayette ave. Moizridge, Thomas: lab., h. 407 Sixteenth. Mitchell, Peter, machinist, bds. 234 Con- Mohan, Francis J., clerk, bds. 53 Labrosse. gress e. Mohan, James, teamster, h. 53 Labrosse. Mitchell, Peter, miller, h. 162 Fourteenth. Muhan, James T., clerk, bds. 53 Labrosse. Mitchell, Richard, fruit dealer, C. H. M., h. Mohan: John, machine shop, e. s. Brush, 406 Fifth. bet. Lafiyette and Croghan, h. 26 Cro- Mitchell, Robert, (co17d), lab., bds. 89 Di- ghan. vision. Mohan, John E., clerk, bds. 53 Labrosse. Mitchell, Susan, (wid. Timothy), h. 13 Har- Mohr, Jacob, tailor; h. 297 Mary. riet. Mohr, Peter, carpenter, bds. 407 St. An- Mitchell, William, cigar maker, h. "4 St. toine. Antoine. Noir, George, machinist, bds. 166 Second. Mitchell, Wm., engineer: h. 13 Marion. Moir, George S.. upholsterer, bds. 55 Michi- Mitchell, Wm., machinist: h. 147 Twelfth. gan Grand ave. Mitchell, William, shoemaker, h. 93 Adams Moir, Melville, teacher, h. 395 Lafayette. ave. w. Moir, William, lab., h. 25 Abbott. Mitchell, William, shoemaker, h. 523 Sev- Moir, William, shoe maker, h. o. 234 Sixth. en th. Moir, Willlam C. K. fileman, bds. 44 Ab- Mitchell, William H., agt., bds. 44 Park bott. Place. Mok, Andrew, porter, h. 223 Maple. Mitchell, William W. bds 20 Macomb. Moldenhauer, August, lab., bds. 414 Antie- Mitmesser, Anton, lab., h. 48 Catharine. tam. Mitte, Anson, lab., h. BIt. Hope ave , n. Moldenhauer, Frederick, basket maker, Michigan ave. bds. 414 Antietam. Mitte, John, pedlar, 282 Croghan. Moldenhauer, John, lab., h. 414 Antietam. Mitte, Olliver, lab., h. 498 W oodbridge w. Molitor. Albert, lumber dealer, h. 157 Lar- Mitte, Phillip lab., h. Mt. Hope ave. n. ned e. Michigan ave. Moll Conrad, Rev, pastor, German Lu- M~ttelhof, Conrad, lab., h. 22 Naple. theran Church, h. 254 Ninth ave. Mittenthal, Henry, Yankee notions, C. 11. Moll, Emilie, dressmaker and notions, 437 M., h. 84 Catharine. Hastine h. same. Mittler, Ludwig. shoemaker, bds. 181 Moll, LOUIS, physician, 437 Hastings, h. Woodbridge m. same. Mittling, John, lab., h. 375 Juliette. Moll Peter, mason, h. 183 Napoleon. Mitzalfeld, Charles, engineer, h. 262 Whit- I Mollen. Charles, shoe maker, bds. Frankney. I lin House. Mitzger, Jacob, lab., h. 248 Mullet. Molles, Peter, lab., h. 427 Macomb. Mix, Lawrence W., carpenter, h. 511 La- Mollick, John, shoe maker, h. 305 Marion. fayette. Molly, Michael, carpenter, h. 55 Abhott. Mixuer, Gotlieb, shoemaker, h. 145 Hast- Molone . George P., tobacconist, bds. Gooding~. man & ouse. Moak. John W., tailor, h. 61 Chestnut. Moloney, Johanna, h. 93 Porter. Modlik, Wenzel, shoemaker, h. Division, Moloney. John B., bds. 273 Fort w. bet. Prospect and Hastings. Moloney, Patrick, moulder, h. 101 Porter. Moe, 311s. Lucy A., h. 171 Park. &lolonev, Willi,m, blacksmith, bds. .n . w. Moe, William C., agt., bds. 151 Park. cor. First and Lamed.


Mills, Daniel, (col'd), barber, Third opp<br />


M. C. Depot, h. 153 Clinton.<br />

Mills, Daniel H., sign painter, MS. 80 uutual Life Insurance Co.<br />

Spruce.<br />


Mills, Gelston, teacher, bds. 19 High.<br />

Mills, George W.. clerk D. & M. R. R., res.<br />

Pontiac.<br />


Mills, John, sailor, h. 439 Franklin.<br />

1 11 Jefferson Avenue,<br />

DETILoxTs Nills, Lida, milliner, h. 139 Michigan<br />

- - - XICW.<br />

w Agents Wanted. See advertieement.a<br />

ave.<br />

Mills, Margaret, (wid. George), h. 106 Por- Minns, Lydia, washerwoman, h. 317 Cathter.<br />

-<br />

arine.<br />

Mills, Mary, miliinery, 226 Randolph, h. Minock. Edward (Vining 81; Minock), Cirsame.<br />

cuit Court Commissioner, bds. 175 Grand<br />

Mills, Merrill I., (Nevins r& Mills), h. 44 River.<br />

Washington ave.<br />

Minor Henry, mason, h. 231 Mullett.<br />

Mills, Robert, h. Rivard near Naple. Minor, John, mason, h. 231 Mullett.<br />

Mills, R.obert, teamster, h. 248 Macomb. Minor, John, (col'd), waiter, Biddle House.<br />

Mills, William T., piano tuner, h. 619 Ma- Minor, Victoria (wid. Oliver), h. 139 Wight.<br />

comb.<br />

Minster, Henry, blacksmith, h. Fourlh, nr.<br />

Milman, John, segar maker, bds. cor. Clin- Holden &ad.<br />

ton and Hastings.<br />

Mintch, Jlichael, watchman, h. w. s.<br />

Milne, John, carpenter, h. 792 Congress e. Twelfth, nr. Mulberry.<br />

Milroy, James, produce dealer, Grand Hiv- Minterferring, John: lab., h. 467 Fort e.<br />

er bet. Twelith and Thirteenth, h. same. Mintern, Adam, carpenter, h. 279 Sixteenth.<br />

Elilroy, James A., clerk, bds. Grand River Mintern, Elizabeth, clerk, bds. 279 Sixbet.<br />

Twelfth and Thirteenth.<br />

teenth.<br />

Milsom, Joseph, bds. 21 Charlotte ave. Jlinwagen, Jacob, blacksmith, h. 433 Cro-<br />

Milspaugh, Daniel, conductor, h. 56 Seven- ghan.<br />

teenth.<br />

Minwagen, Madison, blacksmith, h. 430<br />

Millspaugh, Sidney S., carpenter, h. 377 Beau bien.<br />

Croghan.<br />

Blinwagen, Peter V., carriage painter, h.<br />

Milward, Henry S., merchant tailor, 184 430 Beaubien<br />

Woodward ave., h. same.<br />

Mirdien, Conrad: cabinet maker, h. 667<br />

Milwaukee Exchancre, 115 Atwater.<br />

Congress e.<br />

Minard, Charles $., grocer and brewor, Mirlein, Vincent, cabinet maker, h. 100<br />

577,581, 588 Michigan ave., h. same. Calhoun.<br />

Minard, Charles \V., jr., plasterer, h. s. s. Miro, Louis, lab., 11. 248 Sherman.<br />

Locust bet. Twelfth aud Thirteenth. Alisner, Frederick. lab., h. 240 Twelfth.<br />

Mincel, Henry, printer, bds. cor. Hastings Mitchell, Aaron D., painter, h. &It. Hope<br />

and Benton.<br />

ave., n. Blichigan nve.<br />

Minchener, Arthur, clerk, bds. 21 Winder. Mitchell, Alexander, (coI7d), sailor, h. 269<br />

MINCHENER, GEORGE H., (B. G. Dun Catharine.<br />

& Co ,) h. 21 Winder<br />

Mitchell, Anthony, taiior, h. 23 Abbott.<br />

Minckler, Cnarles, carpenter, h. 101 Mul- Mitchell, Barrett B., clerk, bds. Russell<br />

lett.<br />

House.<br />

Mind, Albertine. (wid. John), h. 283 Maple. Mitchell, Carlos, carpenter, bds. 272 Con-<br />

Mind, Charles, lab., h. 283 Naple.<br />

gress w.<br />

Miner, Edward, (Edward, Miner & Son), Mitchell Charles, artist, h. 366 Conh.<br />

150 Adams ave. e.<br />

gress e.<br />

Miner, John, captain, h. 861 Congress e. Mitchell, Edward C., Rev., h. 102 Eliza-<br />

Miner, John, (Edward Miner 5;; Son), bds. beth w.<br />

150 Adams ave. e.<br />

Mitchell, Esau, shoemaker, bds. 93 Adams<br />

Miner, Joseph L., (Belle Isle Ice Co ), h. 383 ave. w.<br />

Franklin.<br />

itIitchel1, Frederick, shoemaker, bds. Perk-<br />

Miner, Oliver, lab., h. 361 Congress e. ins' Hotel.<br />

Miner, Peter, drayman, h. 118 Riopelle. Mitchell, George W., lake captain, h. 328<br />

Miner, Edward 62 Son (Edward and John Franklin.<br />

Miner), merchant tailors, cor. Jefferson Mitchell, Horace, (Ashley, Lewis & Co.),<br />

ave and Brush.<br />

bds. Nichigan Exchange.<br />

Mink, Constantine, cahinet maker, h. 308 Mitchell, Jacob, shoemaker, bds. 109 0r-<br />

Marion.<br />

lean3 .<br />

Mink, James, cabinet maker, h. 303 Marion. Mitchell, James F., (col'd), whitewasher, h.<br />

Minna, Herman, pedlar, bds. 244 Wat- 1 4$6 Cryhan.<br />

son.<br />

ahtchell, tames I., clerk, bds. 73 Hmiet.<br />

42<br />

Barn CH&% b~ua'LB@=&

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