Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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MIC CITY DIRECTORY. MIL 321 Michels, Jacob, machinist, h. 106 St. An- toine. Michels, Peter, machinist, bds. 34 Con- gress e. ~(chelsen, Henry, furniture, 132 Gratiot, h. same. Michenfelder, Anton, brewer, 61 Sherman, h. same. Michenfelder, Bernhard, beer pedlar, 11. 64 Sherman. MICHIGAN NUT & BOLT CO., cor. Lnrned and Fourth. (See indez, page 17). Michiqan Car Co.. 320 Lamed w. Michiqan Central Depot, foot of Third. Michiqan Eschanrre. E. TJvon & Co., pro- prietors, 110 and 112 .Jefferson ave. Nichigan Farmer, office 42 Larned w., R. F. Sohnstont., editor. Michiqan Health Insurance and Relief 1 HOME Mutual Life Insurance Co., OF CINC LNNATI, OHIO. GENERAL AGENT. 84 QRISWOLD STREET. DETROIT, - - MICH- WSee a.dvertisement, page 27.- . .- . - .. - .. --- ---- -A7-- MiIer, John. mason, h. cor. Chene and Clinton ave. Miles, Henry. gardener, h. e. s. Twentyfourtll, 1 Fort. 3Iiles. Jame.;. lal).. h. 205 Franklin. ~ilos; John, iwinter, h. cor. Franklin and Rivard. Miles, Peter L.,(Thomas Miles &Son), bds. 56 Madison ttve. Society, 72 Concress e. Miles, Thomas. (Thomas Niles & Son), h. Michi~nn .Toumnl Pritinq Co.. (Ferdinand 56 3I:xtlison ave. Pope, Frederick Cornehl, jr.. G. P. Goett- Miles: Tllo~nas & Son, (Thomas and Peter man and Jacob Popc). ~nblisl~crs of L. Miles), working jewelers, 1374 Jefferthe Michiqan Jnlsrnal, 31 Woodbridge e. son ave. 31ichican 3Xutual Life Insurance Co., office Xilet. .JoIln, lab., h. Charles, bet. Sixth and 93 Griswold, .John T. Liczitt, Secy. Seventh. Micoleitschy, Joseph. lab., bds. e. s. Elm- Milct, Stephen, carpenter, 11. 96 Orleans. nmod are. nr. Gratiot. Milke. Herman, tailor, bds. w. s. De- Mieraw, Frederick, tanner, bcls. 55'7 St. qnindre, nr. Waterworks. Subin ave. Millar, Henry, soap mslcer, 11. 203 Fort e, Middlemiss, Walter. blacksmith. h. 90 Xillar, Herman, boiler maker, h. 17 Ir- Columbia e. ving. Niddleton, George, painter. h. 89 Baker. Millar, .John, boiler llllker, bds. 80 Front. BIiddleton, .T:tmes, printer, bds. 71 Brady. Nillar, *John. ship smith, 303 ,itwater e., h. BEiddleton, William C., bookkeeper, h. 90 484 Congress e. Elizabeth w. liar, Robert, (W, & R. Nillar), h. Middlewood, Geor~e. (Dewey, Middle- T~velftl~, bet. 'SValnut and Spruce. wood & Co.,) h. 336 Catharine. Millar. Tho~llas, machinist, h. 443 Beau- Midgley, Richard, huckster; C. H. &I., h. bien. 406 Fifth. Miliar, William, (W & R. Millar). h. Miechen, Anton, lab., h. 216 Russell. (up Twelftli, bet. Walnut and Spruce. stairs). Millar, W. & R., (Willinm and Rol~ert), Miehlke, Herlnann, tailor, bcls. 581 De- wholesale grocers, o. 178, u. 182 Woodquindre. ward ave. Nier, H. T., traveling azent, bds. Franklin 31illenb~cl~. Anton, lab., 11. 91 Anti(-)tam. House. Millcnbach, John, tinslnitll, h. 806 Cro- Miero, Friedrich, lab., h. cor. St. Aubin pl~an. ave and Juliette. Xillenbach, >f:ttllis~, leather and findings: Miesen, Frnnz, carpenter. h. 32s .T*1lictte. 146 Grand River, 11. same, (up stairs). Nicnault, C harlcs, porter, bds. 252 Eliza- Miller, Adam J., carl~ent~cr, 11. 78 Jay. beth e. Xill[.r, kbrxham, book binder, Jackson, Miznanlt, John B., pl1psician, h. 232 bds. 23 Macomb Elizabetlr e. Miller, Albert, cigar maker, bds. 23 Na- Micnault, John G., bds. 252 Elizf~bpth e. cornt). M'knaul t, Loi~is, clerk, hdq. C ~ss Hotel. Xiller, Andrew J., carpenter, 11. 110 Lafay- Miznault, Theodore. tinsmitl~, hds. 255 ette. Elizsheth e. Niller. An nn,, (wid. Phillip), washerwo- Milan, J~lln. lal, . h. 151 Fourteenth. man. 11. 49.5 RiopeIle. Milan, Patrick. lab., bd.;. cor. St. A~itoine 3Iiller, Au~ust, shoemake]., bds. 53 Monand Hastinqs. roe ave. Milburn. Henrv J.. travelirl: aqe!lt, h. n. e. Miller, Catharine, (wid. Andrew), (Youngcor. Ales%nrlri~e ave. nrld S?c.r*rd blood, J. '!% Co.), 11. 502 Gra'iot. Milburn. .Joseph, azent, bds. 233 P.xrk. 31 iller, 'Charleq, barber, 11. 11 Tuscola. Mildon, John, (col'd). sailor. n. 180 Clinton. Niller. Ctl-rrles, barber, 2 ;1 3Iichigitu avs. Mildon, Walter, mason h. 102 Plum. , h.jsame.

828 MIL CLARE'S DETROIT MIL PARKEj JENN'NGS & Co'S'J STANDARD and ''lid Ex SUGAS COATED PILLS, Base oils antk Ghemicals. For mle by ail Druggiets throughout the United States. w See ndvertisement, page 16. Miller, Charles, blacksmith, h. 583 Ma- comb. Miller Charles, turner, h. 296 Nichigan aye. Miller, Charles E , barber, h. 67 Grand River. Miller, Christian, saloon, 11. 397 Hsstings. Miller, Christopher, lab., bcls. 486 Wood- bridge w. Miller, Elizabeth, homeopathic physician, cor. Woodward ave. and Grand Hiver, h. 21 Elizabeth e. Miller: Ernest G., blacksmitll: 1)ds. 553 Wooclbridge w. Miller, Frank, ship carpenter, h. 702 Frank- lin. Miller, John, currier, bds. 475 Mullett. Miller, John drayman, 11. 209 Seventeenth. Miller, John ,patternmaker, bds. Mt. Elliott ave., bet. Macomb and Clinton. Miller, Joseph, bds. 553 Woodbridne w. Miller, Joseph, fish dealer, 87 C. a. M., h. SF Clinton. Miller, Joseph: lab , h. 181 German. Miller, Joseph. pedlar, h. 457 Macomb. Niller, .Joseph. watchman, h. 229 Thirteenth-and-a-half. Miller, Lewis, bookbinder, ids. 23 Macoml). Miller, Lewis. lab., h. 443 Sherman. Xiller, Lewis N., insurance agent, h. 221 Lamed e. Miller, Xargaret, (wid. August,) washerwoman, h. 381 Orleans. Niller, Nargaret, teacher, bds. 357 Cass ave. ,Miller, Margaret, (wid. Robert,) bonnet bleacher. 11. 445 Beaubien. Miller, Xicl~ael, lab., h. 229 Sherman. Miller, Michael, lab., h. '701 Maconib. Miller, Nichael, teamster, h. 124 Chestnut. Miller, Oscar, teamster, bds. Tremont House. Millcr, Francis A., butcher, bds. 5.53 Wood- Miller, Orville J., gilder. h. 77 Division. brid, me W. I Miller, Peter, (Miller & Seage,) bds. 119 Miller, Frederick, boiler maker, h. ROO Clin- I Abbott. ton. i Miller, Peter, butcher, 11. 38.5 St. Aubin Miller, Frederick. bookbinder, 11. s. e. cor. ave. Ninth and Michi, wan aves. Niller, Peter, engineer, bds. Central Hotel. Miller, Frederick, la!)., 11. 328 Seventeenth. Miller, Peter P., cigar maker, bds. 43 Mon- ,Miller, Frederick W., clerk, bds. 309 St. roe ave. Antoine. Miller, Robcrt B., fruit dealer, 63 Monroe, Miller, Geor )e h. 144 Orleans. h. same. &Iiller: George &I., carlSi:tge maker, Ger- Miller, Samuel, carpenter, h. s. s. Lafayette man, near Railroacl. Place, bet. Twenty-first and Twenty- Miller, George W., brewer, h. 203 Napo- second. Icon. Bfiller, Sebastinn, cabinetmaker: bds. 214 Miller, Harman, huckster, h. 245 Gratiot Aclanls ave. e. Miller, Henry, h. 279 Lafayette. Miller, Sidney D., (Douglass (B; Miller.) h. Miller, Henry, brewer, 933 Jefferson ave., 584 Jefferson ave. h. same. 3Iiller, Sophia. (wid. Henry,) h. 95 Eighth. Millcr, Henry, grocer, 370 Michigan ave., Miller, Stephen, joiner, 11. 475 Mullett. h. same. Miller, William, lab., h. 214 Adams ave. e. Miller, Henry, patn~linan, h. 222 Napoleon. I Niller, William, lab., h. 40 Seventh. Miller, Henry, (col'd) sailor, Grove, bet. Niller. William A. C., watchmaker, bds. 42 Hastinqs and St. *4utoine. Macomb. Miller, Henry G., saloon, 508 Michigan Xiller & Seage, (Peter Miller and Edave., h. same. mund S. Seage,) confectioners, 73 Gra- Miller, Henry, jr. brewer. bcls. 9.53 Jeffer- tiot. son ave. Milligan, Rev. George, pastor Scotch Pres- Niller. Henry J., tailor, h. 435 3Iullctt. byterian, h. 38 Macomb. Miller, Henry T., ticket agent. bds. Michi- 1 Jlillis Elluore P., student, bds. Tremont Exchange. I House Miller, I-Iorace, moulder. 11. 291 Croghan. i Xillis. Isaac, photographer, bds. Tremont Miller, Jacob, porter, Miclligitn Exchange. Niller, Jacob, saloon, 8 Paton, h. same. Mills, Andrew, carpenter, h. 759 Jefferson Miller, Jacob, tinware. 54 C. H. M-, h. 100 Macomb. Nills, Carlton H., mattress manf'r, 167 Miller, John, bds. 139 Bales. Griswold, h. 452 Seventh. Miller, John, blacksmith, 11. 494 Con- clerk, bds. 77 Beaubien. gress e. , Nills, C. T., (wid John,) clerk, h 91 Con- Miller, John, carpenter, h. 320 Ninth ave. [ gress e.


PARKEj JENN'NGS & Co'S'J<br />


and ''lid Ex<br />


Base oils antk Ghemicals.<br />

For mle by ail Druggiets throughout the United States.<br />

w See ndvertisement, page 16.<br />

Miller, Charles, blacksmith, h. 583 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Miller Charles, turner, h. 296 Nichigan<br />

aye.<br />

Miller, Charles E , barber, h. 67 Grand<br />

River.<br />

Miller, Christian, saloon, 11. 397 Hsstings.<br />

Miller, Christopher, lab., bcls. 486 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Miller, Elizabeth, homeopathic physician,<br />

cor. Woodward ave. and Grand Hiver,<br />

h. 21 Elizabeth e.<br />

Miller: Ernest G., blacksmitll: 1)ds. 553<br />

Wooclbridge w.<br />

Miller, Frank, ship carpenter, h. 702 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

Miller, John, currier, bds. 475 Mullett.<br />

Miller, John drayman, 11. 209 Seventeenth.<br />

Miller, John ,patternmaker, bds. Mt. Elliott<br />

ave., bet. Macomb and Clinton.<br />

Miller, Joseph, bds. 553 Woodbridne w.<br />

Miller, Joseph, fish dealer, 87 C. a. M., h.<br />

SF Clinton.<br />

Miller, Joseph: lab , h. 181 German.<br />

Miller, Joseph. pedlar, h. 457 Macomb.<br />

Niller, .Joseph. watchman, h. 229 Thirteenth-and-a-half.<br />

Miller, Lewis, bookbinder, ids. 23 Macoml).<br />

Miller, Lewis. lab., h. 443 Sherman.<br />

Xiller, Lewis N., insurance agent, h. 221<br />

Lamed e.<br />

Miller, Xargaret, (wid. August,) washerwoman,<br />

h. 381 Orleans.<br />

Niller, Nargaret, teacher, bds. 357 Cass ave.<br />

,Miller, Margaret, (wid. Robert,) bonnet<br />

bleacher. 11. 445 Beaubien.<br />

Miller, Xicl~ael, lab., h. 229 Sherman.<br />

Miller, Michael, lab., h. '701 Maconib.<br />

Miller, Nichael, teamster, h. 124 Chestnut.<br />

Miller, Oscar, teamster, bds. Tremont<br />

House.<br />

Millcr, Francis A., butcher, bds. 5.53 Wood- Miller, Orville J., gilder. h. 77 Division.<br />

brid, me W.<br />

I Miller, Peter, (Miller & Seage,) bds. 119<br />

Miller, Frederick, boiler maker, h. ROO Clin- I Abbott.<br />

ton. i Miller, Peter, butcher, 11. 38.5 St. Aubin<br />

Miller, Frederick. bookbinder, 11. s. e. cor. ave.<br />

Ninth and Michi, wan aves.<br />

Niller, Peter, engineer, bds. Central Hotel.<br />

Miller, Frederick, la!)., 11. 328 Seventeenth. Miller, Peter P., cigar maker, bds. 43 Mon-<br />

,Miller, Frederick W., clerk, bds. 309 St. roe ave.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Miller, Robcrt B., fruit dealer, 63 Monroe,<br />

Miller, Geor )e h. 144 Orleans.<br />

h. same.<br />

&Iiller: George &I., carlSi:tge maker, Ger- Miller, Samuel, carpenter, h. s. s. Lafayette<br />

man, near Railroacl.<br />

Place, bet. Twenty-first and Twenty-<br />

Miller, George W., brewer, h. 203 Napo- second.<br />

Icon.<br />

Bfiller, Sebastinn, cabinetmaker: bds. 214<br />

Miller, Harman, huckster, h. 245 Gratiot Aclanls ave. e.<br />

Miller, Henry, h. 279 Lafayette.<br />

Miller, Sidney D., (Douglass (B; Miller.) h.<br />

Miller, Henry, brewer, 933 Jefferson ave., 584 Jefferson ave.<br />

h. same.<br />

3Iiller, Sophia. (wid. Henry,) h. 95 Eighth.<br />

Millcr, Henry, grocer, 370 Michigan ave., Miller, Stephen, joiner, 11. 475 Mullett.<br />

h. same.<br />

Miller, William, lab., h. 214 Adams ave. e.<br />

Miller, Henry, patn~linan, h. 222 Napoleon. I Niller, William, lab., h. 40 Seventh.<br />

Miller, Henry, (col'd) sailor, Grove, bet. Niller. William A. C., watchmaker, bds. 42<br />

Hastinqs and St. *4utoine.<br />

Macomb.<br />

Miller, Henry G., saloon, 508 Michigan Xiller & Seage, (Peter Miller and Edave.,<br />

h. same.<br />

mund S. Seage,) confectioners, 73 Gra-<br />

Miller, Henry, jr. brewer. bcls. 9.53 Jeffer- tiot.<br />

son ave.<br />

Milligan, Rev. George, pastor Scotch Pres-<br />

Niller. Henry J., tailor, h. 435 3Iullctt. byterian, h. 38 Macomb.<br />

Miller, Henry T., ticket agent. bds. Michi- 1 Jlillis Elluore P., student, bds. Tremont<br /> Exchange. I House<br />

Miller, I-Iorace, moulder. 11. 291 Croghan. i Xillis. Isaac, photographer, bds. Tremont<br />

Miller, Jacob, porter, Miclligitn Exchange.<br />

Niller, Jacob, saloon, 8 Paton, h. same. Mills, Andrew, carpenter, h. 759 Jefferson<br />

Miller, Jacob, tinware. 54 C. H. M-, h. 100<br />

Macomb. Nills, Carlton H., mattress manf'r, 167<br />

Miller, John, bds. 139 Bales. Griswold, h. 452 Seventh.<br />

Miller, John, blacksmith, 11. 494 Con- clerk, bds. 77 Beaubien.<br />

gress e. , Nills, C. T., (wid John,) clerk, h 91 Con-<br />

Miller, John, carpenter, h. 320 Ninth ave. [ gress e.

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