Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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MAS CITY DIRECTORY. MAT 321 Mason, Edward, jr., commencial agt., bds. 124 George. Mason Edward J., carpenter, h. 342 Lafayette. Mason, George, carpenter, bds. Perkins Hotel, Grand. River. Mason, James K., carpenter, brls. Eighth bet. Labrosse and Porter. Mason, John, drovcr, h. 355 Eighteenth. Mason, John jr.; helper, bds. 351 Eighteenth. >fason, John J., blacksmith, bds., 351 Eighteenth. Mason, John W., stair bnilder, h. 283 Park. Mason, Joseph, printer, bds. 299 Fifth. Nason, Joseph T.: clerk bds. 124 George. Mutual Life Insurance Co. OF MILWAUKEE, WIS. DEB. 6:EAS. A;%TBXN@$B, STATE AGENT. 11 1 Jefferson Avenue, DETROIT, - - - XICH, W A~ent, N'snted. See advertisement.a Matgen, Mathias? trucksmith, bds. cor. Third aud Woodbridge. Mathauer, Paul, billiards and saloon, 241 Jefferson ave., h. same. Mather, Asher E., Rev., Baptist Missions, h. 661 Cnss ave. Mason, Lorenzo N., lumber, room I. Rotun- Mather, Atley E.. h. o. 244 Woodward ave. da, h. 152 Lsfayette ave. Mather, Spencer J., clerk, h. 81 Seldon. Mason, Mary, servant, bds. s. s. Vine, bet., Mathers, Alfred, sailor, bds. 61 Jefferson Fourth and Fifth. ave. Mason, Richard: painter, bds 291 Fifth. Matherson, Alexasder, sailor, h. 88 Colurn- Mason, Robert, grocer and meat market, o. bia w. (up stairs). 63 Lamed w., h. same. Mathes, Herman (Schimmel & Mathes), Mtzson, Robert S., bank teller, h. 386 Sec- bds. Hotel Mauch. ond. &lathes, Joseph, blacksmith, h. 692 MichiiVIason, Thomas, carpenter, h. 237 Seventh. gan ave. Mason. Thomas, clerk, House of Correc- Mathew, Emma, h. 40 Brewster. tion,' bds. same. Mathews, Chase P., bds. 41 Congress w. Mason, William, butcher, h. 351 Eigh- Mathews, Chase P., telegraph operator, h. teenth. 142 Adams ave. e. Mason, William, carpenter, h. 283 Park. Mathews, Dennis, cigar maker, bds. 229 Mason, William, engineer, h. 458 Clinton. Elizabeth e. ave , Mathews Frederick, lab., bds. 322 Wood- Mason, William J., clerk, bds., 124 George. bridge w. Nason & Conant, (Chas. E. Mason and Mathews, George, gardener, h. 786 Con- John S. Conant,) lumber yard, foot gress e. Twelft,l~. Mathews, Isaac S., sailor, h. 118 Rivard. Nasonic Hall, 133 Jefferson ave. Mathews, Jacob, stone cutter Batchelder dt Mass, 'vVilliam, lab., h. 191 Maple. Cook. Masselis. Joseph, tanner, h. 480 LaFayette e. Mathews, James L. (Mathews & Wilson), Massey, John O., patrolman, h. 15 Sixth. h. 99 Congress w. BIasseker, Francis lab., bds. 37 Third. Mathews, Louis A., lab. h. 105 Prospect. 3Inssnick, Anna (wid. Gottlieb) , washer- Mathews, BX. J., commercial agent, res. woman, b is. 187 Nacomb. Birmingham. Massnick, Ernst, gilder, bds. 187 Macomb. Mathews, Samuel, carpenter, h. 521 Lm- Msssnick, F. W., clerk, h. 59 Eighteenth. ned e. Massnick, Henry, lab., h. 294 Riopelle. Mathews & Wilson (James L. Mathews Massnick, Oswald, cooper, bds. 187 Ma- and George B. Wilson), mnfis. of cigars, comb 226 Jefferson ave. Nasshick: William, clerk, h. 59 Eighteenth. Mathewson, Charles M., grocer, 51 Lar- Masson, George, civil engineer, bds. 251 ned w., h. same. Larned e. Mathewson, Robert A., engineer, h. 446 Master, Aloys, currier with T. Schmidt, res. 1 Ninthave. Sandwich. Mathewson, Roderick, machinist, h. 269 Master, Maria, teacher, bds. 475 Larned w. Locust. Masterson, Mary ( wid. John ), washer- Mathias, Jacob, stonecutter, h. 305 High. woman, h. 66 Elizabeth e. Mathieu, Louis, lab., h. 105 Prospect. Masterson, Max, steward, Nichigan Ex- Matlong, .Tohn, shoemaker, h. 29 Centre. change. Matson, William, T., (Webb dZ Matson), Matambeau, John, lab., h. 482 Wood- bds. Eisenlord's Hotel. bridge e. Matt, Caroline, tailoress, bds. 86 Lafayette. Matesick, Joseph, lab., h. w. s. Humboldt Matt, Charlotte, (wid. Nelson,) h. 86 Lafayave., nr. Butternut. ette. Mateze, Lewis, boot maker, bds. Mullett, Mattice, Frederick, teamster, bds., n. e. bet. Rivard and Hastings. cor. Woodbridge and Seventh. 41

822 MAT CLARK'S DETROIT MAY COR. CONQ39Ss t% RiXDOLPR STS. DETR3IT- Condtccted by Ron. Tya .Way&ew, Alider of \IAYHEIV'S UYIVERSITY ROO"(-KEEPXYG, For Raniness Colleges and the Coantinz-room. TThe onlv Rookkeepinc published providing comnlete instri~ction in prnctical acconntmtship. See notice of Colle~.e. Bno'r-keeping an11 Bn~inees Practice, at the Slst paqe of Directory. a Mattice, James A., druggist, bds. 62 Beaubien. Mattice, Mrs. Snrah D., boarding, h. 62 Beaubien. Mattison, Byron, minter, h. 147 Larned w. Mattison, Rvron D., painter, bcts. 43 Br?c?ch. Mattison, Eliphale D., intelliqence office, 198+ Woodward we.. h. 43 Beech. Mattison, E:!nore P., pninter. h. 4:3 Beech. Mattison, Eunice, (wid. Warren), drcssmaker, h. 76 Jay. Mattison. Margaret, dress maker, h. 147 Larned west. Mattison. .Jr>hn, joiner, h. 165 Bronson. Mattqon, Edmnnct S., professor of music, bds. 59 Adarns ave w. Mauer, Peter J.. l.tb., h. v. s. Bellair, bet. Dequindre and St. Subin ave. Mauermann, Mathias, veterinary surgeon, 444 Gratiot, 11. same. Manl. James. porter. bds. 21 Orchard. Maul, John, dravman. h. 293 Ifontcalm e. Maul, John, pedlar, h. 579 Seventh. - Nanl, Paul, lab, h. n. s. Ohio bet. Hast- ing~ and Prqspect. Maul. Stephen, lab., h. n. s. Ohio bet. Pros- and Eastings. Maur, Annie, dressmaker, bds. 500 Gr:%tiob. Maurell, William, blacksmith, 11. 53 Pros- pect. Mallrice, George, jr., bookkeeper, h. 72 Frtrrar MAURY, *JOHN. saloon, 233 Michigan ave.. h. same. - -- M3y Alfred I., bookkeeper, h. 26'1 .Jeffer son ave. Mnv, Conrad, pocket book maker, h. 215 St Antoine. May, Francis, mason, h. w. s. Williams ave. nr. R.Iichi,rran ave. Mnr, Henry, chair maker, Detroit Chair Factory. Map, Henry, grocer, 421 Clinton ave., h. same. May, Isaac. carpenter h. 252 Croqhan. Map, James, show card writer, 135 Michi- gan ave., h. same. May, John, sailor, h. 561 Larned e. Mar, .John C., express messenger, h. 834 First. May, .Julia, Mrs., hairdresser, 267 Jefferson ave. Mnv, Lewis. pocket book maker, bds. 215 St. Antoine. May, Matilda, seamstress, bds. w. s. Wil- liams nve. nr. Michiqarl ave. Mav. Nelson H., (Nay & Carmody), h. 83 Montcam w. 3I:tv, Oliver I).. lfimber inspector, House of Correction, hds. ssrno. Nag, Paul, butcher, 700 SVoodbridge w., h samp. Nitv, Tlieodore. h. 500 Riopelle. Xav, Theodore, hookbinder, bds. 91 Con- gress e. May, Thomas, porter, h. 160 Oak. Mity, William, printer. bds. 160 Oak. Mav & Carin~dy. (Nelson H. Mty znd Thomas Carmody,) licluors, 91 Xichigan ave. 31-tvberry. Henry. 11. 355 Lsfhyette ave. M.tyberry, Henry, forernan. h. 115 Porter. Mayberrg, Mary teacher, bds. 355 Lafay- ette ave. Mayberry, Thomas, contractor. h. 355 Le- fayette ave. Mavberry. William C., lawyer, bds 355 Ltzfixyette ave. Mayer, Charles, lnb., h. 173 Twenty-sec- ond. Mayer, Charles Adolph, clerk, h. 140 Fort e. Nayer, E!ish:t, carpenter, h. 280 Franklin. lfayer. Gustnve, cigar maker, bda. Brigh- ton House. X:tper, .J:tcoh L., tzilor, 11. 154 Marion. Mityer. .To hn R , U. S. Lake Survey office, Maus, Henry. tailor, h. 101 Naple. Maus, J~zlius. blker, 375 Gratiot, h. same. Mausbach, Peter, wood sawyer, h. 350 Hastings. Mautschke, All bert, lab., bds. 341 Whitnep. ' l,Taville, Peter, caulker, 11. 441 Guoin. Max, Abraham, psdlar, h. o. 268, n. 284 " 'Beaubien. Max, Moses, hllckster, C. H. M., h. n. s. 11. 70 Bn:. Harriet nr. St. Antoine. 11 tver, .Joseph, tr:amster, h. w5t515 Larned e. Mrzxfield, Samuel. teamster, h. 319 Riqh. .Nityer, Letth, seamstrc~.~. 535 Lsr- Maxwell, Edward, Ish., h. 617 I;:trned e. ned e. Maxwell. George H., bookkeeper, 11.239 Sl.l,yer, P~ul S., Lake Survey office, bds. Larne~l e. 70 Bacc. Maxwell. George W., (col'd), barber, h. 1Iaye.s. Eclwizrcl, (Hoffiler Sr; Xrzyes,) h. 88 283 Maple. Columbia w. Maxwell, James, h. 20 Grand River m. Msttvhem, Alexander, carpenter, h. 285 Maxwell, John, carpenter, h. 235 Sevea- Mullett. teenth. LPI;t~hew 33 asiness College, (Ira Masmell, Samuel, carpenter, h. 235 Seven- Nttyhew Prest.,) n. e. cor. Kandolph teenth. and Congress. (See h&x, page 17.)


Mason, Edward, jr., commencial agt., bds.<br />

124 George.<br />

Mason Edward J., carpenter, h. 342 Lafayette.<br />

Mason, George, carpenter, bds. Perkins<br />

Hotel, Grand. River.<br />

Mason, James K., carpenter, brls. Eighth<br />

bet. Labrosse and Porter.<br />

Mason, John, drovcr, h. 355 Eighteenth.<br />

Mason, John jr.; helper, bds. 351 Eighteenth.<br />

>fason, John J., blacksmith, bds., 351 Eighteenth.<br />

Mason, John W., stair bnilder, h. 283 Park.<br />

Mason, Joseph, printer, bds. 299 Fifth.<br />

Nason, Joseph T.: clerk bds. 124 George.<br />

Mutual Life Insurance Co.<br />


DEB. 6:EAS. A;%TBXN@$B,<br />


11 1 Jefferson Avenue,<br />

DETROIT, - - - XICH,<br />

W A~ent, N'snted. See advertisement.a<br />

Matgen, Mathias? trucksmith, bds. cor.<br />

Third aud Woodbridge.<br />

Mathauer, Paul, billiards and saloon, 241<br />

Jefferson ave., h. same.<br />

Mather, Asher E., Rev., Baptist Missions,<br />

h. 661 Cnss ave.<br />

Mason, Lorenzo N., lumber, room I. Rotun- Mather, Atley E.. h. o. 244 Woodward ave.<br />

da, h. 152 Lsfayette ave.<br />

Mather, Spencer J., clerk, h. 81 Seldon.<br />

Mason, Mary, servant, bds. s. s. Vine, bet., Mathers, Alfred, sailor, bds. 61 Jefferson<br />

Fourth and Fifth.<br />

ave.<br />

Mason, Richard: painter, bds 291 Fifth. Matherson, Alexasder, sailor, h. 88 Colurn-<br />

Mason, Robert, grocer and meat market, o. bia w. (up stairs).<br />

63 Lamed w., h. same.<br />

Mathes, Herman (Schimmel & Mathes),<br />

Mtzson, Robert S., bank teller, h. 386 Sec- bds. Hotel Mauch.<br />

ond.<br />

&lathes, Joseph, blacksmith, h. 692 MichiiVIason,<br />

Thomas, carpenter, h. 237 Seventh. gan ave.<br />

Mason. Thomas, clerk, House of Correc- Mathew, Emma, h. 40 Brewster.<br />

tion,' bds. same.<br />

Mathews, Chase P., bds. 41 Congress w.<br />

Mason, William, butcher, h. 351 Eigh- Mathews, Chase P., telegraph operator, h.<br />

teenth.<br />

142 Adams ave. e.<br />

Mason, William, carpenter, h. 283 Park. Mathews, Dennis, cigar maker, bds. 229<br />

Mason, William, engineer, h. 458 Clinton. Elizabeth e.<br />

ave ,<br />

Mathews Frederick, lab., bds. 322 Wood-<br />

Mason, William J., clerk, bds., 124 George. bridge w.<br />

Nason & Conant, (Chas. E. Mason and Mathews, George, gardener, h. 786 Con-<br />

John S. Conant,) lumber yard, foot gress e.<br />

Twelft,l~.<br />

Mathews, Isaac S., sailor, h. 118 Rivard.<br />

Nasonic Hall, 133 Jefferson ave.<br />

Mathews, Jacob, stone cutter Batchelder dt<br />

Mass, 'vVilliam, lab., h. 191 Maple.<br />

Cook.<br />

Masselis. Joseph, tanner, h. 480 LaFayette e. Mathews, James L. (Mathews & Wilson),<br />

Massey, John O., patrolman, h. 15 Sixth. h. 99 Congress w.<br />

BIasseker, Francis lab., bds. 37 Third. Mathews, Louis A., lab. h. 105 Prospect.<br />

3Inssnick, Anna (wid. Gottlieb) , washer- Mathews, BX. J., commercial agent, res.<br />

woman, b is. 187 Nacomb.<br />

Birmingham.<br />

Massnick, Ernst, gilder, bds. 187 Macomb. Mathews, Samuel, carpenter, h. 521 Lm-<br />

Msssnick, F. W., clerk, h. 59 Eighteenth. ned e.<br />

Massnick, Henry, lab., h. 294 Riopelle. Mathews & Wilson (James L. Mathews<br />

Massnick, Oswald, cooper, bds. 187 Ma- and George B. Wilson), mnfis. of cigars,<br />

comb<br />

226 Jefferson ave.<br />

Nasshick: William, clerk, h. 59 Eighteenth. Mathewson, Charles M., grocer, 51 Lar-<br />

Masson, George, civil engineer, bds. 251 ned w., h. same.<br />

Larned e.<br />

Mathewson, Robert A., engineer, h. 446<br />

Master, Aloys, currier with T. Schmidt, res.<br />

1 Ninthave.<br />

Sandwich.<br />

Mathewson, Roderick, machinist, h. 269<br />

Master, Maria, teacher, bds. 475 Larned w. Locust.<br />

Masterson, Mary ( wid. John ), washer- Mathias, Jacob, stonecutter, h. 305 High.<br />

woman, h. 66 Elizabeth e.<br />

Mathieu, Louis, lab., h. 105 Prospect.<br />

Masterson, Max, steward, Nichigan Ex- Matlong, .Tohn, shoemaker, h. 29 Centre.<br />

change.<br />

Matson, William, T., (Webb dZ Matson),<br />

Matambeau, John, lab., h. 482 Wood- bds. Eisenlord's Hotel.<br />

bridge e.<br />

Matt, Caroline, tailoress, bds. 86 Lafayette.<br />

Matesick, Joseph, lab., h. w. s. Humboldt Matt, Charlotte, (wid. Nelson,) h. 86 Lafayave.,<br />

nr. Butternut.<br />

ette.<br />

Mateze, Lewis, boot maker, bds. Mullett, Mattice, Frederick, teamster, bds., n. e.<br />

bet. Rivard and Hastings.<br />

cor. Woodbridge and Seventh.<br />


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