Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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McK CITY DIRECTORY. ?~cE 31 1 McKay, James, clerk, bds. 103 Miami ave. HOME McKay, James, fireman, bds. 434 Woodbridge w. Nutual Life Insurance Co., McKay, James A., Sec'v Etna Fire Ins. Co., OF CmCINNATI, OHIO. 5 Bank Block, h. 93 walnut. McKay, James N., joiner, h. 236 Third. GENERAL AGENT. NcKay, John D., brewer, h. 230 84 GRISWOLD STREET. Fifth. DETIiSOIT, - - XICH- McKay, Neil, blacksmith, h. 291 Seven- '@iTSse advertisement, page 2 7 . a teenth. - - - - - - - -. . . - - -- - - - - XcKay, Samuel, cigar store, bds. Antisdel NcKenzie, John, stone cutter, bds. 104 House. L:trned e. McK:ly, William, plasterer, bds. 179 Wood- JlcTKenzie, Kcnnett W., sailor, bds. 16 bridge w. Beaubien. McKay, William C., captain, h. 77 Eliza- NcKenzie, Mary. bds. e. s. Seventh, bet. beth w. Beech and Orchard. McKce, Dwight, conductor, bds. 27 Beau- McKenzie, Robert, blacksmith, h. 483 Conbien. gress e. NcKi~e, Rebecca: (wid. Charles), seam- NcKenzie, William, carpenter, h. 116 Co strcsss, bds. o 266,n. 306 Randolph. lr~mbia R-. McKee, Thoinas. barkeeper, bds. 49 McKen zic, William, carpenter, h. 268 Co- Shelby. lumbia e. McKee, Thomas, enginecr, 11. 209 T weltth. NcKenzie, Williurn, carpenter, bds. Pur- McKee, William, machinist, bcls. 86 Bron- dy's Hotel. eon. XcKenzie, stone cutter, bds. 114 McKelvey, Archibald, carpenter, h. 463 Larned e Lafayette e. McKeogh, Timothy, lab., h. 371 Ninth ave. BfcKelvey, James, patrolman, h. 81 Elm- McKeowa, John, l>hysician bds. 260 Jefwood ztve. fi:rson ave. McKclvey, James, teamster: h. w. s. JlcKeow n, John T., student, bds. 260 Jeffer- Woodbridge, bet Adair and Leib. . son ave. NcKelvey, Neil, hookkeeper, h., 152 NcKeown, Patrick, lab., h. e. s. Twelfth, Twelfth. bet. Baker ar~d Michigan are. McKelvey, Williail~, engineer, h. 237 Ab- McKerchey, William. sailor: h. 152 Wilbott. kins. McKendree, Edward J., insurance canvas- NcKern, Anna, (wid. Patrick), huckster 40 ser, h. 92 Adams ave.. m. C. H. M., 11. 8 Eighth. McKendrick, Daniel, painter, h. 29 Ma- McKeruan, John, clerk, h. 89 St. Antoine. rion. McKernan. John, fireman, engine No. 3, h. McK~nclrick. Daniel, painter, 11. 304 Mul- lt5Washin, mton ave. lett. McKerrow, John P., (Reekie 6T McKerrow), McKenley, James, blacksmith, h. 136 Ab- h. 211 Howard. bott. McKibbin, Robert P.: h.' 164 Second. McKenna, Charles E., clerk, bds. 136 Congress w. McKenns, John, cooper, 11. 664 Congress e. McKenna, John, painter, h. 169 Rivard. McICenna, Patrick, shoemaker: h. 81 Miami ave. McKenna, William A., (McKenna & Radcliff), h. 54 Adams ave. w. McKenila & Radcliff, (William A. blcKenna and Thomas R:~dcliff), wholesale grocers. o. 25, n. 38 Woodward ave. McKenney, Patrick, shoemaker, h. 32 Niami ave. McKenzie, Charles, grocer, 275 Third, 11. same. McKenzie, John, carpenter, h. 186 Flfteen th. McKenzie, John, lab , hds. 298 Franklin. McKenzie, John,, lab., bds. Tremont House. McKenzie, John, lab., h. 301 St. Antoine. McRimmie, George D.: druggist, bcls. 149 - Oak. 33:cKimmie, John A. M., druggist, bds. 1149 0:~lL XcICimmie, John M., chair maker, h. 77 Beech. McKimmie, Joseph A., pattern maker, h. 149 Oak 3IcTKimmie, Robert R , druggist, bds. 149 Oak. McKimnlie, William W., chemist, bds. 149 Oak. MclCinley, James, blacksmith, h. 118 Ab- 1, tt. McKinney, Jaines: paint'er, h. 91 National are. M

512 McK CLA.RK'S DETROIT McM PARgE, JENNINGS & GO., McLaughlin, Simon, lab., h. 33 Elm. McLaughlin, Thomas, boiler maker, h. 126 M ANUFACTU! I NG CHEM I STS, I Franklin Ofice, 52 Zarned St., West. Laboratory Cor. CMord & Henry Sts. & Cass Ave DETBOIT, MICH. WSee advertisement, page 16. 8 McLaughlin, Thomas, lab., bds. 174 Beech. McLaughlin, Thomas, moulder, h. 87 Second. McLrtughlin, Thomas J., blacksmith, bds. 81 Woodbridge w. McLaus, William, lab., h. 41 Lewis. McKinnon, James, engineer, h. 87 St. Antoine. -.- XcLean, Andrew, machinist, bds. 513 - - McKinstry James P., commodore, U. S. Fort w. N., h. o. 328 n. 344 Jefferson ave. XcLean, Archibald H., real estate broker, McKinzie, Daniel, capt., h. 275 Park. office 127 Jefferon ave., bds. Howard McKinzie, James, teamster, h. 123 Con- House. gress w. McLean, David, lab., h. 216 Seventh. McKinzie, Robert, blacksmith, h. 483 Con- XcLean, Howarcl John, express messenger, gress e. 11. 80 Sibley. McKirk, John, clerk bds. 16 ~iaubien. McLean, Morris. lab., h. 9 : Franklin. McKnight, James, carpenter, h. 243 Rio- NcLean, John, lab., bds. cor. Third and pelle. Lewis. McLane. Alexander, insurance agent, 101 XcLellan, Andrew. clerk, h. 103 1Miami ave. Griswold, h. 123 Elizabeth w. NcLellan, Daniel, lab., h. 74 Eighth. IlcLane, Andrew, machinist, bdg. 512 McLellan, Eliza, teacher, bds. o. 23 a. 10'3 Fort my. BIiqmi ave., McLaren, Charles M., student. bds. 242 XcLellan John, sawyer, bds. Ontario Congress e. House Woodbridge w. McLaren, Rev. John F., D. D., Presbyter- McLellan. John N., Rev. United Pres., o. ian, bds. 242 Congress e. 28 n. 103 Miami ave., YcLruen. Peter, coachman, bds. 194 Ran- XcLetbd, Albert, carpenter, h. 44 Pine. dolph. XcLeod, Alexander flagman, h. 58 Guoin. McLaren, Rev. Willism A., h. 41 Row- YrLeod, Alexa.nder, ship carpenter, h. cor. land. Lafayette and Mt. Elliott ave., McLAUGHLIN, ANNABELLA, (wid. McLeod, Isabclla, (wid. Norman,) h. s. e. Robert), millinery, 4 Michigan ave., h. s. ror. Wayne and Woodbridge. s. Charles bet. Sixth and Seventh. ;M(:Leocl, John C., intelligence office, 67 NcLaugBlin, Bridget: !wid. Henry), huck- Grisaolt l, h. same. ster C. H. M., h. s. s. Holden mad nr. G. McLeod, Joseph, bookkeeper, h. 68 Sibley. T. R. 13. McLeod, Tht #mas, lab., bds. 118 Franklin. YcLaughlin, Daniel, farmer, bds. 276 McLogan: Catherine, (wid. Anthony,) h. 309 Twelfth. \TO( )d ward ave., McLaughlin, Frank, bds. 76 Wayne. McLogan, Cornelius, lab., h. 358 Woodi%IcLaugl~lin? Henry, jr., ardener, bds. bridge e. Holden road nr. G. T. R. B . BfcLogan, Michael, bookkel:per, h. 334 McLaughlin, James, carpenter, hds. 165 GmnP River. Franklin. NcLogat 1, Patrick, gardener, h. 332 Grand McLaughlin, James, lab., h. w. s. Fif- River. teenth nr. Grand River. McLott, John, carpenter, h. 82 Abbott. McLaughlin, James E., carpenter, bds. 272 McMah~n, (Dally & McMahon,) bds. 48. Congress w. Sibley. McLauglllin, ,John, bds. 76 Wayne. NcXahon, Eugene C.: paper cutter, h. 419 McLaughlin, John, lab., h. 131 Harrison Fort e. ave. McXahon, Francis, lab., h. 39 Pine. McLaughlin, John, teamster, h. Pine nr. McNabon, Henrg. fireman, h. 24i Fifih. Ninth ave. M(.31ahon7 Michael J.. clerk, bds. Amer- McLaughlin, Mathew, malster, h. - i6 ican House. Wayne. Nc Mahon, Patrick, grocer, 983 Michigan McLaughlin, Michael, lab., h. 127 Labrosse. :IVP., h. Spring Wells. McLaughlin, Michael, moulder h. 66 La- MnNahon, Patrick, lab., h. 449 Sixteenth. brosse. McXahon, Thomas, lab., h. 252 Mullett. McLau hlin, Michael, paving contractor, McXaman, Charles shoemaker, h. 251 h. 30 B rady. Naplc!. McLaughlin, M , traveling agent, res. Y'psi- I McMann, Dennis, engineer, h. 703 Crolanti. gllan. McLaughlin, Robert, clerk, bds. a w. eor. McPann, Brid et, (wid. Peter,) washerwo- Sproat and Park. I man h. 524 l! hird.

McK CITY DIRECTORY. ?~cE 31 1<br />

McKay, James, clerk, bds. 103 Miami ave.<br />

HOME<br />

McKay, James, fireman, bds. 434 Woodbridge<br />

w.<br />

Nutual Life Insurance Co.,<br />

McKay, James A., Sec'v Etna Fire Ins. Co.,<br />


5 Bank Block, h. 93 walnut.<br />

McKay, James N., joiner, h. 236 Third.<br />


NcKay, John D., brewer, h. 230 84 GRISWOLD STREET.<br />

Fifth.<br />

DETIiSOIT, - - XICH-<br />

McKay, Neil, blacksmith, h. 291 Seven-<br />

'@iTSse advertisement, page 2 7 . a<br />

teenth. - - - - - - - -. . . - - -- - - - -<br />

XcKay, Samuel, cigar store, bds. Antisdel NcKenzie, John, stone cutter, bds. 104<br />

House.<br />

L:trned e.<br />

McK:ly, William, plasterer, bds. 179 Wood- JlcTKenzie, Kcnnett W., sailor, bds. 16<br />

bridge w.<br />

Beaubien.<br />

McKay, William C., captain, h. 77 Eliza- NcKenzie, Mary. bds. e. s. Seventh, bet.<br />

beth w.<br />

Beech and Orchard.<br />

McKce, Dwight, conductor, bds. 27 Beau- McKenzie, Robert, blacksmith, h. 483 Conbien.<br />

gress e.<br />

NcKi~e, Rebecca: (wid. Charles), seam- NcKenzie, William, carpenter, h. 116 Co<br />

strcsss, bds. o 266,n. 306 Randolph. lr~mbia R-.<br />

McKee, Thoinas. barkeeper, bds. 49 McKen zic, William, carpenter, h. 268 Co-<br />

Shelby.<br />

lumbia e.<br />

McKee, Thomas, enginecr, 11. 209 T weltth. NcKenzie, Williurn, carpenter, bds. Pur-<br />

McKee, William, machinist, bcls. 86 Bron- dy's Hotel.<br />

eon.<br />

XcKenzie, stone cutter, bds. 114<br />

McKelvey, Archibald, carpenter, h. 463 Larned e<br />

Lafayette e.<br />

McKeogh, Timothy, lab., h. 371 Ninth ave.<br />

BfcKelvey, James, patrolman, h. 81 Elm- McKeowa, John, l>hysician bds. 260 Jefwood<br />

ztve.<br />

fi:rson ave.<br />

McKclvey, James, teamster: h. w. s. JlcKeow n, John T., student, bds. 260 Jeffer-<br />

Woodbridge, bet Adair and Leib.<br />

. son ave.<br />

NcKelvey, Neil, hookkeeper, h., 152 NcKeown, Patrick, lab., h. e. s. Twelfth,<br />

Twelfth.<br />

bet. Baker ar~d Michigan are.<br />

McKelvey, Williail~, engineer, h. 237 Ab- McKerchey, William. sailor: h. 152 Wilbott.<br />

kins.<br />

McKendree, Edward J., insurance canvas- NcKern, Anna, (wid. Patrick), huckster 40<br />

ser, h. 92 Adams ave.. m.<br />

C. H. M., 11. 8 Eighth.<br />

McKendrick, Daniel, painter, h. 29 Ma- McKeruan, John, clerk, h. 89 St. Antoine.<br />

rion.<br />

McKernan. John, fireman, engine No. 3, h.<br />

McK~nclrick. Daniel, painter, 11. 304 Mul- lt5Washin, mton ave.<br />

lett.<br />

McKerrow, John P., (Reekie 6T McKerrow),<br />

McKenley, James, blacksmith, h. 136 Ab- h. 211 Howard.<br />

bott.<br />

McKibbin, Robert P.: h.' 164 Second.<br />

McKenna, Charles E., clerk, bds. 136 Congress<br />

w.<br />

McKenns, John, cooper, 11. 664 Congress<br />

e.<br />

McKenna, John, painter, h. 169 Rivard.<br />

McICenna, Patrick, shoemaker: h. 81 Miami<br />

ave.<br />

McKenna, William A., (McKenna & Radcliff),<br />

h. 54 Adams ave. w.<br />

McKenila & Radcliff, (William A. blcKenna<br />

and Thomas R:~dcliff), wholesale grocers.<br />

o. 25, n. 38 Woodward ave.<br />

McKenney, Patrick, shoemaker, h. 32 Niami<br />

ave.<br />

McKenzie, Charles, grocer, 275 Third, 11.<br />

same.<br />

McKenzie, John, carpenter, h. 186 Flfteen<br />

th.<br />

McKenzie, John, lab , hds. 298 Franklin.<br />

McKenzie, John,, lab., bds. Tremont<br />

House.<br />

McKenzie, John, lab., h. 301 St. Antoine.<br />

McRimmie, George D.: druggist, bcls. 149<br />

-<br />

Oak.<br />

33:cKimmie, John A. M., druggist, bds. 1149<br />

0:~lL<br />

XcICimmie, John M., chair maker, h. 77<br />

Beech.<br />

McKimmie, Joseph A., pattern maker, h.<br />

149 Oak<br />

3IcTKimmie, Robert R , druggist, bds. 149<br />

Oak.<br />

McKimnlie, William W., chemist, bds. 149<br />

Oak.<br />

MclCinley, James, blacksmith, h. 118 Ab-<br />

1, tt.<br />

McKinney, Jaines: paint'er, h. 91 National<br />

are.<br />


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