Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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44 CLARK~S DETROIT CITY DIRECTORY. church erected 1843. Number of members, 356. Services at lo+ o'clock A. M. and 79 P. M. Pastor, Rev. George M. Milli.gan, residence, 38 Macomb street. David Ken- dall, Sexton. Sabbath school from 13 to 3 o'clock P. M. Library 600 volumes. United Presbyterian-Corner of Wayne street and Lafayette avenue. Organized 1853. Services at lo+ A. M. and 3+ P. M. Sunday school at 2 P. M. Number of mem- bers 280. Pastor, Rev. J. P. Scott, residence, 112 Wayne street. Trustees, John Mc- Bride, Wm. J. Ray, Thomas Lawrence, Samuel Moore and Robert McKenzie. Westminster Presbyterian-East side of Washington avenue, between State and Grand River streets. Erected 1860. Society organized October Gth, 1857. Services' at lo+ A. M. and '73 P. M. in winter, and 10+ A. M. and 7% P. M. in summer. Pastor, Rev. W. E. McLaren, residence, 35 Row- land street. Elders, D. McCormick, Allen Chaney, Geo. Dunlap, W. P. Kellogg. Trustees, John G. Erwin, B. B. Noyes, D. McCormick, Peter Voorhees and J. S. Conant. Treasurer, Geo. Dunlap. Sexton, G. 0. Walker, residence, No. 5S4 Croghan street. MISCELLANEOUS. Beth El Temlnle-Corner of Washington avenue and Clifford street. Organized Sep- tember, 1852. New Temple erected 1867. Divine service on Friday evening at 6+ o'clock and Saturday at 9% o'clock A. M. Number of members, ,70. Rabhi, Rev, Dr. K. Kohler. President, Simon Heavenrich. Vice President, 15. Cohen. Secretary, M. C. Fechheimer. Cashier. S. Freedman. The above with the following constitute the board of Trustees, D. J. Workum, M. Butzel, I. Kaufman. Chdtuphian Society No. 1 - Meets every Sunday at lo+ A. M. at 109 Griswold street. Christccdelphzan Society No. 2-Meets every Sunday at lo+ A. M. at Old Odd Fellows' Hall, Woodmard avenue. Detrozt Society of ized January 24,1869. Sunday meetings at 7 Grand River street, morninq and evening. Children's Progressive Lyceum, at 2 P. M. President, S. B. McCracken. Rrst Slbngregatwm~l Unitarian-Corner Shelby street and Lafayette ave. .N uinber of members, 300. Services nt 10.30 o'clock A. M. and 7.30 P. M. Ptstor, Rev. W. R. G. Mellen First Metihodid-In Good Templar's Hall, Grand River street, near the corller of Seventh. Services at 10.30 A 3f. wid 7 30 New Jerusalem, (8wecEenborgian)-Macomb ave. near Grsnd Circus. Services morn- ing and evening. Sunday school inlmedi- ately after morning service. Church dedi- cated 9ugust 26th, 1860. Number of mwln- bers, 60. Rev. E. C. Mitchell, Pastor. Sy lucgogue of Shnary Zedeck-Corner of Congress and St. Antoine streets. Society organized September 27,1861. Number of members, 70. Service Friday evening from 6 to 7 o'clock. Saturday morning from 8 to 11. President, M. Mondelssohn. Vice President, M. Herzburg. Treasurer, H. Krashaar. Secretary, L. M. Freedman. Trustees. E Tichner. H. Van Baalen, D. Rosen, E. Davie, S. Rosenberg. 69BBATH SCHOOLS. Calvary AMGsion-On Mayberry avenue; organized in 1868 ; in present quarters since December, 1869 ; under the care of Westminster church ; average attendant c8 200. Superintendent, W. P Kellogg ; As- sist.ant Superintenclent, W. Loc1;wood ; Secretary and Treasurer. Peter Young. 1 Clinton Avenw Qnhn M&,ion - On Clinton avenue, opposite the Duffield Un- ion School, organized February 21,1858 ; in present quarters since January 27t11, 1867 : average attendance of scholars in 1869,190. E[qhth Ward Union Mission-31 eels in basement of Fort S trect Presbvt crinn church, at 9 o'clock A. M. every Si11)l)atll ; organized i.n 18.53 ; average nttenct ancc , 145. Superintendent, J. H. Harvcy ; Sec- retary, William Craig ; Trea.surer, hlcs- ander Bell. French Baptist Jli8sion-In French Bap- tist church, on Sherman, hetween Rivard and Russell str ets : orgianized in 1860 ; average attendance 100. S. Finney, Su- perintendent. German Morning iMi.ktG?~. - Corner of Croghan and Beaubien streets ; Superin- tendcnt, Horace Hitchcocf ; male Assist- ant Superintendent, D. A. Ross; fetnalc Assistsilt Superitlt.cndcnt, Mrs. Stears ; Secretary, Henry TT. Scott ; Treasurer, George A. Ross ; Librarian

MUNICIPAL RECORD AND LOCAL REGISTER. 45 organized in 1865 ; average attendance 90. Superintendent, John B. Harvey. Ninth Avenue Union Mission-Corner of Ninth avenue and Howard streets : organ- ized November, 1868 ; average attendance 350; Superintendent, D. M. Richardson; As- sistant Superintendent, C. G. Brownell ; Secretary* J. W* McGrath ; Treasurer, Charles Ward. St. John's Church Mission-Corner of Walnut and Seventh streets ; organized by St. John's Church Union, May l'i, 1865 ; average attendance 120 ; Isaac DeGraff, Superintendent; Joseph B. Wolfinden, As- ~istant Superintendent ; William L. Al- len, Secretary and Treasurer ; J. W. Pros- ser, Librarian* The general charge a?d 8upervj~ioIl of the mission is reposed lll Rev- Jesse T. Webster, assistant to the Rector of St. John's parish. Third Street Unwn Mission-On Third street, north of the grove ; organized 1868 ; average attendance 159 ; Chas. W. Nohle, Superintendent ; David W. Brooks, Assistant Superintendent ; David Carter, leader of singin@ L. E. Clark, Secretar and Treasurer ; Voard of Trustees, F. 5: B. Crane, Ira Davis, D. W. Brooks, David Carter, Wm. Fletcher. Unwn Mik&n, No 1-Corner of Russell and streets. Organized "arch 8, Average attendance of 3cho1ars for 18691 933 ; teachers1 61. Superinten- dent. 2. R. Brockway ; Assistant Superin- tendent', John S. Newberry, E. Trow- bridge ; Secretary and E. W. Bissell ; Assistant Herman Roehm ; Bioqra~hers, O- 'lark, Otis Cook ; Superintendent of Tickets, C. A. Mack ; of Infant ment-Miss Emma Hall, Hiss Foote ; Sec- of Infant H. R. H. 'lahou~ ; '. '. Brockway, J. S. Newberry. James Mc- Millan. Woodward Avenue Mrission Sclrool- In Harper Hospital ; organized in 1865 ; av- erage attendance 200. Superintendent, R. c. Smitll ; Secrcltary, George H. Moore ; Treasurer, E. 31. Fisk ; (jollllllittee on Music, Joseph Woltenden ; Librarian Wnl. Henderscln ; Directors, A. C JlcGra~, Luther Beecher, James Wallace, Henry K. Lincoln. German Moradng Mipawn Srcbilath S~hofd --Corner of Crogllan andBenul)ienstrect~; CONVENTS. Convent of the Sister8 of Charity-Ran- dolph, between Congress and Larned streets. Sister superior, Mary Edmonds. Co7~vent of the Sucred Heart-310 Jefferson averrue. Orwanized 1800. Lady Superior, Madame $. Brennan. convent of Notre Da-(German)-ljj St. Antoine street. Organized 1840. Established in Detroit in 1848. Sister Superior, Mary Samuella. COURTS. united State$ Courts of t)~ Em&rn m- t,kt of ,f$fiC]LiDan-The United States is divided into nine judicial Circuits, in each of whicll a Circuit Court is held for each district within each Circuit. The ~~t of C,,gres, approved April loth, 1869 prorides ,as follows: "The Circuit Courts in each Circuit shall be held by the Justice of the Supreme Court allotted to the Circuit, or by the Circuit Judge of the Circuit, or by the District Judge of the District sitting alone, or by the Justice of the Supreme Court and Circuit Judge sitting together, in which case the Justice of the Supreme Court shall preside, or in the absence of either of them by the other (who shall preside) and the District Judge.e.,, The State of nficbigan by the Act of February 24t11, ,16G3 was divided into two judicial ~ i ~ t ~ ~l~~ i ~ b courts . for tile Eastern District are held at Detroit and for the Western District at Grand Rapids. Both Districts are attached to the 6tl1, Judicial Circuit which conlprisl.s tile States of Miclligan, Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee. Justice Sw ne has been allotted to tile Gtll, Judicial &rcuit and Hen. Halmer R. Ernmons was under said Act of April 10, 1869 nppoillted Circuit Jucke of said Ci,.cuit The Courts for said E-lstcrn District are organized as follows : Cim~it Collrt-Hon. N. A- Swa~ne, Justice of the Supreme Court is by said Act, required to attend one Term at least in two YcarS ; Hen. Emmons1 Circuit *Judge: Iron. Job11 W. Longyear, District Judge. ; Addison Mandell, Clerk ; Aaron B. 3Iaynnrd. U. S. District Attorney; J. W. Finncy and N. H. Snran, Assistants; Joseph R. Benn[>tt, U. S. &IarSllHl ; Henry G. Ulanchar,l, Cllicf Deputy Marshal. Superintendent. Hmace Hitchcock ; male Assistant Superintendent, D. A. R~~~ .: fc- Termn of Circuit-Firs: Tuesdays in male Assistant Superintendent, Mrs. M'l'ch, June a~td Norember, Court ~{OOII~ Stearns ; Secret.ary, Henry W. Scott ; P. 0- Bnil(ling, Detroit- Treasurer, George 9. Ross ; Librarians, LT S. Bi.~fm:ct Cnltrt-District .T~~ctge, FIon. John A. Fry, Chas. Arnold, John W. Longyear; U. S. District Attor-


church erected 1843. Number of members,<br />

356. Services at lo+ o'clock A. M. and 79<br />

P. M. Pastor, Rev. George M. Milli.gan,<br />

residence, 38 Macomb street. David Ken-<br />

dall, Sexton. Sabbath school from 13<br />

to 3 o'clock P. M. Library 600 volumes.<br />

United Presbyterian-Corner of Wayne<br />

street and Lafayette avenue. Organized<br />

1853. Services at lo+ A. M. and 3+ P. M.<br />

Sunday school at 2 P. M. Number of mem-<br />

bers 280. Pastor, Rev. J. P. Scott, residence,<br />

112 Wayne street. Trustees, John Mc-<br />

Bride, Wm. J. Ray, Thomas Lawrence,<br />

Samuel Moore and Robert McKenzie.<br />

Westminster Presbyterian-East side of<br />

Washington avenue, between State and<br />

Grand River streets. Erected 1860. Society<br />

organized October Gth, 1857. Services' at<br />

lo+ A. M. and '73 P. M. in winter, and 10+<br />

A. M. and 7% P. M. in summer. Pastor,<br />

Rev. W. E. McLaren, residence, 35 Row-<br />

land street. Elders, D. McCormick, Allen<br />

Chaney, Geo. Dunlap, W. P. Kellogg.<br />

Trustees, John G. Erwin, B. B. Noyes, D.<br />

McCormick, Peter Voorhees and J. S.<br />

Conant. Treasurer, Geo. Dunlap. Sexton,<br />

G. 0. Walker, residence, No. 5S4 Croghan<br />

street.<br />


Beth El Temlnle-Corner of Washington<br />

avenue and Clifford street. Organized Sep-<br />

tember, 1852. New Temple erected 1867.<br />

Divine service on Friday evening at 6+<br />

o'clock and Saturday at 9% o'clock A. M.<br />

Number of members, ,70. Rabhi, Rev, Dr.<br />

K. Kohler. President, Simon Heavenrich.<br />

Vice President, 15. Cohen. Secretary, M.<br />

C. Fechheimer. Cashier. S. Freedman.<br />

The above with the following constitute<br />

the board of Trustees, D. J. Workum, M.<br />

Butzel, I. Kaufman.<br />

Chdtuphian Society No. 1 - Meets<br />

every Sunday at lo+ A. M. at 109 Griswold<br />

street.<br />

Christccdelphzan Society No. 2-Meets<br />

every Sunday at lo+ A. M. at Old Odd<br />

Fellows' Hall, Woodmard avenue.<br />

Detrozt Society of<br />

ized January 24,1869. Sunday meetings<br />

at 7 Grand River street, morninq and<br />

evening. Children's Progressive Lyceum,<br />

at 2 P. M. President, S. B. McCracken.<br />

Rrst Slbngregatwm~l Unitarian-Corner<br />

Shelby street and Lafayette ave. .N uinber<br />

of members, 300. Services nt 10.30 o'clock<br />

A. M. and 7.30 P. M. Ptstor, Rev. W. R.<br />

G. Mellen<br />

First Metihodid-In Good Templar's Hall,<br />

Grand River street, near the corller of<br />

Seventh. Services at 10.30 A 3f. wid 7 30<br />

New Jerusalem, (8wecEenborgian)-Macomb<br />

ave. near Grsnd Circus. Services morn-<br />

ing and evening. Sunday school inlmedi-<br />

ately after morning service. Church dedi-<br />

cated 9ugust 26th, 1860. Number of mwln-<br />

bers, 60. Rev. E. C. Mitchell, Pastor.<br />

Sy lucgogue of Shnary Zedeck-Corner of<br />

Congress and St. Antoine streets. Society<br />

organized September 27,1861. Number of<br />

members, 70. Service Friday evening from<br />

6 to 7 o'clock. Saturday morning from 8<br />

to 11. President, M. Mondelssohn. Vice<br />

President, M. Herzburg. Treasurer, H.<br />

Krashaar. Secretary, L. M. Freedman.<br />

Trustees. E Tichner. H. Van Baalen, D.<br />

Rosen, E. Davie, S. Rosenberg.<br />


Calvary AMGsion-On Mayberry avenue;<br />

organized in 1868 ; in present quarters<br />

since December, 1869 ; under the care of<br />

Westminster church ; average attendant c8<br />

200. Superintendent, W. P Kellogg ; As-<br />

sist.ant Superintenclent, W. Loc1;wood ;<br />

Secretary and Treasurer. Peter Young.<br />

1 Clinton Avenw Qnhn M&,ion - On<br />

Clinton avenue, opposite the Duffield Un-<br />

ion School, organized February 21,1858 ;<br />

in present quarters since January 27t11,<br />

1867 : average attendance of scholars in<br />

1869,190.<br />

E[qhth Ward Union Mission-31 eels in<br />

basement of Fort S trect Presbvt crinn<br />

church, at 9 o'clock A. M. every Si11)l)atll ;<br />

organized i.n 18.53 ; average nttenct ancc ,<br />

145. Superintendent, J. H. Harvcy ; Sec-<br />

retary, William Craig ; Trea.surer, hlcs-<br />

ander Bell.<br />

French Baptist Jli8sion-In French Bap-<br />

tist church, on Sherman, hetween Rivard<br />

and Russell str ets : orgianized in 1860 ;<br />

average attendance 100. S. Finney, Su-<br />

perintendent.<br />

German Morning iMi.ktG?~. - Corner of<br />

Croghan and Beaubien streets ; Superin-<br />

tendcnt, Horace Hitchcocf ; male Assist-<br />

ant Superintendent, D. A. Ross; fetnalc<br />

Assistsilt Superitlt.cndcnt, Mrs. Stears ;<br />

Secretary, Henry TT. Scott ; Treasurer,<br />

George A. Ross ; Librarian

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