Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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McC Cf TZT DTTCECTORY. McD 307 McCormick, David jr., clerk, bds. '78 Lewis. McCormi~k, James, clerk, bds. 166 Second. McCormick, James, lab., bds. Larned bet. Cass and First. McCor~uick, James, printer, h. 325 Thirteenth. BlcCormick: John, agent, bds. 166 Second. I\lcCormick, Pztrick, wood dealer, 366 Atwater e., 11. 309 same. McCormick, Robert H., clerk, bds. 78 Lewis. McCoskry: Rt. Rev. Samuel A., Bishop of Michigan, h. 226 Fort w. McCowan, Catharine, car washer, h. cor. Sixth and Porter. McCoy, James, lab., bds. e. s. Thirteenth, bet. Fort and Woodbridge w. McCoy, Patrick, lab.. bds. 357 Woodbridge e. McCoy, Timothy, fireman, h. 357 Woodbridge e. McCracken, Rev. James, bds. 220 Woodward ave. McCracken, ~ohn, painter, bits. 686 Michigan ave. McCracken, Stephen B., editor and correspondent, bds. 220 Woodward ave. McC racken, Thomas, moulder, bds. 686 Michigan ave. McCracken William, moulder, h. 686 Michigan ave. %Crane, Patrick, (McCrane 62 Walker), h. 117 Larned w. Siccrane & Walker, (Patrick XcCrane and James Walker,) copper, tin and sheet iron wsre 45 Jefferson ave. McCrary, Benjamin, gardener, h. 220 Second. McCraw , Napoleon, caulker, h. 375 Franklin. McCreedy,David, gilder, h. 15 National ave. McCreedy, Eugene, painter, bds. s. s. Thirteenth, bet. Fort and Wooclbridge w. McCreedy, John C., teacher, h. 180 Woodward ave. McCricket, Margaret, (wid. Bernhard,) h. 97 Elizabeth w. McCricket, Patrick, machinist, h. 10'7 Abbott. McCricket, Peter H., bookkeeper, bds. 97 Elizabeth w. McCullough, Charles, bookkeeper, bds. 285 Jefferson avc. McCullough, Timothy, lab., h. 390 Fifth. McCuaig, James, .,Aspinall & Co.,) h. 241 First. McCulley, Bernard, machinist, bds. 4% Congress e. IMcCulley, George E., harness manfr., 226 Jefferson ave., bds. 383 Brush. McCune, George H., teller, bds. 21 Elizabeth e. McCune, .James; N. N., meat and provisions, 214 Woodward ave., h. 1% Adam ave. w. HOME Nutual Life Insarance Co., OF CINCINNATI, OH10. $, ~@@,&MBBB&~I$~, GENERAL AGENT, S4 GIR.lS\VOLD S'r.9 DETItOIT, - - MICE, WSee advertisement, page 27.- McCune, Michael, pressman, bds. 327 Cro- ghan. McCunc, Thomas, engineer, bds. American House. McCune, William J., (Ten Winkle & Mc- Cline,) bds. 21 Elizabeth e. McCurdy, Edward, bds. 111 Larned e. McCurdy, Samuel, painter, h 9 Porter. McCurdy, Sarah, (wid. Jow,) boarding, h. 111 Larned e. McDay, Illargaret, (wid. Alexander), h. 90 Fort e. McDermott, Alexander, bookkeeper, bds. 166 Second. McDermott, Bernard, lab., h. 168 Four- teenth. McDermutt, James, porter, bds. 418 Michi- gan ave. McDerlnott, James, porter, Russell House. BIcDermott, James C.: pattern maker, h. n. s. Ninth ave., bet. Abbott and Porter. 31cDermott, Mary E., teacher, h. 17 How- ard. McDermot t, Michael, h, 156 Orleans. McDermott, Peter, drayman, h. 226 Rus- sell. XcDerlnott, Thomas, h. 173 Fort e. i McDermott, - rnacllilinist, bds. 210 Whitney. I ~IIcDonald, Alexander, bookkeeper, and wool dealer, h. 163 Larned e. AlcDonald, Alexander, carpenter, h. 313 Chestnut. I McDouald, Alexander, carpenter, h. n. w. 1 cor. Seventh and Howard. 1 McDonald, Allan, lawyer, office 42 Larned IN., h. Gilllnau, nr. Second. McDonald, Mrs. Annie, confectionery, 225 Gratiot, h. same. 31cDonald, Arthur, coachman, h. 387 Michigan ave. I\IIcDonald, Burk, Iztb., bds., 27 Beaubien. McDonald, Colin, stonecutter, h. 280 Twelfth. McDonald, Corqelius, ship carpenter, h. Larned e., bet. St. Aubin ave. and Du- bois. McDonald, Edward, h. 694 Cass ave. McDonald, Ella, box maker, h. 387 Xichi- &an ave. McDonald, Ezekiel, plumber, h. 438 Con- gress e. iVIcDonald, F. Albert, (XcDonald, Hay- wood & Co.), L. 231 First. IkIcDonald, George h., engineer, h. 503 Franklin.

308 ?~cD CLARK'S DETROIT McF PHYSICIANS & DRUGGISTS Are cordially invited to call at our of8ce, No. 52 Larned Street, West, And examine our Standard Chemioal & Pharmaceutioal PREPARATIONS, PA== E, JENNINGS & CO. WSea advertkernant, page 16. McDonald, James, bar tender, 223 Jefferson ave., bds. same. McDonald, James B., painter, h. o. 293, n. 353 Randolph. McDonald, Joel C., (McDonald, Haywood & Co.r, h. 19 George. McDonald, John, lab., h. 216 Fifteenth. &lcDouald, John, lab., bds. 706 Wood- bridge w. McDonald, John, sailor, h. 596 Fort e. McDonald, John, watchman, bds. 166 Sec- ond. McDonald, John W., molder, h. 662 Frank- lin. McDonald, Hartin, carpenter, h. 264 'Con- gress e. McDonald, Michael, clerk, bds. 73 Duf- field. McDonald, Nancy, Mrs., h. 73 Duffield. McDonald, Robert, pattern maker, h. 77 Beaubien. McDonald, Robert, sailor: h. 73 Dufiield. McDonald, Stewart, ship joiner, h. 128 Cass. McDonald, Thomas, lab., h. 280 Lafayette ave., McDonald, Thomas lab., bds. 215 Sher- man. McDonald, William, engineer h. 6 Spruce. BIcDonald, Hay wood & Co , (Joel C. Mc- Donald, Thomas J. Haywood & F. Al- bert McDonald,) commission merchants, 33 Woodbridge w. McDonnel1,~Donald A., lab., h. 48 St. Au- bin ave., McDonnell, Donald L., bds. 123 Shelby. McDonnell, Patrick, boiler maker, h. 440 Congress e. McDonnell, Timothy, sailor, bds. I02 W ilkins. McDonnough, Dennis, lab., h. 29 Ann. McDonnough, John, moulder, bds. 29 Ann. McDougall, Alexander, tinsmith, h. 216 St Antline. XcDougall, Angus W., carpenter, h. 685 Franklin. McDougal, Duncan G., printer, h. 67 Twenty-first. McDougall, George, baker, h. 9 Tuscola. McDougall, John, lab., bds. 46 St. Aubin me., McDougall, Thomas, plumber, b&. 216 St. Antoine. McDowd, James, bookkeeper, bds. Amer- ican House. McDowd, Michael, h. 3 Bates. McDowd, Michael J., proprietor, American House, 202 Jefferson ave., McDowd, Nichael J. jr., carpenter, bds., American House. McDowell, John, shoemaker, h. Fourth opp., Alexar drine ave., McDowell, Mary, (col'd), washerwoman h. r. 56 Clinton. McDowell, Peter, saloon, 188 Gratiot, h. same. McDuff, Andrew, builder, h. o. 69 n. 79 Beech. BIcDuff, John, carpenter, h. w. s. Eighteenth nr. Baker. XcEachran, Daniel, carpenter, h. Eighth n. e. cor. Charles. McElligate, John, clerk, bds. City Hotel. McElroy, Martin, engineer, h. 286 Seventeenth. i%IcElroy, Solon, general, New York Life Insurance CG. h. 36 Howard. McEnally, Bern~rd, pattern fitter, h. 675 Frenklin. McErshur, John, sailor, h. 289 Macomb. &Ever, Patrick, lab., h. 329 Sixteenth. McEver, Robert, lab., bds. 329 Sixteenth. McEver, William, clerk, bds. 329 Sixteenth. McEwen, David, plumber, h. 131 Sixteenth. McEwen, D. Bruce, cashier, h. 141 Park. McEwen, Hugh, h. 71 Lewis. McEwen, Rebecca, (wid. John D.). h. 141 Park. McEwen, Thomas, carpenter, h. 72 Bullivan ave. McFadden, Alexander, bds. 165 Franklin. McFadden, James, carpenter, h. 438 Third. McFadden, James, lab., h. 177 Duhois. McFadden, John, fireman, bds. 334 Michigrn ave. McFadden, Robert? watchman. h. 272 Thirteenth-and-a-half McFaddelz, Robert C., boot and shoe cutter, h. 252 Grand River. BlcFadden, William J., teamster, h. 83 Henry. . McFarlsnd, Daniel, captain Guiding Star, h. 179 Lafayette McFarland, George, carpenter. bds. 116 Randolph. McFa.rlztnd, Peter, sailor, bds. 91 Atwater e. XcFarland, Samuel, joiner, h. 10'3 Lamed w. IMcFarland, William, engineer, h. 432 Seven teen th. McFarland, William, printer, h. 432 Seventeenth. McFarlard, William, shoemaker, h. 83 National are. McFarlane, James, drayman, h. 113 Porter. McFarlane, John, clerk, bds. 47 Fo~t w. McFarlane, Patrick, h. 114 Labrosse. McFarlane, Walter, gilder, bds. 2tid Jefferson aye.

308 ?~cD CLARK'S DETROIT McF<br />


Are cordially invited to call at our of8ce,<br />

No. 52 Larned Street, West,<br />

And examine our Standard<br />

Chemioal & Pharmaceutioal<br />


PA== E, JENNINGS & CO.<br />

WSea advertkernant, page 16.<br />

McDonald, James, bar tender, 223 Jefferson<br />

ave., bds. same.<br />

McDonald, James B., painter, h. o. 293, n.<br />

353 Randolph.<br />

McDonald, Joel C., (McDonald, Haywood<br />

& Co.r, h. 19 George.<br />

McDonald, John, lab., h. 216 Fifteenth.<br />

&lcDouald, John, lab., bds. 706 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

McDonald, John, sailor, h. 596 Fort e.<br />

McDonald, John, watchman, bds. 166 Sec-<br />

ond.<br />

McDonald, John W., molder, h. 662 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

McDonald, Hartin, carpenter, h. 264 'Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

McDonald, Michael, clerk, bds. 73 Duf-<br />

field.<br />

McDonald, Nancy, Mrs., h. 73 Duffield.<br />

McDonald, Robert, pattern maker, h. 77<br />

Beaubien.<br />

McDonald, Robert, sailor: h. 73 Dufiield.<br />

McDonald, Stewart, ship joiner, h. 128<br />

Cass.<br />

McDonald, Thomas, lab., h. 280 Lafayette<br />

ave.,<br />

McDonald, Thomas lab., bds. 215 Sher-<br />

man.<br />

McDonald, William, engineer h. 6 Spruce.<br />

BIcDonald, Hay wood & Co , (Joel C. Mc-<br />

Donald, Thomas J. Haywood & F. Al-<br />

bert McDonald,) commission merchants,<br />

33 Woodbridge w.<br />

McDonnel1,~Donald A., lab., h. 48 St. Au-<br />

bin ave.,<br />

McDonnell, Donald L., bds. 123 Shelby.<br />

McDonnell, Patrick, boiler maker, h. 440<br />

Congress e.<br />

McDonnell, Timothy, sailor, bds. I02<br />

W ilkins.<br />

McDonnough, Dennis, lab., h. 29 Ann.<br />

McDonnough, John, moulder, bds. 29 Ann.<br />

McDougall, Alexander, tinsmith, h. 216<br />

St Antline.<br />

XcDougall, Angus W., carpenter, h. 685<br />

Franklin.<br />

McDougal, Duncan G., printer, h. 67<br />

Twenty-first.<br />

McDougall, George, baker, h. 9 Tuscola.<br />

McDougall, John, lab., bds. 46 St. Aubin<br />

me.,<br />

McDougall, Thomas, plumber, b&. 216 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

McDowd, James, bookkeeper, bds. Amer-<br />

ican House.<br />

McDowd, Michael, h. 3 Bates.<br />

McDowd, Michael J., proprietor, American<br />

House, 202 Jefferson ave.,<br />

McDowd, Nichael J. jr., carpenter, bds.,<br />

American House.<br />

McDowell, John, shoemaker, h. Fourth<br />

opp., Alexar drine ave.,<br />

McDowell, Mary, (col'd), washerwoman h.<br />

r. 56 Clinton.<br />

McDowell, Peter, saloon, 188 Gratiot, h.<br />

same.<br />

McDuff, Andrew, builder, h. o. 69 n. 79<br />

Beech.<br />

BIcDuff, John, carpenter, h. w. s. Eighteenth<br />

nr. Baker.<br />

XcEachran, Daniel, carpenter, h. Eighth<br />

n. e. cor. Charles.<br />

McElligate, John, clerk, bds. <strong>City</strong> Hotel.<br />

McElroy, Martin, engineer, h. 286 Seventeenth.<br />

i%IcElroy, Solon, general, New York<br />

Life Insurance CG. h. 36 Howard.<br />

McEnally, Bern~rd, pattern fitter, h. 675<br />

Frenklin.<br />

McErshur, John, sailor, h. 289 Macomb.<br />

&Ever, Patrick, lab., h. 329 Sixteenth.<br />

McEver, Robert, lab., bds. 329 Sixteenth.<br />

McEver, William, clerk, bds. 329 Sixteenth.<br />

McEwen, David, plumber, h. 131 Sixteenth.<br />

McEwen, D. Bruce, cashier, h. 141 Park.<br />

McEwen, Hugh, h. 71 Lewis.<br />

McEwen, Rebecca, (wid. John D.). h. 141<br />

Park.<br />

McEwen, Thomas, carpenter, h. 72 Bullivan<br />

ave.<br />

McFadden, Alexander, bds. 165 Franklin.<br />

McFadden, James, carpenter, h. 438 Third.<br />

McFadden, James, lab., h. 177 Duhois.<br />

McFadden, John, fireman, bds. 334 Michigrn<br />

ave.<br />

McFadden, Robert? watchman. h. 272 Thirteenth-and-a-half<br />

McFaddelz, Robert C., boot and shoe cutter,<br />

h. 252 Grand River.<br />

BlcFadden, William J., teamster, h. 83<br />

Henry. .<br />

McFarlsnd, Daniel, captain Guiding Star,<br />

h. 179 Lafayette<br />

McFarland, George, carpenter. bds. 116<br />

Randolph.<br />

McFa.rlztnd, Peter, sailor, bds. 91 Atwater e.<br />

XcFarland, Samuel, joiner, h. 10'3 Lamed<br />

w.<br />

IMcFarland, William, engineer, h. 432 Seven<br />

teen th.<br />

McFarland, William, printer, h. 432 Seventeenth.<br />

McFarlard, William, shoemaker, h. 83 National<br />

are.<br />

McFarlane, James, drayman, h. 113 Porter.<br />

McFarlane, John, clerk, bds. 47 Fo~t w.<br />

McFarlane, Patrick, h. 114 Labrosse.<br />

McFarlane, Walter, gilder, bds. 2tid Jefferson<br />


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