Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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LIN CITY DIRECTORY. LOc 899 Linnenfest, Catharine, (wid. Henry,) h. 53 Prospect. Linnerd, C woline, dressmaker , bds. 147 .S hcrman. Linnet, Harvey, painter, h. 257 Sherman. Linnsden, John, gardener, h. 752 Wood- ward ave. Linsell. Henry, mason, h. 135 Mullett. Linsell, Joseph, clefk, h. 80 Walnut. Linsell, Mary, drezsmaker, bds. 139 Nul- lett. Linsey, Mary, (wid. John,) dressmaker, h. 360 Dubois. Lint, August, tinsmith, h. 481 Catllarine. Lintels, L. S., umbrella and parasol maker, 121 Larned e., h. same. Linten, W. J.: machinist, h. 80 L-tbrosse. Linto, Joseph, saloon, 480 Gratiot, h. same. Linton. Anna, (wid. John,) h. o. 75, n. 85 Labrosse. Lintz, Eliits M., cooper, n. w. cor. Dequin- dre and Bronson. h. 353 Bronson. Lintz, Hiram, cooper, h. 519 James. Linz, August, barber, h. 252 Mullett. Lion Brewery, n. s. Gratiot, bet. Hastings and Prospect. Lionais, Edward M., ship carpenter, h. 66 Twenty-third. Lippmeyer, John, h. 165 Sherman. Lippold, Henry H., steatn dyer, 81 Con- gress e., h. 297 Gratiot. Lippold, Her~nann, steam dyer, bds. 297 Gratiot. Lipscomb, Alexander, ship carpenter, bds. EFOME Mutual Life Insarance Co., OF CINCINNATI. OHIO. @ $* (iJ~&~~&lg!fi~Igl9 GENERAL AGEKT, S4 GRI'SWOLD ST., DETROIT, - - MLCH WSee advertisement, page -27.- . Litsenburger, George, shoemaker, h. 229 Macomb. Liver~n ore Charles F., bookkeeper, h. 265 L:tfayet,te ave. Livermore, Lieut., U. S. A., bds. Russell House. Livingston, Charles LI., bds. 77 Larned w. Livingston. Eclward D., clerk, bds. 216 Congress e, Livingston, James, grocer, 306 Fifth, h. same. Livingstone, Allen, lather, h. 67 Beaubien. Livingstone, William jr., (Livingstone & Co.,) h. 231 Park. Livingstone, William sen., (Livingstone & Co.,) h. 33 Centre. Livingstone & Co,, (William jr., and William Livingstone sr., and George H. Moore.) forwarding, commission and wood merchants, foot Randolph. (See hdt?~, Qnge 27). Livree, Xavier, loclisillith, h. n. s. Orleans, bet. BIsrion and Gratiot. Lloyd, Elizaheth, (wid. Thomas,) h. 542 23 Hastings. Gratiot. Lipscomb, John, c~rpenter, h. 199 Seventh. Lloyd, Gordon W., architect, 101 Griswold, Liscomb, Charles, carpenter, bds. 16 Beau- h. 169 Congress e. bicn. Lloyd. Owen, lab., h. 41 Harrison ave. Lisee, Joseph, clerk, h. 138 Catharine. Lloyd, Robert C., clerk, bds. 17 Eliza- Lisk, Robert, tailor, h. 23 Clay. beth e. List, Charles, blacksmith, 11. 118 Macomb. Lobdell, Josrph F., propr. R. R. Exchange, List, Jacob, lab.. bds. cor. Elmwood ave. 30 and 32 Michigan Grand ave. and Clinton. Loch, Michael, lab., h. 319 Juliette. List, Philip, cigar maker, h. 298 North. Lochbihler, Edward, carpenter, bds. 361 Lister, William M., bookkeeper, h. 56 Col- Riopelle. umbia w. Lochbihler, John, carpenter, h. 233 Sher- Litman, Abraham, pedlar, h. 218 Clinton. man. Litman, Jacob, pedlar, h. 218 Clinton. Lochbihler, Michael, tailor, h. 361 Rio- Littick, August, mou!der, h. 29 Maple. pelle Little,-William H., clerk, h. 45 Elm. Lochbihler, Wendell stone cutter, 156 Little, Charles, express driver, h. 20 Beech. Clinton, h. same. Little, Charles H., (F. B. Sibley & Co.,) h. Lockade, William, carpenter, bds. 92 Ab- 488 Congress c. bott. Little, Jacob, foreman D. &i M. R. R., bds. 1 Locke, Arnold, carpenter, h. 193 Nacornb. R. R. Exchange. 1 Locke, Charles A., dry goods, 122 Wood- Little, Mary A., dressmaker, bds. 88 How- ward ave., h. 387 same. ard. Locke, tielen, Mrs., s. m. operator, bds. Little,, Simon A., brickmaker, h. 287 Eigll- 220 Woodward ave. teenth. Locke, Henry, tailor, bds. 193 Macomb. Littlefield, Arthur E., clerk, bds. 154 Locke, Jaincs, sawyer. bds. 193 Franklin. Brewster. Locke, John, carpenter. h. cor. First and Littlefield, Justus, 11. 154 Brewster. Front. Littlejohn, Adam, lab., 11.731 Franklin. Locke, John E., clerk, bcls. Garrison Littleton, IVillialu II., captaiu tug George House. H. Parker, h. 279 Park. . Locke, Joseph, clerk, h. o. 415 Seventh.

300 LOC CLARK'S DETROIT LON PARKE, JENNINGS & CO ., MAXUFSCTURERS OF @f),$~@&) w,ff&@, j&&&@.@~, Aqua Ammonia, &c., DETROIT, - - MICE.. I Croghan. Loehr, William, lab., h. ~hestuut bet. JOseph Canlpau and Elmwood aves., Loenicker: Adam, jeweller, b. 68 Harriet. Loeser, Emil, butcher, n. e. cor. Hastings and Mullet, 11. same. Loeser, Therese, (wid. August,) h. 343 wsw advertirement, page 16. Loewe, Gottfried, cabinet maker, h. 461 Clinton. Locke, Nicholas carpenter, h. 193 M~L- Loewc, John, cooper, h. 122 Marion. comb. - ~ oe~ve ~oim, tailor h. 172 ~rrion. Locke Orrin M., general agent Florence S. Loewe, Leopold, cabinet maker, bds. 461 >I., 158 Jefferson ave., bcls. 31ichigan Ex- Clinton. change. Loeme, Theodore, carpentcr, h. 356 Hast- Locke, Peter, (col'd), whitewasher, h. ings. Beaubien bet. Brady and Fren~ont. Loeu7en, Frank, carpenter, h. 502 St. An- Lockenvitz, Charles, lab., h. 161 German. toine. Lockhart, George, enginef~r, h. 86 La- / Loewenstein, John, Goldell Sun Hotel 182 brosse. Larned w. Lockhart, Jennie, teacher, h. 86 La1)rosse. Loewer, Hvnry, tailor, 54 Brush, h. 350 St. Lockhart, William, machinist: h. 479 Con- Antoiue gress e Loftus, Jamcs, sailor, h. 479 Fifth. Lockman, James, conductor, h. 77'9 Con- Logan, Charles, machinist h. 184 Labrosse. gress e. Logan, William J., lab., h. 450 Seven- Locklon, Walter C., butcher, h. 245 Xul- teenth. lett. Loge Wm., boiler maker, bds. 126 Franklin. Lockwood. Albertine, (wid. Thomas W.,) Lohmann, Benjamin B., cigar maker, h. n. h. 20 Elizabeth e. e. cor. Fourth, and Fulton. Lockwood. Charles H., butcher, h. 190 Lohmann, Frederick,' cigar maker, h. 603 Fourteenth. / Seventh. Lockwood, E. C., printer, h. over 206 1 Lohr, Edward, sailor, h. 569 Lafayette. Woodmard ave. I Lohr, Frank, sailor, h. 551 Lafayette. LockwooC. George R., blacksnlitll, bds. : Lomas, Edward, steam fitter, h. 248 Russell. 246 Lafayette. 1 Lomas, James, blacksmith, h. 268 Baaubien. Lockwood, James E., lumber dealer, h. 0. Lomas William M., machinist, h. 141 536 Jefferson ave. 1 Baker. Lockwood, Mary, (wid.) h. 71 Fort w. I Lomasaney, Jailles P.: cabinet maker, h. Lockwood, Randolph, block maker, bcls. 93 Michigan ave. 415 Lafhyette e. / Lomasaney, Michael, carpenter, b. Twen- Lockwood, William T., bookkeeper, bds. ty-second s. Washington. 20 Elizabeth e. 1 Lomasanev, William, tailor, 93 3Iichiga.n Lodge, Albert, clerk, bds. 57 Wayne. I me., h. same. Lodge, Edward, bds. 219 Larned e. London, Dennis, lab., h. 196 Labrosse. Lodge, Edwin, clerk, bds. 57 Wayne. I Loney, Ellen, (wid. William), 11.112 Frank- Lodge, Edmin A., homeopathic physician, / lin. office 57 arld 59 Wayne, h. 5' 4 same. Loney, Mathew: gardener, h. 98 Baker. Lodewyck, Charles L., (Lodew~ck Bros.,) / Long. Andrew, yardsman Michigan Exh. 320 High. j change, bds. same. Lodewyck, Henry, (Lodewyck Bros.,) h. I Long, Alexander, carpenter, h. Tenth, bet. 320 High. j Fort and Woodbridge. Lodewyck. Peter, J.. (~odew~ck' Bros.) 11. i Long, Alexander, joiner; h. 407 Lafa-yette. 320 High. I Long, Edward, bds. 263 Howard. LODEWYCK BROS. (Peter .J-, ~hkrles L., Long, Gtlorge, cigar maker, bds. 46 Fort e. & Henry,) coopers, s. s. High, bet. Hast- / Long, Henry, yardsinan Miclligan Esings and Prospect. I change, bds. same. Loebenstein, Jacob, booltkeeper, h. 185 1 Long .James builder. h. o. 185 Sixteenth. Congress e. / Long, James, W , Indian agent, ofice 96 Loeblen, Robert, clerk Hotel Erichsen, bds. i Congress e., h. same . same. i Long, Jeremiah, blacksmith, h. 102 Or- Loeffler, Friederich W., carpenter, h. 244 chard. Catharine. i Long, John, lab., h. r. 147 Third. Loefflcr:, John, bds. Garrison House. Long, John B.: livery, 55 Jefferson ave., Loeffler, John L , cominission, h. 31 Wal- 11. 187 Conmress w. nut. Long, John %., (Fisher and Long), res. Loeffler, Leopold, tzilor, bds. 15 Fort e. , Greenfield Michigan.




@f),$~@&) w,ff&@, j&&&@.@~,<br />

Aqua Ammonia, &c.,<br />

DETROIT, - - MICE.. I Croghan.<br />

Loehr, William, lab., h. ~hestuut bet. JOseph<br />

Canlpau and Elmwood aves.,<br />

Loenicker: Adam, jeweller, b. 68 Harriet.<br />

Loeser, Emil, butcher, n. e. cor. Hastings<br />

and Mullet, 11. same.<br />

Loeser, Therese, (wid. August,) h. 343<br />

wsw advertirement, page 16.<br />

Loewe, Gottfried, cabinet maker, h. 461<br />

Clinton.<br />

Locke, Nicholas carpenter, h. 193 M~L- Loewc, John, cooper, h. 122 Marion.<br />

comb. - ~ oe~ve ~oim, tailor h. 172 ~rrion.<br />

Locke Orrin M., general agent Florence S. Loewe, Leopold, cabinet maker, bds. 461<br />

>I., 158 Jefferson ave., bcls. 31ichigan Ex- Clinton.<br />

change.<br />

Loeme, Theodore, carpentcr, h. 356 Hast-<br />

Locke, Peter, (col'd), whitewasher, h. ings.<br />

Beaubien bet. Brady and Fren~ont. Loeu7en, Frank, carpenter, h. 502 St. An-<br />

Lockenvitz, Charles, lab., h. 161 German. toine.<br />

Lockhart, George, enginef~r, h. 86 La- / Loewenstein, John, Goldell Sun Hotel 182<br />

brosse.<br />

Larned w.<br />

Lockhart, Jennie, teacher, h. 86 La1)rosse. Loewer, Hvnry, tailor, 54 Brush, h. 350 St.<br />

Lockhart, William, machinist: h. 479 Con- Antoiue<br />

gress e<br />

Loftus, Jamcs, sailor, h. 479 Fifth.<br />

Lockman, James, conductor, h. 77'9 Con- Logan, Charles, machinist h. 184 Labrosse.<br />

gress e.<br />

Logan, William J., lab., h. 450 Seven-<br />

Locklon, Walter C., butcher, h. 245 Xul- teenth.<br />

lett.<br />

Loge Wm., boiler maker, bds. 126 Franklin.<br />

Lockwood. Albertine, (wid. Thomas W.,) Lohmann, Benjamin B., cigar maker, h. n.<br />

h. 20 Elizabeth e.<br />

e. cor. Fourth, and Fulton.<br />

Lockwood. Charles H., butcher, h. 190 Lohmann, Frederick,' cigar maker, h. 603<br />

Fourteenth. / Seventh.<br />

Lockwood, E. C., printer, h. over 206 1 Lohr, Edward, sailor, h. 569 Lafayette.<br />

Woodmard ave. I Lohr, Frank, sailor, h. 551 Lafayette.<br />

LockwooC. George R., blacksnlitll, bds. : Lomas, Edward, steam fitter, h. 248 Russell.<br />

246 Lafayette. 1 Lomas, James, blacksmith, h. 268 Baaubien.<br />

Lockwood, James E., lumber dealer, h. 0. Lomas William M., machinist, h. 141<br />

536 Jefferson ave. 1 Baker.<br />

Lockwood, Mary, (wid.) h. 71 Fort w. I Lomasaney, Jailles P.: cabinet maker, h.<br />

Lockwood, Randolph, block maker, bcls. 93 Michigan ave.<br />

415 Lafhyette e. / Lomasaney, Michael, carpenter, b. Twen-<br />

Lockwood, William T., bookkeeper, bds. ty-second s. Washington.<br />

20 Elizabeth e. 1 Lomasanev, William, tailor, 93 3Iichiga.n<br />

Lodge, Albert, clerk, bds. 57 Wayne. I me., h. same.<br />

Lodge, Edward, bds. 219 Larned e. London, Dennis, lab., h. 196 Labrosse.<br />

Lodge, Edwin, clerk, bds. 57 Wayne. I Loney, Ellen, (wid. William), 11.112 Frank-<br />

Lodge, Edmin A., homeopathic physician, / lin.<br />

office 57 arld 59 Wayne, h. 5' 4 same. Loney, Mathew: gardener, h. 98 Baker.<br />

Lodewyck, Charles L., (Lodew~ck Bros.,) / Long. Andrew, yardsman Michigan Exh.<br />

320 High. j change, bds. same.<br />

Lodewyck, Henry, (Lodewyck Bros.,) h. I Long, Alexander, carpenter, h. Tenth, bet.<br />

320 High. j Fort and Woodbridge.<br />

Lodewyck. Peter, J.. (~odew~ck' Bros.) 11. i Long, Alexander, joiner; h. 407 Lafa-yette.<br />

320 High. I Long, Edward, bds. 263 Howard.<br />

LODEWYCK BROS. (Peter .J-, ~hkrles L., Long, Gtlorge, cigar maker, bds. 46 Fort e.<br />

& Henry,) coopers, s. s. High, bet. Hast- / Long, Henry, yardsinan Miclligan Esings<br />

and Prospect. I change, bds. same.<br />

Loebenstein, Jacob, booltkeeper, h. 185 1 Long .James builder. h. o. 185 Sixteenth.<br />

Congress e. / Long, James, W , Indian agent, ofice 96<br />

Loeblen, Robert, clerk Hotel Erichsen, bds. i Congress e., h. same .<br />

same. i Long, Jeremiah, blacksmith, h. 102 Or-<br />

Loeffler, Friederich W., carpenter, h. 244 chard.<br />

Catharine. i Long, John, lab., h. r. 147 Third.<br />

Loefflcr:, John, bds. Garrison House. Long, John B.: livery, 55 Jefferson ave.,<br />

Loeffler, John L , cominission, h. 31 Wal- 11. 187 Conmress w.<br />

nut. Long, John %., (Fisher and Long), res.<br />

Loeffler, Leopold, tzilor, bds. 15 Fort e. , Greenfield Michigan.

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