Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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Lewis, Alexander, (Alexander Lewis & Co.,) h. 0.414, n. 458 Jefferson ave. Lewis, Alfred, ca.rpenter, bds. 40 Brainard. Lewis, Rev. Ami M.. h. 67 Lewis. Lewis, Charles B , Reporter Free Press, 11. 344 Third. Lewis, Ebenezer, (col'd), waiter,, h. 65 Mullett. Lewis, Ella A.. teache'r: bds. 538 Whitney. Lewis, Frank S., Western Rural office, bds. Biddle House. Lewis, Frederick, carpenter, bds. 40 Brain- ard. Lewis, George, (col'd,) teamster, h. 204 Wilkins, Lewis, Ha'rris. pedlar, h. 14 Beacon. Lewis, Harris, pedlar, h. 225 Fort e. Lewis, Henry, (Brown & Lewis,) h. 319 Fort w. Lewis, Henry M.: proof reader, h. 141 Beech. Lewis, Ehratio N. F., editor and proprietor Western Rural, res. Chicago, Ill. Lewis, James, bridge builder, h. 163 Fifth. Lewis, John: farmer, h. 15'7 Beaubien. Lewis, John, (Ashley, Lewis & Co.,) h. 31 Walnut. Lewis, Joseph J., printer, b. 183 Larned e. Lewis, Julius C., lather, h. 379 Sixth. Lewis, R. Lewis, blacksmith, h. 173 Con- gress e. Lewis, Reuben T., pottery, h. 768 Wood- bridge w. Lewis, Samuel, bds. 568 Jefferson ave. Lewis Samuel, agent, bds. 212 Foodwad ave. Lewis, Thomas, stone, lime and mood, o. 404 n. 462 Atwater e., h. 375 Congress e. Lewis, Walter C., traveling agent, bds. Michigan Exchange. Lewis, William, lab., h. 41 Lewis. Lewis, William L., patrolman, h. 10 Lafay- ette. Lewis, Alexander, & Co.? (Alex- ander Lewis and Henry K. S~nclair,) cornmission merchants, foot Randolph. Lewyn, Jacob, cigar maker, h. 10 Beacon. Lewyn, Samuel, pedlar, h. 10 Beacon. Leydon,,Francis, crier Supreme Court, h. n. 69 o. 67 Labrosse. Leydon, John, lab., h. lG2 Seventh. Leydon, Mary, (wid. Patrich,) h. n. 81 Labrosse, Le en. John, tailor, bcls. 28 Nontcalm e. ~'%omrnedieu, rank, clerk, bds. 19 High. L'Hoinmeclieu, George L., dealer in cheese. 17 Atwater e., h. Woodaarcl ave. cor. Fremont. Licht, Charles, machinist, h. 118 Macomb. Lichteufield, Ernst, tinsmith, h. 537 Clinton ave. Lichtenberg, Abraham, huckster, 36 C. H. N., h. 141 Division. Lichtenberg, Christian, lab., h. 493 Mullett. 38 NORTHIVESTERN Uutual Life Insurance Co. OF MILWAUKEE, WIS. , (jEB.8, Au'B'gN(&EQ, I STATE AGENT. 11 1 Jelrersoll ~vellue, DETROIT, - ' - - XICN, LTAgeotu Wanted. Saa advertisement. Lichtenberg, Chris tian, (Lichten berg 62 Sons,) bds. 133 Cro han. Lichtenberg, Gustav 5 . tobacconist, 64, 66 and 68 Congress e., h. 18 Columbia e. Lichtenberg, Henry, lab., h. 495 Jlullet. Lichtenberg, John G., (Lichtenberg & Sons,) h. 133 Croghan. Lichtenberg, Julius, carpenter, bds. 222 Rivard. Lichtenberg, Louis. lab., h. 315 Maple. Lichtenberg, Phillip, cigar maker, h. 128 Adams ave. e. Lichten berg, William, (Lichtenberg & Sons), 205 Fort e. Lichten berg & Sous,(George,Williarn F. and Christian Lichtenberg and John C. Ilobeling,) grocers, 84 Michigan Grand ave. and 455 Jefferson ave. Liddell, Andrew A,, carpenter, h. 506 Six- teenth. Licleman,iJohn, wood-dealer, h. 380 Seven- teenth. Lieberman, Constantine, shoemaker, 86 Fort e., h. same. Lieberman, Emanuel, wholesale clothing, 71 and 73 Jetferson ave., h. 75 Winder. Liebetrau, Christian, plumber, h. 2U8 Ma- comb. Liebetrau, Herman, lab., bcls. e. s. Eigh- teenth, 2d door north of Butternut. Liebold, Ernst, tinsmith, 124 Bronson, h. same. Liebke, Philipp, lab., h. 317 Sherman. Lieckfeldt, Ernst, carpenter, h. 434 Xullett. Liehmann, George J., carpenter, h. 146 Brewster. Lievea, Jeremiah, inachinist, h. Orleans bet. Gratiot and German. Liffeck, Mary, (wid. Jacob), h. w. s. Orleans bet. Gratiot and Marion. Liggett, John T., Secretary 31ichigan Mu- tual Life Insurance Company, h. 169 Adlz~us ave. e. Liggett, Robert A., bookkeeper, bds. cor. Fort and Wayne. Lightfoot, James, (col'd), carpenter, h. 199 Kiopelle. Ligu tho t, Madison, (col'd) , missionary, h. 269 Catharine. Lighthot, William,. (col'd), csrpenter, h. 381 Fort e. Lightfoot, -, (col'dj, lab., h. r. 63 Mullett. Liuhtuer, Edwin X., (E. X. Lightuer (St h. 128 Congress w. 80.))

398 LIG CLARK'S DETROIT LIN - Lindow, William, boarding, h. s. w. cor Riopelle and Woodbridge. LINDSAY, ARCHIBALD G., insurance COR. CONGRESS & RANDOLPH STS. age~t, office 93 Griswold, h. 124 Lafay- DETROIT, ette ave. (&e Index pqe 17). Conducted liy Hbn. Ira Mayhew, Lindsay, George, carpenter, h. 103 Divi- Author of MAYHEW'S UNIVERSITY BOOK-KEEPING, sion. For Businese Colleges and the Counting-room. -The onlv Bookkeeping published providing coxn lete instruction in pract&al ac- Lindsay, George B., blacksmith, bds. 52 countantship. See notice of ~olkc, Book-keeping and Businees Bates. Practice, at the 31st page of Directory.= L:r$ James, clerk, bds. cor. Eighth Lightner, Rev. Milton C., rector Grace everette. Church, h. 128 Congress w, Lindsay, Jane, Miss, seamstress, bds. 203 Li htner, E. N. & Co., (Edwin N. Lightntlr Seventh. -), mnfrs. of toilet goods, 71 Jcf- Lindsay, Jane, (wid. James), h. 203 Sevferson ave. enth. Ligner, Gilbert, carpenter, h. 762 Wood- Lindsay, Jonathan, messenger, bds. Howbridge w. ard House. Ligner, Frank, lab., bds. 179 Hastings. Lindsay, Thomas, carpenter, h. 467 Beau- Likins, John H., clerk, bds. 314 Woodmard bien. 51 ve. Lindsay, William, helper, h. 314 Third. Likins, Oliver E., clerk, bds. 314 Wood- Linclsay, William, N., accountant, bds. 40 ward ave. Congress w. Lilley, John, travelinggagent, h. 504 Ninth Lines, James, sailor, bds. 271 Columbia e. ave. Ling, Conrad, (Ling & Borgman), h. 239 Limbach, Martin, hardware, 116 Brush. W oodward ave., h. 57 Winder. Ling & Borgman, (Conrad Ling and Chas. Limbach, William, tanner, h. s. e. cor. H. Borgman), music store, 67 Monroe ave. Myrtle and Twenty-fourth. Lingemann, AnthGny, machinist, h. 206 Limbacher. Alois, lab., h. 350 Juliette. Fourteenth. Limbech, Martin, lab., bcls. 515 Gratiot. LINGEMANN, CASPAR, umbrella and Limborker, Joseph, painter, bds. 156 St. parasols, 30 Monroe ave., h. same. (& An toin e. Index, page 17). Limpens, Rev. Gustav, pastor of the church Lingemann, Caspar, jr., clerk, bds. 30 Monof Our Lady of Help, h. 23 Elmwood ave. roe ave. Limpin, Joh, painter, h. r. 54 St. Aubin ave. Lingemann, Frauk, saloon, 489 St. Antoine Linaberry, Joseph, clerk, bds. Tremont h. same. House. Lingemann, Frederick, jeweler 256 Jeffer- Lincoln, Peter, lab., bds, 936 Wood- son ave., h. 213 Larned e. bridge w. Lingemann, John, h. bet. 109 and 133 Seven- Lincoln, HenvEK., (Alex. Lewis & CO.), h. teenth. 150 Lafayette ave. Linaemann Joseph, butcher, stall 1 C. H. Lindeman, Charles, (C. Lindeman & Co,), d, h. cor. Marion and Orleans. h. 200 Woodbridge w. Link, John C., cabinet maker, bcls. 106 Lindeman, Charles, jr., butcher, bds. 200 Thirteenth-and-a-half Woodbridge w. Link, Peter, shoemaker, h. 316 Maco~nb. Lindemnn, Henry, cabinet maker, h. 429 Linn, Alexander R. (A. R. & W. F. Linn,) St. Antoine. h. 89 Fifth. Lindeman, William, wagon maker, h. 376 Linn, Colin C., clerk, h. 364 Abbott. Hastings. Linn, David, carpenter, h. 594 Fort w. Lindeman, Charles & Co., (Charles Lin- Linn, Harman, lamplighter, bds. 138 deman and Richard P. Osgood), butch- Twentieth ers, 200 Woodbridge w. Linn, John D., clerk, bds. 594 Fort w. Lindley, Hulda, (wid. Henry), h. 130 Linn, Robert, h. 594 Fort w. Wight. Linn, Robvrt W., h. 3i4 Abbott. Lindon, William, tailor, h. e. s. Mowt Linn, Thomas, (Campbell, Linn & Co.,) Elliot ave. bet. Jefferson ave. and Con- h. 40 Adams ave. w. gress. Linn, William, bas. 211 Cass. Lindow, Frederick, cigar maker, bds. 347 Linn, William F., (A. R. & W. F. Linn,) Mag! e. bds. 364 Abbott. ~indow, Frederick, tailor, bds. cor. Ma- LINN, A. R. & W. F., (Alexander R. comb and Rivard. and William F. Linn,) wl-lolesale teas, Lindow, John, tailor, h. cor. Macomb and coffees and spices,) 120 Jefferson ave. Rivard. (&e Index, page 17). Lirldow, Justine, (wid. Gottlieb), h. 347 Linnenberg, Raphael, ship carpenter, h. 17 Maple Clay.

Lewis, Alexander, (Alexander Lewis &<br />

Co.,) h. 0.414, n. 458 Jefferson ave.<br />

Lewis, Alfred, ca.rpenter, bds. 40 Brainard.<br />

Lewis, Rev. Ami M.. h. 67 Lewis.<br />

Lewis, Charles B , Reporter Free Press, 11.<br />

344 Third.<br />

Lewis, Ebenezer, (col'd), waiter,, h. 65<br />

Mullett.<br />

Lewis, Ella A.. teache'r: bds. 538 Whitney.<br />

Lewis, Frank S., Western Rural office, bds.<br />

Biddle House.<br />

Lewis, Frederick, carpenter, bds. 40 Brain-<br />

ard.<br />

Lewis, George, (col'd,) teamster, h. 204<br />

Wilkins,<br />

Lewis, Ha'rris. pedlar, h. 14 Beacon.<br />

Lewis, Harris, pedlar, h. 225 Fort e.<br />

Lewis, Henry, (Brown & Lewis,) h. 319<br />

Fort w.<br />

Lewis, Henry M.: proof reader, h. 141<br />

Beech.<br />

Lewis, Ehratio N. F., editor and<br />

proprietor Western Rural, res. Chicago,<br />

Ill.<br />

Lewis, James, bridge builder, h. 163 Fifth.<br />

Lewis, John: farmer, h. 15'7 Beaubien.<br />

Lewis, John, (Ashley, Lewis & Co.,) h.<br />

31 Walnut.<br />

Lewis, Joseph J., printer, b. 183 Larned e.<br />

Lewis, Julius C., lather, h. 379 Sixth.<br />

Lewis, R. Lewis, blacksmith, h. 173 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Lewis, Reuben T., pottery, h. 768 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Lewis, Samuel, bds. 568 Jefferson ave.<br />

Lewis Samuel, agent, bds. 212 Foodwad<br />

ave.<br />

Lewis, Thomas, stone, lime and mood, o.<br />

404 n. 462 Atwater e., h. 375 Congress e.<br />

Lewis, Walter C., traveling agent, bds.<br />

Michigan Exchange.<br />

Lewis, William, lab., h. 41 Lewis.<br />

Lewis, William L., patrolman, h. 10 Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />

Lewis, Alexander, & Co.? (Alex-<br />

ander Lewis and Henry K. S~nclair,)<br />

cornmission merchants, foot Randolph.<br />

Lewyn, Jacob, cigar maker, h. 10 Beacon.<br />

Lewyn, Samuel, pedlar, h. 10 Beacon.<br />

Leydon,,Francis, crier Supreme Court, h.<br />

n. 69 o. 67 Labrosse.<br />

Leydon, John, lab., h. lG2 Seventh.<br />

Leydon, Mary, (wid. Patrich,) h. n. 81 Labrosse,<br />

Le en. John, tailor, bcls. 28 Nontcalm e.<br />

~'%omrnedieu, rank, clerk, bds. 19 High.<br />

L'Hoinmeclieu, George L., dealer in cheese.<br />

17 Atwater e., h. Woodaarcl ave. cor.<br />

Fremont.<br />

Licht, Charles, machinist, h. 118 Macomb.<br />

Lichteufield, Ernst, tinsmith, h. 537 Clinton<br />

ave.<br />

Lichtenberg, Abraham, huckster, 36 C. H.<br />

N., h. 141 Division.<br />

Lichtenberg, Christian, lab., h. 493 Mullett.<br />

38<br />


Uutual Life Insurance Co.<br />


, (jEB.8, Au'B'gN(&EQ,<br />


11 1 Jelrersoll ~vellue,<br />

DETROIT, - ' - - XICN,<br />

LTAgeotu Wanted. Saa advertisement.<br />

Lichtenberg, Chris tian, (Lichten berg 62<br />

Sons,) bds. 133 Cro han.<br />

Lichtenberg, Gustav 5 . tobacconist, 64, 66<br />

and 68 Congress e., h. 18 Columbia e.<br />

Lichtenberg, Henry, lab., h. 495 Jlullet.<br />

Lichtenberg, John G., (Lichtenberg &<br />

Sons,) h. 133 Croghan.<br />

Lichtenberg, Julius, carpenter, bds. 222<br />

Rivard.<br />

Lichtenberg, Louis. lab., h. 315 Maple.<br />

Lichtenberg, Phillip, cigar maker, h. 128<br />

Adams ave. e.<br />

Lichten berg, William, (Lichtenberg &<br />

Sons), 205 Fort e.<br />

Lichten berg & Sous,(George,Williarn F. and<br />

Christian Lichtenberg and John C.<br />

Ilobeling,) grocers, 84 Michigan Grand<br />

ave. and 455 Jefferson ave.<br />

Liddell, Andrew A,, carpenter, h. 506 Six-<br />

teenth.<br />

Licleman,iJohn, wood-dealer, h. 380 Seven-<br />

teenth.<br />

Lieberman, Constantine, shoemaker, 86<br />

Fort e., h. same.<br />

Lieberman, Emanuel, wholesale clothing,<br />

71 and 73 Jetferson ave., h. 75 Winder.<br />

Liebetrau, Christian, plumber, h. 2U8 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Liebetrau, Herman, lab., bcls. e. s. Eigh-<br />

teenth, 2d door north of Butternut.<br />

Liebold, Ernst, tinsmith, 124 Bronson, h.<br />

same.<br />

Liebke, Philipp, lab., h. 317 Sherman.<br />

Lieckfeldt, Ernst, carpenter, h. 434 Xullett.<br />

Liehmann, George J., carpenter, h. 146<br />

Brewster.<br />

Lievea, Jeremiah, inachinist, h. Orleans bet.<br />

Gratiot and German.<br />

Liffeck, Mary, (wid. Jacob), h. w. s. Orleans<br />

bet. Gratiot and Marion.<br />

Liggett, John T., Secretary 31ichigan Mu-<br />

tual Life Insurance Company, h. 169<br />

Adlz~us ave. e.<br />

Liggett, Robert A., bookkeeper, bds. cor.<br />

Fort and Wayne.<br />

Lightfoot, James, (col'd), carpenter, h. 199<br />

Kiopelle.<br />

Ligu tho t, Madison, (col'd) , missionary, h.<br />

269 Catharine.<br />

Lighthot, William,. (col'd), csrpenter, h.<br />

381 Fort e.<br />

Lightfoot, -, (col'dj, lab., h. r. 63 Mullett.<br />

Liuhtuer, Edwin X., (E. X. Lightuer (St<br />

h. 128 Congress w.<br />


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