Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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KIN CITP DIRECTORY. KIS 281 King, Stephen B., h. o. 185 n. 199 Clifford. King, William, gardener, bds. s. e. cor. Jefferson ave. and Chene . King, William, real estate, h. 237 Woodward ave. King, William H., engineer, h. 324 Cass ave. Kingsland. Reuben G., bottom hooper, h. s. s. Franklin, bet. Adair and Leib. Kingsland, William, turner, bds. s. s. Franklin, bet. Adair and Leib. Kingsle , Albion T. (Rhodes & Kingsley), bds. Jarrisoo House. Kingston, Daniel, clerk, h. e. s. Fourth nr. Osceola. Kingston, George lab. h. 148 Cherry. Kingston, Joseph drayman, h. 132 Baker. Kingston, Mrs. Rebecca (wi2. Richard) seamstress h. 737 XI ichigan ave. Kingston, Satnuel lab. h. 263 Howard. Kingston, Thomas drayman, h. 262 Abbott. Kinn, William h. 86 Abbott. Kinner, Aaron C., mason builder, h. o. 274 n. 282 Brush. Kinner, Andrew mason, h. 50 Catharine. Kinner, Alexznder S., builder, h. 138 Elizabeth e. Kinner John, carpenter, h. r. 280 Franklin. Kinner, Robert R., wagon mdcer, o. 356, n. 366 Grand River, h. 25 Walnut. Kinney, Abraham S., mining agent, h. 113 Abbott. Kinney, John, pedlar, h. 179 Beech. Kinney, John, (co17d), waiter, Russell House. Kinney, Joseph O., carpenter, h. 58 Montcalm w. Kinney, Margaret, bds. 117 Beech. Kinney, 0. L., clerk, bds. 113 Abbott. Kinney, Samuel F., clerk, h. 294 Fort e. Kinsel. William, tailor, h. 213 Napoleon. Kinsella, Patrick, carpenter, h 109 Baker. Kinucan. James, machinist, h. 134 Porter. Kintz, John, safe maker, h. 169 Franklin. Kinzie, George, saloon, 428 Woodbridge w. Kirby, Anna M., (wid. Zebulon,) h. 473 Jefferson ave. Kirby, George, hrniture regairing, cor. Rivard and Larned, h. same. Kirby, George, painter, h. 50 Butternut. Kirby, George, leather and finclings, 33 Woodward ave., h. 44 Fort w. Kirby, George T., clerk, bds. 44 Fort w. Kirby Martin, lab., h. cor Grand River and Elizabeth, (up stairs.) Kirby, Robert Z., student, bds. 473 Jefferson ave. Kirby, Timothy, drayman, h. o, 139 Orchard. Kirchherg, Christian, (Hufuagel & Co.,) h. 84 Sherman. ~irchhoff, august, teamster, h. Clinton ave., bet. Joseph Campau and McDougall aves. 36 NORTH WESTERN Nutual Life Insurance Co. OF MILWAUKEE, WIS. Dm OEASm AUBIRGEB, STATE AGENT. 11 1 Jefferson Avenue, DETROIT, - - - MICH, -Agents Wanted. See advertisement._la Kirchoff,Guenther, saioon, 469 Clinton ave. h. same. Kirchner, Anthony, dry goods, 18 Monroe ave., 11. same. Kirchner, Conrad, grocer, h. cor. Antietam and Joseph Campau ave. Kirchner, Conrad, tanner, bds. n. s. Antietam, bet. Chestnut and Jay. Kirchner, Frederick, cook, h. 44 Napoleon. Klrchner, George, lab., h. 248 Abbott. Kirchner, George, tanner, h. 394 Antietam. Kirchner, Henry, wagonmaker, bds. s. w. cor. Clay and Russeli. Kirchner, Herman, lab., h. 387 St. Aubin ave. Kirchner, Leopold, spring fitter, h. s. w, cor. Clav and Russell. Kirchner, d~ary, (wid. Valentine,) h. 236 High. Kircher, Otto, lawyer, room 14 Rotunda, h. 237 H~ward. Kirchner, Sebastian, dry goods, 504 and 506 Gratiot, h. same. Kirchstein, Reinhard, cabinetmaker, h. 308 Marion. Kirchweili, Caspar, carpenter, h. 12 MCchanic. Kird, Thomas, tailor, bds. 103 Bates. Kirk, William H., cigarmaker, bds. Fulton bet. Sixth and Seventh. Kirkland, Ferdinand, Soot and shoemakcr, o. 155 Randolph, h. cor. North and Orleans. Kirkland, Joseph, machinist, bds. 455 Jctferson ave. Kirn, Jacob, carpenter, h. s. e. cor. Buella Vista and South. Kirn, John L., baker, 8 South, h. same. Kirsch, George, brewer, bds. 306 Grat'ot. Kirsch, Joseph, lab., h. w. s. Eiopelle, ur. Marion. Kirsch, Louis, saloon, 65 Atwater e , b, same. Kirst, Paul, lah., h. 117 Brewster. Kirsten, August F., printer, h. 117 Div~ sion. Kirtland, Martin L., plasterer, h. 11~ Twen ty-fourth. Kirtley, George, (col'd,) waiter, Michigai! Exchange. Kislingbury, Frederick C., clerk, h. 535; Beaubien. Kissane, Thomas, pedlar, 21. Vine, bet. Fourth and Fitth.

-\ 282 I(1S CLARE'S ~dW'EEEW !#&#?~BNB&$ Klatt, Fredrick, saloon, n. w. cor. Fulton and Fourth, h. same. Klatt, William, lab. h. 184 Anlietam. mawitter, Charles, silversmith, bds. 234 Brush. Klawitter, Dorothest, (wid. Frederick), h. 234 Brush. Klawitter, William, boiler maker, h. 3. w. cor. Thirteenth and Dalzelle. Kleck, Joseph, carriage painter, bds. Ho- tel Henry. Kleefuss, Sebastian, lab., h. 521 Whitney. meet, John, grocer, 487 Grand River. h. same. Klein, Anthony, carpenter, h. 213 Catha- rine. Klein, Catharine, (wid. Mathew), h. 451 La- fayette e. Klein, Charles, conductor, h. 34 Williams. Klein, Ferdinand, copparsmith, bds. 210 Fort e. Klein, Elizabeth, (wid. Peter), saloon, 192 Woodbridge w., h. same Klein, Frederick J., grocer, cor. Lafayette and St. Aubin ave. h. 186 St. Aubin ave. Klein, Henry, tanner, h. 15 Silver. Klein, Herman. boiler maker, h. 330 High. Klein, Jacob, carpenter, bds 15 Silver. Klein, Jacob, porter, bds 46 Second. Klein, John, sailoi, bds. 325 Franklin. Klein, John, teamster, h. 8 Pearl. Klein, John G., machinist, bds. 77 Adams ave. e. Klein, Joseph, boarding, h. 325 Franklin. DETROIT KLo Klein, Julius, cabinet maker, h. 163 Napolg@,&&#@~~ KE: Ludwig, blacksmith, bds. 186 St. COR. CONGRESS & RANDOLPH STS. Aubin ave. DETROIT, Klein, Mary E., (wid. Charles), h. 77 Adams Conducted by Ban. Ira .,WayAew, ave. e. Author or nmuti~w~s nNrvCRsrry BOOK-KEEPING KLEIN. MARTIN, lumber, 233 Franklin, For Boainma Collqa and the Countmg-room. -The only ~obkkeeping published providing corn lete instruction in practical bdS6 338 Woodbridge e. RCcount.ntrhip. as notice or colLge hk-keeping md Businem Klein, Matthew J., physician, h. 486 Or- Practice, at the 31st page of ~ irecto4.a leans. Kisselem, Hubert, hardware, 160 Gratiot, Klein, Peter, tobacco cutter, bds. op. D. Bc h. 161 same. M. depot. Kistner, Charles, carriage painter, h. s. w. Kleh, P. E., physician, office, 261 Jefferson cor. Russell and Clay. ave., h. same. Kistner, Leopold, lab.. h. 181 Clay. Klein, Samuel, clerk, bds. Russell House. Kitch, Elijah A., clerk, h. 148 National ave. Klein, William, brakesman, bds. 77 Adams Kitchen, Aldrich, carpenter, bds. 323 Na- ave. e. tional ave. Kleinash, Anton, carpenter, h. 267 Jay. Kitchen, William, carpenter, h. 323 Na- Kleinhans, George, butcher, h. 388 Eightional ave. teenth. Kittelberger. George, flour and feed, 224 Kleinkei~t, John, carpenter, h. n. w. cor. Randolph h. 13 Rlacomb. Fulton and Third. Kitten, Frank. carpenter, h. 114 Macomb. Kleinott, Gottlieb, flower stand, 46 C. H. Klaas, Charles, grocer, 208 Russell, h. same. &I., h. Springwells- Klager, Julius, baker, 140 Gratiot, h. same. Kleinschmidt, Heinrich, lab., h. 225 Wat- Klaiber, Charles, p~inter, h. 249 Macomb. son. K!ano wsky, Herman, clerk, bds. 238 Ran- Kleinstein, Frederick, clerk, bds. 62 Beaudolph. bien. Klapp, Martin, lab. h. 298 Woodbrid e w. nemm, Louis, teacher, bds. 208 Rivard. Klapp, Valentin, shoemaker h. 24 f' Gal- Kley, Henry, cigar maker, h. 147 Mullett. houn. 1\ ley, Joseph, lab., bds. 37 Bronson. Klie, Ignatz, lab., h. 386 Fort e. Klinck, George, tailor, bds. 817 Elizabeth e. hlinck, John, saloon, 131 Napoleon, h. same. Klinck, John G., saloon, 620 Woodbridge w., h. same. Klinck, Ulrich, trunk maker, h. 332 Sherman. Kling, Philipp, cooper (Ph. Kling & Co.), n e. cor. Gratiot and Hasthgs, h. 283 Gratiot Kling, P. & Co. ( Philip Kliag, Henry Weber, Louis Dohmstreich and William Dietz ), proprs. Peninsular BreweAy, Hamtramck. Kiingel, George, tailor, h. 302 Whitney. Klingler, Leopold, waiter, h. 90 Sherman. Klinkosch, Albrecht, lab., h. 232 Whitney. Klingstein, Frederick, teamster, h. s. e. cor. Lamed and Beaubien. Klintwort, Peter, saloon, n. w. cor. Atwater and Deci~indre, h. same. Klimmer, Henry, lab., h. 438 Clinton. Klipper, Thomas, lab., h. 271 BIacomb. Klirgler, Lewis, lab., h. 801 Twenty-second. Klisner, John, carpenter, h. Joseph Ctimpau ave., bet. Calharine and sh~rman. Kloepel, Jacob, lab., h. 161 Chestnu;. Klonieck, Simon, pedlar, h. 89 Mullett. Klotz, Charles, carpenter, h. 113 Jay. Klotz, Francis, barber, cor. Croghan and Rivard. Klotz, John, painter, bds. 129 Chestnut. K.lo tz, John A., watchman, he 110 antietam.

-\<br />

282 I(1S CLARE'S<br />

~dW'EEEW<br />

!#&#?~BNB&$<br />

Klatt, Fredrick, saloon, n. w. cor. Fulton<br />

and Fourth, h. same.<br />

Klatt, William, lab. h. 184 Anlietam.<br />

mawitter, Charles, silversmith, bds. 234<br />

Brush.<br />

Klawitter, Dorothest, (wid. Frederick), h.<br />

234 Brush.<br />

Klawitter, William, boiler maker, h. 3. w.<br />

cor. Thirteenth and Dalzelle.<br />

Kleck, Joseph, carriage painter, bds. Ho-<br />

tel Henry.<br />

Kleefuss, Sebastian, lab., h. 521 Whitney.<br />

meet, John, grocer, 487 Grand River. h.<br />

same.<br />

Klein, Anthony, carpenter, h. 213 Catha-<br />

rine.<br />

Klein, Catharine, (wid. Mathew), h. 451 La-<br />

fayette e.<br />

Klein, Charles, conductor, h. 34 Williams.<br />

Klein, Ferdinand, copparsmith, bds. 210<br />

Fort e.<br />

Klein, Elizabeth, (wid. Peter), saloon, 192<br />

Woodbridge w., h. same<br />

Klein, Frederick J., grocer, cor. Lafayette<br />

and St. Aubin ave. h. 186 St. Aubin ave.<br />

Klein, Henry, tanner, h. 15 Silver.<br />

Klein, Herman. boiler maker, h. 330 High.<br />

Klein, Jacob, carpenter, bds 15 Silver.<br />

Klein, Jacob, porter, bds 46 Second.<br />

Klein, John, sailoi, bds. 325 Franklin.<br />

Klein, John, teamster, h. 8 Pearl.<br />

Klein, John G., machinist, bds. 77 Adams<br />

ave. e.<br />

Klein, Joseph, boarding, h. 325 Franklin.<br />


Klein, Julius, cabinet maker, h. 163 Napolg@,&&#@~~<br />

KE: Ludwig, blacksmith, bds. 186 St.<br />

COR. CONGRESS & RANDOLPH STS. Aubin ave.<br />

DETROIT,<br />

Klein, Mary E., (wid. Charles), h. 77 Adams<br />

Conducted by Ban. Ira .,WayAew, ave. e.<br />

Author or nmuti~w~s nNrvCRsrry BOOK-KEEPING KLEIN. MARTIN, lumber, 233 Franklin,<br />

For Boainma Collqa and the Countmg-room. -The only ~obkkeeping<br />

published providing corn lete instruction in practical bdS6 338 Woodbridge e.<br />

RCcount.ntrhip.<br />

as notice or colLge hk-keeping md Businem Klein, Matthew J., physician, h. 486 Or-<br />

Practice, at the 31st page of ~ irecto4.a<br />

leans.<br />

Kisselem, Hubert, hardware, 160 Gratiot, Klein, Peter, tobacco cutter, bds. op. D. Bc<br />

h. 161 same.<br />

M. depot.<br />

Kistner, Charles, carriage painter, h. s. w. Kleh, P. E., physician, office, 261 Jefferson<br />

cor. Russell and Clay.<br />

ave., h. same.<br />

Kistner, Leopold, lab.. h. 181 Clay. Klein, Samuel, clerk, bds. Russell House.<br />

Kitch, Elijah A., clerk, h. 148 National ave. Klein, William, brakesman, bds. 77 Adams<br />

Kitchen, Aldrich, carpenter, bds. 323 Na- ave. e.<br />

tional ave.<br />

Kleinash, Anton, carpenter, h. 267 Jay.<br />

Kitchen, William, carpenter, h. 323 Na- Kleinhans, George, butcher, h. 388 Eightional<br />

ave.<br />

teenth.<br />

Kittelberger. George, flour and feed, 224 Kleinkei~t, John, carpenter, h. n. w. cor.<br />

Randolph h. 13 Rlacomb.<br />

Fulton and Third.<br />

Kitten, Frank. carpenter, h. 114 Macomb. Kleinott, Gottlieb, flower stand, 46 C. H.<br />

Klaas, Charles, grocer, 208 Russell, h. same. &I., h. Springwells-<br />

Klager, Julius, baker, 140 Gratiot, h. same. Kleinschmidt, Heinrich, lab., h. 225 Wat-<br />

Klaiber, Charles, p~inter, h. 249 Macomb. son.<br />

K!ano wsky, Herman, clerk, bds. 238 Ran- Kleinstein, Frederick, clerk, bds. 62 Beaudolph.<br />

bien.<br />

Klapp, Martin, lab. h. 298 Woodbrid e w. nemm, Louis, teacher, bds. 208 Rivard.<br />

Klapp, Valentin, shoemaker h. 24 f' Gal- Kley, Henry, cigar maker, h. 147 Mullett.<br />

houn.<br />

1\ ley, Joseph, lab., bds. 37 Bronson.<br />

Klie, Ignatz, lab., h. 386 Fort e.<br />

Klinck, George, tailor, bds. 817 Elizabeth e.<br />

hlinck, John, saloon, 131 Napoleon, h.<br />

same.<br />

Klinck, John G., saloon, 620 Woodbridge<br />

w., h. same.<br />

Klinck, Ulrich, trunk maker, h. 332 Sherman.<br />

Kling, Philipp, cooper (Ph. Kling & Co.),<br />

n e. cor. Gratiot and Hasthgs, h. 283<br />

Gratiot<br />

Kling, P. & Co. ( Philip Kliag, Henry<br />

Weber, Louis Dohmstreich and William<br />

Dietz ), proprs. Peninsular BreweAy,<br />

Hamtramck.<br />

Kiingel, George, tailor, h. 302 Whitney.<br />

Klingler, Leopold, waiter, h. 90 Sherman.<br />

Klinkosch, Albrecht, lab., h. 232 Whitney.<br />

Klingstein, Frederick, teamster, h. s. e. cor.<br />

Lamed and Beaubien.<br />

Klintwort, Peter, saloon, n. w. cor. Atwater<br />

and Deci~indre, h. same.<br />

Klimmer, Henry, lab., h. 438 Clinton.<br />

Klipper, Thomas, lab., h. 271 BIacomb.<br />

Klirgler, Lewis, lab., h. 801 Twenty-second.<br />

Klisner, John, carpenter, h. Joseph Ctimpau<br />

ave., bet. Calharine and sh~rman.<br />

Kloepel, Jacob, lab., h. 161 Chestnu;.<br />

Klonieck, Simon, pedlar, h. 89 Mullett.<br />

Klotz, Charles, carpenter, h. 113 Jay.<br />

Klotz, Francis, barber, cor. Croghan and<br />

Rivard.<br />

Klotz, John, painter, bds. 129 Chestnut.<br />

K.lo tz, John A., watchman, he 110 antietam.

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