Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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KER CITY DmECTORT. KID Kerchoff, Frederick, lab., h. 173 Sherman. HOME Keresting, Charles, cabinetmaker, bds. 77 BI acomb. Mutual OF Life CINCINh'ATI, Insurance Co., OHIO. 'Ierk, h. Io5 Locust' Kerl, Henry, lab., h. 503 Fort e. wc @H&a,JaB&UH9 , . Kerl. Margaret, (wid. William,) h. 146 Ma- GENERAL AGENT. rion. S4 URISWOLD STREET, Kermott, John W., physician, h. 3i5 Cass ave. DET-ROIT, - - MICH- WSee Kerr, Christo~h. lab.. h. 89 Chestnut. advertisement, page 27.a .- --ern, Christiin,'lab., h. 382 Catharine. Kerwin, John, plasterer, bds. Purdy's Kern, Christian, lab., h. 315 Sherman. hotel. Kern, Conrad, butcher, s W. tor. Hast- Kesselem, Hubert, hardware, 160 Gratiot, ing~ and Lafayette, h. same. h 161. same. Kern, c ~ ~ ~ butcher, a d . h. 170 Sherman. Kessler, Christoph, carpenter, h. 93 Maple. Kern, Elizabeth, (wid. John F.,) h. 83 Kessler, John, bookkeeper, bds. 95 Maple. Chestnut. Kessler, John, teamster, h. I73 Division. Kern, George J., ship carpenter, h. 51 Kessler, William. clerk, bds. 95 Maple. Chestnut. Kesten, Charles, lab. h. 117 Division. Kern, Henry, musician! h. 300 Orlean s. Kestcr Adolph, boxmaker, bds. 97 Twenty- Kern, Herman, traveling agent, bds. 352 second. Harriet. Ketchum, Cephas B., (Abbot & Ketchum), Kern, Jacob, h. 16 Buena Vista. h. 316 Lafayette ave. Kern, John, lab., h. 345 Rivard. Ketchun~, Elias S., carpenter, h. 22 Sibley. Kern, Louis, traveling agent, h. 359 Har- Keting, Charles, lab., h. s. s. Chestnut bet. riet. Dubois and Chene. Kern, Nicholas, bagwage master, D. 6c M. Kettel, August, teamster, h. 64 Sixteenth. R. R. h. s. e. cor. Earned and Beaubien. Kettel, John, carpenter, h. 245 Maple. Kern, Willianl, repairer, h., e. s. Thirteen- Kettel, John, lab., res. Springwells. and-a-half nr. Baker. Kettel, Max, clerk, bds. 522 Gratiot. Kernaghan, William G., hatter, h. 68 Duf- Keuler, Peter, saloon, 428 Gratiot, h. same. field. Keuler, Peter, wagon maker, bds. 428 Kerneman, Fritz, h. 203 Antietam. Gratiot. Kerney, Patrick, lab., h. 307 Abbott. Keuuch, Joseph, clerk, h. 258 Lafayette. Kerns John. painter, bds. 238 Howard. Keusch, Nichael, saloon, 271 Hastings, h. Kerns, Mary, dressmaker, bds. 238 Howard. same. Kerns, Peter, printer, bds. 136 Porter. Keuser, Joseph, butcher, 395 Hastings h. Kerns, Thomas, painter, bds. 238 Howard. same. Kerns, Willifredl (wid. Patrick',, h. 238 Keuter, Elizabeth, (wid. Anton), boarding, Howard. h. 32 Clinton. Kerold, Henry, stonecutter, bds. cor. Se- Keuter, Willism, clerk, bds 32 Clinton. cond and Larned. Keveuy, Patrick, merchant tailor, 29 Jef- Kerr, Andrew, butcher, 345 Michigan ferson ave., h. same. ave., h. same. Keveny, Thomas, tailor, bds. 29 Jefferson Kerr, George, painter, bds. 37 Third. ave. Kerr, James, painter, h. 319 National ave. Kew, John, saloon, cor Seventh and Kerr, James, machinist, h 98 Leverette. Nichigan ave. Kerr, John, mason, h. 272 Mor~tcalm e. Keyes, Ann, (wid. John), h. 297 Abbott. Herr, Robert, drayman, h. 215 Seventeenth. Keyes, Edward N., painter, h. 608 Seventh. Kerr, Thomas, seaman h. 515 Nineteenth. Keyes, John F., clerk, h. 81 Congress w. Kerrians, William. artist, h. 361 Third. Keyes, Thomas, clerk, h. 77 Orchard. Kerschner, Phillip, lumber dealer, h. 283 Keyes; William, carriage painter, h. 85 Howard. Sibley. Kerscht, Baptist, gilder, h. 163 Adams Kibbee. Hen C., room 4 Butler block, ave. e. bds. Biddle % ouse. Kerscht, Mathias, tanner, h. s. e. c. Maple Kibbce, James H., (Kipbee 62 Keller), bds. and Chene. Garrison House. Kerscht, Mathim, grocer, 354 Maple, h Kibbee, Porter, real estate agent, room 10 same. Rotunda, bds. 68 Congress w. Kershaw, James, moulder, h. 135 Sixteenth. I Kibbee 6r, Keller, (James H. Kibbee and Kerst, Peter, h. 197 ,4dams ave., e. Henry H., Keller), saloon, 46 Larned w. Eerstenberger, J. Gottlieb, shoemaker, h. Kidd, John, watchman, h. 332 Fifth. 183 Wilkins. Kidd, Thomas, blacksmith, h. 16 Labrosse. Kerwin, John, blacksmith, h. 92:National Kidd, Thomas, grocer: 136 Fifteenth, h. ave. , same.

280 KID CLARE'S DETROIT KIN PABEE, JENNINGS & go's,, Killmor, Richard, lab., h. 243 Croghan. STANDARD Kilroy, Laurence F., news depot and con- 1 fectionery, 60 Michigan ave., h. same. Fluid and Solid Extracts. 1 ~ilroy, Mary, (wid.) Martin, h. 60 ~ ich- I SUGAR COATED PILLS, ipnn ave., Kimball, Frank E., clerk, bds. 26 Henry. Ross :Oil@ sad Cbsmisals. Kimball, Isaac: enoineer, h. 201 Howard. For ~ l by e a11 Druggists throughout the United Stater. Rimhall, James 8, grocer, opp., Harper W See advertibement, paee~ 16. Hosuital. h. 26 Henrv. Kidd, William, carpenter, h. 352 Howard. ~irnbill, john H., trivelinp agent, h. 41 Kiddy, Elizabeth, h. 22 Orleans. D affield. Kieburtz, Frederick, engineer, bds. Acker- Kinck, John, wagon maker, h. 528 Woodman, House. bridge w. Kief, Nicholas, lab., h. 102 Beech. King. helia, (aid. John W.), boarding, h. Kiefer, Alfred, student, bds. 48 Gratiot. 33 Jov. - -4 - Kieter, Christian, h. 596 Fort e. KG, Arthur, builder, n. e. cor. Columbia Kiefer, Hermnnu, surgeon and physician, and Cass, h. 40 Brainard. 48 and 58 Gmtiot, h. same. King, Caroline, (wid. George), h. 32 Ma- Kiefer, John Geo., butcher, 206 Wilkins comb. h. same. King, Charles, boat builder, 225 Guoin, h. Kiefer, Luciwig, h. 139 Larned w. 497 Congress e. (& Index, page 17). Kieler, Christian, cigar maker, h. 318 Cath- King, Duncan, grocer, 196 Chene, h. same. arine. King, Duncan, shoe maker, h. 557 Lafav- -- Kieler! Christoph cigar maker, h. 318 Catharine. / n. K : Flora, (wid. R. C.), bds. 0. 222 Kieler, Geor e. (G. & H. Kieler) h. 5 Mich- 176 George. igan arm% ave. King, Francis, rope walk, bds. 603 Gratiot. Kieler, Henry, (G. & H. Kielcr) h. 5 Mich- King, Francis C., b. 0. 337 n. 349 Woodigan Grand ave. Kieler, Henrp, cigar maker, h, 332 Cro- W., h. 0. 337 n. 349 Woodghan. ward ave. Kieler, G. & H. (George & Henry Kieler), 1 King, George, clerk, bds. 220 Woodward saloon, 5 Nichigan Grand ave. i ave. Kielman, John, lab., h. 584 Lafayette. h. 205 Rio- Kien Joseph S., bookkeeper, h. s. s. Willis ave., bet., Second and Cass ave., Kienle Christoph, lab., h. 339 Seventeenth. Kienle, Frederick, carriage painter, bds. 339 Seventeenth. j King, James, engineer: 11.588 Fort e. Kier, Jacob S., physician, office 31 George, I King, James, dairyman, h. Holden Road. h. same. n. e. cor. Third. Kiernan, James, grocer. h. 684 Sixteenth. 1 King, James, (col'd), white washer, bds. s. Kies, Walter, bookkeeper, bds. 220 East,- i s. Ohio bet. Hastings and St. Antoine. ings. King John, carpenter, h. Croghan, bet. Kieslak, Veith,blacksmith, h. e. s. Twenty- Dequindre and Orleans. second, nr. Michigan ave. King, John, carpenter, h. 193 Wight. Kiessling. Emil, mason, h. 136 Marion. King, John, printer. h. 139 Beech. Kilborn, John, saloon, n. 272 o. 278 Wood- King, Johu, sailor, h. 205 Wight. ward ave., 1 King, qohn E., (Hubuard B King).); h. I45 Kilcher, John, lab., bds. 189 Macomb. / Forta-. Kiley, Dennis, plumber, h. 139 Orchard. 1 King, John R., clerk, bds. Brighton House. Kiley, John, cigarmaker, h. 33 9 sixteenth. King, John T.. blacksmith, h. 36 Fon e. Kiley Miss Margareth, teacher, bds. 139 1 King: Jonathan L., clothier, I74 Jefferson Orchard I ave., h. 184 Woodbridge e. Kilfoy, Patrick, lab., h. 302 Guoin. . 1 King, Leonard, lab., bds. cor. Joseph Cam- Killin, James, bookkeeper, bds. 311 Grand I pau ave., and Croghan. River. ; King. Lewis B., student, bds. 493 Wood- Killin, John, lab., h. 222 Calhoun. i ward ave. Killin, John J., h. 311 Grand River. I King, Patrick, lab.. h 300 Guoin. Killin, Mary (wid. James ) h. 311 Grand 1 King, Philip, ship -carpenter, bds. 457 River. I .Woodl ridge e. Killin, Michael, engineer, h. 220 First. I King, Robert J., bookkeeper, bds. 268 Killio, Patrick, huckster, h. 448 Fifteenth. / Third. Killinger, Michael, shoemaker, h. 34 Har- i King, Robert W., crockeq 90 Jefferson riet. I ave., h. 493 Woodward ave.


PABEE, JENNINGS & go's,, Killmor, Richard, lab., h. 243 Croghan.<br />

STANDARD Kilroy, Laurence F., news depot and con-<br />

1 fectionery, 60 Michigan ave., h. same.<br />

Fluid and Solid Extracts. 1 ~ilroy, Mary, (wid.) Martin, h. 60 ~ ich-<br />

I<br />


ipnn ave.,<br />

Kimball, Frank E., clerk, bds. 26 Henry.<br />

Ross :Oil@ sad Cbsmisals. Kimball, Isaac: enoineer, h. 201 Howard.<br />

For ~ l by e a11 Druggists throughout the United Stater. Rimhall, James 8, grocer, opp., Harper<br />

W See advertibement, paee~ 16.<br />

Hosuital. h. 26 Henrv.<br />

Kidd, William, carpenter, h. 352 Howard. ~irnbill, john H., trivelinp agent, h. 41<br />

Kiddy, Elizabeth, h. 22 Orleans.<br />

D affield.<br />

Kieburtz, Frederick, engineer, bds. Acker- Kinck, John, wagon maker, h. 528 Woodman,<br />

House.<br />

bridge w.<br />

Kief, Nicholas, lab., h. 102 Beech.<br />

King. helia, (aid. John W.), boarding, h.<br />

Kiefer, Alfred, student, bds. 48 Gratiot. 33 Jov. - -4 -<br />

Kieter, Christian, h. 596 Fort e.<br />

KG, Arthur, builder, n. e. cor. Columbia<br />

Kiefer, Hermnnu, surgeon and physician, and Cass, h. 40 Brainard.<br />

48 and 58 Gmtiot, h. same.<br />

King, Caroline, (wid. George), h. 32 Ma-<br />

Kiefer, John Geo., butcher, 206 Wilkins comb.<br />

h. same.<br />

King, Charles, boat builder, 225 Guoin, h.<br />

Kiefer, Luciwig, h. 139 Larned w.<br />

497 Congress e. (& Index, page 17).<br />

Kieler, Christian, cigar maker, h. 318 Cath- King, Duncan, grocer, 196 Chene, h. same.<br />

arine.<br />

King, Duncan, shoe maker, h. 557 Lafav-<br />

--<br />

Kieler! Christoph cigar maker, h. 318 Catharine.<br />

/ n.<br />

K : Flora, (wid. R. C.), bds. 0. 222<br />

Kieler, Geor e. (G. & H. Kieler) h. 5 Mich- 176 George.<br />

igan arm% ave.<br />

King, Francis, rope walk, bds. 603 Gratiot.<br />

Kieler, Henry, (G. & H. Kielcr) h. 5 Mich- King, Francis C., b. 0. 337 n. 349 Woodigan<br />

Grand ave.<br />

Kieler, Henrp, cigar maker, h, 332 Cro-<br />

W., h. 0. 337 n. 349 Woodghan.<br />

ward ave.<br />

Kieler, G. & H. (George & Henry Kieler), 1 King, George, clerk, bds. 220 Woodward<br />

saloon, 5 Nichigan Grand ave. i ave.<br />

Kielman, John, lab., h. 584 Lafayette. h. 205 Rio-<br />

Kien Joseph S., bookkeeper, h. s. s. Willis<br />

ave., bet., Second and Cass ave.,<br />

Kienle Christoph, lab., h. 339 Seventeenth.<br />

Kienle, Frederick, carriage painter, bds.<br />

339 Seventeenth. j King, James, engineer: 11.588 Fort e.<br />

Kier, Jacob S., physician, office 31 George, I King, James, dairyman, h. Holden Road.<br />

h. same. n. e. cor. Third.<br />

Kiernan, James, grocer. h. 684 Sixteenth. 1 King, James, (col'd), white washer, bds. s.<br />

Kies, Walter, bookkeeper, bds. 220 East,- i s. Ohio bet. Hastings and St. Antoine.<br />

ings.<br />

King John, carpenter, h. Croghan, bet.<br />

Kieslak, Veith,blacksmith, h. e. s. Twenty- Dequindre and Orleans.<br />

second, nr. Michigan ave.<br />

King, John, carpenter, h. 193 Wight.<br />

Kiessling. Emil, mason, h. 136 Marion. King, John, printer. h. 139 Beech.<br />

Kilborn, John, saloon, n. 272 o. 278 Wood- King, Johu, sailor, h. 205 Wight.<br />

ward ave., 1 King, qohn E., (Hubuard B King).); h. I45<br />

Kilcher, John, lab., bds. 189 Macomb. / Forta-.<br />

Kiley, Dennis, plumber, h. 139 Orchard. 1 King, John R., clerk, bds. Brighton House.<br />

Kiley, John, cigarmaker, h. 33 9 sixteenth. King, John T.. blacksmith, h. 36 Fon e.<br />

Kiley Miss Margareth, teacher, bds. 139 1 King: Jonathan L., clothier, I74 Jefferson<br />

Orchard I ave., h. 184 Woodbridge e.<br />

Kilfoy, Patrick, lab., h. 302 Guoin. . 1 King, Leonard, lab., bds. cor. Joseph Cam-<br />

Killin, James, bookkeeper, bds. 311 Grand I pau ave., and Croghan.<br />

River.<br />

; King. Lewis B., student, bds. 493 Wood-<br />

Killin, John, lab., h. 222 Calhoun. i ward ave.<br />

Killin, John J., h. 311 Grand River.<br />

I King, Patrick, lab.. h 300 Guoin.<br />

Killin, Mary (wid. James ) h. 311 Grand 1 King, Philip, ship -carpenter, bds. 457<br />

River. I .Woodl ridge e.<br />

Killin, Michael, engineer, h. 220 First. I King, Robert J., bookkeeper, bds. 268<br />

Killio, Patrick, huckster, h. 448 Fifteenth. / Third.<br />

Killinger, Michael, shoemaker, h. 34 Har- i King, Robert W., crockeq 90 Jefferson<br />

riet. I ave., h. 493 Woodward ave.

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