Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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JOH CITY DIRECTORY. JON %71 Johnson, Johnson, clerk, h. 38 Sibley. Johnson, Joseph, fireman, h. 516 Fort e. Johnson Joseph, lab. h. 600 Collgress e. Johnson, Joseph, (col'd), lab., h. 280 Orleans. Johnson, Lindsay, (col'd), lab., h. 391 Maple. Johnson, Lewis, ioreman sawmill, h. 573 Lafayette. Johnson, Louis, bds. cor. German and Dubois. Johnson, L. Burdett, clerk, bds. 104 Montcalm e. Nutual Life Insurance Co., OF CINCLNNATI, OHIO. @@ @ ~ ~ ~ GENERAL AGENT. 84 BRISWOLD STREET, DETROIT, - - XICH- WSee advertisement, page 27.d - - . - - -. . . . -. . . - - . - -. . Johnson & Adams, (James 31. Johnson, and Jason M. Adams,) Insurance Agents, 17 Merrill block. Johnson & Son (Edward sr., and Edward Johnson, Louis E., clerk P. 0.) bds. 250 Randolph. jr.,) brewers, cor. Michigan - ttve. and Johnson, Martha, (col'd) , seamstress, h. 185 sixth. Hasting. Johnson M. cFr, Son, (Morgan and Hamilton), Johnson, Matilda, s. m. operator, h. 218 commission merchants, 62 Woodbridge. Sixth. Johnson & Wheeler, (Waldo M. ~ohnson, Johnson, Morgan, (M. Johnson & Son), h. Richard 0. Wheeler, George C. Fletcher. 239 First. and John M. Fitch). wholesale grocers, Johnson, Nathaniel F., machinist, h. 326 15 Woodard ave. St. Aubin ave., Johnston, Albert, street car conductor, bds. Johnson, Norman, (col'd), lab., bds. 391 Detroit Exchange. Maple. Johastori, Alexander, plainer, h. 251 Fort Johnson, Patrick, baker, h. 498 Third. W. Johnson, Peter W., painter, h. 265 Eliz- Johnston, Anthony, tailor, h. o. 192 n. 218 abeth e. Sixth. Johnson, Phebe, saloon, 67 Franklin, h. Johnston, Christopher, carpenter, h. s. s. same. Cherry, bet. Sixth and Seventh. Johnson, Phillip, (col'd), waiter, Mich- Johnston, Eva, dress maker, 54 Monroe igan Exchange. ave. h. same. Johnson, Richard, (col'd), carpenter, h. 303 Johnston, Edward, cashier, bds. n. e. cor. Clinton. Jefferson ave. and Beau bien. Johnson, Richard M., clerk. bds. '77 Abbott, Johnston: Jessie F., civil deputy sheriff, h. Johnson. Rose, milliner: bds. 36 Clinton. 152 St. Antoine. Johnson, Sidney C., fishdealer 225 Jeffer- Johnston, James, photographer, h. 332 son ave., and 179 Woodward ave., h. 158 Woodward ave. Adams ave. e. Johnston, James, teamster, h. 449 Frank- Johnson, Stephen, (col'd), cook, h. 136 lin. Lafay ette. Johnston, John, (col'd), waiter, Russell Johnson, Thomas, carpenter, h. 296 Thir- House. teenth-an d-a-half. Johnston, John W., reul estate, Butlers Johnson, Thomas, (col'd), lab., h. 283 Colum- Block, opp. P. O., h. 471 Sixteenth. bia e. Johnston, Joseph B. W., bds. 313 Third. Johnson, Thomas, stone cutter, bds. 43 Johnston, Thomas, carpenter, 'h. 296 Thir- Atwater e. teenth-and-a-half Johnson, Waldo M., (Johnson & Wheeler), Johnston, William, druggist, 31, 153: 155, h. 129 Fort w. 231 Jefferson ave., h. 292 Fort w. Johnson, Weden, (col'd), porter, h. 129 Laf- Johnston, William, dry goods, o. 254 n. ayette e. 282 Michi an ave., h. same. Johnson, William, agent, h. 88 Second. Johnston, Tfilliam, mason, h. 18 Sibley. Johnson, William, (col'd), lab., h. 301 St. Johnstone, Herbert, compositor, bds. 49 Antoine. Shelby. Johnson, Wm., (col'd), lab., h. 272 Whitney. Johnstone, John, tin and japan manfi.., h. Johnson, William, lab., bds. e. s. Beaubien 286 Woodward ave. bet. Grove and Kentucky. Joliet, Alfked, mason, bds. 249 Gratiot Johnson, William, (col'cl), lab., bds n. s. Joliet, Emily, dress maker, bds. 249 Gratiot. Grove bet. St. Antoine and ha sting.^ Joliet, Margareth, dress maker, 249 Gra- Johnson, William H., (col'd), barber and tiot, h. same. Yankee notion dealer, 95 Atwater e., h. Joliet, Peter, stone cutter, h. 249 Gratiot. same. Joltz, William, roofer, h. 569 Dequindre. Johnson, William H., engineer, h. 45 Dubois. Jonas, Ferdinand, tinsmith, bds. 249 Catha- Johnson, Wilmot, (col' d), waiter, Michigan rine. Exchange. 1 Jonas, John, carpenter, h. 147 Division.

372 JON CURK'S DETROIT . JOS OF STANDARD QUALITY. Mannfactnred and for sale by P=kee dFenislugge 4 @a, Office 52 Larned St., West, See advertisement, page 16. - - Jonas, Louis, mason, h. 249 Catharine. Jonas, Robert, (col'd), plasterer, h. 10 Indiana. Jones, Alexander, machinist, h. 44 Fifteen th. Jones, Ann, (wid. Thomas), h. 260 Clinton. Jones, Charles, (col'd), lab., h. 222 Adams ave e. Jones, Charles G,, yardsman, M. S. & L. S. R. R., h. 139 Division. Jones, Christopher, lab.: h. 82 Seventh. Jones, Claudius, mason, h. 64 Locust. Jones, Czar, h. 133 John R. Jones, David, painter, bds. 264 Congrss w. Jones, Ebenezer, saloon, cor. Michigan ave. and Casa, h. same. Jones, Edward, 'eweler, bds. 714 Croghan. Jones. Edward d., blacksmith, h. 170 Riopelle. Jones, Edward P., clerk. bds. 72 Henry. Jones, E. Seldon, clerk, h. 121 Congress e. Jones, Elias W., grocer, 105 Larned w., h. same. Jones, Frederick, polisher, h. 114 Fif~. Jones, Geor e, plasterer, bds. e. s. Beaubien nr. &ntucky, Jones, Geor e C., flour and feed, 75 Gra- tiot, h. 28 !if iami ave. Jones, George C. jr., clerk, h. 28 Miami ave. Jones, Griffith, carpenter, bds. 169 Cass. Jones, Harry, actor, bds. Garrison House. Jones, Harry J., insurance agent, h. 245 Croghan. Jones, Hen , bookkeeper, h. 64 Locust. Jones, ~rs.%enr~ L., dressmaker, 79 Larned e., h. - same. Jones, Horatio G., teacher, h. 14 Lafayette. Jones, Israel, (col'd), vraiter, b. 162 Russell. Jones, James, clerk, bds. 3'75 Michigan ave. Jones, James A., agent Home Life Insurance, office 108 Griswold, room 9, h. 125 Park, (See Index, page 17). Jones, James D., clerk, h. 24 Gratiot. Jones, James M., shipbuilder, h. 628 Fort w. Jones, John, carpenter, h. 32 Columbia w. Jones, John B., agent, h. 164 Rivard. Jones, John C., bookkeeper, bds. 104 High. Jones, John C., lab., h. 82 Seventh. Jones, J. HufI, real estate agent, h. n. s. Fort w. bet. Fourth and F~fth. Jones, Louisa H., (wid. John R,) b. 104 High. Jones. Mary, ' (wid. Daniel), nurse, h. 77 Jones. Brad$ aul J., machinist, h. 250 Fort w. Jones, Richard, (col'd), barber, 377 Atwater e., h. 382 St. Antoine. Jones, Hobert, ticket agent, h. 234 Hastings. Jones, Robert, (col'd), sailor, h. 106 Clinton. Jones, Samuel, shoemaker, 392 Michigan ave., h. sane. Jones, Wiley, (col'd), plasterer, h. r. 148 iley, (col'd), lab., h. 363 Macomb. Jones, William, boots and shoes, 34 Jeffer- son ave., h. same. Jones, William, lab., bds. cor. Brush and Fort. Jones, William, lab., h. n. w. cor. Marcy and Fifth. Jones, William, machinist, h. 162 Harri- son ave. Jones, William, (col'd), city scavenger, h. 336 Lafayette. Jones, Zachariah P., railroad contractor, h. 24 Gratiot. Joos, Ludwig, boot and shoe maker, s. w. cor. Brush and Franklin, bds. 69 At- water e. Jorg, Michael, carpenter, h. 362 Lafayette. Jordan, August, bds. 466 Riopelle. Jordan, Charles, shipcarpenter, h. 808 Orleans. Jordan, Elizabeth, (wid. Peter), seamstress, h. 308 Orleans. Jordan, Fred., teamster, h. 50 Eighteenth. Jordan, Henry, porter, h. 110 Napoleon. Jordan, Henry, lab., h. 110 Indiana. Jordan, James, boots and shoes, 149 Gris- wold, h. 424 Twelfth. Jordan, James. , (col'd), . , . tobacconist, bds. 167 Clin tbn. Jordan, John, shoemaker, bds. 424 Twelfth. Jordan John. , (Kolb . & Jordan), , . h. 108 Mullett. Jordan, Joseph, painter, bds. 466 Riopelle. Jordan, Lewis, lab., bds. 3'70 Twenty-second. Jordan, Louis, carpenter, h. 245 Lafayette. Jordan, Margarett, (wid. John,) h. 466 Riopelle. Joseph, Abraham, shoemaker, h. 241 Hastings. Joseph, -- Joseph, liquor dealer, bds. Hotel Henry. Joseph, Joseph, grocer, 230 Randolph, h. same. Joslin, Andrew, sail maker, bds. 67 First. Joslin, Elijah, currier, h. 639 Woodbridge e. Joslin, Harriet, (wid. Shalett,) h. 348 Chene. Joslin, Rev. Thomas J., Pastor Simpson M. E. Church, h. He , cor. Third. Josselyn, Alanson K. Y ( osselyn Bros. & Co.,) res. Indianapolis, Ind.



Mannfactnred and for sale by<br />

P=kee dFenislugge 4 @a,<br />

Office 52 Larned St., West,<br />

See advertisement, page 16.<br />

- -<br />

Jonas, Louis, mason, h. 249 Catharine.<br />

Jonas, Robert, (col'd), plasterer, h. 10<br />

Indiana.<br />

Jones, Alexander, machinist, h. 44 Fifteen<br />

th.<br />

Jones, Ann, (wid. Thomas), h. 260 Clinton.<br />

Jones, Charles, (col'd), lab., h. 222 Adams<br />

ave e.<br />

Jones, Charles G,, yardsman, M. S. & L. S.<br />

R. R., h. 139 Division.<br />

Jones, Christopher, lab.: h. 82 Seventh.<br />

Jones, Claudius, mason, h. 64 Locust.<br />

Jones, Czar, h. 133 John R.<br />

Jones, David, painter, bds. 264 Congrss w.<br />

Jones, Ebenezer, saloon, cor. Michigan ave.<br />

and Casa, h. same.<br />

Jones, Edward, 'eweler, bds. 714 Croghan.<br />

Jones. Edward d., blacksmith, h. 170 Riopelle.<br />

Jones, Edward P., clerk. bds. 72 Henry.<br />

Jones, E. Seldon, clerk, h. 121 Congress e.<br />

Jones, Elias W., grocer, 105 Larned w., h.<br />

same.<br />

Jones, Frederick, polisher, h. 114 Fif~. Jones, Geor e, plasterer, bds. e. s. Beaubien<br />

nr. &ntucky,<br />

Jones, Geor e C., flour and feed, 75 Gra-<br />

tiot, h. 28 !if iami ave.<br />

Jones, George C. jr., clerk, h. 28 Miami<br />

ave.<br />

Jones, Griffith, carpenter, bds. 169 Cass.<br />

Jones, Harry, actor, bds. Garrison House.<br />

Jones, Harry J., insurance agent, h. 245<br />

Croghan.<br />

Jones, Hen , bookkeeper, h. 64 Locust.<br />

Jones, ~rs.%enr~ L., dressmaker, 79 Larned<br />

e., h. - same.<br />

Jones, Horatio G., teacher, h. 14 Lafayette.<br />

Jones, Israel, (col'd), vraiter, b. 162 Russell.<br />

Jones, James, clerk, bds. 3'75 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Jones, James A., agent Home Life<br />

Insurance, office 108 Griswold, room 9,<br />

h. 125 Park, (See Index, page 17).<br />

Jones, James D., clerk, h. 24 Gratiot.<br />

Jones, James M., shipbuilder, h. 628<br />

Fort w.<br />

Jones, John, carpenter, h. 32 Columbia w.<br />

Jones, John B., agent, h. 164 Rivard.<br />

Jones, John C., bookkeeper, bds. 104<br />

High.<br />

Jones, John C., lab., h. 82 Seventh.<br />

Jones, J. HufI, real estate agent, h. n. s.<br />

Fort w. bet. Fourth and F~fth.<br />

Jones, Louisa H., (wid. John R,) b. 104<br />

High.<br />

Jones. Mary, ' (wid. Daniel), nurse, h. 77<br />

Jones. Brad$ aul J., machinist, h. 250 Fort w.<br />

Jones, Richard, (col'd), barber, 377 Atwater<br />

e., h. 382 St. Antoine.<br />

Jones, Hobert, ticket agent, h. 234 Hastings.<br />

Jones, Robert, (col'd), sailor, h. 106 Clinton.<br />

Jones, Samuel, shoemaker, 392 Michigan<br />

ave., h. sane.<br />

Jones, Wiley, (col'd), plasterer, h. r. 148<br />

iley, (col'd), lab., h. 363 Macomb.<br />

Jones, William, boots and shoes, 34 Jeffer-<br />

son ave., h. same.<br />

Jones, William, lab., bds. cor. Brush and<br />

Fort.<br />

Jones, William, lab., h. n. w. cor. Marcy<br />

and Fifth.<br />

Jones, William, machinist, h. 162 Harri-<br />

son ave.<br />

Jones, William, (col'd), city scavenger, h.<br />

336 Lafayette.<br />

Jones, Zachariah P., railroad contractor, h.<br />

24 Gratiot.<br />

Joos, Ludwig, boot and shoe maker, s. w.<br />

cor. Brush and Franklin, bds. 69 At-<br />

water e.<br />

Jorg, Michael, carpenter, h. 362 Lafayette.<br />

Jordan, August, bds. 466 Riopelle.<br />

Jordan, Charles, shipcarpenter, h. 808<br />

Orleans.<br />

Jordan, Elizabeth, (wid. Peter), seamstress,<br />

h. 308 Orleans.<br />

Jordan, Fred., teamster, h. 50 Eighteenth.<br />

Jordan, Henry, porter, h. 110 Napoleon.<br />

Jordan, Henry, lab., h. 110 Indiana.<br />

Jordan, James, boots and shoes, 149 Gris-<br />

wold, h. 424 Twelfth.<br />

Jordan, James. , (col'd), . , . tobacconist, bds. 167<br />

Clin tbn.<br />

Jordan, John, shoemaker, bds. 424 Twelfth.<br />

Jordan John. , (Kolb . & Jordan), , . h. 108<br />

Mullett.<br />

Jordan, Joseph, painter, bds. 466 Riopelle.<br />

Jordan, Lewis, lab., bds. 3'70 Twenty-second.<br />

Jordan, Louis, carpenter, h. 245 Lafayette.<br />

Jordan, Margarett, (wid. John,) h. 466 Riopelle.<br />

Joseph, Abraham, shoemaker, h. 241 Hastings.<br />

Joseph, -- Joseph, liquor dealer, bds. Hotel<br />

Henry.<br />

Joseph, Joseph, grocer, 230 Randolph, h.<br />

same.<br />

Joslin, Andrew, sail maker, bds. 67 First.<br />

Joslin, Elijah, currier, h. 639 Woodbridge<br />

e.<br />

Joslin, Harriet, (wid. Shalett,) h. 348<br />

Chene.<br />

Joslin, Rev. Thomas J., Pastor Simpson<br />

M. E. Church, h. He , cor. Third.<br />

Josselyn, Alanson K. Y ( osselyn Bros. &<br />

Co.,) res. Indianapolis, Ind.

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