Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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JEF CITY DIRECTORY. JEW 269 Jefekovsky, Vincent, tailor, h. s. s. Webster bet.. Russell and Prospect. Jefferds, John G., pigs feet, h. 69 Grand River e. Jeffers, Patrick, shoemaker, bds. 117 Woodbridge e. Jefferson Ave. Presbyterian Church, n. s. Jefferson ave. bet. Rivard and Russell, Rev. William Hogarth. pastor. Jeffrey, George, mnfk spring beds, bde. Purdy's Hotel. Jeffrey, Ros well (col'd), waiter, Michigan Exchange. Jeffrey, William, carpenter, h. o. 96: Oak. Jeip, John, carpenter, h. 475 Gratiot. Jela, Louis, sailor, h 284 Franklin. Jelly, Henry, carpenter, h. 308 Cro ha.n. Jelly, M. (wid. Richard), h. 965 J%fTerson ave. Jelsch! Alexander, carpenter, bds. 425 Con- gress e. Jelsch, Francis (Jelsch &Burk), h. 138 Ran- dolph. Jelsch & Burk (Francis Jelsch and Ed- ward Burk), tobacco snd cigar mnfks., n. e. cor. Monroe and Michigan aves. Jendorf, Charles, agent, bds. 385 Brush. Jendorf, Isaac, h. 385 Brush. Jenks, Mrs. Abigail H. (wid. Cyrus), h. 51 Nacomb ave. Jenks, Edward W., physician, h. 92 Fort w. Jenks, Emma, saloon, 90 Franklin, h. same. Jenks, George A., clerk, bds. 51 Macomb ave. JENKS, JAMES, machinery dealer, 29 Atwater e., h. 51 Macomb. See adv. on map. Jenkins, Frederick, moulder, h 657 Con- gress e. Jenkins, Henry, (col'd), barber, 40 Third, h. 'Ti Beaubieu. Jenkina, John F., physician, office room 6, Fisher Block, h. 205 First. Jenness, Henry L., clerk, bds. 87 Wash- ington ave. Jenness, John S., (Albert D. Pierce & Co.), bds. 104 Congress w. Jenney, William, lumber merchant, Alpe- na, h. 247 Woodward ave. JENNINGS, AUGUSTUS F., (Parke, Jen- nings & Co.), chemists, h. 223 Park. (see rde~, 17). Jenning8, Edward, clerk, bds. 223 Park. Jennings, Frank A., h. 41 Cass. Jennings, Hiram D., carpenter, h. 11 Jones. Jennings, William, bds. 223 Park. Jennison, James H., printer, bds. Franklin House. Jennison, Wiliam. lawyer, o£€lce 4 and 5 Seitz,Block, h. 143 First. Jennwain, Andrew, furrier, h. 214 Antie- tam. I NOUTHWESTERN 1 Uutual Life Insurance Co. 1 OF MILWAUKEE, WIS. oa. caae. anaIsrclEa, STATE AGENT, 111 JefFerson Avenue, DE=TROIT, - - - XICH, WAgenta Wantad. See advertimrnent, page 107.m Jepp. William J., butcher, h. 407 Michigan ave. Jerand, Sarah, (wid. Jerome), h. 148 Ma- comb. Jernay, Louis, tailor. h. 193 Orleans. Jerome, Edwin, jr., (Edwin Jerome & Co ), h. s. s. Woodbridge, bet. St. Antoine and Hastings. Jurome, Edwin, sr., (Edwin Jerome & Co.) h. 14 Washington ave. 9 Jerome, Franklin H.. h. 14 Washington ave. Jerome, George, Collector of Customa, bds. Biddle House. Jerome, E. & Co., (Edwin, sr., and Edwin, jr.), hardware, 185 Woodward ave. Jerrard, Jesse, porter, bds. 59 Fixut Jerrett, William, teamster, bda. 187 Lar- ned e. Jerskey, Nicholas, painter, h. 467 Ha&- ings. Jerup, Frank, lab., b. Dubois, bet. Gratiot and German. Jervis, Addie, clerk. bds. 80 Wayne. Jervis, John, carpenter. h. 412 Guoin. Jervis, John, ice pedlar, h. 661 Atwater e. Jervis, Mitchell, lab . h. 113 Porter. Jervis, Robert J., bookkeeper, bds. 27 Mon- roe ave. Jesch, Julius, carpenter, h. 510 Orleans. Jesley, Henry, carpenter, h 647 St. An- toin e. Jessop, Henry W., clerk, h. s. e. cor. John R. and Adelaide. Jessop, Stephen, builder, h. s. e. cor. Ade- laide and John R. Jessop, Zenas C., foreman, bds. s. e. cor. John R. and Adelaide. Jeub, Anton, lab., h. 368 St. Aubin rave. Jewell, Charles, (Jewell 62 Sons,) res. Hart- ford, Conn. Jewell, Marshall, (Jewell Q Sons,) res. Hartford, Conn. Jewell, Pliny, (Jewell & Sons,) res. Hmrt- lord, Conn. Jewell, William, carpenter, h. 343 Mullett. Jewell, William F., teacher, h. 32 Sibley. Jewell dt Sons, (Marshall, Plin and Charles Jewell,) tanners, 567 kod- bridge w. Jewett, Gilbert, ship carpenter, h. 384 Franklin. Jewett, John, moulder, h. 37 Sibley. Jewett, Mary L., physician. 77 Congre88 e., h. same.

270 JEW CLARK'S DETROIT JOH Reliable Practical Business School. Johnson, Edward, lab., h. 279 Guoin. MAYHEW I Johnson, Edward jr., (Johnson dt 8011,) h. I 212 Eighteenth. B@gg~~s~ @@S&B@BB Johnson, Edward sr., (Johnson bi Son), h. Conducted by HON. IRA MAYHEW, I 187 Sixth. AUTHOR OF ' Johnson, Elizs. (col'd), washerwoman, h. Mayhew's P~acti an2 Book-keeping 66 ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ . For Common and Union $chnol@, and MAYI-~w'~ I Johnson, Estellrr. (mid. Henry,) dressmaker, U niveralty Booli-keeplng lor Bnslnees Colleqi?~ and Conntinc-rooms. See :3lat page of Directory. 11. 28% St Antoine. Johnson, Frank B., clerk, bds. 82 Wayne. Jewett, Salomon W., healer, 77 Congress ( Johnson, Frank F., confectioner, h. cor. e., h. same. Fulton and Sixth. Jewett, Thomas, moulder, h. 58 Lever- Johnson, Frederick, mason. h. 15 Abbott. ette. Johnson, Fred., lab., h. 114 Seventeeth. Jewish Synagogue, s e. cor. Congress and Johnson, George, clerk, h. 562 Croghan. St. Antoine. Johnson, George A., clerk, h. 66 Pine. Jingras, Godfried, shoemaker, bds. 543 Johnson. G. A., clerk, h. 91 Fifth. Larned e. Johnson, G. B., patent agent, offlce 71 Joachimsthal, Isadore J., clerk, h. 225 Griswold, bds. Elichigan Exchange. Brush. Johnson, George H., clerk, bds. 8 Palmer. Jodoin, Dumas, miller, bds. 102 Franklin. Johnson, George R., rahman, h. 10 St. Au- Joerg, Saffert, lab., h. 304 Lafhyette. bin ave. Joerg, Wendelin, lab., h. 304 Lafayette. 1 Johnson, George S., produce, h. 131 Jones. Joffrey, Nicholas, cabinetmaker, h. 470 St. Johnson, Hamilton, ( M. Johnson and Son ), Antoine. bds. Michigan Exchange. John, Adolph, lab., bds. 270 Sherman. Johnson, Harvey, corn. merchant, h. 14 John, Benjamin, sawyer, h. n. e. cor. Ma- Park Place comb, and McDougall ave. Johnson, Henry, (col'd), lab., h. 393 Maple. John, Charles bricklayer, h. 272 Sherman. Johnson, Henry H., patrolman, h. 132 John, David H., blacksmith, h.463 Macomb. Brush. John Ernst, lab., h. 2'70 Sherman. Johnson, Henry I., policeman h. 3 Cass John, Henry R., sailor, h. 99 Franklin. ave., up stairs. John, Herman lab., bds, 270 Sherman. Johnson, Harvey S., engineer, h. 196 St. Au- John, Mary, teacher, h. cor. Macomb and bin ave. Has tingp. Johnson, Hiram R. (Letts & Johnson), h. 74 John, William H., engineer, h. 45 Dubois. Lafayette ave. Johns, Charles, plasterer, h. 106 Mullet. Johnson, Henry W., overseer House of Johns, David. blacksmith, h. 463 Macomb. Correction bds. same. Johns, Robert, lab, h. 98 Congress e. Johnson, Hugh, carriage maker and black Johns, Robert, ticket agent, bds 234 Hcst- smith. 15,17, 19 Monroe ave., h. 85 Adeings. laide. Johns, William jr., lawyer, h. 212 First. Johnson, Jacob, wholesale liquors 27 Jeffer- Johnson, Albert H., printer, bds. Goodman ' son ave. h. same. House. Johnson, James, carpenter, h. s. s. Charles Johnson, Alexandra, (col'd), lab., bds. 208 near Sixth. Congress e. Johnson, James, bank teller, h. 45 Con- Johnson, Alfred, billiard saloon. 334 Frank- gress w. lin, bds. same. Johnson. James, (col'd), carpenter, h. n. w. Johnson, Allan, (col'd), scavenger, h. 28 cor. Hastings and Kentucky. Orleans. I Johnson, James E., teacher, bds. 111 Eliza- Johnson, Augustus S. deputy sheriff, h. 77 1 beth e. Abbott. Johnson, James F., patent duster, h. 435 Johnson, Birbett L., clerk, bds. 104 Mont- Croghan. calm e. I Johnson James P., (Johnson & Adam*), h. Johnson, Charles. lab., h. 223 Twenty- 104 Montcalm e. second. 1 Johnson, John, carpenter, h. 1 Clay. Johnson, Clarence, grocer, 317 Woodward 1 Johoson, John, lab., h., 255 Franklin. ave., bds. 14 Lafayette ave. ; Johnson, John, lab., h. 362 Lafa ette. Johnson. David E., news depot and conf ec- Johnson, John, (col'd): porter, b g s. 162 Cliitionery, 161 Woodward ave.: h. same. I ton. Johnson, Eda, (wid. George W ): milliner j Johnson, John: (col'd), waiter, h. 65 Mullett. and dressmaker, 78 Macomb ave., h. JJhnson, John, saloon, 331 Grand River, h. same. I same. Johnson, Edward, (col'd), lab., h. 160 Divi- I Johnson, John, wood dealer, h. 21 Eightsion. eenth.


Jefekovsky, Vincent, tailor, h. s. s. Webster<br />

bet.. Russell and Prospect.<br />

Jefferds, John G., pigs feet, h. 69 Grand<br />

River e.<br />

Jeffers, Patrick, shoemaker, bds. 117<br />

Woodbridge e.<br />

Jefferson Ave. Presbyterian Church, n. s.<br />

Jefferson ave. bet. Rivard and Russell,<br />

Rev. William Hogarth. pastor.<br />

Jeffrey, George, mnfk spring beds, bde.<br />

Purdy's Hotel.<br />

Jeffrey, Ros well (col'd), waiter, Michigan<br />

Exchange.<br />

Jeffrey, William, carpenter, h. o. 96: Oak.<br />

Jeip, John, carpenter, h. 475 Gratiot.<br />

Jela, Louis, sailor, h 284 Franklin.<br />

Jelly, Henry, carpenter, h. 308 Cro ha.n.<br />

Jelly, M. (wid. Richard), h. 965 J%fTerson<br />

ave.<br />

Jelsch! Alexander, carpenter, bds. 425 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Jelsch, Francis (Jelsch &Burk), h. 138 Ran-<br />

dolph.<br />

Jelsch & Burk (Francis Jelsch and Ed-<br />

ward Burk), tobacco snd cigar mnfks., n.<br />

e. cor. Monroe and Michigan aves.<br />

Jendorf, Charles, agent, bds. 385 Brush.<br />

Jendorf, Isaac, h. 385 Brush.<br />

Jenks, Mrs. Abigail H. (wid. Cyrus), h. 51<br />

Nacomb ave.<br />

Jenks, Edward W., physician, h. 92<br />

Fort w.<br />

Jenks, Emma, saloon, 90 Franklin, h.<br />

same.<br />

Jenks, George A., clerk, bds. 51 Macomb<br />

ave.<br />

JENKS, JAMES, machinery dealer, 29<br />

Atwater e., h. 51 Macomb. See adv. on<br />

map.<br />

Jenkins, Frederick, moulder, h 657 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Jenkins, Henry, (col'd), barber, 40 Third,<br />

h. 'Ti Beaubieu.<br />

Jenkina, John F., physician, office room 6,<br />

Fisher Block, h. 205 First.<br />

Jenness, Henry L., clerk, bds. 87 Wash-<br />

ington ave.<br />

Jenness, John S., (Albert D. Pierce & Co.),<br />

bds. 104 Congress w.<br />

Jenney, William, lumber merchant, Alpe-<br />

na, h. 247 Woodward ave.<br />

JENNINGS, AUGUSTUS F., (Parke, Jen-<br />

nings & Co.), chemists, h. 223 Park.<br />

(see rde~, 17).<br />

Jenning8, Edward, clerk, bds. 223 Park.<br />

Jennings, Frank A., h. 41 Cass.<br />

Jennings, Hiram D., carpenter, h. 11<br />

Jones.<br />

Jennings, William, bds. 223 Park.<br />

Jennison, James H., printer, bds. Franklin<br />

House.<br />

Jennison, Wiliam. lawyer, o£€lce 4 and 5<br />

Seitz,Block, h. 143 First.<br />

Jennwain, Andrew, furrier, h. 214 Antie-<br />

tam.<br />


1 Uutual Life Insurance Co.<br />


oa. caae. anaIsrclEa,<br />


111 JefFerson Avenue,<br />

DE=TROIT, - - - XICH,<br />

WAgenta Wantad. See advertimrnent, page 107.m<br />

Jepp. William J., butcher, h. 407 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Jerand, Sarah, (wid. Jerome), h. 148 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Jernay, Louis, tailor. h. 193 Orleans.<br />

Jerome, Edwin, jr., (Edwin Jerome & Co ),<br />

h. s. s. Woodbridge, bet. St. Antoine and<br />

Hastings.<br />

Jurome, Edwin, sr., (Edwin Jerome & Co.)<br />

h. 14 Washington ave. 9<br />

Jerome, Franklin H.. h. 14 Washington ave.<br />

Jerome, George, Collector of Customa, bds.<br />

Biddle House.<br />

Jerome, E. & Co., (Edwin, sr., and Edwin,<br />

jr.), hardware, 185 Woodward ave.<br />

Jerrard, Jesse, porter, bds. 59 Fixut<br />

Jerrett, William, teamster, bda. 187 Lar-<br />

ned e.<br />

Jerskey, Nicholas, painter, h. 467 Ha&-<br />

ings.<br />

Jerup, Frank, lab., b. Dubois, bet. Gratiot<br />

and German.<br />

Jervis, Addie, clerk. bds. 80 Wayne.<br />

Jervis, John, carpenter. h. 412 Guoin.<br />

Jervis, John, ice pedlar, h. 661 Atwater e.<br />

Jervis, Mitchell, lab . h. 113 Porter.<br />

Jervis, Robert J., bookkeeper, bds. 27 Mon-<br />

roe ave.<br />

Jesch, Julius, carpenter, h. 510 Orleans.<br />

Jesley, Henry, carpenter, h 647 St. An-<br />

toin e.<br />

Jessop, Henry W., clerk, h. s. e. cor. John<br />

R. and Adelaide.<br />

Jessop, Stephen, builder, h. s. e. cor. Ade-<br />

laide and John R.<br />

Jessop, Zenas C., foreman, bds. s. e. cor.<br />

John R. and Adelaide.<br />

Jeub, Anton, lab., h. 368 St. Aubin rave.<br />

Jewell, Charles, (Jewell 62 Sons,) res. Hart-<br />

ford, Conn.<br />

Jewell, Marshall, (Jewell Q Sons,) res.<br />

Hartford, Conn.<br />

Jewell, Pliny, (Jewell & Sons,) res. Hmrt-<br />

lord, Conn.<br />

Jewell, William, carpenter, h. 343 Mullett.<br />

Jewell, William F., teacher, h. 32 Sibley.<br />

Jewell dt Sons, (Marshall, Plin and<br />

Charles Jewell,) tanners, 567 kod-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Jewett, Gilbert, ship carpenter, h. 384<br />

Franklin.<br />

Jewett, John, moulder, h. 37 Sibley.<br />

Jewett, Mary L., physician. 77 Congre88 e.,<br />

h. same.

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