Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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HUR CITY DIRECTORY. HYN 265 Hurley, Bartholomew, teamster, h. 19 Na- tional ave. Hurley, John, lab., h. 17 Mayberry ave. Hurley, John, woodyard, 286 Atwater, bds. Franklin. water e. Hurley, Mary, (wid. John), h. 114 Lafay- ette e. Hurley, Michael, teamster, bds. 193 Frank- lin Hurley, Patrick. ship carpenter, h. 387 Fort e. Hurley, Timothy, (Hurley & Co.), bds. 309 Atwater e. Hurlihy, Peter, supervisor, Third Ward, h. 99 Atwater. Humbert, Peter, sawyer, h. 681 Fraklin. Hurney, Martin, shoemaker, h. 268 Sixth. Hurst. Adam, butcher, h. 270 Congress. Hurst, Edward R.. carpenter and joiner, bds. 94 Columbia w. Hurst, Henry, h. 521 Seventh. Hurst, John, lab., h. 325 Orleans. Hurst, Thomas, steward Marine Hospital, Deputy Collector of Customs. office and res. at Marine Hospital. Hurst, Samuel, mason, h. 137 Abbott. Hurtubise: Philip, blacksmith, bds. cor. First and Larned. Husser George, teacher, bds. 144 Maple. Huss, Mattbias, (Huss & Bloom), h. 71 Rus- sell. Huss & Bloom, (Matthias Huss & Henry Bloom), dry goods, 58 Monroe ave. Hussey, Augustus, bookkeeper, h. 94 Eliza- beth w. Huesey, Frederick A. bookkeeper, h. 94 Elizabeth w. Hussey, Thomas, lab., h. 159 St. Antoine. Huston, Angelina, intelligence oflice, 190 Woodward ave., h. same. Huston, Louis, (col'd), cooper, h. 213 Whit- ney. Huston, Solomon, (col'd), cook, h. 280 Or- leans. Hutchins, Elizabeth, (wid. Henry), dress- maker, h. 187 Congress e. Hutchins, Moses P., merchant, h. 114 Baker. Hutchings, Arthur, bookkeeper, (Flower 61: Bros.), res. Windsor. Hutchings, Elizabeth, (wid. John), h. 120 Columbia e. Hutchings, John, vessel owner, o. 75, n. 126 High. Hutchbgs, Robert, W., bookkeeper, h. 165 Second. Hutchinson, Alfred, machinist. bds. 95 Jefferson ave. Hutchinson, Edwin B., clerk, bds. 46 La- fayette ave. Hutchinson, George, engineer, h. 89 Fifth. Hutch inson, George, machinist, h. 29 Fifth. Hutc hinson, Henry, carpenter, h. 544 Be- cond. 34 NORTHWESTERN Nutual Life Insurance CO. OF MILWAUKEE, WIS. DR. cEM. AURIECIEB, Hurley, Laurence, flagman, bds. 309 ~ t - STATE AGENT. 11 1 Jefferson Avenue, DETBoIT, - - - XIOH. WAgentu Wanted. See advertisement.= Hutchinson, Mary, (wid. William), milliner, 321 Jefferson aye , h. same. Hutchinson, William, coachman, bbs. o. 254 Woodbridge e. Huth, Michael, wagonmaker, h. 202 Macomb. Hutmacher, Christian, pedlar, h 25 Pearl. Hutter, Lorenz, crupenter, h. 108 Napoleon. Hutton, Charles, confectioner, 273 Jefferson ape., bds. 823 Hutton, Christopher, porter, h. 520 Woodbridge w. Hutton, George, engineer, h. 706 Lafhyette e. Hutton, James, machinist, bds. 193 Franklin. Hutton, William, (Desotell & ~utton,) h. 325 Franklin. Huxford, Henry, engineer, h. 321 Franklin. Huyser, Jacob, engineer, bds. 69 Atwater e. Huyser, Mary Mn., (P. & R. Huyser, & Co.,) h. 293 Woodward ave. Huyser, Peter, (P. & R. Ruyser dt Co.,) h. 293 Woodward ave. Huyser, Rocus, (P. & R. Huyser dt Co.,) h. 293 Woodward ave. Huyser, Robert, lab., bds. 48 Chestnut. Huyser, P. & R. & Co., (Peter, Rocus, and Mary Huyser,) grocers, 293 Woodward ave. Hyde, Charles Amy physician, h. 385 Woodward ave. Hyde, Eliza, (wid. Samuel,) h. 172 Clifford. Hyde, Louis C., U. 5. Customs, bds. 110 Griswold. Hyde, Marriette Miss. seamstress, bda. 55 Campbell. Hyde, Milton, brickla er, bds. 172 Clifford. Hyde, Mortimer A. sev., bds. 385 Woodward ave. Hyde, Mrs. Oliver M., h. 170 Griswold. Hyde, Valentine. M., crockery and glassware, 183 Woodward ave., bds. 385 same. Hydlifi, C. C. Mrs., music teacher, h. 69 St. Antoine. Hyer, Alias, lab., h. 363 Twenty-second. Hyams, Christopher, steward, h. 365 Third. Hyatt, Thomas, sawyer, h. 279 Guoin. Byland, Patrick, lab., h. 73 Eighth. Hyle, Samuel P., clerk, h. 128 Abbott. Hymus, Anthony, milkman, h. 82 Twelfth. Hyne, Christopher, lab., h. 517 Macomb. Hyne, John, huckster, 20 C. H. M., h. 12 Lewis.

266 HYN CLARK'S DETROIT IVE Inman, - , painter, bds. 68 Macomb ave. Innis, James R., lake captain, h. 228 COB. CONGRESS & RANDOLPH STS. Woodbridge e. DETROIT- Iodin, Jfichael, shoemaker, h. 102 Maple. Conducted by HOB. Ira Mayhew, Ionzer, Charles, lab., h. 223 Twenty-second. Author of UAYHEW7S UNIVERSITY BOOK-KEEPING Toter, Frederick, lab., h. 664 Fort w. For Business Colleges a d the Counting-room. mrhe only ~ &kkeeping published providing coln lete instruction in prsctical ac- Ioter, Henry, lab., bds. 654 Fort w. countanbhip. See notice ot ~olt~e, Book-keeping and Buaineas Ireton, Henry, machinist, bds. 87 Duffleld. Practice, at the Slst page of Direct0ry.m Ireton. Joseph, sexton St. Johns Church, h. Hyne, John jr., clerk, bds. 12 Lewis. 87 Duffield. Hyns, Mary (wid, Daniel,) h. 116 Plum. Ireton. Thomas, blacksmith, h. 374 Hast- Hyns, Willialn, gilder, h 116 Plum. ings. Ireton, William, mason, h. r. 184 Bronson. Irion, John, saloon, 255 Gratiot, h. same. I IRION, MARTIN, foreman tannery, h. 382 BBOTSON, ANTHONY, foreman M. Gratiot. I C'. R. R. Engine Works, h. 151 Napo- Ironmonger, Edward, policeman, h. 157 leon. Abbott. Ibbotson, James J., sailor, h. 315 Mullett. Irons, John, lab., h. o. 218 Franklin. Iberson, Richard, teamster, h. 459 Fifth. Irvin, Matilda (wid. John D.), h. 44 Park Iles, George, engineer, h. 298 Catharine. Place. Igel, Frederick, machinist, h. 12 Catharine. Irvin, Robert, clerk, bds. 269 Catharine. Ihle, John, drover, h. 353 31ontcalm e. Irvin, Samuel, carpenter, bds. 289 Cath- Ihlfelt, Charles, lab., h. 215 Chene. mine. IUges, Catharine, tailoress, bds. 'TO Harriet. Irvin, Samuel, sen., carpenter and joiner, Illges, Elizabeth, (wid. John), h. 70 Bar- bds. 268 Congress e riet. Irvin, William, carpenter, bds. Congress, Illiam, John J., teacher, German American bet. Rivard and Russell. Seminary, h. 280 Gratiot. Irvine, David N., chair maker, h. 309 Illick, Samuel F., dry goods. o. 290, n. 310 Second. Woodward ave.: h. same. Irvine Frank C., clerk, 11. 44 Park Place. Ilsley, Henry, (Hawksley & Ilsley), h. 437 Irvine, William H.. bookkeeper, h. 44 Park St. Antoine. Place. Imboden, Isaac, cigar maker, bds. Fort, Irving, Avis (wid. John), h. 160 Howard. bet. Beaubien and Brush. Irving, George, captain, h. 138 Lafayette Imhoff, Frank, box maker, (Berry & Co.) ave. Ince, Isabella, (wid. Henry), h. 16 Oak. Irving, Richard, helper, h. Congress e., bet. Ince, Richard, clerk, bds. 16 Oak. Chene and Joseph Campau ave. Indian, Peter, lab., h. 559 Fort e. Irwin, Arthur J., teamster, h. 7 Farmer. In alsbe, Fen T., teacher Mayhew Business Irwin, George, produce dealer, h. 81 Lewis. 8olle e, h. 312 Mullett. Irwin, John, h. 208 Fourth. Ingels, g-ohn, brewer, h. 251 Grand River. Irwin, William, machinist, bds. s. s. Fort, In ersoll, Alonzo, butcher, h. 65 Grand bet. Brush and Beaubien. giver Irwin, William, patrolman, h. cor. Church Ingersoh, Isaac W., (Ingersoll & Son), h. and Tenth. 145 Congress e. Irwin, William, second hand clothing, 95 Ingersoll, Walter, h. 307 Jefferson ave. Michiman ave., h. same. Ingersoll, William H., (Ingersoll & Son), h. Irwin, Rilliam G,, clerk, bds. Franklin 89 Marion. House. In ersoll & Son, (Isaac W. and William Irwine, Anton, lab., h. 214 Antietam. b.), builders, 72 and 54 Fort e. Isbell, Milo H., merchant tailor, h. 158 In old, George, (Ingold 62 Ruehle), h. 338 Adams ave. e. firat iot. Isbell, William B., clerk, bds. 158 Adams Ingold & Ruehle, (Geo. Ingold & Christo- ave e. pher Ruehle,) boots and shoes, 338 Isham, Charles S. (Major & Isham), h. 172 Gratiot. Rivard . Inglis, Frank, clerk, bds. 21 State. Isham, Mrs. Lizzie P., h. 278 Congress e. Inglis, John S., clerk, bds. 49 Miami ave. Israel, Garrett, coachman, bds. 437 Wood- Inglis, Peter L., clerk, bds. 88 Howard. ward ave. Inglis, Richard, physician, h. 21 State. Itsell, Stephen W., bookkeeper, bda. Bid- In raham, Alexander, stone cutter, bds. dle House. %oodman House. Ivers, John, saloon, h. 245 Michigan ave. Xnslee, Cereno W., (L. J. Staples & Co.), Ives, Albert, (A. Ives & Sons), h. cor. Ca~s b. 88 Lafayette ave. 1 and Willis ayes.


Inman, - , painter, bds. 68 Macomb<br />

ave.<br />

Innis, James R., lake captain, h. 228<br />

COB. CONGRESS & RANDOLPH STS. Woodbridge e.<br />

DETROIT-<br />

Iodin, Jfichael, shoemaker, h. 102 Maple.<br />

Conducted by HOB. Ira Mayhew, Ionzer, Charles, lab., h. 223 Twenty-second.<br />

Author of UAYHEW7S UNIVERSITY BOOK-KEEPING Toter, Frederick, lab., h. 664 Fort w.<br />

For Business Colleges a d the Counting-room. mrhe only ~ &kkeeping<br />

published providing coln lete instruction in prsctical ac- Ioter, Henry, lab., bds. 654 Fort w.<br />

countanbhip. See notice ot ~olt~e, Book-keeping and Buaineas Ireton, Henry, machinist, bds. 87 Duffleld.<br />

Practice, at the Slst page of Direct0ry.m<br />

Ireton. Joseph, sexton St. Johns Church, h.<br />

Hyne, John jr., clerk, bds. 12 Lewis.<br />

87 Duffield.<br />

Hyns, Mary (wid, Daniel,) h. 116 Plum. Ireton. Thomas, blacksmith, h. 374 Hast-<br />

Hyns, Willialn, gilder, h 116 Plum. ings.<br />

Ireton, William, mason, h. r. 184 Bronson.<br />

Irion, John, saloon, 255 Gratiot, h. same.<br />

I<br />

IRION, MARTIN, foreman tannery, h. 382<br />

BBOTSON, ANTHONY, foreman M. Gratiot.<br />

I C'. R. R. Engine Works, h. 151 Napo- Ironmonger, Edward, policeman, h. 157<br />

leon.<br />

Abbott.<br />

Ibbotson, James J., sailor, h. 315 Mullett. Irons, John, lab., h. o. 218 Franklin.<br />

Iberson, Richard, teamster, h. 459 Fifth. Irvin, Matilda (wid. John D.), h. 44 Park<br />

Iles, George, engineer, h. 298 Catharine. Place.<br />

Igel, Frederick, machinist, h. 12 Catharine. Irvin, Robert, clerk, bds. 269 Catharine.<br />

Ihle, John, drover, h. 353 31ontcalm e. Irvin, Samuel, carpenter, bds. 289 Cath-<br />

Ihlfelt, Charles, lab., h. 215 Chene.<br />

mine.<br />

IUges, Catharine, tailoress, bds. 'TO Harriet. Irvin, Samuel, sen., carpenter and joiner,<br />

Illges, Elizabeth, (wid. John), h. 70 Bar- bds. 268 Congress e<br />

riet.<br />

Irvin, William, carpenter, bds. Congress,<br />

Illiam, John J., teacher, German American bet. Rivard and Russell.<br />

Seminary, h. 280 Gratiot.<br />

Irvine, David N., chair maker, h. 309<br />

Illick, Samuel F., dry goods. o. 290, n. 310 Second.<br />

Woodward ave.: h. same.<br />

Irvine Frank C., clerk, 11. 44 Park Place.<br />

Ilsley, Henry, (Hawksley & Ilsley), h. 437 Irvine, William H.. bookkeeper, h. 44 Park<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Place.<br />

Imboden, Isaac, cigar maker, bds. Fort, Irving, Avis (wid. John), h. 160 Howard.<br />

bet. Beaubien and Brush.<br />

Irving, George, captain, h. 138 Lafayette<br />

Imhoff, Frank, box maker, (Berry & Co.) ave.<br />

Ince, Isabella, (wid. Henry), h. 16 Oak. Irving, Richard, helper, h. Congress e., bet.<br />

Ince, Richard, clerk, bds. 16 Oak.<br />

Chene and Joseph Campau ave.<br />

Indian, Peter, lab., h. 559 Fort e. Irwin, Arthur J., teamster, h. 7 Farmer.<br />

In alsbe, Fen T., teacher Mayhew Business Irwin, George, produce dealer, h. 81 Lewis.<br />

8olle e, h. 312 Mullett.<br />

Irwin, John, h. 208 Fourth.<br />

Ingels, g-ohn, brewer, h. 251 Grand River. Irwin, William, machinist, bds. s. s. Fort,<br />

In ersoll, Alonzo, butcher, h. 65 Grand bet. Brush and Beaubien.<br />

giver<br />

Irwin, William, patrolman, h. cor. Church<br />

Ingersoh, Isaac W., (Ingersoll & Son), h. and Tenth.<br />

145 Congress e.<br />

Irwin, William, second hand clothing, 95<br />

Ingersoll, Walter, h. 307 Jefferson ave. Michiman ave., h. same.<br />

Ingersoll, William H., (Ingersoll & Son), h. Irwin, Rilliam G,, clerk, bds. Franklin<br />

89 Marion.<br />

House.<br />

In ersoll & Son, (Isaac W. and William Irwine, Anton, lab., h. 214 Antietam.<br />

b.), builders, 72 and 54 Fort e. Isbell, Milo H., merchant tailor, h. 158<br />

In old, George, (Ingold 62 Ruehle), h. 338 Adams ave. e.<br />

firat iot.<br />

Isbell, William B., clerk, bds. 158 Adams<br />

Ingold & Ruehle, (Geo. Ingold & Christo- ave e.<br />

pher Ruehle,) boots and shoes, 338 Isham, Charles S. (Major & Isham), h. 172<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Rivard .<br />

Inglis, Frank, clerk, bds. 21 State. Isham, Mrs. Lizzie P., h. 278 Congress e.<br />

Inglis, John S., clerk, bds. 49 Miami ave. Israel, Garrett, coachman, bds. 437 Wood-<br />

Inglis, Peter L., clerk, bds. 88 Howard. ward ave.<br />

Inglis, Richard, physician, h. 21 State. Itsell, Stephen W., bookkeeper, bda. Bid-<br />

In raham, Alexander, stone cutter, bds. dle House.<br />

%oodman House.<br />

Ivers, John, saloon, h. 245 Michigan ave.<br />

Xnslee, Cereno W., (L. J. Staples & Co.), Ives, Albert, (A. Ives & Sons), h. cor. Ca~s<br />

b. 88 Lafayette ave.<br />

1 and Willis ayes.

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