Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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HOF CITY DIRECTORY. HOL 257 Hoffman, Peter, boots and shoes, 405 Gratiot, h. same. Hoffman, Philip, lab., h. 403 Bronson. Hoffman, Willia~n, upholsterer, h. 336 Erush. Hoffmeyer, Charles, carpenter, h. 349 Mullett. Hoffrneyer, George, painter, h. 98 Sherman. Hoffmeyer, Louise, hairdresser, bds. 249 Beaubien. Hoheyer, Louise, (wid. Adolph), h. 249 B eaubien. Hoffmeyer, William, watchman, Russell House, h. 208 Adams ave e. Hoffner, George, tanner, h. 1 73 German. Hoffner, John, (Hoffner, & Mayes), h. 59 Ledyard. Hoffner, Leonhardt, stone cutter, bds. n. w. cor. Franklin and Hastings. Hoffner, Louis, shipcarpenter, h. 757 Larned e. Hoffner, & Mayes, (John Hoffner and Edward Mayes) sail makers, foot Bates. Hoftsetten, Herman, produce merchant, h. 164 Oak. Hogan, Edward, lab., bds. 117 Franklin. Hogan, Fancher S., telegraph operator, bds. Goodman House. Hogan, James, carpenter, h. 271 First. Hogan, James, drayman, h. 241 Second. Hogan, James, watcllman, h. 92 Marion. Hogan, John, blacksmith, h. Thirteenth nr. Trowbridge School. Hogan, John, diayman, h. o. 240 n. 268 Sixth. Hogan, John, lab., bds. 55 Howard. Hogan, John, lab., h. w. s. Mayberry ave. bet. Myrtle and Nagnolia. Hogan, John, picture frame preparer, h Fourteenth 3 doors from Michigan ave. Hogan, Michael, blacksmith, h. 337 Fourteenth. Hogan, Michael F., grocer, 292 Michigan ave. h. same. Hogan, Patrick, lab., h. 163 Elizabeth. e. Hogan, Patrick, lab., h. 98 Marion. Hogan, Patrick, machinist, bds. 337 Fourteenth. Hog~n, Timothy, teamster, bds. 19 St. Antome. EEogarth, Richard, life insurance agent, bds. 407 Jefferson ave. Hogarth, Rev. Dr., William, D. D., pastor Jefferson ave. Presby terian Church, h. 407 Jefferson ave. Hogarth, William H., clerk, bds. 407 Jefferson ave. Hogdon, H. C., shoemakf r, bds. 21 Oak. Hoggins, Philip, (col'd) cook, h. 121 Macomb. Hogguer, Dr. Frederick, druggist, 174 Rivard h. same: Hohne, John, lab., h. 349 Twenty-second. Hohmann, Benedise, pedlar, h. 397 Macomb. 38 NORTHWESTERN Mutual Life Insurance Co. OF MILWAUKEE, WIS. STATE AGENT, 11 1 Jefferson Avenue, DETROIT, - - - XICH, W Arenk Wanted. See advertisement.A Hohmann, Frederick, plasterer, h. 212 Na- poleon. Hohenstein, Albert, prof. of dancing, h. 147 Has tings. Hohenstein, Charles, lab., h. 187 Twenty- second. Hohenstein, Richard B., upholsterer, bds. 147 Hnstings. Hohenritter, J., billiard maker, bds. Hotel , - Mauch. Hohler, Vincent, stonecutter, h. 534 Cath- arine. Hoit, William P., photographer, 162 Jef- ferson me., bds. 215 Elizabeth e. Hokley, Susan, (col'd), washerwoman, h. 117 Fort e. Holbert, Theodore, sailor, h. 171 Rivard. Holbert, William, silk weaver, h. 11 Chase. Holbrook, Dewitt C., lawyer, office 101 Griswold, h. 6 Adams ave. w. Holbrook, Dewitt C., jr., student, bds. 6 Adams ave. w. Holbrook, Gilbert M., shoemaker, h. 41 Nontcalm e. Holbrook, H. F., clerk, bds. Howard House. Holbrook, Milton J., scalemaster, h. 347 Third. Holbrook, Roima, teacher, bds. 27 Lafay- ette e. . Holcomb, Henry W., grocer, h. s. s. Joy, bet Second and Third. Holcomb, John, pedlar, h. 308 Croghan. Hold, Thomas, mason, bds. 34 Fort e. Holden, Edward G., Editor Dnily Post, bds. 55 Fort w. Holden, John, machinist, bds. 787 Con- gress e. Holden, William, brass finisher, bds. 27 B eaubien. Holderried, Anthony, (Holderried & Son), h. 279 High. Holderried, George C., (Holderried & Son), bds. 279 High. Holderried & Son, (Anthony and Geo. C. Holderried), scale mnfis., 59 Monroe ave. Holdsworth, James, wool sorter, h. 256 Grand River. Holdsworth, James, wool grader, h. 262 Park. Holdsworth, John, lithographic printer, bds. 256 Grand River. Holdsworth, Willialn, carpenter, bds. 256 Grand River.

258 ' HOL CLARK'S DETROIT HOL COR. CONGRESS & RA&TDOLPH STS. DETROIT, Conducted hy =on. &a .&??xyhew, Author of MAYHEW'S UNIVERSITY BOOK-KEEPIYG For Business Colleges and the Countlug-room. WThe on!; ~obk - keeping published providing corn lete instruction in pnrctlcal ac- countantship. See notice of ~olf&e, Book-keeping and Blrsiners Practice, at the Slst page of Directors-.- Holland, Adelbert C., fireman, h. If4 Ab- bott. Holland, Daniel, lawyer, room 5 Rotunda, bds. 3 Gratiot. Holland, David, cigar maker, h. 156 Brew- ster. Holland. Francis E.: bds. 397 Sixth. Holland, George A., mason, bds. 397 Sixth Holland, Jeremiah, blacksmith, h. Ann bet. Sixth and Seventh. Holland, John, lab., h. 246 Howard. Holland, John E., bricklayer, h. 397 Sixth. Holland, Nora, (wid. Patrick), saloon, 336 Michigan me., h. same. Holland, Patrick. hostler, bds. 262 Second. Holland, Richard, plasterer, h. 93 Division. Holland, Thomas, lab., h. 229 Fifth. Holland, Timothy, drayman, h. 203 Na- tional ave. Holland, William, brass moulder, bds. 95 Division. Holland, William, mason, h. 603 Slxth. Holland, William, plasterer, h. s. e. cor. Bastings and Marion. Hollen, Christian, saloon, 520 Woodbridge w., h. same. Hollenback, Nathaniel P., h. 297 Fourth. Hollender, Peter, teamster, h. 414 Watson. Holler, John, huckster, C. H. M. h. 141 Macom b. Hollings, John F. C., upholsterer, h. 246 Croghan. Hollighan, James, saloon and boarding, h. 193 Franklin. Hollis, Halmer, coachman, bds. 396 Jeffer- son ave. Hollister, Solomon C., conductor, h. 47 Baker. Holloran, J65n, blacksmith, h. 250 Fifth. Holloran, Simon, lab., h. o. 222 Franklin. Holly, Daniel, lab., h. 309 Abbott. ' Holly wood, Theodosia Mrs., h. 62 Macomh we. Holmes, Allen F., mason, h. 261 Brush. Holmes, hugustus B., agent, bds. 32 Lo- cust. Holnles, Charles, carpenter, h. 21 Mayber- ry ave. Holmes, David, cigar maker, h. 561 Sixth. Holmes, Elizabeth, (wid. John), h. 95 Mi- ami ave. Holmes, Frederick H., clerk, bds. 121 Con- gress e. Holmes, Henry, (co17.d), barber, bds. 251 Beaubien. Holmes. Henry, (col'd), barber, o. 470 Woodbridge m., h. same. Holmes, Hi1 a.m S., commissic )n merchant, h. 106 National ave. Holmes, James, engineer, h. r. 486 Woodbridge w. Holmes, John, lab., h. 83 Fort w. Holmes, John C., insurance agent, bds. 47 Fort w. Holmes, John H.. clerk, bds., 95 Niami ave. Holmes, John W., carpenter, h. 37 Mayberry ave. Holmes, Lafayette, grocer, 229 Grand River, h. same. Holmes. Orlando, carpenter, bds. Goodman House. Holmes: Oscar, engineer, 11.533 Congress e. Holmes Robert, (Holmes & Webster), h. 55 State. Holmes, Ross H., clerk, bds. Nichigan Exchange. Holmes, Silas &I., (Holmes, Butler & Co.), h. 63 Adelaide. Holmes, Thomas, lab., h. G Park Place. Holmes, William, lab., h. 94 Dequindre. Holmes, William ~noulder, h. 120 Harrison ave. Holmes, William J., printer, -h. 33 Montcalm w. Holmes, Butler & Co., (Silas, M. Holmes and Abrarn G. Butler), produce and wool commission merchants, 11 and 13 Woodbridge w. Holmes & Webster, (Robt. Holmes and Edwin H. Webster), plumbing and gas fitting, stea,in, hot water and hot air furnaces, 115 Jefferson ave. (See Id%, Pa.P 27.) Holst, John, tailor, 11. 114 Russell. Holstein, Adolph, upl~olsterer, bds., 217 High. Holstein, John, carpenter, bds. 233 Lafayette. Holstein, John, lab., h. 432 Catharine. Holstein, John, tailor, h. 246 Clinton. Holt, Ira F., express man, h. 490 Cass ave. Holt, John, printer, h. 485 Lafayette. Holter, Wendelin, lab., h. 22 Webster. Holthoefer, Caspar J., cprpets and dry goods, 125 Woodward ave., h. 363 Cass ave. Holthoefer, Joseph, (Holthoefer Gt Nuellenbach), h. 147 Xullett. Holthoefer 62 31 irellen bach, (Joseph Holthoefer and Peter Nuellenbacli), tanners. 315 Riopelle. Holton, Byron D., clerk, bds., Goodman House. Holab, Frank, carpenter, h. 273 Columbia e. Holtz, John, tailor, h. 324 Hastings. Holtz, ,Tohn, carpenter, h. 660 Fifteenth. Holtz. William, tailor, h. 174 Croghan. Holz, '~rederick, mason, h. 201 Laayette. Holzhauer, Henry, carpenter, h. 39 Catharine.



DETROIT,<br />

Conducted hy =on. &a .&??xyhew,<br />


For Business Colleges and the Countlug-room. WThe on!; ~obk -<br />

keeping published providing corn lete instruction in pnrctlcal ac-<br />

countantship. See notice of ~olf&e, Book-keeping and Blrsiners<br />

Practice, at the Slst page of Directors-.-<br />

Holland, Adelbert C., fireman, h. If4 Ab-<br />

bott.<br />

Holland, Daniel, lawyer, room 5 Rotunda,<br />

bds. 3 Gratiot.<br />

Holland, David, cigar maker, h. 156 Brew-<br />

ster.<br />

Holland. Francis E.: bds. 397 Sixth.<br />

Holland, George A., mason, bds. 397 Sixth<br />

Holland, Jeremiah, blacksmith, h. Ann bet.<br />

Sixth and Seventh.<br />

Holland, John, lab., h. 246 Howard.<br />

Holland, John E., bricklayer, h. 397 Sixth.<br />

Holland, Nora, (wid. Patrick), saloon, 336<br />

Michigan me., h. same.<br />

Holland, Patrick. hostler, bds. 262 Second.<br />

Holland, Richard, plasterer, h. 93 Division.<br />

Holland, Thomas, lab., h. 229 Fifth.<br />

Holland, Timothy, drayman, h. 203 Na-<br />

tional ave.<br />

Holland, William, brass moulder, bds. 95<br />

Division.<br />

Holland, William, mason, h. 603 Slxth.<br />

Holland, William, plasterer, h. s. e. cor.<br />

Bastings and Marion.<br />

Hollen, Christian, saloon, 520 Woodbridge<br />

w., h. same.<br />

Hollenback, Nathaniel P., h. 297 Fourth.<br />

Hollender, Peter, teamster, h. 414 Watson.<br />

Holler, John, huckster, C. H. M. h. 141<br />

Macom b.<br />

Hollings, John F. C., upholsterer, h. 246<br />

Croghan.<br />

Hollighan, James, saloon and boarding, h.<br />

193 Franklin.<br />

Hollis, Halmer, coachman, bds. 396 Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

Hollister, Solomon C., conductor, h. 47<br />

Baker.<br />

Holloran, J65n, blacksmith, h. 250 Fifth.<br />

Holloran, Simon, lab., h. o. 222 Franklin.<br />

Holly, Daniel, lab., h. 309 Abbott. '<br />

Holly wood, Theodosia Mrs., h. 62 Macomh<br />

we.<br />

Holmes, Allen F., mason, h. 261 Brush.<br />

Holmes, hugustus B., agent, bds. 32 Lo-<br />

cust.<br />

Holnles, Charles, carpenter, h. 21 Mayber-<br />

ry ave.<br />

Holmes, David, cigar maker, h. 561 Sixth.<br />

Holmes, Elizabeth, (wid. John), h. 95 Mi-<br />

ami ave.<br />

Holmes, Frederick H., clerk, bds. 121 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Holmes, Henry, (co17.d), barber, bds. 251<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Holmes. Henry, (col'd), barber, o. 470<br />

Woodbridge m., h. same.<br />

Holmes, Hi1 a.m S., commissic )n merchant,<br />

h. 106 National ave.<br />

Holmes, James, engineer, h. r. 486 Woodbridge<br />

w.<br />

Holmes, John, lab., h. 83 Fort w.<br />

Holmes, John C., insurance agent, bds. 47<br />

Fort w.<br />

Holmes, John H.. clerk, bds., 95 Niami ave.<br />

Holmes, John W., carpenter, h. 37 Mayberry<br />

ave.<br />

Holmes, Lafayette, grocer, 229 Grand River,<br />

h. same.<br />

Holmes. Orlando, carpenter, bds. Goodman<br />

House.<br />

Holmes: Oscar, engineer, 11.533 Congress e.<br />

Holmes Robert, (Holmes & Webster), h.<br />

55 State.<br />

Holmes, Ross H., clerk, bds. Nichigan Exchange.<br />

Holmes, Silas &I., (Holmes, Butler & Co.),<br />

h. 63 Adelaide.<br />

Holmes, Thomas, lab., h. G Park Place.<br />

Holmes, William, lab., h. 94 Dequindre.<br />

Holmes, William ~noulder, h. 120 Harrison<br />

ave.<br />

Holmes, William J., printer, -h. 33 Montcalm<br />

w.<br />

Holmes, Butler & Co., (Silas, M. Holmes<br />

and Abrarn G. Butler), produce and wool<br />

commission merchants, 11 and 13 Woodbridge<br />

w.<br />

Holmes & Webster, (Robt. Holmes<br />

and Edwin H. Webster), plumbing and<br />

gas fitting, stea,in, hot water and hot air<br />

furnaces, 115 Jefferson ave. (See Id%,<br />

Pa.P 27.)<br />

Holst, John, tailor, 11. 114 Russell.<br />

Holstein, Adolph, upl~olsterer, bds., 217<br />

High.<br />

Holstein, John, carpenter, bds. 233 Lafayette.<br />

Holstein, John, lab., h. 432 Catharine.<br />

Holstein, John, tailor, h. 246 Clinton.<br />

Holt, Ira F., express man, h. 490 Cass ave.<br />

Holt, John, printer, h. 485 Lafayette.<br />

Holter, Wendelin, lab., h. 22 Webster.<br />

Holthoefer, Caspar J., cprpets and dry<br />

goods, 125 Woodward ave., h. 363 Cass<br />

ave.<br />

Holthoefer, Joseph, (Holthoefer Gt Nuellenbach),<br />

h. 147 Xullett.<br />

Holthoefer 62 31 irellen bach, (Joseph Holthoefer<br />

and Peter Nuellenbacli), tanners.<br />

315 Riopelle.<br />

Holton, Byron D., clerk, bds., Goodman<br />

House.<br />

Holab, Frank, carpenter, h. 273 Columbia e.<br />

Holtz, John, tailor, h. 324 Hastings.<br />

Holtz, ,Tohn, carpenter, h. 660 Fifteenth.<br />

Holtz. William, tailor, h. 174 Croghan.<br />

Holz, '~rederick, mason, h. 201 Laayette.<br />

Holzhauer, Henry, carpenter, h. 39 Catharine.

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