Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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HIM CITY DIRECTORY. HIT 255 Himes. Jose~h, baker. bds. '76 Abbott. I HOME ~immels. ~illiam, tanner, bds. 222 Elizabeth e. Nutual Life Insurance CO., Himmelstoss, Michael, lab., 11. 12 Silver. OF CINCINNATI, OHIO. Hinchey, Patrick, lab., h. next 169 Four- -J-teenth. GENERAL AGENT. Hinchman, Charles C., clerk, bds. 115 81: GRISWOLD STREET, Fort w. Hinchman, Ford D. C. (T. DETBOIT, - - MICH- 13. Hincllman & =See aGvertisement, page 27.a Sons), bds. 115 Fort w. - - -. --- ~incl~rnan, Guy F. (Guy F. Hinchman & Hinz, Christian, lab., 11. 517 Xacomb. Co.), 11. 128 Griswold. Hinze Frederick, lab., h. 340 Dubois. Hinch~nan, Janles A., h. 3.79 Fort mr. Hinzel, Joseph, blacksmit.h, bds. Gratiot, Hinchnlan, John 35. (T. H. Hincllinsn & be.. >fount Elliott and Elmwood aves. Sons), bds. 115 Fort w. Hipp: Josepli, teamster, h. 343 Croghan. Hiuclim:in, Josepll B (Babillion, Hinch- Hirels, Henry, btls. 27 Beaubien. man & Co.). 11. '70 Shelby. Hirons, Mary Ann, (wid. Thomas), board- Hinchman, Theodore H. (T. H. Hinch~nan ing, h. 14 Lewis. c& Sons) h. 115 Fort w. Hirscl~, Adam, butcher, C. H. M., h. 270 HINCRMSN, GUY F. & CO. (Guy F., Congress e. and Theodore H. Hinchman), ship chand- Hirscli, Antoine, cigar maker, h. 305 lers, 16 and 18 Atwater w. (See Index, Seventh. page 17.) Hirschbach, Gottfriecl, engineer, h. n. s. Hinchman, T. H. & Sons (Theodore H.: Xorth bet. Dequindre and St. Aubin John M. and Ford D. C. Hinchin:ln), ave. wholesale druggists and grocers, 78 ancl Hirsciibach; William, turner, bds. n. s. 80 Jefferson ave. North bet. Dequiudre and St. Aubin Hind, John, teamster, h. 88 Seventeenth ave. Kincl, ,Michael, bds. 27 Bertubien. Hirschbcr.qer, Isaac W., (S. P. Onley & Go.), Hinden, Joseph, model maker, h. 679 Jef- 11. 456 Riopelle. ferson ave Hirsclifield, Abraliain, pedlar, h. 10 Bea- HIXDEN, M. G., mathematllical and op- con. tical instrument maker, 213 Jefferson ave. Hirschman, Ausust, sawyer, h. 157 Chene. (up stairs), h. Jefferson ave., nr. Dequiu- Hirschman, Freclerielr L., tobacconist, bda. dre. (See Indez page 17). o. 61, n. 107 Columbia e. Hinden bvrg, C harlotte (wid. Christian), Hirscllman, Ji~cob L., clerk, hh. 107 Colwasherwomsn, h. 175 3Ia.comb. nmbia e. Hindenburg, Einilie, N-asherwoman, bds. Hirschman, Louis, tobacconist, h. o. 61, n. 175 Macomb. 10'7 Columbia e. Hines, Bridget (wicl. Patrick), h. r. 41 Porter. Hirschn~;~n~ Martin,lsh., h. s. s. Websier nr. Hines, Edward, lab., h. 499 Fifth. Russell. Hines, Thomas, lab., h. 211 Abl~ott. I Hirschman, Minnie, (wid. 310rriss., h. 56 Hinkel, Andrew J., patrol~nan, bds. Frank- Wa.yne. lin House. Hirscman, Siegtnund, mzchinist, h. 322 Hinman, Alfred B. (A. B. Hinman & Co.), Calhoun. h. 499 IVoodwar~I ave. Eirst, Henry, (Hirat & Stiff), bds. Hotel Hinnlan, Samuel, pipeinan Steam er No. 1, Ericllsen. h. 58 Wayne. 1 airst S Stifl, (Henry, T. Hirst and Eras- Hinman, A. B. & Co. (Alfred B. Hinman / tus Stiff), commission merchi~nts, 149 and Sanford R. Smith), wholesale oils I Randolph. and gas fixtures, 52 and 54 Slielby. i Hirt, Rudolph, lab., h. 436 St. Aubin ave. Hinney, Jacob, lab., h. 299 Higli. i Hirtli,PeterE., butcher, r. of 548 Wood- Hinsdule, Edwin C., lawyer, office 2 Lar- , bridge w.: 11. same. ned e., h. 139 Lafixyette ave. i Hiscr, Charles, lab., h. 134 Twentieth. Hinsclale, Hiram H., plasterer, h. 42 Fort e. Hitchcock, Edward, traveler, 11. 236 First. Hinsdale, Jane, boarding, 42 Fort e., h. : Hitcllcock, Frances L., (wid. Aaron,) h. 172 same. Congress w. Hintermeister, Henry, mercllant tailor, 200 : lIitcllcock. Hora,ce, (Hitckcock, Esselstyn Jefferson we., bcls. Hotel Mauch. cF; Co.,) h. 27 Sproat. Hinton, John, Rev., h. 289 Lafayette ave. Hitcllcock, James M., clerk, bds. 127 Far- Hinton, Richard (col'd), sailor, bcls. 208 Co- , mer. lurnbia e. Hitchrock, Esselstyn (55 Co., (Horace Hintz, Carl, music teacher, h. 524 Seventh. Hitchcoclr, Willard A. Esselstyn and Hintz; Henry, cigar maker, h. n. s. Irvins, .Joi~n .J., Whittle~ey), woolens and tzil- .bet. Sixth and Seventh. I ors trimmings, 14'7 Jefferson ave. w9 ls* ,@fl&mBfi@Efm,

256 HIT CLARK'S DETROIT HOF PABEE, JENNINM & COfS,, - STANDA-ELD Fluid and Solid Extracts, SU(388 COATED PILLS, Rose Q)ilg a~lf Chemicals, For ~ l by e all Druggists throughout the United Stater. WSee advertisement, prrge 16. - Hoehstadt, Elizabeth, hair worker, h. 169 Fort e. Hoehstadt, Johanna, hair worker, h. 169 .- Hoeck, . An toine. Henry, fresco painter, bds. 155 st. Hoeck, Joseph, h. 155 St. Antoine. Hoeck, Louis, lab., h. 233 Watson. Hoefer, Andreas, lab.. h. s. s. James, bet. Deauindre and St. Aubin ave. Hite Frederick, (col'd) white washer. h. ~oeflein, Leopold, lab., h. 40 Catharine. 193 Congress e. Hoeher, John, lab., bds. 104 Gratiot. Hoarn, Patrick, bds. 350 Grand River. Hoefner, John, lab., h. 217 Adams ave. e. Hobert, J. W., furniture, h. 301 Fourth. Hoett, August? carpenter, bds. 483 Sher- H~bert, William, sail maker, h. 698 Wood- man. bridge w. Hoeft, Herman, gardener, 11. 483 Sherman. Hobson, Henry, lab., h. 4'7 Fort e. Hoehnow, Augusta. (wid. Charles), h, 217 Hochgraef, Mas, stencil cutter, 105 Wood- Columbia e. ward ave., bds. 85 Mscomb, (See Ia&, Hoehnow, Frederica, (wid. William), midpage 2 7) wife, bds. 154 Catharine. Hochgraef, William, carpenter, h. 25 Ma- Hoekstra, Egbert, (Oestler & Hoekstra), h. comb. 64 Pine. Hock, Henry, tinsmith, hds. 201 Tweltth. Hoekum, Milo, tinsmith, bds. 65 Wayne. Hock, Jacob, tinsmith, h. 201 Twelfth. Hoennighansen, Joseph, h. 141 Lafayette e. Hock, John J., stoves and tinware, 385 Hoenighausen, Theodore, carriage maker, Michigan ave., h. 201 Twelfth. h. 184 Lafayette. Hockway, Thomas, plasterer, h. 231 Ben- Hoey, John, grocer, 308 Twelfth, h. same. ton. Hoff, Barthel, lab., h. 95 Bronson. Hockwell, Samuel, lithographer, h. 400 Hoff, Cnspar, lab.. h. T hirteenth-and- a-half, Riopelle. nr. Michigan ave Hodder, Wendelen, helper, 11. 22 Webster. Hoff, Julius, sawyer, h. 116 Antiesam. Hodgdon, Otis C., shoemaker h. 21 Oak. Hoff. Valentine, grocer, 387 Nontcalm e., h. Hodge, Charles, bds. o. 144, n. 166 Lar- same. ned e. Hoff, Valentine, lab., bds. 95 Bronson. Hodge, Greenbary (col'd), porter, 6. 138 , Hoff, Willhelmine, tailoress, bds., 327 Fort e. Montcalm e. Hodge, Samuel F., (Hodge & Christie), h. Hoffman, Abraham, cooper, h. 411 Whit- 168 Henry. ney. Hodge & Christie, (Samuel F. Hodge and , Hoffman, Adam, lab., h. 98 Catharine. Thomas S. Christiv), founders and ma- I Hoffman, Adam, lab., h. 843 Chestnut. chinists, n. w. cor. Rivard and Atwa- Hoffman, Conrad, chair maker, h. 165 ter. Michigan ave. Hodges, Charles C., (Hodges Brothers), h. Hoffman, Frederick, carpenter, h. 365 Six- 97 Port w. teenth. Hodges, Henry C., (Hodges Brothers), h. Hoffmm, Frederick, lab., h. 232 Elizabeth e. 413 Lafayette ave. Hoffman, Frederick, teamster, h. 858 Du- Hodges, Josiah P., captain, h. 34 Eliza bois. beth e, Hoffman, Georoe cabinet maker, h. w. s. Hodges Brothers, (Henry C. and charlei ) Sixteenth nr.%fichigan are. C. Hedges): Insurance agents, oftice Hoffman, George, livery keeper, 42 Con- 10 Bank Block. I gress e., h. 44 same (up stairs). Hodgkiu, John, lab., h. I91 Orleans. / Hoffman, Henry, lal)., h. 98 Sixteenth. Hodgkin, John W., h. o. 48, n. 50 j Hoffman, Henry, jr. gluer, bds. 93 Six- Geor e. teenth. HODG~IN, ROBERT, secretary labor \ Hoffman, Jacob, brewer, 322 Woodbridge union, insur;ulce agent, room 1 Fisher i w.: h. same. block, h. 326 Rnndolph. I Hoffman, Jacob, lab. h. 380 High. Hodgs?n, Frederick; carpenter, h. 94 Col- / Hoffman, Jacob, sailor, h. 283 Antietam. umbis w. / Hoffman, John, saloon, 44 Michigan Grand Hod son, Henry H., traveling agent, h. n. ave. s. 8 timson, nr. Woodmard ave. ; Hoffman, John, sawyer, h. 4S4 Clinton ave. Hodgson, Humphrey, - - shoemaker, h. 21 1 Hoffman, Louis, carpenter, h. 217 Lafay- Oik. 1 ette. Hodgson, Otis, shoemaker, bb. 21 Oak. Hoffman, Otto, shoemaker, bds. 168 Brews- Hodmer, Christian, lab., h. 531 Catharine. ; ter.


Himes. Jose~h, baker. bds. '76 Abbott. I HOME<br />

~immels. ~illiam, tanner, bds. 222 Elizabeth<br />

e.<br />

Nutual Life Insurance CO.,<br />

Himmelstoss, Michael, lab., 11. 12 Silver.<br />


Hinchey, Patrick, lab., h. next 169 Four-<br />

-J-teenth.<br />


Hinchman, Charles C., clerk, bds. 115 81: GRISWOLD STREET,<br />

Fort w.<br />

Hinchman, Ford D. C. (T.<br />

DETBOIT, - - MICH-<br />

13. Hincllman & =See aGvertisement, page 27.a<br />

Sons), bds. 115 Fort w. - - -. ---<br />

~incl~rnan, Guy F. (Guy F. Hinchman & Hinz, Christian, lab., 11. 517 Xacomb.<br />

Co.), 11. 128 Griswold.<br />

Hinze Frederick, lab., h. 340 Dubois.<br />

Hinch~nan, Janles A., h. 3.79 Fort mr. Hinzel, Joseph, blacksmit.h, bds. Gratiot,<br />

Hinchnlan, John 35. (T. H. Hincllinsn & be.. >fount Elliott and Elmwood aves.<br />

Sons), bds. 115 Fort w.<br />

Hipp: Josepli, teamster, h. 343 Croghan.<br />

Hiuclim:in, Josepll B (Babillion, Hinch- Hirels, Henry, btls. 27 Beaubien.<br />

man & Co.). 11. '70 Shelby.<br />

Hirons, Mary Ann, (wid. Thomas), board-<br />

Hinchman, Theodore H. (T. H. Hinch~nan ing, h. 14 Lewis.<br />

c& Sons) h. 115 Fort w.<br />

Hirscl~, Adam, butcher, C. H. M., h. 270<br />

HINCRMSN, GUY F. & CO. (Guy F., Congress e.<br />

and Theodore H. Hinchman), ship chand- Hirscli, Antoine, cigar maker, h. 305<br />

lers, 16 and 18 Atwater w. (See Index, Seventh.<br />

page 17.)<br />

Hirschbach, Gottfriecl, engineer, h. n. s.<br />

Hinchman, T. H. & Sons (Theodore H.: Xorth bet. Dequindre and St. Aubin<br />

John M. and Ford D. C. Hinchin:ln), ave.<br />

wholesale druggists and grocers, 78 ancl Hirsciibach; William, turner, bds. n. s.<br />

80 Jefferson ave.<br />

North bet. Dequiudre and St. Aubin<br />

Hind, John, teamster, h. 88 Seventeenth ave.<br />

Kincl, ,Michael, bds. 27 Bertubien.<br />

Hirschbcr.qer, Isaac W., (S. P. Onley & Go.),<br />

Hinden, Joseph, model maker, h. 679 Jef- 11. 456 Riopelle.<br />

ferson ave<br />

Hirsclifield, Abraliain, pedlar, h. 10 Bea-<br />

HIXDEN, M. G., mathematllical and op- con.<br />

tical instrument maker, 213 Jefferson ave. Hirschman, Ausust, sawyer, h. 157 Chene.<br />

(up stairs), h. Jefferson ave., nr. Dequiu- Hirschman, Freclerielr L., tobacconist, bda.<br />

dre. (See Indez page 17).<br />

o. 61, n. 107 Columbia e.<br />

Hinden bvrg, C harlotte (wid. Christian), Hirscllman, Ji~cob L., clerk, hh. 107 Colwasherwomsn,<br />

h. 175 3Ia.comb.<br />

nmbia e.<br />

Hindenburg, Einilie, N-asherwoman, bds. Hirschman, Louis, tobacconist, h. o. 61, n.<br />

175 Macomb.<br />

10'7 Columbia e.<br />

Hines, Bridget (wicl. Patrick), h. r. 41 Porter. Hirschn~;~n~ Martin,lsh., h. s. s. Websier nr.<br />

Hines, Edward, lab., h. 499 Fifth.<br />

Russell.<br />

Hines, Thomas, lab., h. 211 Abl~ott. I Hirschman, Minnie, (wid. 310rriss., h. 56<br />

Hinkel, Andrew J., patrol~nan, bds. Frank- Wa.yne.<br />

lin House.<br />

Hirscman, Siegtnund, mzchinist, h. 322<br />

Hinman, Alfred B. (A. B. Hinman & Co.), Calhoun.<br />

h. 499 IVoodwar~I ave. Eirst, Henry, (Hirat & Stiff), bds. Hotel<br />

Hinnlan, Samuel, pipeinan Steam er No. 1, Ericllsen.<br />

h. 58 Wayne. 1 airst S Stifl, (Henry, T. Hirst and Eras-<br />

Hinman, A. B. & Co. (Alfred B. Hinman / tus Stiff), commission merchi~nts, 149<br />

and Sanford R. Smith), wholesale oils I Randolph.<br />

and gas fixtures, 52 and 54 Slielby. i Hirt, Rudolph, lab., h. 436 St. Aubin ave.<br />

Hinney, Jacob, lab., h. 299 Higli. i Hirtli,PeterE., butcher, r. of 548 Wood-<br />

Hinsdule, Edwin C., lawyer, office 2 Lar- , bridge w.: 11. same.<br />

ned e., h. 139 Lafixyette ave. i Hiscr, Charles, lab., h. 134 Twentieth.<br />

Hinsclale, Hiram H., plasterer, h. 42 Fort e. Hitchcock, Edward, traveler, 11. 236 First.<br />

Hinsdale, Jane, boarding, 42 Fort e., h. : Hitcllcock, Frances L., (wid. Aaron,) h. 172<br />

same. Congress w.<br />

Hintermeister, Henry, mercllant tailor, 200 : lIitcllcock. Hora,ce, (Hitckcock, Esselstyn<br />

Jefferson we., bcls. Hotel Mauch. cF; Co.,) h. 27 Sproat.<br />

Hinton, John, Rev., h. 289 Lafayette ave. Hitcllcock, James M., clerk, bds. 127 Far-<br />

Hinton, Richard (col'd), sailor, bcls. 208 Co- , mer.<br />

lurnbia e. Hitchrock, Esselstyn (55 Co., (Horace<br />

Hintz, Carl, music teacher, h. 524 Seventh. Hitchcoclr, Willard A. Esselstyn and<br />

Hintz; Henry, cigar maker, h. n. s. Irvins, .Joi~n .J., Whittle~ey), woolens and tzil-<br />

.bet. Sixth and Seventh. I ors trimmings, 14'7 Jefferson ave.<br />

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