Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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HEW CITY DIRECTORY. HE 253 Hewitt, Robert, blacksmith, h. 70 Lamed w. I NOBTHWESTEBN - - - - - - - - - ~ewley, Joseph, lumber dealer, h. 340 Mullett. Hewson, John, porter, h. 180 Croghan. Hewston James T., patrolman, bds. City Hotel. Hibbard, Augustus G., (Botsford, Hihbard & Co.,) bds. Franklin House. Hibbard, Eliphaz S., accountant, h. 52 Brainard. Hibler, Carl, boiler maker, 11. 458 Sherman. Hibler, David, grocer, h. 460 Sherman. Hickey, Cornelius, clerk, bds. 270 Fifth. Hickey, Morris, driver, h. 213 Second. Hickey, Daniel, hack proprietor, bds. 183 Sixth. Hickey, Daniel L.: blacksmith, 40 Larned Insurance ~utual OF Life MILWAUKEE, WE. CO. . BE. CHAS. AUEIH@ER, STATE AGENT, 1 11 Jefferson Avenue, DE ,TROI T, - - - MICE, WAgenta Wanted. See advertisement, page 1 07.a Hiegins, Charles, bookkeeper, h. 201 Na- tlonal ave. Higgins, Charles R., manfr. chemist, bde. 68 Pine. Himgins, Clara E.: (wid. Patrick), h. 68 e., bds. 335 Fifth. HIgg!g:lns, George, moulder, bds. 101 Baker. Hickey, Eliza, (wid. Daniel), h. 183 Sixth. 1 Hl.ggl~s. George E., clerk, bds. Franklin Hickey, Ellen, s. m. operator, n. 218 1 House. Sixth. Higgins, Hiram, boots and shoes, 241 Hickey, James, hack driver, h. 10 Baker. Grand River, h. 239, same. Hickey, John: drayman, h. o. 115, n. 135 Higgins, Ida Miss, sewing, bds. 307 Brush. Cherry . H!ggins, James, moulder. h. 129 Baker. Hickey, Lawrence, blacksmith, h. 335 Higgins, Jane, (wid. Justin), h. 307 Brush. Fifth. Higgins, John, lab., bds. w. s. Mt. Elliott Hickey, Lawrence, jr., blacksmith, h. 283 ave. bet &lacomb and Clinton. Sixth. Higgins, John, painter, h. 348 Randolph. Hickey, Mary A., (wid. Patrick), bds. 47 Higgins, Matthew, saloon, Michigan ave., Jones. nr. Williams ave. Hickey, Patrick, blacksmith, h. 281 Sixth. @ins, M. Charles, wholesale notions, 67 Hickey, Patrick, grocer, 347 Michigan Hip efferson ave., h. 86 Elizabeth w. ave., h. same. Neilson, (col'd), waiter, Russell Hickey, Thomas, blacksmith, bds. 571 ouse. Gratiot. Higgins, Patrick, h. s. s. Vine, bet. Fourth Hi~key,~William, lab., h. 571 Sixth. and. Fifth. Hickman, Martha, h. 343 Lafayette. Higgins, Patrick, cooper, h. s. s. North, Hickmott, Mary, (wid. Egbert), h. 93 St. bet. Dequindre and St. Aubin aye. Antoine. Hi wins, Sylvester H., machinist, bds. 307 Hickmott, Minnie Miss, dressmaker, bds. &ush. 93 St. Antoine. . Higgins, Thomas captain,Inspector of Cus- Hicks, George, shoemaker, h. 239 Lafay- toms, h. 162 Lamed e. ette. Higgs, John, Deputy Collector of Customs Hicks, George, jr., painter, bds. 239 Lafsy- 359 Atwater, h. 153 Sixteenth. ette. High, Benjamin, policeman, bds. 328 Four- Hicks, Joseph, mechanic, h. 227 Seven- teenth. teenth. High, Oliver (col'd), waiter, Biddle House. Hicks, Nicholas, drayman, h. 39 Jones. Higham, William I., clerk, h. 36 Russell. Hiehn, Casper, tinsmith, h. 79 Cro han. Higi, Januarius, principal. St. Joseph Hieseng, August, machinist, h. 8 4 uscola. School, h. 52 Jay. Eiesler, Paulina, hairdresser, 175 Wood- Hilbert, Charles, harness-maker, h. n. s. ward ave., bds. 202 Adams ave. e. Antietam, nr. Dequindre. Hiestand, Anton, brewer, bds. 350 Cro- Hilbert, John, lab., h. 220 Watson. Hild, Elizabeth, (wid. Andreas), bds. 94 bottom, John, engineer, h. s. s. Mullet. ave. bet. Cass and Woodward Hild, Henry, mason, h. 306 Marion. aves. Hildebrand, Charles, musician, h. cor. La- Hi @inbotham, John H., clerk, bds. Biddle fayette and Russell. &use. Hildebrand, Conrad, mason, h. 111 Bron- Hi ginson, John, pattern maker, bds. 223 son. iixteenth. Hildebrandt, Henry, cigar maker, h. cor- Hi ginson, Joseph, pattern maker, h. 223 Lafayette and Russell. t5. ~xteenth. Hilderbrand, John, gilder, h. 39 Sixteenth. Hig nson, William, clerk, h. 109 Mont Hilderscheit, John, butcher, '72 Russell, h. c& e. same.

254 HIL CLARK'S DETROIT HIM Reliable Practical Business School. XAYHEW BP~BNB~~ ~T~~ZBGE~ Conducted by HON. IRA ~IAYHEW, AUTHOR OF Nayhew's Tacticat Book-keey~ing For Common and Union Schools, and MAYHEW'S U niversity Book-keeping for Business Colleges and Countinc-rooms. See 31st page of Directory. Hill, ~amuel B., (Hill & Trollope), h. 181 Second. Hill, Sarah, bds. 78 Elizabeth m. Hill, Sarah E., (wid. Joceph G.), b. 80 Howard. Hill, Stephen, clerk, bds. 87 Brewster. Hill, Stephen, moulder, bds. 181 Second. Hill, .Thomas, machinist, h. 56 Fifteenth. Hill, Thomas, steward, h. 37 Fremont. Hill, Thomas S., agent, h. 19 High. Hill, Thos. W., bookkeeper, bds. 165 1 Cws. Hilderscheit, Peter, builder, h. 316 Croghan. Hill, William, carpenter, h. 76 Brady. Hildreth, William J., letter carrier, h. 620 I Hill, William A., (Hill & Bro.,) h. 485 Jef- Sixth. I ferson ave. Hill, Benjamin C., (William Wright & Co.), Hill, William E., (Hill & Bro.,) bds. o. 485 h. 82 Wayne. Jefferson ave. Hill, Catharine, (wid. John), h. 470 Clinton Hill, William G., fireman, bds. 203 Maple. ave. Hill, William R., wringer man'fr., h. 251 Hill, Bb. Carrie, boarding, h. 455 Jefferson Ra:ldolph. me., (up stairs.) Hill 65 Brother, (George H. and William Hill, Charles (col'd), waiter, Russell House. E.,) wholesale grocers, 98 and 100 Lar- Hill, Elizabeth, s. m. operator, bds. 220 ned w. Woodward ave. Hill & Ford, (Peter Hill and George Ford,) Hill, David, lab., h. 286 Fourth. machine shop, o. 420 Woodbridge w. Hill, Francis J., machinist, bds. 90 Baker. Hill & Trollope, (Sallluel B. Hill and Albert Hill, Frederick J., clerk, bds. 56 Adams Trollope, ) Architectural Iron Furnace, ave e. 177 Larned w. Hill, George, h. o. 485 Jefferson ave. Hilland, John W., (col'd.;) waiter, bds. 105 Hill, George B., (Michigan Bolt and Nut Larned e. Co.,) and (E. S. Bush & Co.), h. o. 545 Hillary, Hewett, clerk, bds. Purdy's Hotel. n. 605 Jefferson ave. Hillebrand, Ferdinand, lab., h. 225 Cro- Hill, George H. (Hill & Bro.),h. o. 485 Jef- ghan. ferson ave. Hillebrand, Johannah, (wid. Francis,) sa- Hill, George W., clerk, bds. 38 Park Place. loon, 436 Woodbridge w., h. same Hill, Harlan G., painter, bds. 450 St. An- Hillebrand, John, shoemaker, h. 406 Riotoine. pelle. Hill, Henry, carpenter, bds. Goodman Hiller, George, shoemaker: h. 187 Fort e. Honse. Hiller, John G., boot and shoe maker, 249 Hill, Hugo, millinery goods, 181 Jefferson Jefferson ave., h. 187 Fort e. ave., h. 186 Congress e. Hilley, 0 wen, foreman, K. C. Barker & Co., Hill, James, machinist, bds. 455 Jefferson h. Grand River. ave (up stairs.) Hilley, Thomas, cutter, K. C. Barker & Co., Hill, James F., traveling auWr D. & M. bds. Grand River. R. R., h. 401 Congress e. Hillger, Mathias, saloon, 456 Gratiot, h. Hill, Jane, (wid. Steven), h. 70 Lewis. same. Hill, John, olacksmith, bds. 226 Fifteenth. Hillhouse, John, engine fitter, h. 271 Seven- Hill, John, lab., h. 470 Clinton ave. teenth. Hill, John, lab., h. r. 972 Woodbridge w. Hilsendegen, Diederich, lab., h. 206 Lafay- Hill, John, saloon, h. 164 Porter. ette. Hill, John B., millwright, h. 152 Seven-' Hilsendegen, Elizabeth, (wid, John,) h. 244 teenth. Montcalm e. Hill, John H., machinist, h. 426 Grand Hilsendegen, Valentine, real est.ate, offiee River, (up stairs). s. e. cor. Xonroe ave. and Randolph, h. Hill, Joseph, flagman, h. 203 Maple. 446 Gratiot. Hill, Julia, (wid. William), washerwoman, Hilton, George, porter, bds. n. s. Fort near h. 226 Fifteenth. Randolph. Hill, Nazareth, general store, n. w. cor. Hilton, Henry, carriage trimmer, h. 41 But- Grand River and Sixteenth, h. same. ternut. Hill, Peter, Alderman Ninth Ward, (Hill Hilton, John O., shoemaker, h. 73 Harriet. & Ford), h. 90 Baker. Hilton, Thomas, (Woolley & Hilton,) h. 126 Hill, Richard, teamster, h, 394 Wood- Howard. bridge e. Hiltz, Herman, printer, bds. 122 Mullett. Hill, Robert T., engireer, bds. 90 Baker. Himburg, Frederick W., tailor, h. 248 Cro- Hill, RuCus, nurseryman, bds. 87 Brewster. ghan.


Hewitt, Robert, blacksmith, h. 70 Lamed w. I NOBTHWESTEBN<br />

- - - - - - - - -<br />

~ewley, Joseph, lumber dealer, h. 340<br />

Mullett.<br />

Hewson, John, porter, h. 180 Croghan.<br />

Hewston James T., patrolman, bds. <strong>City</strong><br />

Hotel.<br />

Hibbard, Augustus G., (Botsford, Hihbard<br />

& Co.,) bds. Franklin House.<br />

Hibbard, Eliphaz S., accountant, h. 52<br />

Brainard.<br />

Hibler, Carl, boiler maker, 11. 458 Sherman.<br />

Hibler, David, grocer, h. 460 Sherman.<br />

Hickey, Cornelius, clerk, bds. 270 Fifth.<br />

Hickey, Morris, driver, h. 213 Second.<br />

Hickey, Daniel, hack proprietor, bds. 183<br />

Sixth.<br />

Hickey, Daniel L.: blacksmith, 40 Larned<br />

Insurance<br />

~utual OF Life MILWAUKEE, WE. CO.<br />

.<br />



1 11 Jefferson Avenue,<br />

DE ,TROI T, - - - MICE,<br />

WAgenta Wanted. See advertisement, page 1 07.a<br />

Hiegins, Charles, bookkeeper, h. 201 Na-<br />

tlonal ave.<br />

Higgins, Charles R., manfr. chemist, bde.<br />

68 Pine.<br />

Himgins, Clara E.: (wid. Patrick), h. 68<br />

e., bds. 335 Fifth.<br />

HIgg!g:lns, George, moulder, bds. 101 Baker.<br />

Hickey, Eliza, (wid. Daniel), h. 183 Sixth. 1 Hl.ggl~s. George E., clerk, bds. Franklin<br />

Hickey, Ellen, s. m. operator, n. 218 1 House.<br />

Sixth.<br />

Higgins, Hiram, boots and shoes, 241<br />

Hickey, James, hack driver, h. 10 Baker. Grand River, h. 239, same.<br />

Hickey, John: drayman, h. o. 115, n. 135 Higgins, Ida Miss, sewing, bds. 307 Brush.<br />

Cherry .<br />

H!ggins, James, moulder. h. 129 Baker.<br />

Hickey, Lawrence, blacksmith, h. 335 Higgins, Jane, (wid. Justin), h. 307 Brush.<br />

Fifth.<br />

Higgins, John, lab., bds. w. s. Mt. Elliott<br />

Hickey, Lawrence, jr., blacksmith, h. 283 ave. bet &lacomb and Clinton.<br />

Sixth.<br />

Higgins, John, painter, h. 348 Randolph.<br />

Hickey, Mary A., (wid. Patrick), bds. 47 Higgins, Matthew, saloon, Michigan ave.,<br />

Jones.<br />

nr. Williams ave.<br />

Hickey, Patrick, blacksmith, h. 281 Sixth. @ins, M. Charles, wholesale notions, 67<br />

Hickey, Patrick, grocer, 347 Michigan Hip efferson ave., h. 86 Elizabeth w.<br />

ave., h. same.<br />

Neilson, (col'd), waiter, Russell<br />

Hickey, Thomas, blacksmith, bds. 571 ouse.<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Higgins, Patrick, h. s. s. Vine, bet. Fourth<br />

Hi~key,~William, lab., h. 571 Sixth. and. Fifth.<br />

Hickman, Martha, h. 343 Lafayette. Higgins, Patrick, cooper, h. s. s. North,<br />

Hickmott, Mary, (wid. Egbert), h. 93 St. bet. Dequindre and St. Aubin aye.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Hi wins, Sylvester H., machinist, bds. 307<br />

Hickmott, Minnie Miss, dressmaker, bds. &ush.<br />

93 St. Antoine.<br />

. Higgins, Thomas captain,Inspector of Cus-<br />

Hicks, George, shoemaker, h. 239 Lafay- toms, h. 162 Lamed e.<br />

ette.<br />

Higgs, John, Deputy Collector of Customs<br />

Hicks, George, jr., painter, bds. 239 Lafsy- 359 Atwater, h. 153 Sixteenth.<br />

ette.<br />

High, Benjamin, policeman, bds. 328 Four-<br />

Hicks, Joseph, mechanic, h. 227 Seven- teenth.<br />

teenth.<br />

High, Oliver (col'd), waiter, Biddle House.<br />

Hicks, Nicholas, drayman, h. 39 Jones. Higham, William I., clerk, h. 36 Russell.<br />

Hiehn, Casper, tinsmith, h. 79 Cro han. Higi, Januarius, principal. St. Joseph<br />

Hieseng, August, machinist, h. 8 4 uscola. School, h. 52 Jay.<br />

Eiesler, Paulina, hairdresser, 175 Wood- Hilbert, Charles, harness-maker, h. n. s.<br />

ward ave., bds. 202 Adams ave. e. Antietam, nr. Dequindre.<br />

Hiestand, Anton, brewer, bds. 350 Cro- Hilbert, John, lab., h. 220 Watson.<br />

Hild, Elizabeth, (wid. Andreas), bds. 94<br />

bottom, John, engineer, h. s. s. Mullet.<br />

ave. bet. Cass and Woodward Hild, Henry, mason, h. 306 Marion.<br />

aves.<br />

Hildebrand, Charles, musician, h. cor. La-<br />

Hi @inbotham, John H., clerk, bds. Biddle fayette and Russell.<br />

&use.<br />

Hildebrand, Conrad, mason, h. 111 Bron-<br />

Hi ginson, John, pattern maker, bds. 223 son.<br />

iixteenth.<br />

Hildebrandt, Henry, cigar maker, h. cor-<br />

Hi ginson, Joseph, pattern maker, h. 223 Lafayette and Russell.<br />

t5. ~xteenth.<br />

Hilderbrand, John, gilder, h. 39 Sixteenth.<br />

Hig nson, William, clerk, h. 109 Mont Hilderscheit, John, butcher, '72 Russell, h.<br />

c& e.<br />


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