Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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HEN CITY D~CTORY. HER 251 - - -- Hennig, Friedrich, milkman: h. 122 Wilkins. Hennig, Joseph, lab., h. 528 Croghan. Henning, Albert, shoemaker, h. 102 Mullett. Henning, Auqust, watchmaker, h. 272 Blacomb. Henning, Frederick, clerk, h. 180 Adams ave e. Henning, Gustav, watchmaker, h. 272 Macomb. Henning, William, cigar maker, h. 440 Congress e. Henning, William, tanner, h. 350 Fort e. Henri, Alexander, brewer, 144 Abbott. Henri, Alexander, saloon, 124 Larned e.: h. same. Henrich, Peter, rag carpet factory, o. 21, n. 46 Charlotte ave., h. Henrion, Ann, (wid. Morris), h. 251 Randolph. Henrion, George, grocer, 222 Orleans, h. same. Henrion, Joseph, car builder. h. 355 High. Henrion, Nargaret, (wid. Bernhard), h. 233 Clinton. Henrion, Phillip, tanner, bds. 233 Clinton. Henris, Elizabeth, (wid. Jacob), h. 251 Clinton. Henris, Hermann, lab., h. 335 Bronson. Henris, Martin, boilermaker, h. 157 Maple. Henris, William, copperslnith, h. 277 Clinton. Henw, D. Fa.rrand, engineer U. S. Lake Survey, 11 113 Congress e. Henry, Frederick, lab.. h. 340 Dubois. Henry, James, Dept. CJ. S. Marshal, h. 123 Larned w. Helry, James, lab., bds. 200 Nineteenth. Henry, James E., bill poster, h. 23 Washington ave. Henry, John, lab., h. 111 Porter. Henry, Jolin, gardener, 11. 24 Ann. Henry, John, Propr. Hotel Henry, n. e. cor. Randolph and Croghan, h. same. Henry John H , boots and shoes: 7 Jefferson ave, h. same. Henry, Patrick, draymm, h. 42 Wooclbridge w. .Henry, Robert, grocer, 215 Abbott, h. same. Henry, William, sailor, bds. 63 Atwater e. Henry, William A., printer, h. 84 Eighteenth. Henry, William G., merchant, h. 126 Lafayette ave. Henry, William L., engineer, bds. 84 Eighteenth. Henshaw, George D., printer, bds. 134 Grand River, (up stairs.) Hensien, John, tinsmith, bds. 128 St. Autoine. Hensien, JTohn P., hardware and .tinware, 130 and 1 3 St. Antoine, h. same. (24% liicle~, page 17.) Hensien, Peter, teamster, h. 12 German. HOXE Mutual Life Insurance Co., OF CIKCINXATI, OHLO. we @a @;n,&j)Bm;Rb., -- GENERAL AGENT, rir(Hs S4 GRESWOLD ST., DETnOIT, - - XICH, WSee advertisement, page 2 7 . a Hensien, Thomas, printer, h. 338 Clinton. Hensler, Henry, cabinet maker, h. 87 Cath- arine. Hentig, Frederick G., h. 112 Howard. Henyman, Albert, sailor, h. 8 National ave. Henzer, William: lab., bds. 340 Dubois. Hepburn, James H., auctioneer, 31 Mon- roe ave., h. 551 Fort w. Heplin, Philip: lab., h. 139 Eighteenth. Heptner, Paul, teamster, h. 865 Grand River. Herber, Nicholas, carpenter, h. 112 Eliza- beth e. Herberger, Maximilian, milkman, h. 368 North. Herbert, Andrew J., clerk, h. 161 Fa. Herberis, Frank, cigarmaker, h. 255 Or- leans. Herberts, Fred., machinist, h. 374 Lafay- ette. Herbst, Charles, mason, h. w. s. Fifteenth, bet. Magnolia and Linden. Herbst, Conrad, painter, h. 489 Michigan ave. Herbst, Frederick, mason, h. s. s. Scott, nr. Riopelle. Herbst, Ludwig, baker, h. 346 St. Antoine. Herbst, Peter, carpenter, h. 145 Croghan. Herbst, William F., furrier, bds. 346 St. An- toine. Herschlet, John, lab., h. 373 Fifteenth. Herdina, Thomas, lab., h. 28 Sullivan ave. Herfurth, Charles, furniture 100 Gratiot, h. sallle. Hergenhaen, Jerome, carpenter, h. 147 Chestnut. Hering. Julius, carpenter, h. 294 High. Herkert, Hermann, confectioner, bds. 286 Beaubien. Herley, 11. Logan, chemist, bds. 165 Wood- ward ave. Herlighy, Daaiel, lab., h. GG Lafdyette. Herlighy, Her-y, machinist, bds. 66 Lafay- ette. Herlighy: Maurice, lab., h. 74 Sullivan ave. Herman, Charks, harness maker, h. 192 Macomb. Herrr an, Goderick, engineer, h. 30 Miami ave. Herman, Ludwig, draughtsman, bds. Ho- tel Erichsen. Herman, Mathias, brewer, bds. 953 Jeffer- son ave. Eermatlce, Franlc, blacksmith, bds. s, s. Whitney, Let. Hastings and Prospect.

262 HER CLARX'S DETROIT HEW PARKE, JENNINGS & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF @phflga R#@E@@ @J&~@R@@ Aqua Ammonia, &c., DETROIT, - - XICH- -See advertieement, page 16. Hermes, Joseph, lab., h. n. s. Belair, bet. De- quindre and St. Aubin ave. Hers, Henry, lab., h. 537 Catharine. Herrenberg, John, cooper, h. 193 Bronson. Herrick, Caroline, h. 710 Croghan. Herrick, Charles D., box maker, bds. n. s. Brewster, bet. Beaubien and St. Antohe. Hemck, Eugene, (Babcock & Herrick), h. 63 George. Herrick, S., carpenter, h. 94 Baker. Herrick, William D., mechanic, h. 486 Nul- lea. Hersfeld, Carl, mason, h. Elmwood ave. nr. Gratio t. Hersfeld, Carl, jr., mason, bds. Elmwood ave. nr. Gratiot. Herrington, Benjamin S., shoemaker, h. 106 St. Antoine. Herrington, David B., sewing machines, 51 Farmer, h. 31 Farmer. Herrington, Willism, cigarmaker, h. 288 St. Aubin ave. Herrington, William, clerk, h. 31 Farmer. Herrington, Williard, h. 51 Lafayette ave. Herrman, J. Gottlieb, teacher, h. 237 Co- lumbia e. Herron, George, hack owner, h. o. 278 Jef- ferson ave. Hersal Lewis, lab., h. n. e. cor. Fourth and Grand River. Hersbach, Gottfkied, engineer, h. 384 North. Hersbach, William, turner, bds. 384 North. Herschner, Simon, lab.. h. 313 Thirteen- and-a- half. Hershiberg Isaac W., (S. P. Onley and Co.), h. Riopelle nr. Gratiot. Hersselmann, Frederick, cabinet maker, bds. 160 Bronson. Hertgen, Jacob, pedlar, h. 228 Watson. Hertgen, John, carpenter, 11. 549 St. An- toinc. Herwig, Caroline, (wid. John), h. 303 St. Antome. Hem, Theodore, carpenter, h. 174 Division. Herzberg, Bertha, hoop skirt manfr. 29 Michigan ave., h. same. Herzberg, M., & Co., paper warehouse, 35 Michigan ave. Herzog, Ferdinand, clerk, bds. s. w. cor. Croghan and Russell. Herzog, Henry, clerk, bds. Biddle House. Heslet, Joseph, plainer, bds. s. e. cor. Third and Howard. Hess, Albert lab., h. 246 Sixteenth. Hess, Andrew, (Reynold'& Hess), h. 22 Nechanic. Hess, August, foreman, h. 283 Franklin. Hess, Charles, musician, h. 287 Bronson. Hess, George, musician, bds. 273 Jefferson ave., (up stairs). Hess, Heniy, lab., h. 684 Fifteenth. Hess, Joseph, cigar maker, h. 145 Catha- rine. Hess, Lizzie, h. 177 Beaubien. Hess, Peter, musician, h. 273 Jefferson ave., (up stairsj. Hess, Theodore, painter. h. 401 Dubois. Hess, William, clerk, h. 14 Clay. Hesse, Francis, saloon 12 Monroe ave., h. same. Hesselbachcr, August, baker, h. 191 Na- poleon. HESSELBACHER, OSWALD, coafec- tioner, 280 Jefferson ave., h. same, (&e Index: page 17) Hessing, Augustus, safe maker, h. 8 Tus- cola. Hesslein, Bernhard, cigar maker, h. 56 Fort e. Hesslein, George machinist, h. 431 Beau- bien. Hesslein, Hermann, saloon, 184 Prospect h. same. Hesslein, John, clerk, bcls. Hotei Erichsen. Hesslein, Sigmond, bookkeeper, bds. Hotel Erichsen. Hesslein, Simon, clerk, bas. 239 Woodward ave. Hesslein, Solomon, clerk, bds. o. 91, n. 109 Adams ave. e. Hcster, Frank. clerk, h. 143 Maple. Heffield, Lidurenia (wid. John), h. 141 High. Hetke, Gottlieb, lab., h. 281. Bronson. Hett, Frederick, lab., h. nr. cor. Thirteenth and Howard. Hettgen, William, lab., bds. 324 Montcalm e. Hettger, John tailor, h. 622 Riopelle. Hetts, Charles, traveling agent, h. 283 Catharine. Heuer, Charles, carpenter, h. 319 Mont- calm e. Heuft, John, lab., w. s. Russell, nr. City Ditch. Heuss, Amandus, carpenter, h. w. s. De- quindre, nr. Jay. Heustis, Charles I).: produce dealer, bds. 45 BIontcalm w. Heustis, Joseph, produce dealer, h. 45 i\Iontcalru w. Heuwage, John, lab., h. 290 Juliette. Heuwage, Joseph, lab., h. 276 Juliette. Heuwagen, John, lab., h. 290 Riopelle. Hevens, William (col'd), sailor, bds. 118 Calhoun. Hewes, William, moulder, bds. Sherman House. Hewitt, E. W., lab., bds. 101 Larned w. Hewitt, Herbert H., clerk. h. 370 Howard. Hewitt , John, engineer, h. 342 Maple. Hewitt, Joseph R.; boiler inspector, h. 64 Charlotte ave.


- - --<br />

Hennig, Friedrich, milkman: h. 122 Wilkins.<br />

Hennig, Joseph, lab., h. 528 Croghan.<br />

Henning, Albert, shoemaker, h. 102 Mullett.<br />

Henning, Auqust, watchmaker, h. 272<br />

Blacomb.<br />

Henning, Frederick, clerk, h. 180 Adams<br />

ave e.<br />

Henning, Gustav, watchmaker, h. 272<br />

Macomb.<br />

Henning, William, cigar maker, h. 440<br />

Congress e.<br />

Henning, William, tanner, h. 350 Fort e.<br />

Henri, Alexander, brewer, 144 Abbott.<br />

Henri, Alexander, saloon, 124 Larned e.: h.<br />

same.<br />

Henrich, Peter, rag carpet factory, o. 21, n.<br />

46 Charlotte ave., h.<br />

Henrion, Ann, (wid. Morris), h. 251 Randolph.<br />

Henrion, George, grocer, 222 Orleans, h.<br />

same.<br />

Henrion, Joseph, car builder. h. 355 High.<br />

Henrion, Nargaret, (wid. Bernhard), h.<br />

233 Clinton.<br />

Henrion, Phillip, tanner, bds. 233 Clinton.<br />

Henris, Elizabeth, (wid. Jacob), h. 251<br />

Clinton.<br />

Henris, Hermann, lab., h. 335 Bronson.<br />

Henris, Martin, boilermaker, h. 157 Maple.<br />

Henris, William, copperslnith, h. 277 Clinton.<br />

Henw, D. Fa.rrand, engineer U. S. Lake<br />

Survey, 11 113 Congress e.<br />

Henry, Frederick, lab.. h. 340 Dubois.<br />

Henry, James, Dept. CJ. S. Marshal, h. 123<br />

Larned w.<br />

Helry, James, lab., bds. 200 Nineteenth.<br />

Henry, James E., bill poster, h. 23 Washington<br />

ave.<br />

Henry, John, lab., h. 111 Porter.<br />

Henry, Jolin, gardener, 11. 24 Ann.<br />

Henry, John, Propr. Hotel Henry, n. e. cor.<br />

Randolph and Croghan, h. same.<br />

Henry John H , boots and shoes: 7 Jefferson<br />

ave, h. same.<br />

Henry, Patrick, draymm, h. 42 Wooclbridge<br />

w.<br />

.Henry, Robert, grocer, 215 Abbott, h. same.<br />

Henry, William, sailor, bds. 63 Atwater e.<br />

Henry, William A., printer, h. 84 Eighteenth.<br />

Henry, William G., merchant, h. 126 Lafayette<br />

ave.<br />

Henry, William L., engineer, bds. 84 Eighteenth.<br />

Henshaw, George D., printer, bds. 134<br />

Grand River, (up stairs.)<br />

Hensien, John, tinsmith, bds. 128 St. Autoine.<br />

Hensien, JTohn P., hardware and<br />

.tinware, 130 and 1 3 St. Antoine, h. same.<br />

(24% liicle~, page 17.)<br />

Hensien, Peter, teamster, h. 12 German.<br />

HOXE<br />

Mutual Life Insurance Co.,<br />


we @a @;n,&j)Bm;Rb., --<br />


rir(Hs<br />

S4 GRESWOLD ST.,<br />

DETnOIT, - - XICH,<br />

WSee advertisement, page 2 7 . a<br />

Hensien, Thomas, printer, h. 338 Clinton.<br />

Hensler, Henry, cabinet maker, h. 87 Cath-<br />

arine.<br />

Hentig, Frederick G., h. 112 Howard.<br />

Henyman, Albert, sailor, h. 8 National ave.<br />

Henzer, William: lab., bds. 340 Dubois.<br />

Hepburn, James H., auctioneer, 31 Mon-<br />

roe ave., h. 551 Fort w.<br />

Heplin, Philip: lab., h. 139 Eighteenth.<br />

Heptner, Paul, teamster, h. 865 Grand<br />

River.<br />

Herber, Nicholas, carpenter, h. 112 Eliza-<br />

beth e.<br />

Herberger, Maximilian, milkman, h. 368<br />

North.<br />

Herbert, Andrew J., clerk, h. 161 Fa.<br />

Herberis, Frank, cigarmaker, h. 255 Or-<br />

leans.<br />

Herberts, Fred., machinist, h. 374 Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />

Herbst, Charles, mason, h. w. s. Fifteenth,<br />

bet. Magnolia and Linden.<br />

Herbst, Conrad, painter, h. 489 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Herbst, Frederick, mason, h. s. s. Scott, nr.<br />

Riopelle.<br />

Herbst, Ludwig, baker, h. 346 St. Antoine.<br />

Herbst, Peter, carpenter, h. 145 Croghan.<br />

Herbst, William F., furrier, bds. 346 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Herschlet, John, lab., h. 373 Fifteenth.<br />

Herdina, Thomas, lab., h. 28 Sullivan ave.<br />

Herfurth, Charles, furniture 100 Gratiot, h.<br />

sallle.<br />

Hergenhaen, Jerome, carpenter, h. 147<br />

Chestnut.<br />

Hering. Julius, carpenter, h. 294 High.<br />

Herkert, Hermann, confectioner, bds. 286<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Herley, 11. Logan, chemist, bds. 165 Wood-<br />

ward ave.<br />

Herlighy, Daaiel, lab., h. GG Lafdyette.<br />

Herlighy, Her-y, machinist, bds. 66 Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />

Herlighy: Maurice, lab., h. 74 Sullivan ave.<br />

Herman, Charks, harness maker, h. 192<br />

Macomb.<br />

Herrr an, Goderick, engineer, h. 30 Miami<br />

ave.<br />

Herman, Ludwig, draughtsman, bds. Ho-<br />

tel Erichsen.<br />

Herman, Mathias, brewer, bds. 953 Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

Eermatlce, Franlc, blacksmith, bds. s, s.<br />

Whitney, Let. Hastings and Prospect.

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