Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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H.1 CITY DIRECTORY. BEN 249 I Heig, Adolph B., machinist, 1). 151 Twelfth. NORTHWESTERN Heig, Andrew P., helper. bds. 151 Twelfth. Heie.Theresa. (mid. Frank). h. 151 Twelfih. MU tual Life Insurance CO. ~eiihton, ~eor~e, joiner, h. Joseph Cam- I OF MILWAUKEE, WIS. pau ave., s. e. cor. Sherman. Heilig, Jacob, basket maker, bds. 299 Grat iot. Heims. John, carpenter, h. n. w. cor, Orleans and Jnmes. Heimann, Iblichael, joiner, h. 101 Chestnut. Hein, John, carpenter, h cor. Joseph Campau ave. and Chestnut Heinbach, Alfred, clerk, bds. s. e. cor. Clinton and Russell. Heineman, Emil S , (E. S. Heineman & Co.), h. 428 Woodwar;! ave. Heinemsn, Henry S., clerk, h. 51 Macomb. Heineman, Horace, student, bds. 38 Montcalw. e. Heineman, E. S. & Co., (Emil S. Heineman, Magnus and Martin Butzei), wholesale clothiers, 5 and 7 Fort w. and Russell House Block. Heinicke, Charles, tobacconist, 106 Randolph, h. 29 Fort e. Hsinicke, Christoph, wire worker, h. 282 Macomb. Heinicke, Frederick, wireworker, h. 280 Macomb. Heinicke, Friederick, shoemaker, h. 109 Calhoun. Heinicke, Henry, wagon maker, h. 282 Macomb. Heinrich, Ernst, painter, h. 475 Clinton. Heinrich, John, carpenter, h. 32 German. Heinrich, Theodore, basket maker, h. 144 Clinton. Heinz, John, tanner, h. 201 Croghan. Heinzmann, Frederick, teamster, h 312 Watson. Heinzmnnn, John, teamster, h. 312 Watson. Heise, Charles, bar tender, bds. 48 Monroe ave. Heise,William, drover, 202 C1intoni.h. same. Heiser, August, cigrtr maker, h. 203 Mullett. Heiser, Jacob, cigar maker h. 401 Fort e. Heiser, John, lab., h. 525 Macomb. Heiser, Peter, lab., h. 179 Division. Heiser, Theodore, cigar maker, bds. 402 Fort e. Hejssenbuettel, Henry, cigar maker, bds. c~r. Brush and Larued. Heite, Henry (Rinke & Heite), h. 623 Michigan ave. Heite, John, lab., h. 186 Mncomb. Heitze, John, lab., 11. 232 Montcalrn e. Heives, John, lab., bds. 857 Fifteenth. Hekins, Robert, lab., B. 575 Larncd e. Held, Charles, clerk, bds. 153 St. Antoine. Held, Johrt L., mason, h. 174 Macomb. Held, Louis, fancy goods, 153 St. Antoine, h. same. Helf, Margaret (wid. William), h. 261 Twelfth. Hdf, William, teamster, bds. 261 Twelfth. 32 DR. CI!Z.AB. &VJ'RIs&aa, STATE AGENT, 1 11 Jefferson Avenue, DETROIT, - - - XICH, P r Aeentg Wanted. See advertisement.= Helfenband, Joseph, blacksmith, h. 540 3Iacomb. Helfer, Philip, builder, h. 2'78 Macomb. Helferich, Otto, boat builder, foot Joseph Campau ave., 11. 743 Ataater e. Hell, John, hack driver, h. cor. Seventh and Porter. Hellehach, Frederick, confectioner, h. n. s. Bellair, nr. Dequindre. Hellenberg, Frederick, wood turner, h. 7 Twelfth. Hellenberg, Gustave. chair maker, bds. 7 Pearl. Heller, Abraham (A. Heller & Co.), h. 33 Harriet. Heller, Henry, clerk bds. 41 Michigan Grand ave. Heller, A. 6t CO., (Abraham Heller and Bernhardt Prell), clothing, 129 Wood- ward ave. Hellers, John, carpenter, h. 236 Brush. Hellers, Magdalene (wid. Nicholas), h. 244 Brush. Hellers, Nicholas, carpenter, h. 244 Brush. Hellers, Peter, cmpenter, h 244 Brush. Hellings, Peter, cabinet maker, h. 181 Adams ave. e. Hellwig, William, grocer, 254 Rivard, h. same. Helm, Edward, painter, h. 158 Chestnut. Helm, William, upholster, h. 344 Lafayette. Helmore, John, plasterer, h. r. 50 Charlotte ave. Helmuth, Andreas, atone cutter, h. 209 Elizabeth e. Helms, Julius, mason, h. 163 Napoleon. Helson, Richard, carpimter, h. 82 Sibley. Helvenbein, John, coppersmith, h. 540 Macomb. Hemenway, Norman S., carpenter, h. 154 Napoleon. Hemmen, Peter, lab., h. 30'3 St. Antoine. Hempel, Adolph, carpenter, h. 498 Ma- comb. Hempel, Char1 es, hardware, 362 Gratiot, h. same. Hemphof, Joseph, cigarmaker, h. 324 Ma- comb. Hempsted, Charles A., clerk, bds. 73 Eliza- beth w. Hempsted, Sarah, teacher, bds. 170 Eliza- beth e. Hemstreen, James, carpenter, h. 161 Third. Hennaert, Rev. P., Vicar General, bds. 353 , Jefferson ave.

250 HEN CLARK'S DETROIT HEN COR. CONGRESS & RANDOLPH STS. DETROIT, ContZucted by Hbn. Ii-a NayAew, Anthor of 3fAYHEW'S UNIVERSITY BOOK-KEEPING, For Business Colleges and the Counting-room. kTThe only nookkcepin~ publialied providing co~nplek instruction in procticnl nccount~ntship. See notice of College, Book-keapiuy nnnd Busineeu Practice, at the Ylst plqe of Direetory..m - - Hench, William, helper, 11. 414 Wood- bridge w. Henderson, Annie: dressmaker, bds. 19 Pearl. Henderson, David, physician, office 198 Lafi~yetle ave., h. saine. Henderson, Henry, lab., h. 19 Pearl. Henderson, James, sign writer, h. 234 Cass. Henclerson, James F., bookkeeper, h. o. 29 n. 31 Elizabeth w. Henderson, John, crockery and 110013 skirts, 689 Fort w., h. same. Henderson, Joseph: teamster, bds. 94 Mich- igan we. Henderson, Lavina, (wid. John), h. 84 Sevenlh. Henderson, Nary J.. teacher, bds. s. s. Fort w., bet. Fourteenth and Fifteenth. Henderson, Iklichael, sewer contractor: h. 5'7 T'remont. Henderson, Sophia, tailoress, h. 19 Pearl. Henderson, Thomas, Alderman Fourth ward, h. 232 Congress e. Henderson: William, h. 116 Baker. Henderso-1, William, dry goods, 170 Mich- igan ave., h. same. Henderson, Wiliiam, clerk. bds, 170 Mich- igan ave. Henderson, William H., driver, bds. 70 Larned e. Hendricks, Peter, joiner, h. 293 Macomb. Hendricks, Tbomas, blacksmith, 11. 355 Thirteenth-and-a-half Hendrie, George, (Hendrie & Co.), lessee City R. R., h. 629 Jefferson ave. Hendrie, John, h. 276 National ave. Henclrie, William, (Henclrie & Co.), h. Jef- ferson ave., nr. railroad bridge. Hendrie & Co., (William Hendrie and George Hendrie,) cartqe agents, G. W. and D. & 31. R. R., office D. & M. R. R. Dock. Hener, Charles, cabinet maker, h. Mont- calm bet. Prospect and Hastings. Hener, Ferdinand, miller, bds. 31 Caths- rine. Hener, John, engineer, h. 238 Russell. Herer: Xavier, miller, bds. 31 Catharine. Hener, William, saloon, h. 238 Russell. He lgesbach, Christian, farmer, bds. n. w. cor. Mullett and Riopelle. Hengstebeck, Christia.n: ha.rdwa,re and rag dealer, 81 and 83 Croghan, 11. same. -- -- - - - - Hengstebeck, John, grocer, 314 Croghan. h. same. Henlr, Anton, lab., h. 183 Antietanl. Henk, Charles, blacksmith, Antietaln bet. Dequindre ancl St. Aubin ave. Henk, Conrad, Sutcher, h. 316 Croghan. Henk, Fernandtz H., h. 528 Woodbridge w. Henk, Frederick, last maker, h. 287 Bron- son. Henk, Henry, lithographer, bcls. 287 Bron- son. Henke, Peter, carpenter, 11.222 St. Antoine. Henke, Joseph, groccr, 217 Lafayette, h. same. Henke: William, carpenter, bds. 434 Mul- lett. Henkel, Charles, painter, bds. 273 Mont- calm e. Henkel, Conrad, (Stickel & Henkel), h. 388 St. Antoine. Henkel, Frederick, lab., 11. 269 Seven- teenth. Henlrel, Henry, grocer, s. w. cor. Eigh- teent and Howard; h, same. Henlrel, Henry, sawyer, h. 348 Macomb. Henkel, John, tailor, h. 271 Columbia e. Henkel, John H., carpenter, h. 113 La- brosse. Henkel, Peter. wholesale grocer. 100 ar d 108 Randolph, h. cor. Fort and Fif- teenth. Henkel, Phillip, tailor, bds. 351 St. Antoine. Henlrs, George, lab., 11. '705 Clinton ave. Henn, Louis, carpenter, h. 183 Russell. Hennes, Louis, merchant, Houghton L. S., h. 219 St. Antoine. Henues, William, coppersmith, h. 2'17 Clin- ton. Hennessey, Celia, (wid. .John,) lluckster, 20 C. H 31.: 11. Beaubien, cor. Frcmont. Hennessey, Rev. 3a.j1es A., pastor St. Pat- rick's Chapel, h. 219 John R. I3[ennessey, John, painter, h. 167 Wight. Hennessey, John, porter, h. 171 Orchard. Hennessey, Mary, washerwoinan, h. 114 Lafayette. Hennessey, Nicholas, grocer, 214 Fifth, h. same. Hennessey, Patrick, teamster, h. 696 Franklin. Hennessey, Thomas, hose cart driver en- gine No. 6, h. 322 High. Hennessey, Thorn,zs lab., bds. 167 Wight. Hennessey, Timothy, ',ab., 11. 63 Harrison ave. -Henney, David, clerk h. 267 Elizabeth e. Henney, Francis, clerk, h. r. 180 Adams ave. Hennep, John, cooper, h. 218 Montcalm e. Henney, Martin, shoemaker, h. o. 240, n. 268 Sixth 1 Hennig, Charles, lab., bds. cor. Jay and Joseph Campau ave. . 1 Hrnnig; Fred, Iak.: bds. cor. .Trr.y and I Joseph Canlpau nve.



DETROIT,<br />

ContZucted by Hbn. Ii-a NayAew,<br />


For Business Colleges and the Counting-room. kTThe only nookkcepin~<br />

publialied providing co~nplek instruction in procticnl nccount~ntship.<br />

See notice of College, Book-keapiuy nnnd Busineeu<br />

Practice, at the Ylst plqe of Direetory..m<br />

- -<br />

Hench, William, helper, 11. 414 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Henderson, Annie: dressmaker, bds. 19<br />

Pearl.<br />

Henderson, David, physician, office 198<br />

Lafi~yetle ave., h. saine.<br />

Henderson, Henry, lab., h. 19 Pearl.<br />

Henderson, James, sign writer, h. 234<br />

Cass.<br />

Henclerson, James F., bookkeeper, h. o. 29<br />

n. 31 Elizabeth w.<br />

Henderson, John, crockery and 110013 skirts,<br />

689 Fort w., h. same.<br />

Henderson, Joseph: teamster, bds. 94 Mich-<br />

igan we.<br />

Henderson, Lavina, (wid. John), h. 84<br />

Sevenlh.<br />

Henderson, Nary J.. teacher, bds. s. s. Fort<br />

w., bet. Fourteenth and Fifteenth.<br />

Henderson, Iklichael, sewer contractor: h.<br />

5'7 T'remont.<br />

Henderson, Sophia, tailoress, h. 19 Pearl.<br />

Henderson, Thomas, Alderman Fourth<br />

ward, h. 232 Congress e.<br />

Henderson: William, h. 116 Baker.<br />

Henderso-1, William, dry goods, 170 Mich-<br />

igan ave., h. same.<br />

Henderson, Wiliiam, clerk. bds, 170 Mich-<br />

igan ave.<br />

Henderson, William H., driver, bds. 70<br />

Larned e.<br />

Hendricks, Peter, joiner, h. 293 Macomb.<br />

Hendricks, Tbomas, blacksmith, 11. 355<br />

Thirteenth-and-a-half<br />

Hendrie, George, (Hendrie & Co.), lessee<br />

<strong>City</strong> R. R., h. 629 Jefferson ave.<br />

Hendrie, John, h. 276 National ave.<br />

Henclrie, William, (Henclrie & Co.), h. Jef-<br />

ferson ave., nr. railroad bridge.<br />

Hendrie & Co., (William Hendrie and<br />

George Hendrie,) cartqe agents, G. W.<br />

and D. & 31. R. R., office D. & M. R. R.<br />

Dock.<br />

Hener, Charles, cabinet maker, h. Mont-<br />

calm bet. Prospect and Hastings.<br />

Hener, Ferdinand, miller, bds. 31 Caths-<br />

rine.<br />

Hener, John, engineer, h. 238 Russell.<br />

Herer: Xavier, miller, bds. 31 Catharine.<br />

Hener, William, saloon, h. 238 Russell.<br />

He lgesbach, Christian, farmer, bds. n. w.<br />

cor. Mullett and Riopelle.<br />

Hengstebeck, Christia.n: ha.rdwa,re and rag<br />

dealer, 81 and 83 Croghan, 11. same.<br />

-- -- - - - -<br />

Hengstebeck, John, grocer, 314 Croghan.<br />

h. same.<br />

Henlr, Anton, lab., h. 183 Antietanl.<br />

Henk, Charles, blacksmith, Antietaln bet.<br />

Dequindre ancl St. Aubin ave.<br />

Henk, Conrad, Sutcher, h. 316 Croghan.<br />

Henk, Fernandtz H., h. 528 Woodbridge w.<br />

Henk, Frederick, last maker, h. 287 Bron-<br />

son.<br />

Henk, Henry, lithographer, bcls. 287 Bron-<br />

son.<br />

Henke, Peter, carpenter, 11.222 St. Antoine.<br />

Henke, Joseph, groccr, 217 Lafayette, h.<br />

same.<br />

Henke: William, carpenter, bds. 434 Mul-<br />

lett.<br />

Henkel, Charles, painter, bds. 273 Mont-<br />

calm e.<br />

Henkel, Conrad, (Stickel & Henkel), h. 388<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Henkel, Frederick, lab., 11. 269 Seven-<br />

teenth.<br />

Henlrel, Henry, grocer, s. w. cor. Eigh-<br />

teent and Howard; h, same.<br />

Henlrel, Henry, sawyer, h. 348 Macomb.<br />

Henkel, John, tailor, h. 271 Columbia e.<br />

Henkel, John H., carpenter, h. 113 La-<br />

brosse.<br />

Henkel, Peter. wholesale grocer. 100 ar d<br />

108 Randolph, h. cor. Fort and Fif-<br />

teenth.<br />

Henkel, Phillip, tailor, bds. 351 St. Antoine.<br />

Henlrs, George, lab., 11. '705 Clinton ave.<br />

Henn, Louis, carpenter, h. 183 Russell.<br />

Hennes, Louis, merchant, Houghton L. S.,<br />

h. 219 St. Antoine.<br />

Henues, William, coppersmith, h. 2'17 Clin-<br />

ton.<br />

Hennessey, Celia, (wid. .John,) lluckster, 20<br />

C. H 31.: 11. Beaubien, cor. Frcmont.<br />

Hennessey, Rev. 3a.j1es A., pastor St. Pat-<br />

rick's Chapel, h. 219 John R.<br />

I3[ennessey, John, painter, h. 167 Wight.<br />

Hennessey, John, porter, h. 171 Orchard.<br />

Hennessey, Mary, washerwoinan, h. 114<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Hennessey, Nicholas, grocer, 214 Fifth, h.<br />

same.<br />

Hennessey, Patrick, teamster, h. 696<br />

Franklin.<br />

Hennessey, Thomas, hose cart driver en-<br />

gine No. 6, h. 322 High.<br />

Hennessey, Thorn,zs lab., bds. 167 Wight.<br />

Hennessey, Timothy, ',ab., 11. 63 Harrison<br />

ave.<br />

-Henney, David, clerk h. 267 Elizabeth e.<br />

Henney, Francis, clerk, h. r. 180 Adams<br />

ave.<br />

Hennep, John, cooper, h. 218 Montcalm e.<br />

Henney, Martin, shoemaker, h. o. 240, n.<br />

268 Sixth<br />

1 Hennig, Charles, lab., bds. cor. Jay and<br />

Joseph Campau ave. .<br />

1 Hrnnig; Fred, Iak.: bds. cor. .Trr.y and<br />

I Joseph Canlpau nve.

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