Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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GRA CITY DIRECTORY. GRE 233 Grant, Wakeman, conductor, bds. Hotel Henry. Grant, William C., mathematical instrn- ment maker, 55 Woodward ave., bds. 42 Macomb. Grant, William H., .watchman, bds. 307 Sixth. Granville, Sarah A., teacher, bds. 27 Lafay- ette. Granzinger, Peter, lab., bds. 2'10 Beaubien. Granzow, Charles, driver street car, bds. 385 St. Antoine. Grashe, Joseph, lab., bds. cor. Michigan and Humboldt aves. Graser, Frederick, car driver, h. 509 Ma- comb. Graser, Friederich, tanner, h. 464 Clinton ave. Gmtch, Anthony, cigar maker, h. 308 Seventh. Gratwick, Mrs., bds. 357 Cass ave. Gratz, John, lab., h. 328 Chestnut. Grau, Henry, lab., h., n. s. Catharine, bet. Dubois and Chene. Graul, Charles, cigar maker, h. 271 Maple. Graulich, William L., carpenter, h. 212 Marion. Graumann, Charles, cabinet maker, h. 121 Sherman. Graumueller, Charles, tanner, h. 72 Cro- qllan. ~kumueller, Hermann, tanner, bds. 72 Croghan. Graus, Anton, wagon maker, h. 154 Antie- tam Graus, Charles, machinist, bds. 154 Antie- tam. Graus. John, teamster, bds 123 Marion. Graus,Leonard, clerk, bds. 37 Michigan ave. Graus, Louis, carpenter, bds. 154 Antietam. Grautke, Ferdinand, lab., 11. 188 Sherman. Gravelin, Anthony, carpenter, h. 589 Fort w. Gravelin,David, carpenter, bds. 589 Fort w. Graves, Henry H., agent, bds. 96 Congress e. Graves, Horace A., painter, h. 1028 Michi- gan ave. Graves: Horace P., travelling agent, h. 23 Seventeenth. Graves, John, lawyer, h. 54 Montcalm e. Graves, William, painter, h. 139 Twenty- third. GRAVIER, JOHN B. R., importer of wines and liuuors, 213 Jefferson ave., h. 68 Larned. @ee Index, page 17). Gravowsky, Solomon, watchmaker, h. 183 Lafayette. Gray, Adam, carpenter, h. 111 Adams ave: e. Gray, Alexander, clerk, h. 139 Columbia e. Gray, Alexander, plasterer, bds. 139 Co- lumbia e. Gray, Alfred, bookkeeper, h. 19 Warren. Gray, Alfred A., clerk, h. w. s. Third, nr. Alexandrine ave. 30 NORTH WESTERN Mutual Life Insutance Co. OF MILWATJKEE. WIS. DR. CBA8. AUBiDIHoBR, STATE AGENT, 11 I Jeffersot: Avenue, DETROIT, - - - IEICH, w Agents Wanted. See adverti8ement.a Gray, Andrew T., painter, h. 700 Lafayette. Gray, Archibald Y ., clerk, h. 199 Howard. Gray, Caroline, dressmaker, bds. 164 Mul- lett. Gray. Charles B.: clerk, bds. Biddle House. Gray, Charles W., clerk, bds. 616 Jefferson ave. Gray, Daniel J., brass finisher, bds. 255 Howard Gray, David, grocer, 230 Congress e., h. same. Gray, David D., overseer, h. 18 Seventeenth. Gray, Elizabeth (wid. George), h. 65 Co- lumbia w. Gray, George T., machinist, h. 408 Ma- comb. Gray, James, machinist, h. 255 Howard. Gray, John, carpenter, bds. Macomb bet. Dequindre and St. Aubin ave. Gray, John, machinist, 704 Lafayette. Gray, John H., shoemaker, h. 53 Row- land. Gray, John S., (Gray, Toynton & Fox), h. I 78 George. 1 Gray, Laura, (wid., Henry col'd), h. 119 Fort e. I Gray, Mary, (wid. William), h. 616 Jeffer- son ave. Gray, Mary L., dressmaker, h. n. e. cor. Woodward ave. and Columbia, 3d door. Gray, Philip C., accountant, h. 328 Ran- dolph. Grav. Robert M.. clerk, h. 40 Macomb. ~ra?, Thomas, shoe maker, bds. Purdy's 1 Hotel. Gray, William, chair maker, h. 86 Porter. I Gray, William A., agent, bds. Russell House. ' Gray, William, H. H., (C. D. Widman & Co..) bds. 40 Congress w. Gray, Toynton & Fox, (John S. Gray, Joseph Toynton and Jacob B. Fox.,) wholesale confectioners, 143 Jefferson ave. Grebe, William, watchman, h. e. s. Twentieth nr. Michigan ave. Greding, Peter Rev., pastor Zion Church. h. e. s. Russell bet. Catharine and Sherman. Greebner, Ferdinand, lab., bds. 668 Gratiot. Greebner, Joseph, lab., bds. 668 Gratiot Greegor, William"H., clerk, bds. 93 Fort w Green, Agnes, dressmaker, 6 Porter.

234 GRE CLARK'S DETROIT GRE ~,&xm)flw ~D?!~'==HB@& Q"@&&B@B@ COR. CONGRESS & RANDOLPH STS. DETROIT, Conducted by Hon. Ira Hayhew, Author of MAYHEW'S UNIVERSITY BOOK-KEEPING For Buaineas Colleges and the Countlug-room. TThe only ~dokkeeping published pmvidin corn lets hstroct~on m pract1c.l acconnt.~ltbi~. % notice 05 cottge, ~ook-kwpk and Busin*. hctice, at the Slat p~ge of Directory.- Green, Andrew, (col'd) waiter, h. 251 Rio pelle. Green. Ann, (wid. Charles): h. 150 Marion. Green, Charles, saloon, 78 Woodbridge w. Green, Charles, conductor, h. 200 Third. Green, Charles J., mason, h. 6 Porter. Green, Daniel, bookkeeper, h. 717 Jeffer- son ave. Green, Daniel, lumber merchant, office 4 Merrill Block, h. 717 Jefferson ave. Green, Daniel W., clerk, bds. 715 Jefferson ave. Green, Edward, carpenter, bds. 16 Beau- hien. Green, Elizabeth, washerwoman, h. 62 Clinton. Green, George B., (Ives, Green & Co.,) bds. 717 Jefferson ave. Green, George W., captain. h. 66 Baker. Green, Henry, lab., h. 21 13 Porter. Green. Isaiah, lab., hds. 666 Nichigan ave. Green, James, clerk, h. 177 Clifford. Green, James, grocer 223 Sixth, h. same. Green, John, lab., h. 262 Second. Green, John, lab., h. 0. 413, a 529 Fort w. Green, John, plasterer, h. n. e. cor. May- berry ave. and Butternut. Green, J. Watson, druggist, h. 177 Clif- ford. Green, Mary, (wid. George), boarding, o. 59 Croghan, h. same. Green, Peter, lab., h. 666 Xichigan ave. Green, Prwton, (col'd) lab., h. 38 Clifford. Green, Seymour, teamster, bds. 216 Jeffer- son ave. Green, Thomas, lab., h. 169 Beech. Green, Thomas, plasterer, h. 48 Mayberry ave. Green, Wesley A., law er, office 80 Gris- wold, bds. Franklin 8ouse. Green, William, lab., h. w. s. Catharine bet. Chene and Dubois. Green, William, moulder, h. 447 Gu~in. Green, William, painter, h. 49 Abbott. Green, William, plasterer. bds. 363 Sixth: Green, Wm. C., bds. Russell House. Green, William S., accountant, bds. Michi- gan Exchange. Greenbaum, Joseph, clothing, 69 Jefferson ave, h. 13 Jefferson ave. Greene, Andrew C., h. I1 Bronson. Greene, Jennie, paper box maker, h. 102 Howard. Greene, S. Dexter., reporter, h. 274 First. Greene, William, plasterer, bds. 363 Sixth. Greendaly, David, lab., h. 59 Parsons. a reenfield, Francis, machinist, h. 26 Twentieth. Greening, Herman, dry goods, 63 Woodward ave., h. 926 Fort w. Greenslade, John A., vinegar, 46 Jefferson aVe., h. 222 Randolph- Greenthal, Lewis, pedlar, h. 79 Sherman. Greenthal, Moritz, pedlar, bds. 226 Columbia e- Greenwood, Charles, carpenter, h. 408 Baker. Greer James, conductor, bds. 29 Leverette. Greer, Maq, (wid. William,) h. 29 Leverette. Greffly, Jacob, tailor, h. 61 Elizabeth e. Grepg, Andrew, lab., h. 179 Oak. Gregg, John, carpenter, h. o. 922 Jefferson ave. Gregor, Benjamin, machinist, h. 125 Twenty- fourth. Gregory, Charles, (col'd), sawyer, bds. 379 Maple. Gregory, Everett, (col'd), teamster, h. 406 Maple. Gregory. John, saloon, o. 105 Atwater e., h. same. Gregory. John C., veterinary surgeon, 63 Randolph, h. 74 Sherman. Gregory, Reuben, (col'd,) shoemaker, h. 210 Lafayette. Greeory, William H., (col'd), lab., h. 379 $aple. Greig, David, tailor, 60 Lamed w., h. same. Greig, David (Kennedy & Greig), 396 Sixteenth. Greig, Norman, sailor, h. 51 Larned w. Greiner, Andrew, lab., bds. 571 Seventh. Greiner, Frederick, carpenter, h. 242 Columbia e. Greiner, George, shipcarpenter, 11. 433 Macomb. Greiner, George, watchman, h. 571 Seventh. Grelling, Gottschalk, photographer, n. w. cor. Jefferson ave. and Randolph, h. 74 Elizabeth w. Grendahl, John, -bookkeeper, bds. 62 Beaubien. Grenier, Caroline, tailoress, h. 643 Mkhigan ave. Grenier, Celestial, lab., h. 643 Michigan ave. Grenier, Francis, painter, bds. 83 Congress e. Gresdion, Frederick, lab., h. 436 Maple. Greusel, Edward, machinist, h 101 Baker. Greusel , Frederick, engineer, h. 557 Woodbridge w. Greusel, Isaac L., (John Greusel & Sons), res. Springwells. Greusel, John, (J3hn Greusel 62 Sons,) h. 235 Third. Greusel, John, jr., (John Greusel & Sons), res. Springwells.


~,&xm)flw<br />

~D?!~'==HB@& Q"@&&B@B@<br />


DETROIT,<br />

Conducted by Hon. Ira Hayhew,<br />


For Buaineas Colleges and the Countlug-room. TThe only ~dokkeeping<br />

published pmvidin corn lets hstroct~on m pract1c.l acconnt.~ltbi~.<br />

% notice 05 cottge, ~ook-kwpk and Busin*.<br />

hctice, at the Slat p~ge of <strong>Directory</strong>.-<br />

Green, Andrew, (col'd) waiter, h. 251 Rio<br />

pelle.<br />

Green. Ann, (wid. Charles): h. 150 Marion.<br />

Green, Charles, saloon, 78 Woodbridge w.<br />

Green, Charles, conductor, h. 200 Third.<br />

Green, Charles J., mason, h. 6 Porter.<br />

Green, Daniel, bookkeeper, h. 717 Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

Green, Daniel, lumber merchant, office<br />

4 Merrill Block, h. 717 Jefferson ave.<br />

Green, Daniel W., clerk, bds. 715 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Green, Edward, carpenter, bds. 16 Beau-<br />

hien.<br />

Green, Elizabeth, washerwoman, h. 62<br />

Clinton.<br />

Green, George B., (Ives, Green & Co.,) bds.<br />

717 Jefferson ave.<br />

Green, George W., captain. h. 66 Baker.<br />

Green, Henry, lab., h. 21 13 Porter.<br />

Green. Isaiah, lab., hds. 666 Nichigan ave.<br />

Green, James, clerk, h. 177 Clifford.<br />

Green, James, grocer 223 Sixth, h. same.<br />

Green, John, lab., h. 262 Second.<br />

Green, John, lab., h. 0. 413, a 529<br />

Fort w.<br />

Green, John, plasterer, h. n. e. cor. May-<br />

berry ave. and Butternut.<br />

Green, J. Watson, druggist, h. 177 Clif-<br />

ford.<br />

Green, Mary, (wid. George), boarding, o.<br />

59 Croghan, h. same.<br />

Green, Peter, lab., h. 666 Xichigan ave.<br />

Green, Prwton, (col'd) lab., h. 38 Clifford.<br />

Green, Seymour, teamster, bds. 216 Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

Green, Thomas, lab., h. 169 Beech.<br />

Green, Thomas, plasterer, h. 48 Mayberry<br />

ave.<br />

Green, Wesley A., law er, office 80 Gris-<br />

wold, bds. Franklin 8ouse.<br />

Green, William, lab., h. w. s. Catharine<br />

bet. Chene and Dubois.<br />

Green, William, moulder, h. 447 Gu~in.<br />

Green, William, painter, h. 49 Abbott.<br />

Green, William, plasterer. bds. 363 Sixth:<br />

Green, Wm. C., bds. Russell House.<br />

Green, William S., accountant, bds. Michi-<br />

gan Exchange.<br />

Greenbaum, Joseph, clothing, 69 Jefferson<br />

ave, h. 13 Jefferson ave.<br />

Greene, Andrew C., h. I1 Bronson.<br />

Greene, Jennie, paper box maker, h. 102<br />

Howard.<br />

Greene, S. Dexter., reporter, h. 274 First.<br />

Greene, William, plasterer, bds. 363 Sixth.<br />

Greendaly, David, lab., h. 59 Parsons.<br />

a reenfield, Francis, machinist, h. 26<br />

Twentieth.<br />

Greening, Herman, dry goods, 63 Woodward<br />

ave., h. 926 Fort w.<br />

Greenslade, John A., vinegar, 46 Jefferson<br />

aVe., h. 222 Randolph-<br />

Greenthal, Lewis, pedlar, h. 79 Sherman.<br />

Greenthal, Moritz, pedlar, bds. 226 Columbia<br />

e-<br />

Greenwood, Charles, carpenter, h. 408 Baker.<br />

Greer James, conductor, bds. 29 Leverette.<br />

Greer, Maq, (wid. William,) h. 29 Leverette.<br />

Greffly, Jacob, tailor, h. 61 Elizabeth e.<br />

Grepg, Andrew, lab., h. 179 Oak.<br />

Gregg, John, carpenter, h. o. 922 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Gregor, Benjamin, machinist, h. 125 Twenty-<br />

fourth.<br />

Gregory, Charles, (col'd), sawyer, bds. 379<br />

Maple.<br />

Gregory, Everett, (col'd), teamster, h. 406<br />

Maple.<br />

Gregory. John, saloon, o. 105 Atwater e.,<br />

h. same.<br />

Gregory. John C., veterinary surgeon, 63<br />

Randolph, h. 74 Sherman.<br />

Gregory, Reuben, (col'd,) shoemaker, h.<br />

210 Lafayette.<br />

Greeory, William H., (col'd), lab., h. 379<br />

$aple.<br />

Greig, David, tailor, 60 Lamed w., h. same.<br />

Greig, David (Kennedy & Greig), 396 Sixteenth.<br />

Greig, Norman, sailor, h. 51 Larned w.<br />

Greiner, Andrew, lab., bds. 571 Seventh.<br />

Greiner, Frederick, carpenter, h. 242 Columbia<br />

e.<br />

Greiner, George, shipcarpenter, 11. 433 Macomb.<br />

Greiner, George, watchman, h. 571 Seventh.<br />

Grelling, Gottschalk, photographer, n. w.<br />

cor. Jefferson ave. and Randolph, h. 74<br />

Elizabeth w.<br />

Grendahl, John, -bookkeeper, bds. 62 Beaubien.<br />

Grenier, Caroline, tailoress, h. 643 Mkhigan<br />

ave.<br />

Grenier, Celestial, lab., h. 643 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Grenier, Francis, painter, bds. 83 Congress<br />

e.<br />

Gresdion, Frederick, lab., h. 436 Maple.<br />

Greusel, Edward, machinist, h 101 Baker.<br />

Greusel , Frederick, engineer, h. 557 Woodbridge<br />

w.<br />

Greusel, Isaac L., (John Greusel & Sons),<br />

res. Springwells.<br />

Greusel, John, (J3hn Greusel 62 Sons,) h.<br />

235 Third.<br />

Greusel, John, jr., (John Greusel & Sons),<br />

res. Springwells.

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