Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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GOR CITY DIRECTORY. GRA 231 Gordon, George, mason, bds. 36 Henry. Gordon, Henry, clerk, h. 152 Abbott . Gordon, Henry, fish packer, h. 138 Fort e. Gordon Henry, lab., h. 110 N apoleon. Goldon, Henry B., boarding, 38 Jefferson ave., h. same. Gordon, Henry R., baker, h. 192 Prospect. Gordon, James, S. 170 Rivard. Gordon, John, lumber dealer, h. 261 Congress e. Gordon, Richard, (col'd), barber, cor. Woodwai-d & Jefferson we., h. 65 Harriet. Gordon, Samuel S., clerk, bds. Antisdel House. Gordon, William, mason, h. 36 Henry. Gordon, William, millwright. h. o. 101 Plum. Gordon, William, moulder, h. 363 Oak. Gordon, William F.: machinist, h. foot Rivard. Gore, Arthur, harbor master and saloon, cor. Bates and Atwater, h. same. Gore, Jacob, lab., h. 325 Maple. Gore, John B., boiler maker, h. 152 Larned w. i Gore, Julia, (wid. James), h. 23 Atwater e. Gore, Ralph, saloon, h. 94 National ave. Gore, William, lab., h. 41 Porter. Gorham, Henry, clerk, bds. 179 Clifford. Gorham, James, h. 179 Clifford. Goring, John, bookkeeper, h. 57 Elmwood ave. Gorius, Joseph, shoe maker, h. 109 Mullett. Gormm, Ann, (wid. Michael), h. 42 First. Gorman, James, carpenter, h. 132 Locust. Gonnan, John, blacksmith, h. 277 Eighteenth. Gorman, Joseph, sailor, h. 189 Franklin. Gorman, Martin, lab., h. 297 Seventh Gorman, Martin, harness maker, h. 211 Abbott. Gorman, Thomas, shoemaker, h. o. 527, n. 551 Michigan ave. Gorman, Timothy, h. 261 Larned e. Gorton, Mary (wid. Andrew), seamstress, h. 123 Napoleon. Gorton, William R., homceopathic physician, 266 Woodward ave., h. same. Goslan, Napoleon, stone cutter, bds. 12 Hastihgs. Gossow, Edward, tailor, bds. 385 Hastings. Gotier, Joseph, finish~, h. 365 Macomb. Gotier, Peter, h. s. w. cor. St. Aubin ave. and Guoin. Gottschalk, Frederick, lab., h. 519 Macomb. Gottschalk, John, lab., h. 433 Mullett. Gottschalk, William, grocer, h 546 Macomb. GOTTSCHAU, NICHOLAS, carpet weaver, 305 Michigan ave., h. same. Gottwerth, Christian, pedlar, h. 522 Seventh. Gouderle, Jacob, blacksmith, h. 488 Whitney. * HOME PlIutual Life Insurance Co., OF CINCINNATI, OHIO. @~$Fi,~~i'jfJB~~9 GENERAL AGENT. 84 GRISWOLD STREET, DETIROIT, - - XXCH- WSee advertisement, page 27.- Goudreau, Adolph, patternmaker, h. 185 Rivard. Gouclreau, Francis, joiner, h. 434 Lafay- ette e. Gougeon, Joscph, broom ma.ker, h. 122 Antietam. Gou h, Giles M.,confectioner's agent, h. 230 goodward ave. Gough, James, engineer, bds. 63 Atwat- er e. Qould, Henry E., Supt. Detroit railroad ele- vator, h. 144 High. Gould, James, machinist, h. 300 Fort e. Gould, Thonlas, sailor, h. 286 Fifth. Gould, Uriah, machinist, h. 298 Fort e. Gould, Walter J., (Gould 62 Fellers), h. 270 Lafayette ave. Goilld & Fellers, (Walter J. Gould and Morgall S. Fellers), wholesale grocers, 22 Woodward ave. Gourlay, James, (Baxter & Gourlay), h. Howard bet. Fifth and Sixth. Gourlay, William, engineer, h. 504 Con- gress e. Gournot, John, lab., h. 175 Dubois. Gous, James, carpenter, h. 402 Third. Gouychea, Gabriel, engineer, h. 257 Clin- ton. Govenflo, Theodore, bds. 304 Gratiot. Govin, Charles, merchant tailor, 17 Larned e., h. 71 Wayne. Gow, George, shoemaker, h. 373 Sixth. Gowdy, Norman D., printer, h. cor. Ninth ave. and Butternut. Gowenlock, Thomas, marble cutter, bds. 207 Fourth. Gowley, Thomas, printer, bds. Finney's Hotel. Goyeau, Henry, sailor, h. 567 Lafayette. Grabmann, Christian, brewer, bds. 352 Ri- vard Grabmann, Tobias, basket maker, bds; 299 Gratio t. Gmbner, Michael, marble cutter, bds. 216 Elizabeth. Grabo, Christian, h. 63 Lafayette. Grsbowsky, Au,mt, pedlar, h. 218 Adams ave. e. Grabowsky, Isaac, pedlar, bds. 218 Adams ave. e. Grabowsky, William, pedlar, h. 194 Fort e. Grace, Peter R., soap maker, h. 106 Harri- son ave. Grace, Richard, carpenter, h. 490 Lafayette.

232 CRA CLARE'S DETROIT GRA PHYSIJY-ANS & DRUGGISTS Are cordially invited to call at our office, No. 52 Larned Street, West, And examine our Standard Chemical & Pharmaceutical PREPARATIONS, . PARK=, J3En'NlRiGS & CO. W Sec advertisement, page 16. Gradwell, Eliza, (wid. Robert,) h. Brush bet. Adrtms ave. aud Elizabeth. Gradwell, James T., editor, h. Brush near Adam ave. Grady, Thomas, lab., h. 112 Canfield. Graehn, Henry, lab., h. 411 Catharine. Graehn: William, lab., n. s. Sherman bet. Chene and Dubois. Graff, Frederick, lab., h. 16'7 Chestnut. Graff, Frederick, stone cutter, h. 7 Clay. Graff, Marie, (wid. Jose-ph,) h. s. e. cor. De- quindre and Whitney. Graff, Susanna, midwit'e, h. 176 Clinton. Graham, Alexander, car builder, h. 31 Na- tional ave. Graham, Alexander, sailor, h. 403 Riopelle. Graham, Ancel B., grocer, h. 338 Lat'styette. Graham, Andrew, bds. Finney's Hotel. Graham, Andrew, clerk, Ir. 8 Palmer. Graham, Archibald: lab., h. 439 Uequindre. Graham, Archibald, sailor, bds. 403 Ria- pelle. Graham, Burk, clerk, h. 332 Lafayette e. Graham, Colin, night watchman, h. 3'7 Seventeenth. Graham, Daniel, clerk, bds. 3'7 Seven- teenth. Graham, Duncan, engineer, bds. 35 Seven- teenth. Graham, George, mason, bds. 45 'Fort e. Graham, Henry, tanner, h. 0. 68, n. 70 Montcalm w. Graham, John, baker, h. 134 Fort e. Graham, John, blacksmith, bds. 33 Fif- teenth. Graham, John A*, pattern maker, bds. 37 Seventeenth. GBAHAM, J 0 SEPH H., grocer 327 Mich- gan ave., h. same. Graharn,lYlrs., huckster, 26 C. H. BI., h, Fort nr. Hastings. Graham, Peter, patrolman, h. 649 Michigan ave. Graham, Robert, hostler, bds. 16 Beau- bien. Graham, Thomas, lumerberman, h. over 120 Michigan ave. Graham, Thomas, mason. bds. n. e. cor. St. Antoine and Bronsoa. Graham, MIS. Thomas, dressmaker, h. over 120 Michigan ave. Graham, William, job printer, 51 Bates, h. 621 Cass ave. Graham, William, machinist, bds. 4 Tenth. Qrall, Bebastian, lab., h. 280 Clinton. Gralowsky, Solomon, watchmaker, h. 183 Lafagette. Grahn, William, lab., h. 411 Catharine. Gram:-Charles, painter, h. 708 Croghan. Grand Circus Park, bet. Williams and Woodward ave. Grand Trunk and Michigan ticket oflice, s. w. cor. Jefferson and Woodward ave., Edward Reidy, agent. Granclahl, Charles, shoemaker, bds. 616 Woodbridge w. Graneist, Otto, cigar store and saloon, s. e. cor. Itivard and Croghan, h. same. Graney, Cornelius, laborer, bds. 146 Larned w. Graney, Daniel, laborer, h. o. 182 Woodbridge e. Graney, John, fireman, bds. 385 Mullett. Graney, John, lab., bds. Woodbridge, bet. brush and Beaubien. Graney, Thomas, lab., h. 46 Orchard. Granger, Adolphus, machinist, bds. 639 deventh. Granger, Charles, bds. 101 Orleans. Grauger, Daniel, lab., h. 434 Fifth. Granger, Edward, tubing works, 93 Orleans, h. 101 same. Granger, Frederick, 'bds. 101 Orleans. Granger, Hiram, (Granger, Carter & Co.), and (Granger & Sabiu), 11. 357 Woodward ave. Granger, John, sub-sewer contractor, bds. 66 Adams ave. w. Granger, Joseph, lab., h, Jay, bet. Chene and Dubois. Granger, Joseph, sewer contractor, h. 66 Adams ave. w. Granger, Sidney, builder, h. 43 Mayberry ave. Granger, Carter & Co. (Hiram Granger, David Carter and Orren T. Sabin), mnh. plug tobacco, 31 Atwater e. Granger eft. Sabin (Hiram Granger and Orren T. Sabin), bankers 35 Woodward ave. Grant, Alexander, painter, h. 95 Chestnut. Grant, Anton, cabinet maker, h. 278 Lafayette. Grant, Archibald, steam dyeing, 42 Congrees e., h. same. Grant, Daniel: carpenter, bds. Finney's Hotel. Grant, Edward, painter, bds. 253 Sherman Grant, James, moulder, h. 129 Dubois. Grant, James F., ship carpenter, bds. 375 Franklin. Grant, John, saloon, cor. Larned and Shelby, h. same. Grant, Richard, watchman, h. 36 Seventeenth. Grant, Strother, porter, h. 362 Macomb. Grant, Theodore, painter, h. 167 Webster. Grant, Thos. H., pressman, bds. 307 Sixth. Grant, Thomas W., foreman D w Post, h. 307 Sixth.



Are cordially invited to call at our office,<br />

No. 52 Larned Street, West,<br />

And examine our Standard<br />

Chemical & Pharmaceutical<br />


PARK=, J3En'NlRiGS & CO.<br />

W Sec advertisement, page 16.<br />

Gradwell, Eliza, (wid. Robert,) h. Brush<br />

bet. Adrtms ave. aud Elizabeth.<br />

Gradwell, James T., editor, h. Brush near<br />

Adam ave.<br />

Grady, Thomas, lab., h. 112 Canfield.<br />

Graehn, Henry, lab., h. 411 Catharine.<br />

Graehn: William, lab., n. s. Sherman bet.<br />

Chene and Dubois.<br />

Graff, Frederick, lab., h. 16'7 Chestnut.<br />

Graff, Frederick, stone cutter, h. 7 Clay.<br />

Graff, Marie, (wid. Jose-ph,) h. s. e. cor. De-<br />

quindre and Whitney.<br />

Graff, Susanna, midwit'e, h. 176 Clinton.<br />

Graham, Alexander, car builder, h. 31 Na-<br />

tional ave.<br />

Graham, Alexander, sailor, h. 403 Riopelle.<br />

Graham, Ancel B., grocer, h. 338 Lat'styette.<br />

Graham, Andrew, bds. Finney's Hotel.<br />

Graham, Andrew, clerk, Ir. 8 Palmer.<br />

Graham, Archibald: lab., h. 439 Uequindre.<br />

Graham, Archibald, sailor, bds. 403 Ria-<br />

pelle.<br />

Graham, Burk, clerk, h. 332 Lafayette e.<br />

Graham, Colin, night watchman, h. 3'7<br />

Seventeenth.<br />

Graham, Daniel, clerk, bds. 3'7 Seven-<br />

teenth.<br />

Graham, Duncan, engineer, bds. 35 Seven-<br />

teenth.<br />

Graham, George, mason, bds. 45 'Fort e.<br />

Graham, Henry, tanner, h. 0. 68, n. 70<br />

Montcalm w.<br />

Graham, John, baker, h. 134 Fort e.<br />

Graham, John, blacksmith, bds. 33 Fif-<br />

teenth.<br />

Graham, John A*, pattern maker, bds. 37<br />

Seventeenth.<br />

GBAHAM, J 0 SEPH H., grocer 327 Mich-<br />

gan ave., h. same.<br />

Graharn,lYlrs., huckster, 26 C. H. BI., h,<br />

Fort nr. Hastings.<br />

Graham, Peter, patrolman, h. 649 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Graham, Robert, hostler, bds. 16 Beau-<br />

bien.<br />

Graham, Thomas, lumerberman, h. over<br />

120 Michigan ave.<br />

Graham, Thomas, mason. bds. n. e. cor. St.<br />

Antoine and Bronsoa.<br />

Graham, MIS. Thomas, dressmaker, h. over<br />

120 Michigan ave.<br />

Graham, William, job printer, 51<br />

Bates, h. 621 Cass ave.<br />

Graham, William, machinist, bds. 4 Tenth.<br />

Qrall, Bebastian, lab., h. 280 Clinton.<br />

Gralowsky, Solomon, watchmaker, h. 183<br />

Lafagette.<br />

Grahn, William, lab., h. 411 Catharine.<br />

Gram:-Charles, painter, h. 708 Croghan.<br />

Grand Circus Park, bet. Williams and<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Grand Trunk and Michigan<br />

ticket oflice, s. w. cor. Jefferson and<br />

Woodward ave., Edward Reidy, agent.<br />

Granclahl, Charles, shoemaker, bds. 616<br />

Woodbridge w.<br />

Graneist, Otto, cigar store and saloon, s. e.<br />

cor. Itivard and Croghan, h. same.<br />

Graney, Cornelius, laborer, bds. 146 Larned<br />

w.<br />

Graney, Daniel, laborer, h. o. 182 Woodbridge<br />

e.<br />

Graney, John, fireman, bds. 385 Mullett.<br />

Graney, John, lab., bds. Woodbridge, bet.<br />

brush and Beaubien.<br />

Graney, Thomas, lab., h. 46 Orchard.<br />

Granger, Adolphus, machinist, bds. 639<br />

deventh.<br />

Granger, Charles, bds. 101 Orleans.<br />

Grauger, Daniel, lab., h. 434 Fifth.<br />

Granger, Edward, tubing works, 93 Orleans,<br />

h. 101 same.<br />

Granger, Frederick, 'bds. 101 Orleans.<br />

Granger, Hiram, (Granger, Carter & Co.),<br />

and (Granger & Sabiu), 11. 357 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Granger, John, sub-sewer contractor, bds.<br />

66 Adams ave. w.<br />

Granger, Joseph, lab., h, Jay, bet. Chene<br />

and Dubois.<br />

Granger, Joseph, sewer contractor, h. 66<br />

Adams ave. w.<br />

Granger, Sidney, builder, h. 43 Mayberry<br />

ave.<br />

Granger, Carter & Co. (Hiram Granger,<br />

David Carter and Orren T. Sabin), mnh.<br />

plug tobacco, 31 Atwater e.<br />

Granger eft. Sabin (Hiram Granger and<br />

Orren T. Sabin), bankers 35 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Grant, Alexander, painter, h. 95 Chestnut.<br />

Grant, Anton, cabinet maker, h. 278 Lafayette.<br />

Grant, Archibald, steam dyeing, 42 Congrees<br />

e., h. same.<br />

Grant, Daniel: carpenter, bds. Finney's<br />

Hotel.<br />

Grant, Edward, painter, bds. 253 Sherman<br />

Grant, James, moulder, h. 129 Dubois.<br />

Grant, James F., ship carpenter, bds. 375<br />

Franklin.<br />

Grant, John, saloon, cor. Larned and<br />

Shelby, h. same.<br />

Grant, Richard, watchman, h. 36 Seventeenth.<br />

Grant, Strother, porter, h. 362 Macomb.<br />

Grant, Theodore, painter, h. 167 Webster.<br />

Grant, Thos. H., pressman, bds. 307 Sixth.<br />

Grant, Thomas W., foreman D w Post, h.<br />

307 Sixth.

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