Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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(XI4 CITY DI LECTORY. GIN 227 Gilenick, John, lab.. h. 105 Prospect, Gilday, John, mason, h. cor. Elizabeth and Grand River Gildens, William, painter, h. 344 Wood- bridge e. Gilcoy, Michael, lab., bds. 303 Guoin. Gilfoy, Thomas, lab., h. 302 Guoin. Gilfoy, William, ship carpenter, h. 14 Lewis. Gill, Bartholomew, lab., bds. 16 Beaubien. Gill, Charles, helper, bds. 22 Michigan ave. Gill, Frank, wagon maker, h. 226 31arion. Gill, Frank H., cigar maker, h. 133 Marion. Gill, James, pedlar, h. 148 Division. Gill, James, stoves and tin ware, 109 Michigan ave., h. 107 same. Gill, Jonn, lab., bds 16 Beanbien. Gill, John, painter, h. 226 Marion. Gill, William, butcher, h. Foundry nr. Michigan ave. Gillander, David, saloon, 71 Monroe ave., h. same. Giller, Peter, carpenter, h. Atwater, bet. St. Antoine and Hasting. Gillespie, James, painter, bds. 50 Butternut. Gillespie, Joceph, machinist, h. 71 Jones. Gillett, John R., bookkeeper, h. 108 Con- HOME ElIutual Life Insurance Co., OF CINCINNATI, OHIO. GENERAL AGENT, S4 GRfHWOLD HT., DETBOIT, - - MIGH. -See advertisement, page 27.a Gillman, Daniel R., grocer, bds. Finney's Hotel. Gillrnan Edward, grocer, 135 St. aubi ave., h. same. . Gillman, Ellen, h. 91 Farrar. Gillrnan, George E., trader, bds. 91 Farrar. Gillman, Henry, h. s. w. cor. Macomb ave. and Clifford. Gillman, Henry M., (D. D. Mallory & Co.,) bds. Michigan Exchange. Gillmsn, Richard, clerk, bds. 91 Farrar. Gillman, Walthew, clerk, h. 517 Fort e. Gillman, William H., trader, bds. 91 Farrar. Gilmore, George N., blacksmith, h 73 Abbott. Gilmore, James. painter, h. s. e. cor. Fifth and Union. aess w. Gilmore, James, clerk, h. 94 Farmer. ~hlett, Mary H., (wid. Benjamin F.), h. o. Gilmore, Mrs. James: clerk, h. 94 Farmer. 100 Twenty-third. Gilrr o-*e, John boiler inspector, h. 85 Jay, Gillett, Rufus W ., (Gillett & Hall), h. 188 Gilrrore, Julius P., bookkeeper, h. 98 Alex- Lafayette ave. andrine a1 e. Gillett, Samuel O., conductor, h. o. 288 n. Gilmore, Leonora S., teacher, bds. 73 Ab- 308 Woodward ave. , bott. Gillett. Sarah O., dressmaker, h. o. 288, n. , Gilmore, Lucian B., clerk, bds. 73 Abbott. 308 Woodward ave. Gilmore, Margaret, (wid. Francis,) wash- Gillett, Shadrach: h. 0. '79, n. 131 Colum- erwoman, h. 238 High e. bia e. 1 Gi'martin, Peter P., physician, h. 31 Ab- Gillett, Thadeus K., lawyer, h. 281 First. bott Gillett & Hall, (Rufus W. Gillett and Theo- I Gilroy, Anne, (wid. Hugh,) Twentgfourth dore P. Hall), commission merchants, n. Michigan ave. cor. Woodbridge and Shelby. Gilroy, William, ship carpenter, bds. 14 Gillies, Elizabeth, teacher, bds. 487 Con- Lewis. gress e. Gimbel, Henry E., cabinet maker, bds. 107 Gillies, Rev. James. Assistant Priest Ca- Larned e. thedral, bds. 353 Jefferson ave. Gimbel, John, cabinet maker, bds. 107 Lzar- Gillies, James, machinist, bds. 487 Con- ned e. gress -e. Gimbel, Martin, cabinet maker, 107 Larned Gillies, Margaret, (wid. Hugh), h. 487 Con- e., h. same. gress e. Ginsburg, Moses, yankee notions, h. 227 ~iilies, Robert S., lab., bds. 487 Conqress e. C ~~oghan. Gillies, William, machinist, h. 487 Con- Ging'e-, Joseph, h. 391 Russell. gress e. Gingas, Joseph, carpenter, h. 346 High. Gilligan, Ellen, (wid. Thomas), h. 51 Spen- Ginnean, Joseph, boat builder, h. foot Jocer. seph Campau ave. Gilligan, Michael C., shoemaker, h. 34 Ginsburg, Moses, (M. Herzberg & Co,,) h. Harriet. 297 Croghm. Gillis, Ransom, clerk, h. 73 Elizabeth w. Gisterblum, Mathias, joiner, h. n. s. Ha- Gillis, Samuel W., clerk, h. 55 Elizabeth e. riet, near St. Antoine. Gillrnan, B~xter, H., traveling agent, bds. Ginter, Henry, cabinet maker, bds. 40 Finney's Hotel. Fort e. Gillmsn, Charles H., (col'd), barber, h. 333 Ginthe, Christian, baker, bds. 283 Elha- Macomb. beth e.

228 (XIS CLARK'^ DETROIT GLo PARKE, JENNINGS & CO'S,, ' STANDABD F luid and SolidExtr acts , SU@Adl COATED PILLS, Bo~e Qila and Chemiorals. For aale by all Drnests throughout the United Stab WSee advertisement, page 16. Girard, Charles, boiler maker, h. 204 Chest- nut. Girard, Edward, lab., h. 597 Guoin. Girard, Joseph, carpenter, h. 400 St. Aubin ave. Girard, Joseph, lab., bds. Gratiot bet. Mount Elliott and Elmwood aves. Girard, Peter, moulder, bds. 251 Congress e. Girard, Vincent sailor, h. 408 Guoin. Girardin, John B., clerk, h. 8 Palmer. Girardin, Joseph E., clerk, h. 591 Gratiot. Girardin, Peter N., pol:ceman, h. cor. Mt. Elliott ave. and Lafayette. Girax, Joseph, joiner, bds. 344 Wood- Girro, bridY acob, e- cigar maker, Ids. Hamtramck. Gisler, Michael M., carriage maker and blacksmith, 160 and 162 Larned w., h. Farnsworth near Woodward ave. Gitchag, Lewis, hostler, 48 Gratiot. Gitre, Joseph, grocer, 506 Grand River, h. same. Gitre, Stephen, bds. 506 Grand River. Gladewitz, Daniel, propr. of Our Winter Garden, h. s. s. Clinton aye., bet. Elmwood and Campau aves. Glac'eivitz. William, gsrdener, h. e. s. Elmwood ave., nr. Gratiot. Glaesner, Amelia, bookbinder, h. 237 Adams ave. e. Glaesner, August, agent German Evening Post, h. 237 Adams ave. e. Glaesner, Robert, jeweler, h. 148 Catharine. Glaester, Richard, stone cutter, h. o. 197, n. 265 First. Glaser, Charles, sewer repairer, h. 398 Thirteenth. Glaser, Frederick, clerk, T. H. Hinchman & Son. Glaser, Gotthelf, clerk, h. 9 Clay. Glaser, Gottlieb, painter, h. 55 Sherman. Glaser, Gustave, basket maker, h. 141 Catharine. Glaser, Henry, mason, h. 206 Hastings. Glxer, William, grocer, 625 and 627 Mich: igan ave., h. same. Glaskow, Frank, machinist, h. 66 Mullett. Glass, Archibald (Glass BG Bro.), bds. 375 Cass ave. Glass, Edwin, painter, bds. '798 Congress e. Glass, James (Balleray, Glass & Co.), h. 375 Cass we. Glass, John, shoe maker, 93 Jefferson ave., h. same. Gl~s 62 Brother (James and Archibald Glm), leather and findings, 11 Grand River. Glate, Carl, lab., h. 415 Eighteenth. Glazier, Electa (wid. Jennison), h. 197 Grand River. Gle son, Catharine (wid. Morris), h. 41 La- brosseo I Gleason, James, chair maker, h. 41 La- brosse. Gleason, Johanna (wid John), h. 322 Sixth. Gleason, Matthew,drayman, h 343 Twelfth. Gleason, Marcelus, butcher, h. 15 Oak. Gleason, Mary A. (wid. John), bds. 120 Henry. Gleason, Michael, lab., 11. 196 Franklin. Gleason, Morris, boiler maker, h. 314 Sixth. Gleason, Patrick, drayman, h. Spruce, nr. National ave. Gleason, William, lab.,h. 122 St. Aubin ave. Gleason, William, lab.. h. e. s. St. Aubin ave., bet. Larned and Congress. Gleason, William J., clerk, h. 183 Frank- lin. Glees, John, tinsmith, h. 468 Marion. Glen, James, sailor, h. 137 National ave. GLENN & HALL, manufacturiug compa- ny, No. 50 Larned'w. Glendenning, Andrew, machinist, h. 153 Abbott. Glendenning, David W., foundry 164, 166 and 168 Michigan ave. h. 47 Spencer. Glendenning, Hugh, lab., bds. s. w. cor. Hastings and Lxfhyette. Glendon, Miss Margaretta, seamstress, bds. 629 Larned e. Glendon, Miss Mary, dressmaker, bds. 629 Larned e. Glenn, John, lab., h. 146 Jones. Glessner, Anthony, brewer, h. 292 Colum- bia e. Glezer, Charles, mason, h. 398 Thirteenth. Gliem, Henry. butcher, bils. 34'7 Riopelle. Glienke, Charles, mason, bds. I72 Clinton. Glogner, Emst, marble cutter, h. 311 Sher- man. Glopp, Mary H., (wid. Jacob), h. 161 Third. Gloss. Martin, newspaper agent, h. 116 Maple. Glosser, Nicholas, lab., Williams ave., bet. Myrtle and Magnolia. Glover, Arthur J., (Glover & Powell), bds. Biddle House. Glover, Charles B., produce dealer, h. 37 Ro wland. Glover, Henry, h. 47 Congress w. Glover, James, lab., h. 275 Frankli~ Glover, Joseph W., clerk, bds. cor. Wash- ington nve. and Grand River. Glover, William S.. sailor, h. 496 Wood- b-idge e. Glover BG Powell, (Arthur J. Glover and James Po well), hardware merchants, 114 Woodward ave.


Gilenick, John, lab.. h. 105 Prospect,<br />

Gilday, John, mason, h. cor. Elizabeth and<br />

Grand River<br />

Gildens, William, painter, h. 344 Wood-<br />

bridge e.<br />

Gilcoy, Michael, lab., bds. 303 Guoin.<br />

Gilfoy, Thomas, lab., h. 302 Guoin.<br />

Gilfoy, William, ship carpenter, h. 14<br />

Lewis.<br />

Gill, Bartholomew, lab., bds. 16 Beaubien.<br />

Gill, Charles, helper, bds. 22 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Gill, Frank, wagon maker, h. 226 31arion.<br />

Gill, Frank H., cigar maker, h. 133<br />

Marion.<br />

Gill, James, pedlar, h. 148 Division.<br />

Gill, James, stoves and tin ware, 109<br />

Michigan ave., h. 107 same.<br />

Gill, Jonn, lab., bds 16 Beanbien.<br />

Gill, John, painter, h. 226 Marion.<br />

Gill, William, butcher, h. Foundry nr.<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Gillander, David, saloon, 71 Monroe ave.,<br />

h. same.<br />

Giller, Peter, carpenter, h. Atwater, bet.<br />

St. Antoine and Hasting.<br />

Gillespie, James, painter, bds. 50 Butternut.<br />

Gillespie, Joceph, machinist, h. 71 Jones.<br />

Gillett, John R., bookkeeper, h. 108 Con-<br />

HOME<br />

ElIutual Life Insurance Co.,<br />



S4 GRfHWOLD HT.,<br />

DETBOIT, - - MIGH.<br />

-See advertisement, page 27.a<br />

Gillman, Daniel R., grocer, bds. Finney's<br />

Hotel.<br />

Gillrnan Edward, grocer, 135 St. aubi<br />

ave., h. same. .<br />

Gillman, Ellen, h. 91 Farrar.<br />

Gillrnan, George E., trader, bds. 91 Farrar.<br />

Gillman, Henry, h. s. w. cor. Macomb ave.<br />

and Clifford.<br />

Gillman, Henry M., (D. D. Mallory &<br />

Co.,) bds. Michigan Exchange.<br />

Gillmsn, Richard, clerk, bds. 91 Farrar.<br />

Gillman, Walthew, clerk, h. 517 Fort e.<br />

Gillman, William H., trader, bds. 91 Farrar.<br />

Gilmore, George N., blacksmith, h 73 Abbott.<br />

Gilmore, James. painter, h. s. e. cor. Fifth<br />

and Union.<br />

aess w.<br />

Gilmore, James, clerk, h. 94 Farmer.<br />

~hlett, Mary H., (wid. Benjamin F.), h. o. Gilmore, Mrs. James: clerk, h. 94 Farmer.<br />

100 Twenty-third.<br />

Gilrr o-*e, John boiler inspector, h. 85 Jay,<br />

Gillett, Rufus W ., (Gillett & Hall), h. 188 Gilrrore, Julius P., bookkeeper, h. 98 Alex-<br />

Lafayette ave.<br />

andrine a1 e.<br />

Gillett, Samuel O., conductor, h. o. 288 n. Gilmore, Leonora S., teacher, bds. 73 Ab-<br />

308 Woodward ave.<br />

, bott.<br />

Gillett. Sarah O., dressmaker, h. o. 288, n. , Gilmore, Lucian B., clerk, bds. 73 Abbott.<br />

308 Woodward ave.<br />

Gilmore, Margaret, (wid. Francis,) wash-<br />

Gillett, Shadrach: h. 0. '79, n. 131 Colum- erwoman, h. 238 High e.<br />

bia e.<br />

1 Gi'martin, Peter P., physician, h. 31 Ab-<br />

Gillett, Thadeus K., lawyer, h. 281 First. bott<br />

Gillett & Hall, (Rufus W. Gillett and Theo- I Gilroy, Anne, (wid. Hugh,) Twentgfourth<br />

dore P. Hall), commission merchants, n. Michigan ave.<br />

cor. Woodbridge and Shelby.<br />

Gilroy, William, ship carpenter, bds. 14<br />

Gillies, Elizabeth, teacher, bds. 487 Con- Lewis.<br />

gress e.<br />

Gimbel, Henry E., cabinet maker, bds. 107<br />

Gillies, Rev. James. Assistant Priest Ca- Larned e.<br />

thedral, bds. 353 Jefferson ave.<br />

Gimbel, John, cabinet maker, bds. 107 Lzar-<br />

Gillies, James, machinist, bds. 487 Con- ned e.<br />

gress -e.<br />

Gimbel, Martin, cabinet maker, 107 Larned<br />

Gillies, Margaret, (wid. Hugh), h. 487 Con- e., h. same.<br />

gress e.<br />

Ginsburg, Moses, yankee notions, h. 227<br />

~iilies, Robert S., lab., bds. 487 Conqress e. C ~~oghan.<br />

Gillies, William, machinist, h. 487 Con- Ging'e-, Joseph, h. 391 Russell.<br />

gress e.<br />

Gingas, Joseph, carpenter, h. 346 High.<br />

Gilligan, Ellen, (wid. Thomas), h. 51 Spen- Ginnean, Joseph, boat builder, h. foot Jocer.<br />

seph Campau ave.<br />

Gilligan, Michael C., shoemaker, h. 34 Ginsburg, Moses, (M. Herzberg & Co,,) h.<br />

Harriet.<br />

297 Croghm.<br />

Gillis, Ransom, clerk, h. 73 Elizabeth w. Gisterblum, Mathias, joiner, h. n. s. Ha-<br />

Gillis, Samuel W., clerk, h. 55 Elizabeth e. riet, near St. Antoine.<br />

Gillrnan, B~xter, H., traveling agent, bds. Ginter, Henry, cabinet maker, bds. 40<br />

Finney's Hotel.<br />

Fort e.<br />

Gillmsn, Charles H., (col'd), barber, h. 333 Ginthe, Christian, baker, bds. 283 Elha-<br />

Macomb.<br />

beth e.

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