Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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GAR CITY DIRECTORY. GEA 223 Garland, Michael, carpenter, o. 34, n. 54 j I X O X E Locust. Garland. Michac.1: machi~~ist, hds. 59 First. 1 ' Mutual Life Insurance Co., Garlick, James, sawyer, 11.448 Seventeenth. Garlicli, William H., vnrnisher, h 237 Thirtcen th-and-a-half. Garling, Charles, lab., h. 229 Twelfth. Garling, John, tanner, h. 118 Seventeenth. Garratt, Edward, builder, 66 Clifford, h. 60 -, xTROIT, - - MICH- Clifford. I kYSee advertisement, page 2 7 . a - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - -- Garratt, Edward N., carpenter, bds. 60 Gates, Ann, (mid. Horace), bds. 24 Eliza- Clifford. beth w. Garratt, Pierre, carpenter, h. 60 Abbott. Gates, Lewis, carpenter, 11. 550 Sixth. Garratt, Charles H., machinist, bds. 86 Fif- Gatewood, Richard, (col'd) cook, Biddle teenth. House. Garrett, Elijah, tailor, 11. 86 Plum. Gatland, James N,, costumer, h. 26 Lafay- Garrett Miss Helene, dress maker. h. 332 ette e. Cass are. Gaulin, Joel P., billiard maker, Gds. 208 Garrett, Hiram C., ship carpenter, h. 86 Fort e. Fifteenth. Gaulin. Pierre P.. billiard table maker, h. Garrett, John H., produce dealer, 2 Stim- cor. Fort and Rivard. son block, h. 181 Congress e. Gault, William carpenter. h. n. 66, 0. 99 Garretson, Allen T., watchmaker and jew- Fifteenth. eler, 43 3Iicliigan ave., h. 83 Brainard. Gaunt, John H., upholsterer, bds. 61 Cro- Garrison. Clisrlcs N.: (C. M. Garrison L. ghan. Co.), h. 92 Cass Gaunt, Joseph, baker, h. 61 Croghan. Garrison IXouse,Rhodes & Kingsley. Props., Gaus, Anthony: lab., h. 313 Twenty-sec- Jefferson ave. cor. Cnss. ond. Garrison, John J., capitalist.. bds. Russell Gausdrow, Jol~n, lab., 11. I74 German. House. Gauster, Paul, caullcer, h. 155 Chestnut. Garrison, Thomas, sailor, h. Division n., Gavett, Aloys, 'u. 376 Gratiot. nr. Brush. Gawley, George C., accoun t.ant, bds. Frank- Garrison, -, carpenter. h. 684 Michigan lin I-Iouse. ave, Ganrley. Thomas, cigar and fruit store, Garrison. C. 31. c!! Co., (Charles 31. Garri- 216 Jefferson ave., bds. Finney's Hotel. son and 3Iilo W. Barrows), wholesale Gawley. William V., produce, 59 Michigrocers, Board of Trade building. gan me., bds. Eisenlord's Eotel. Garrity, Peter, blacksmith, 11.147 Sherman. Gay, James A., (col'cl) lab. h. 78 Clinton. Gartlin William, drayman, h. 228 Fourth. Gay, Hiram, (Hiram Gay & Co.,) bds. 285 Garve, William Ir)uilder, bds. 295 Brush. Jefferson ave. Garrin, Joseph,driver, bds. Franklin House. Gay, Jonathan R , (Hiram Gay & Co.,) Gary. Martin, engineer. h. 334 Sixteenth. res. Boston. Gasbart, Hubert, lab., h. 462 Sixteenth. Gay, Hiram & Co., (Hiram and J. R. Gay), Gascnigne, Hcnry M.: englneer Fire De- proprietor Alhambra dollar store, 78 partment, h. 121 Lnrned w. Woodward ave. Gaspard, John P., wood turner, 63 Fort e., Gaylord, Frank A., clerk, bds. 138 First. h. same. G~ylord, Harriet, (wid. Henry C.), h. 138 Gassenhart, August, carpenter, h. 536 Na- First. comb. Gavlord, James I., engineer, bda. 138 Gasser, George, carpenter, h. 198 Bronson. Pjrst Gasser, Joseph. Grocer, h. 506 Beaublen. Gaylord, John A., clerk, bds. 138 First. Gassmann, Adam, boilermaker, h, 276 Gaylord, William N., Supvrin tendent, bds. Prospect. Michigan Exchange. Gassmann, Daniel, wooclsawyer, h. 69 Cro- Gayman, Louis, cigar maker, h. 540 Catbaghan. rine. Gassmnnn, George, merchant tailor: 259 Jef- Gayney, Edward, plumber, bds. 48 Sevferson ave., h. saine. enth. Gassmann, George, shoemaker, h. 193 Di- Gayney, \'attliew, foreman, h. e. s. Sevvision. enth bet. Spruce and Pine. Gassmann, Jacob, shoemaker: h. 197 Divis- Gayney, Patrick. carpenter, bds. e. s. Sevion. enth bet. Spruce ancl Pine. Gasson, Pierre, carpenter, h. 322 Frank- Geahen, Martin, ship carpenter, h. 26 lin. T \v elf1 h. Gaston, Charles. H., clerk, bds. 2 Walnut. Gearn, Elizabeth, (wid. Timothy,) h. 87 and Gaston, Ogden, lab., h. 2 Walnut, [ 89 Porter. OF CINCINNATI, OHIO. we @a @ ' ~ ~ GENERAL ABEXT. Sl GRISWOLD STREET, ~ ~ @ ~ ~ &

244 GEA CLARK'S DETROIT GER PHYSIC-ANS & DRUGGISTS Geist, Henry, machinist, bds. n. e. cor. Monroe ave. and Farrrrr. -4re cordially invited to call at our office, Geist, Valentine, undertaker. 51 Monroe NO* 52 Larned Street, West, ave. h. same. And examine our Standard Gell, Frank H., cigarmaker, h cor. Xarion Pharmaceutioal and Hastings. Geller, Peter, grocer, 470 Gratiot, h. same. PREPA~~ATIoNs- Geller, Joseph, shoemaker, bds. 514 Gra- IC, JENNINGS & CO. m tiot. Sec advertisement, page 16. Gelling, Fritz, machinist, h. 174 Macomb. Gearn, Ellen, seamstress, bds, 89 Porter. Gelnack, John, lab., h. 105 Prospect. Gearn, John express driver, bds. 89 Porter. Geltmacher, Jacob, (Blansfi~ld, Geltmacher Gebhard, Christopher, lab., h. 196 Twenty- & Co.), res. Niles. second. Gemein, Annie, dressmaker, bds. 253 Ma- Gebhard, Gotlieb, lab., h. 178 Clinton. comb. Gebhard, John, messenger, bds. 219 Clin- Gemein, John J., bookkeeper, bds. 253 ton. Nacomb. Gebhard, Peter, cigarmaker, bds. s. 8. Gemein, Mathem, lab., h. 253 Macomh. Michigan ave. bet. Tenth and Eleventh. Gemeiner, Julil~s. engraver, office 48 Lam- Gebhard, Peter, lab., h. 219 Clinton. ed w., bds. 259 Lafayette. Gebl~art, Christian, lab., 11. 55 Sherman. Gemeinhardt. Abraham, wagon maker, Gebhart, Christian. pedlar, h. Grand River, h. 285 First. bet. Tenth and Eleventh. Gemming, Catharine, (wid. Frederick), h. Gedano, Ferni, cigar maker, bds. Hotel 201 Congress e. Mauch. Gennon, Joseph, carpenter, h. 87 Marion. Geddes, John, bookkeeper, bds. 224 First. Genny, John, h. 108 Porter. Gee, Hardy E., clerk, bds. 122 Woodward Genther, Frederick, butcher, 465 Grand ave. River, h. 467 same. Gee, John, butcl~er, bds. 857 Larned e. Gentle, John, carpenter, bds. 324 Beaubien. Gee, Martin, painter, h. 350 Bronson. Gentle, William, carpenter, bds. 324 Beau- Geer Rozetta, portrait painter, h. n. e. cor. bien. Elizabeth and Woodward ave. Gentle, William E., (Ray 62; Co.), h. 324 Gegnur, Eli, painter, h. 0. 558 Wood- Beaubien. bridge w. Gentsch. Charles, cigarmaker, 216 Clinton, Gehrke, John, lab., h. cor. Joseph Campau h. same. ave. and Chestnut. George, Amos, millwrigh, h. o. 208, n. 272 Gehrke, William, lab., h. 235 Chestnut. Second. Gehrke William, lab., h. cor. Sherman and George Brisget, (wid. Thomas), washer- Joseph Campau ave. woman, h. 175 Maple. Genrkenn, John, carpenter, h. 638 Clinton. I George, hen,^, (Henry George & CO.), h. Gtaibel, John, lab., bds. 63 Williams ave. 1 408 Beaublen. Geiger, Ferdinand, ship carpenter, h. 635 George, Jane, tailoress, bds. 408 Beaubien. Sixteenth. George, Mary, (wid. James), laundress, h. Geiger, John, carpenter, h. 781 Sixteenth. 232 Cass. Geiger, Louise, seamstress, bds. 637 Sin- George. Samuel, boilermaker, bds. 175 teenth. Maple. Geiger, Martin, (M. V. Bentley & Co.,) h. 32 George. Henry & Co., (H. George & - 1 Adams ave. w. builders, c. Cass and Larned w. Geimann, John, finisher, h. 491 Beaubien. Gepford, Joseph, conductor D. & M. R., Geimann, Joseph, wagon maker, h. 266 bds. Ackerman House. Mullett. Gerard, August, lab., h. 250 Antietam. Geimer, Balthasaar, saloon, 267 Gratiot, h. Gerard, Jacob. carpenter, h. li6 Beach. same. Gerard, Michael, lab., bds. Republic Brew- Geiny , Thomas, shoemaker, bds. Purdy's ery. Ho tcl - Gerardin, James A., agent and notary pub- Geisel, Amelia, dressmaker, h. Ht. Hope lic, h. 140 Plum. ave. n. Michigan ave. / Geratt. Octave, carpenter, bds. 225 Sixth. Geisel, Henry, teamster, h. Mt. Hope ave. Geratz, Mathias, lab., h. 628 Riopelle. n. Michigan ave. I Gerber. Christoph, farmer, h. 571 De- Geisse, Augustus H., clerk, h. 331 Larned e. I quindre. Geissler, August, cigar maker, h. 256 Gra- Gerber, Joseph, (Gerber & Pfromm), h. 301 tiot. Croghan. Geist, Adam, carpenter, h. 327 St. Antoine. Gerber, John, tinner, bds. 571 Dequindre. Geist, Caspar, watchman, bds. 327 St. AD- 1 Gerber, Peter, saloon and boarding, n. e. toine. I cor. St. Antoine and Macomb.



Geist, Henry, machinist, bds. n. e. cor. Monroe<br />

ave. and Farrrrr.<br />

-4re cordially invited to call at our office, Geist, Valentine, undertaker. 51 Monroe<br />

NO* 52 Larned Street, West, ave. h. same.<br />

And examine our Standard<br />

Gell, Frank H., cigarmaker, h cor. Xarion<br />

Pharmaceutioal<br />

and Hastings.<br />

Geller, Peter, grocer, 470 Gratiot, h. same.<br />

PREPA~~ATIoNs-<br />

Geller, Joseph, shoemaker, bds. 514 Gra-<br />

IC, JENNINGS & CO.<br />

m tiot.<br />

Sec advertisement, page 16.<br />

Gelling, Fritz, machinist, h. 174 Macomb.<br />

Gearn, Ellen, seamstress, bds, 89 Porter. Gelnack, John, lab., h. 105 Prospect.<br />

Gearn, John express driver, bds. 89 Porter. Geltmacher, Jacob, (Blansfi~ld, Geltmacher<br />

Gebhard, Christopher, lab., h. 196 Twenty- & Co.), res. Niles.<br />

second.<br />

Gemein, Annie, dressmaker, bds. 253 Ma-<br />

Gebhard, Gotlieb, lab., h. 178 Clinton. comb.<br />

Gebhard, John, messenger, bds. 219 Clin- Gemein, John J., bookkeeper, bds. 253<br />

ton.<br />

Nacomb.<br />

Gebhard, Peter, cigarmaker, bds. s. 8. Gemein, Mathem, lab., h. 253 Macomh.<br />

Michigan ave. bet. Tenth and Eleventh. Gemeiner, Julil~s. engraver, office 48 Lam-<br />

Gebhard, Peter, lab., h. 219 Clinton.<br />

ed w., bds. 259 Lafayette.<br />

Gebl~art, Christian, lab., 11. 55 Sherman. Gemeinhardt. Abraham, wagon maker,<br />

Gebhart, Christian. pedlar, h. Grand River, h. 285 First.<br />

bet. Tenth and Eleventh.<br />

Gemming, Catharine, (wid. Frederick), h.<br />

Gedano, Ferni, cigar maker, bds. Hotel 201 Congress e.<br />

Mauch.<br />

Gennon, Joseph, carpenter, h. 87 Marion.<br />

Geddes, John, bookkeeper, bds. 224 First. Genny, John, h. 108 Porter.<br />

Gee, Hardy E., clerk, bds. 122 Woodward Genther, Frederick, butcher, 465 Grand<br />

ave.<br />

River, h. 467 same.<br />

Gee, John, butcl~er, bds. 857 Larned e. Gentle, John, carpenter, bds. 324 Beaubien.<br />

Gee, Martin, painter, h. 350 Bronson. Gentle, William, carpenter, bds. 324 Beau-<br />

Geer Rozetta, portrait painter, h. n. e. cor. bien.<br />

Elizabeth and Woodward ave.<br />

Gentle, William E., (Ray 62; Co.), h. 324<br />

Gegnur, Eli, painter, h. 0. 558 Wood- Beaubien.<br />

bridge w.<br />

Gentsch. Charles, cigarmaker, 216 Clinton,<br />

Gehrke, John, lab., h. cor. Joseph Campau h. same.<br />

ave. and Chestnut.<br />

George, Amos, millwrigh, h. o. 208, n. 272<br />

Gehrke, William, lab., h. 235 Chestnut. Second.<br />

Gehrke William, lab., h. cor. Sherman and George Brisget, (wid. Thomas), washer-<br />

Joseph Campau ave.<br />

woman, h. 175 Maple.<br />

Genrkenn, John, carpenter, h. 638 Clinton. I George, hen,^, (Henry George & CO.), h.<br />

Gtaibel, John, lab., bds. 63 Williams ave. 1 408 Beaublen.<br />

Geiger, Ferdinand, ship carpenter, h. 635 George, Jane, tailoress, bds. 408 Beaubien.<br />

Sixteenth.<br />

George, Mary, (wid. James), laundress, h.<br />

Geiger, John, carpenter, h. 781 Sixteenth. 232 Cass.<br />

Geiger, Louise, seamstress, bds. 637 Sin- George. Samuel, boilermaker, bds. 175<br />

teenth.<br />

Maple.<br />

Geiger, Martin, (M. V. Bentley & Co.,) h. 32 George. Henry & Co., (H. George & - 1<br />

Adams ave. w.<br />

builders, c. Cass and Larned w.<br />

Geimann, John, finisher, h. 491 Beaubien. Gepford, Joseph, conductor D. & M. R.,<br />

Geimann, Joseph, wagon maker, h. 266 bds. Ackerman House.<br />

Mullett.<br />

Gerard, August, lab., h. 250 Antietam.<br />

Geimer, Balthasaar, saloon, 267 Gratiot, h. Gerard, Jacob. carpenter, h. li6 Beach.<br />

same.<br />

Gerard, Michael, lab., bds. Republic Brew-<br />

Geiny , Thomas, shoemaker, bds. Purdy's ery.<br />

Ho tcl - Gerardin, James A., agent and notary pub-<br />

Geisel, Amelia, dressmaker, h. Ht. Hope lic, h. 140 Plum.<br />

ave. n. Michigan ave. / Geratt. Octave, carpenter, bds. 225 Sixth.<br />

Geisel, Henry, teamster, h. Mt. Hope ave. Geratz, Mathias, lab., h. 628 Riopelle.<br />

n. Michigan ave. I Gerber. Christoph, farmer, h. 571 De-<br />

Geisse, Augustus H., clerk, h. 331 Larned e. I quindre.<br />

Geissler, August, cigar maker, h. 256 Gra- Gerber, Joseph, (Gerber & Pfromm), h. 301<br />

tiot. Croghan.<br />

Geist, Adam, carpenter, h. 327 St. Antoine. Gerber, John, tinner, bds. 571 Dequindre.<br />

Geist, Caspar, watchman, bds. 327 St. AD- 1 Gerber, Peter, saloon and boarding, n. e.<br />

toine. I cor. St. Antoine and Macomb.

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