Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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FIT CITY DIRECTORY. FIs 211 Fitchum, John, carpenter, h. 595 Seventh. Field, Benjamin, clerk, h. o. 99, n. 123 Cass. Field, David D., insurance agent, h. 95 Columbia e. FIELD, GEORGE L., dentist, room 1 over 105 Woodward ave., h. 54 Stimson. Field, John B., h. 123 Cass. Field, John H., photo,arapher, bds. 31 Lafayette. Field, Joseph, sailor, bds. 361 Franklin. Field, Moses W., (Moses W. Field & Co.,j h. Linden Lawn, Lincoln ave., Hamtramck. Field, Moses W. & Co., (Moses W. Field and George S. Tarbell), wholesale grocers, foot of Griswold. Fielding, Henry M., bds. 48 and 50 Shelby. Fielding, James R., clerk, h. 123 Elizabeth e. Fields, E. H. conductor, bds Michigan Exchange. Fiertz, Edward, gardener, h. 332 Prospect. Fifle, John, carpenter, h. 126 Benton. Figge, Hen , lab., h. n. e. cor. McLean, nr. D. &TFL R. Fieldew, Frank, stair builder, bds. 594 Congress e. Fieldew, Henry. joiner, h. 594 Congress e. File, Lewis, lath maker, h, 296 Eighteenth. Fillion, John, belt maker, h. 311 Franklin. Fittmen, Engelbert, switchman, h. 304 Eighteenth. Fils, William, mason, h. cor. Chene and Jay. Finan, John, lab., h. 358 Franklin. Finberger, John, soap maker, h. 186 Croghan. Findlater, James, (Findlater & Brunton), h. 263 Second. Findlater & Brunton, (James Findlater and Andrew Brunton), stone yard and dock 10 Atwcter e. Finckin, Mary h, (wid. Henry), h. 109 Catharine. Finehart, Isaac, mason, bds. 116 Lafayette. Finehart, Joseph, machinist, h. 145 Clinton. Fink, Jacob, grocer, 417 Hastings, h. same. Fink, John C., tobacco and cigars, 89 Michigan ave., h. same. Fink, Pinkies, pedlar, h. 148 Mullett. Fink, Simon, grocer. s. e. cor. Beaubien and Beacon, h. same. Finke, Henry. lab., h. 300 Montcalm. Finkelstein, Heiman, hairdresser, h. 211 Lafayette. Finkelstein, Heiman, pedlar, h. 10 Beacon. Finkelstien, Heiman, pedlar, h. 213 Lafayette. Finlay, James, track repairer, h. 30 Harriet HOME Nutual Life Insurance Co., OF CINCINNATI,. OHIO. ~ & ~ ~ . g J @ ~ ~ B GENE- Aem~, S4 GRISWOLD WTe, @ @ @ DETBOIT, - - XICH- -See advertisement, page %.a Finlan, John, contractor, h. 313 Michigan ave. Finlayson, John, engineer, h. 661 Frank- lin. Finlayson, Philip, blacksmith, h. 6614 Franklin. Finlay, Thomas, conductor, bds. 30 Har- riet. Finley, William, hack driver, bds. 30 Hm- riet. Finley, William, milk dealer e. s. Wood- ward ave., be ond R. R. crossin . Finn, c ere mi ah %. , carpenter, h. 87%stiona1 ave. Finn, John, carpenter, h. 82 Eighth, Finn, Mathew, carpenter, h. 955 Fort w. Finn, Richard, lab., bds. 273 Sixth.' Film, Thomas, saloon, 505 Michigan ave., h. same. Finn, Timothy, printer, h. 19 Abbott. Finney, Hiram S., clerk, bds. 345 Cass ave. Finney, Jared W., Asst. District Attorney, bds. 345 Cass ave. Finney, Seymour, h. 345, Cass ave. Finney's Hotel, s. e. cor. Woodward and Gratio t. Finney, Theodore, (col'd), sailor, h. 125 Croghttn. Fianigan, Edward, lab., h. o. 267 Fifth. Finnigan, John, hose driver, bds. cor. Sixth and Orchard. Finnigan, John D., machinist, bds. 253 Seventh. Finnigan, Lawrence, drayman, h. 253 Seventh. Finnister, Jonah, painter, h. 229 Fort e. Finsterwald, Mayer, cigars, 33 Gratiot, h. same. Firby, Thomas, h. 112 Fort e. Fire Commissioners and Chief Engineer's office, s. e. cor. Randolph and Larned. Firemen's Hall, cor. Jefferson ave. and Randolph. Firnane, Michael, jr., clerk, bds. 568 Jefferson ave. First German Ev. Prot. Church of St. Johh, Monroe ave. cor. Farrar. First National Bank, s. w. cor. Jefferson ave. and Griswold, Emory Wendell. Cashier. First Ward School, Jenny Clements principal teacher, Porter, bet. Second and Third. First Ward School (old), Abbott nr. Third. Fischer, Albert, jeweler, bds. 442 Larned e.

212 FIB CLARX'S DETROIT FIS -- PBRKE, JENNINGS & CO., MANUFACTUF! I NG CHEM I STS, Ofice, 62 Aarned St., West. Laboratory Gor. Ghfford & Henry Sts. & Cass Ave DETROIT, MICE. g%T' See advertisement, page 16. Fischer, Albert, lab., bds. 272 Sherman. i Fisher, Albert, pop maker, bds. 399 Seventeenth. Fisher, Albert C., clerk, bds. 251 Woodward ave. Fisher, Albert J., printer, bds. 76 Beaubien. Fisher, August (Martin & Fisher), h. cor. Fort and Beaubien. Fisher, Benjamin, builder, bds. 308 Brush. Fisher, Campbell S., clerk, bds. 69 Lewis. Fisher, Catharine, wid. Henry, h. 78 Eliza- betho m. Fischer, Almira (co17d), (wid. Simon), h, Fisher,David J., bookbindei-, bds. 130 Jones. 287 Waison. Fisher, Elam (Fisher 6;: Long), h. 31 Row- Fischer, Charles C., boot and shoemaker- , land. S45 Woodward ave., h. o. 78, n. 134 Co- Fisher, Mrs. Esther (wid. Isaiah), h. 308 lumbia e. 1 Brush. Fischer, Edward, jeweler, bds. 442 Lamed e. Fischer, Francis X., bookkeeper, bds. Hotel Mauch. Fischer, Frank, helper, h. 194 Division. Fischer, George, tailor, bds. 191 Adams ave. e. Fischer, Henry, lab., h. 321 Bronson. Fischer, Henry, tailor, bds 53 Fort e. Fischer, Jacob, lab.. h. 471 Mullett. Fischer, John, grocer, n. e. cor. Bronson and Riopelle, h. same. Fischer, Peter, cqenter, h. 612 Congress e. Fischeil, Peter (P. & W. Fischer), h. 442 Larned e. Fischer, William (P. & W. Fischer), h. 440 Larned e. Fischer, William, jr., jeweler, bds. 440 Larned e. Fischer, P. & W. (Peter and William Fischez), jewelers, 217 Jefferson ave. Fischer, - , h. 365 Blush. Fisette, George, sailor, h. 154 Seventeenth. Fish, Abraham, clock repairer, h. 358 St. Antoine. Fish, Albert A., boots and shoes, 302 Woodwaid ave., h. 68 Joy. Fish, David D. (Fish & Schroder), h. 178 Twelfth. Fish, George, bds. 27 Beaubien. Fish, Henry, bds. 27 Beaubien. Fish, Stephen W., carpenter and joiner, h. e. s. FCth, nr. Marcy. Fish, William C., bookkeeper, h. s. s. Woodbridge w., bet. Adnir and Leib. Fish, William S., booK~eeper, h. 204 Elizabeth e. Fish & Schroder (David D. Fish and Edward E. Schroder), wholesale teas, 60 JeEerson ave. Fishbach, Clara, (wid. Phillip), boarding, h. 207 Russell. Fishbach, Nicholas, grocer, 56 and 58 Michigan Grand ave., h. same. Fishbach, Phillip, clerk, 58 Michigan Grand ave. Fisher, Aaron, C. (Fisher, Baker & Go.), h. 243 Woodward ave. Fisher, George W., mason, h. 55 Campbell. Fisher, Heniy C., machinist, h. 90 Walnut. Fisher, Isaac T., mason, bds. 383 Brush. Fisher, James L. (Co~!lson, Fisher and Sioddard), h. 44 S' ~~mson. ' Fisher, James W., clerk, bds. 125 Cass. Fisher, John, lab., bds. 88 Labrosse. Fisher, John, inspector, h. 191 Twelfth. Fisher, John C. clerk, h. 94 Locust. Fisher, John T., saloon, 109 Grand River, h. same. Fisher, Joshua, sailm, h. 151 Twelfth. Fisher, Mary Miss. bds. ?'$Elizabeth w. Fisher, Nary A., seamstress, h. 374 Grand River. Flsher. Maxwell 31. (Fisher, Booth 6;: Co.), h. 251 Woodward ave. Fisher, Oscar., lab., bds. Fremon t, nr. Beau- bien. Fisher, Sarah. h. 69 Lewis. Fisher, Thomas (Fisher & Buchan), h. 365 Brush. Fisher, William, builder, h. 284 Second. Fisher, William H., builder, h. 20 Madison ave. Fisher, Baker & Co. (Aaron C. Fisher, David Baker and William Weitzel), carriage furnishing goods, o. 156 n. 158 Wood- ward ave. Fisher, Booth & Co. (Maxwell M. Fisher, Elisha G. Booth & David G. Preston), bankers and brokers, o. 58, n. 68 Wood- ward ave. Fisher & Buchan, (Thomas Fisher and William Buchan), wooden ware, 23 Jef- ferson ave., broom factory, r. 107 and 109 Gratiot Fisher & Long (Elam Fisher and John E. Long), guns and fishing tackle, 110 Wooclward ave. Fishpool, Charles E., lab., bds. 160 Rivard. Fisk, Harvey J., Sec. Detroit Stove Works, h. 680 Jeiferson ave. Fisk, William, shoemaker, h. 218 Second. Fiske, - bds. 152 Howard. Fiske, Edwin D., clerk, h. 34 Alexandrine ave. F*ke, John P. (Fkke & Noses), h. 949 Congress e.


--<br />



Ofice, 62 Aarned St., West.<br />

Laboratory Gor. Ghfford & Henry Sts. & Cass Ave<br />


g%T' See advertisement, page 16.<br />

Fischer, Albert, lab., bds. 272 Sherman.<br />

i<br />

Fisher, Albert, pop maker, bds. 399 Seventeenth.<br />

Fisher, Albert C., clerk, bds. 251 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Fisher, Albert J., printer, bds. 76 Beaubien.<br />

Fisher, August (Martin & Fisher), h. cor.<br />

Fort and Beaubien.<br />

Fisher, Benjamin, builder, bds. 308 Brush.<br />

Fisher, Campbell S., clerk, bds. 69 Lewis.<br />

Fisher, Catharine, wid. Henry, h. 78 Eliza-<br />

betho m.<br />

Fischer, Almira (co17d), (wid. Simon), h, Fisher,David J., bookbindei-, bds. 130 Jones.<br />

287 Waison. Fisher, Elam (Fisher 6;: Long), h. 31 Row-<br />

Fischer, Charles C., boot and shoemaker- , land.<br />

S45 Woodward ave., h. o. 78, n. 134 Co- Fisher, Mrs. Esther (wid. Isaiah), h. 308<br />

lumbia e. 1 Brush.<br />

Fischer, Edward, jeweler, bds. 442 Lamed<br />

e.<br />

Fischer, Francis X., bookkeeper, bds. Hotel<br />

Mauch.<br />

Fischer, Frank, helper, h. 194 Division.<br />

Fischer, George, tailor, bds. 191 Adams<br />

ave. e.<br />

Fischer, Henry, lab., h. 321 Bronson.<br />

Fischer, Henry, tailor, bds 53 Fort e.<br />

Fischer, Jacob, lab.. h. 471 Mullett.<br />

Fischer, John, grocer, n. e. cor. Bronson<br />

and Riopelle, h. same.<br />

Fischer, Peter, cqenter, h. 612 Congress<br />

e.<br />

Fischeil, Peter (P. & W. Fischer), h. 442<br />

Larned e.<br />

Fischer, William (P. & W. Fischer), h. 440<br />

Larned e.<br />

Fischer, William, jr., jeweler, bds. 440<br />

Larned e.<br />

Fischer, P. & W. (Peter and William Fischez),<br />

jewelers, 217 Jefferson ave.<br />

Fischer, - , h. 365 Blush.<br />

Fisette, George, sailor, h. 154 Seventeenth.<br />

Fish, Abraham, clock repairer, h. 358 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Fish, Albert A., boots and shoes, 302 Woodwaid<br />

ave., h. 68 Joy.<br />

Fish, David D. (Fish & Schroder), h. 178<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Fish, George, bds. 27 Beaubien.<br />

Fish, Henry, bds. 27 Beaubien.<br />

Fish, Stephen W., carpenter and joiner,<br />

h. e. s. FCth, nr. Marcy.<br />

Fish, William C., bookkeeper, h. s. s.<br />

Woodbridge w., bet. Adnir and Leib.<br />

Fish, William S., booK~eeper, h. 204 Elizabeth<br />

e.<br />

Fish & Schroder (David D. Fish and Edward<br />

E. Schroder), wholesale teas, 60<br />

JeEerson ave.<br />

Fishbach, Clara, (wid. Phillip), boarding, h.<br />

207 Russell.<br />

Fishbach, Nicholas, grocer, 56 and 58<br />

Michigan Grand ave., h. same.<br />

Fishbach, Phillip, clerk, 58 Michigan<br />

Grand ave.<br />

Fisher, Aaron, C. (Fisher, Baker & Go.), h.<br />

243 Woodward ave.<br />

Fisher, George W., mason, h. 55 Campbell.<br />

Fisher, Heniy C., machinist, h. 90 Walnut.<br />

Fisher, Isaac T., mason, bds. 383 Brush.<br />

Fisher, James L. (Co~!lson, Fisher and<br />

Sioddard), h. 44 S' ~~mson.<br />

'<br />

Fisher, James W., clerk, bds. 125 Cass.<br />

Fisher, John, lab., bds. 88 Labrosse.<br />

Fisher, John, inspector, h. 191 Twelfth.<br />

Fisher, John C. clerk, h. 94 Locust.<br />

Fisher, John T., saloon, 109 Grand River, h.<br />

same.<br />

Fisher, Joshua, sailm, h. 151 Twelfth.<br />

Fisher, Mary Miss. bds. ?'$Elizabeth w.<br />

Fisher, Nary A., seamstress, h. 374 Grand<br />

River.<br />

Flsher. Maxwell 31. (Fisher, Booth 6;: Co.),<br />

h. 251 Woodward ave.<br />

Fisher, Oscar., lab., bds. Fremon t, nr. Beau-<br />

bien.<br />

Fisher, Sarah. h. 69 Lewis.<br />

Fisher, Thomas (Fisher & Buchan), h. 365<br />

Brush.<br />

Fisher, William, builder, h. 284 Second.<br />

Fisher, William H., builder, h. 20 Madison<br />

ave.<br />

Fisher, Baker & Co. (Aaron C. Fisher, David<br />

Baker and William Weitzel), carriage<br />

furnishing goods, o. 156 n. 158 Wood-<br />

ward ave.<br />

Fisher, Booth & Co. (Maxwell M. Fisher,<br />

Elisha G. Booth & David G. Preston),<br />

bankers and brokers, o. 58, n. 68 Wood-<br />

ward ave.<br />

Fisher & Buchan, (Thomas Fisher and<br />

William Buchan), wooden ware, 23 Jef-<br />

ferson ave., broom factory, r. 107 and 109<br />

Gratiot<br />

Fisher & Long (Elam Fisher and John E.<br />

Long), guns and fishing tackle, 110<br />

Wooclward ave.<br />

Fishpool, Charles E., lab., bds. 160 Rivard.<br />

Fisk, Harvey J., Sec. <strong>Detroit</strong> Stove Works,<br />

h. 680 Jeiferson ave.<br />

Fisk, William, shoemaker, h. 218 Second.<br />

Fiske, - bds. 152 Howard.<br />

Fiske, Edwin D., clerk, h. 34 Alexandrine<br />

ave.<br />

F*ke, John P. (Fkke & Noses), h. 949<br />

Congress e.

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