Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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EDW CITY DIRECTORY. EIN 203 --- Edwards, Henr D., (H. D. Edwards & Co.,) h. 103 dashington ave. Edwards, Jesse G., checker, h. 305 Lafcty- ette ave. Edwards. John, machinist, bds. 479 Lar- ned e. Edwards, John. painter, bds. 317 Hast- ings. Edwards, John, speculator, h. 337 Con- gress e. Edwards, John, traveling agent, bds. 216 Woodward ave Edwards, John E., engineer, h. 386 Con- gress e. Edwards, R H., (L. W. Tinker & Co.,) h. 288 Lafa ette ave. Edwards, killiam, painter, h. 330 Hast- ings. Edwards, William E., engineer.. h. 479 Larned e. Edwards, William G., clerk, bds. 103 Washington ave. Edwards, William H., clerk, bds. 288 La- fayette ave. Edwards,. H. D., & Co., (H. D. Edwards and ---), rubber warehouse, 105 Woodward ave. Edwick, William H., carpenter, h. 83 Char- lotte ave. Eeleg, William, wire worker, bds. 140 Randolph. Egan, Bridget, tailoress, bds. 488 Con- gress e. Egan, James, brakeman, bds. 115 Wood- HOME Nutual Life Insurance Co., OF CINCINNATI, OHIO. ~ &-- .- J f ~ ~ l ~ & ~ ~ * GENERAL AGE~T, t34 GRTSWOLD HT.9 @ @ Q DETIZCIT, - - XICH.. @T%ee advertisement, page 27.a Egnew, William HI, clerk: h.14 Macomb. Ehland, Mrs. Eva: h. 450 St. Aubin ave. Ehle, John M., shoemaker, 457 Grand River, h. same. Ehlert, Charles, shoemaker, 199 Bronson, h. same. Ehley, Frederick, painter, h. 22 Mechanic. Ehlke, Frederick, ash pedlar, h. 323 Seventeenth. Ehrenburg, August, carpenter, bds. Green Tree Hotel. Ehrhardt, John, carpenter, h. 189 Napoleon. Elrrmann, Adam, pedlar, h. 319 Montcalm e. Ehrmann, Michael, tobacconist, 261 Woodward ave.. h, same. Ehrmann, Rudolph, pedlar, h. 429 Beaubien. Eib, Dorotha? (wid. John F.,) h. cor. Orleans and Chestnut. Eib, John, shoemaker: h. cor. Orleans and Chestnut. Eichel, Charle~~wagonmaker, h. 121 Maple. Eichler, Anton J., cigar maker, h. 104 Ma- Egan, brid?e ames, e- lab., carpenter, h. 62 Lafay- ple. ette e. Eichler, Frank, hunter and trapper, bds. Egan. James, lab., h. Twelfth nr. Grand Hotel Mauch. c- I River. Eichler, John, gardener, h. w. s. Hastings, Egan, John, moulder, bds. 207 Fifth. nr. city limits. Egan, Mary A., tailoress, bds 488 Con- Eidelberg, Fred., grocer, cor. Orleans and gress e. Croghan, h. same. Egan, Michael, lab., h. 91 Seventeenth.' Eichenbronn, George, stone cutter, h. 501 Egan, Patrick, fireman, h. 259 Sixth. Catharine. Egan, Thomas, boilermaker, h. 476 St. An- Eiden, Nathias, tanner, bds. 712 Michigan toine. ave. Egan, William, lab., h. r. 41 Porter. Eiden, Peter, fish dealer, h. 712 Michigan Egan, Winnifred , (wid. Thomas,) washer- ave. woman, h. 488 Congress e. Eichenbrod, Adam, grocer, 292 Fifteenth, Ege, Frederick, book binder, h. 12 Catha- h. same. rine. Eickhoff, Phillip, watchman, h. 511 Lafay- Ege, Hlerbert, plasterer, h. 192 Napoleon. ette. Ege, Jacob, plasterer, h. 29 Catharine. Eilbert, William, baker, bds. 126 Fort e. Ege, Reuben, plasterer, bds. 29 Catharine. Eilbert,William,watchmaker, bds. 307 Con- Egens, George, carpenter, h. 450 Fifth. gress e. Eggeman, Bernard, (Gold & Eggeman,) h. Eilke. Carl, lab., h. 367 Fort e. 279 Lafiayette. ~ilori, Frederick, porter, h. 196 St htoine. Eggerman, Charles, butcher, h. 121 Dubois. Einfeldt, Henry, shoemaker, h. 372 Six- Eggerman, Henry B., patrolman, h. 571 teenth. Beaubien. Einig, John, teamster, h. n. s. Hale, bet. Eggers, August, blacksmith, h. 838 Michi- Dequindre and St. Aubin ave. gan ave. Einrig, Anton, mason, h. 225 Napoleon. Eggly, Frederick, lab., bds 576 Gratiot. Einstine, Aaron S., tanner, bds. 150 Con- Egnew. Eclwin R., bookkeeper, h. 241 gress e. Third. Einstine, Albert, clerk, bds. 33 Harriet.

204 EIR CLARX'S DETBOIT ELL - - --- - pp - To Prevent Dissatisfaction @ E A W @ Will please to BPECIFY P. J. St C09S., FLUID AXD ) E z ON PRESCRIPTIONS, PAREE, JENNINGS & CO. -See advertisement, page 16. Eiry, George, lab., h. Sixteenth, nr. Myrtle. Eisenach, Anna (wid. Henry), h. 233 Fort e. Eisenach, George, tailor, h. 233 Fort e. Eisenach, William H., sailor, h. 233 Fort e. Eisenhardt, Charles, machinist, h. 114 Ma- comb. Eisenlord's Hotel, 211 Cass. Eisenlord, Esther, (wid. Peter), bds Cass, bet. Stimson and Davenport. Eisenlord, Nathan, apt., Detroit Free Press. h. e. s. Cass, bet. Stimson and Davenport. Eisenlord, William, (Eisenlord & Otis), h. 211 Cass. Eisenlord & Otis (William Eisenlord and Ney 0 tis), prop. Eisenlord's Hotel, 21 1 Cass. Ekins, Henry, gardener, bds. St. John's Rectory, Woodward ave. Ekliff, Andrew, machinist, h. 447 St. An- toine. Elber, Caroline (wid. P. Nicholson), h. Congress, bet. Lieb and Elmwood aye. Elder, Adam, wall papers and picture frames, 164 Jefferson ave., h. 87 Second. Elder, Cornelia (wid. John), seamstress, h. 22 Park Place. Elder, Edward, butcher, bds. 399 Michigan ave. Elder, Esther, (wid. Henry), h. w. s. Rus- sell nr. City Ditch. Elder, Frederick H., local editor Tribune, h. 217 Park. Elder, James, huckster 15 C. H. M., h. 365 Russell. Elder, John, lab., h. 147 Clifford. Elder, Joseph, house mover, h. o. 84, n. 128 Clifford. Elder, Robert, gardener, bds. w. s. Russell nr. City Ditch. Eldridge, Barney, (Eldridge & Co.,) h. 221 Fourth. Eldridge, Edwin G., steward, h. 368 Ab- bott. Eldridge, John V. D., (Eldridge & CO.,) h. 306 Randolph. Eldridge, Thomas W., real estate agent, opp P. O., bds. '79 Washington ave. Eldrid e & Co., (J. V. D. Eldridge and B. &&ridge), a ents domestic sewing machine, 181 Je f erson ave. (up stairs). Elfeld, Charles, sawyer: h. 215 Chene. Ellaire, Charles, carpenter, h. 547 Lafay- ette. ) Ellaire, Sylvester, trunk maker, bds. 547 Lafay ette. I Ellenan Albert, mason, bds. 3 Beaubien. Ellenfelt, John, lab., h. cor. Joseph Campau ave., and Catharine. Ellenstein, Jacob, pedlar, h. 121 Mullett. Ellenstein, Joseph, pedlar, h. 279 St. An- toine. Ellenstein, Neuten, pedlar, h. 283 St. An- to*e. Ellenstein, Solomon, pedlar, h. 229 Clin- ton. Ellenwood, Mrs., h. 440 Woodbridge e. Elliot, Adonis B., machinist, h. 133 St Au- bin ave. Elliot. Alfred, grocer, s. w. cor. Walker and Franklin, h. same. Elliott, Andrew, c.erk, bds. Goodman House. Elliott, Charles M,: carpenter, h. 18 Lewis. Elliott, Clifford, bds. 45 Congress w. Elliott, David, drayman, bds. 360 Michi- gan ave. Elliott, Edward A., office o. 10 Larned w., h. 44 Michigan ave. Elliott, Mrs. H. T., housekeeper, Michigan Exchange. Elliott. Jacob, fireman, bds. 87 Atwater e. Elliott, James E., bds. 45 Con ress w. Elliott, James R., (Elliott Bc ire.:) h. 134 Congress e. Elliott, Richard G., bookkeeper, h. 113 Howard. Elliott, Richard R. (Elliott & Bro.), foreign passage and exchange, office 107 wood- ward ave., h. 146 Congress e. Elliott, Robert, bakery, 226 Gratiot, h. same. Elliott, Robert, blacksmith, h. 140 Beech. Elliott, Washington S., Gen'l U. S. Army, h. 615 Jefferson me. Elliott, William H., clerk, bds. n. e. cor. Washington ave. and Grand River. Elliott & Bro., (Richard R. and James R. Elliott), cloth house, 107 Woodward ave. Ellis, Erastus R., homeopathic physician, office 3 Gratiot, h. same. Ellis, Francis, brakesman, bds. 412 Wood- bridge e. Ellis, Fred. A., clerk, bds. 73 Elizabeth w. Ellis Frederick W., carpenter, h. 309 Croghan. Ellis, James, clerk, bds. 170 Gratiot Ellis, Jamcs, mason, h. 278 Beaubien. Ellis, Jefferson, huckster C. H. M., h. 160 Rivard. Ellis, John, butcher, h. 11 Montcalm w. Ellis, Oscar, hostler, bds. Sherman house. Ellis, Ott is E., foreman, h. s. w. cor. Adams ave. and Clifford. Ellis, Richard, butcher, bds. 62 Montcalm w. Ellison, Julia, clerk, bds. n. s. Monroe ave. nr. Farrar. Ellord Michael C., watchmsn, h. 267 ~rsdklin.


- - --- - pp -<br />

To Prevent Dissatisfaction<br />

@ E A W @<br />

Will please to<br />

BPECIFY P. J. St C09S.,<br />


) E z<br />



-See advertisement, page 16.<br />

Eiry, George, lab., h. Sixteenth, nr. Myrtle.<br />

Eisenach, Anna (wid. Henry), h. 233<br />

Fort e.<br />

Eisenach, George, tailor, h. 233 Fort e.<br />

Eisenach, William H., sailor, h. 233 Fort e.<br />

Eisenhardt, Charles, machinist, h. 114 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Eisenlord's Hotel, 211 Cass.<br />

Eisenlord, Esther, (wid. Peter), bds Cass,<br />

bet. Stimson and Davenport.<br />

Eisenlord, Nathan, apt., <strong>Detroit</strong> Free Press.<br />

h. e. s. Cass, bet. Stimson and Davenport.<br />

Eisenlord, William, (Eisenlord & Otis), h.<br />

211 Cass.<br />

Eisenlord & Otis (William Eisenlord and<br />

Ney 0 tis), prop. Eisenlord's Hotel, 21 1<br />

Cass.<br />

Ekins, Henry, gardener, bds. St. John's<br />

Rectory, Woodward ave.<br />

Ekliff, Andrew, machinist, h. 447 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Elber, Caroline (wid. P. Nicholson), h.<br />

Congress, bet. Lieb and Elmwood aye.<br />

Elder, Adam, wall papers and picture<br />

frames, 164 Jefferson ave., h. 87 Second.<br />

Elder, Cornelia (wid. John), seamstress, h.<br />

22 Park Place.<br />

Elder, Edward, butcher, bds. 399 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Elder, Esther, (wid. Henry), h. w. s. Rus-<br />

sell nr. <strong>City</strong> Ditch.<br />

Elder, Frederick H., local editor Tribune,<br />

h. 217 Park.<br />

Elder, James, huckster 15 C. H. M., h. 365<br />

Russell.<br />

Elder, John, lab., h. 147 Clifford.<br />

Elder, Joseph, house mover, h. o. 84, n. 128<br />

Clifford.<br />

Elder, Robert, gardener, bds. w. s. Russell<br />

nr. <strong>City</strong> Ditch.<br />

Eldridge, Barney, (Eldridge & Co.,) h. 221<br />

Fourth.<br />

Eldridge, Edwin G., steward, h. 368 Ab-<br />

bott.<br />

Eldridge, John V. D., (Eldridge & CO.,) h.<br />

306 Randolph.<br />

Eldridge, Thomas W., real estate agent,<br />

opp P. O., bds. '79 Washington ave.<br />

Eldrid e & Co., (J. V. D. Eldridge and<br />

B. &&ridge), a ents domestic sewing<br />

machine, 181 Je f erson ave. (up stairs).<br />

Elfeld, Charles, sawyer: h. 215 Chene.<br />

Ellaire, Charles, carpenter, h. 547 Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />

) Ellaire, Sylvester, trunk maker, bds. 547<br />

Lafay ette.<br />

I Ellenan Albert, mason, bds. 3 Beaubien.<br />

Ellenfelt, John, lab., h. cor. Joseph Campau<br />

ave., and Catharine.<br />

Ellenstein, Jacob, pedlar, h. 121 Mullett.<br />

Ellenstein, Joseph, pedlar, h. 279 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Ellenstein, Neuten, pedlar, h. 283 St. An-<br />

to*e.<br />

Ellenstein, Solomon, pedlar, h. 229 Clin-<br />

ton.<br />

Ellenwood, Mrs., h. 440 Woodbridge e.<br />

Elliot, Adonis B., machinist, h. 133 St Au-<br />

bin ave.<br />

Elliot. Alfred, grocer, s. w. cor. Walker<br />

and Franklin, h. same.<br />

Elliott, Andrew, c.erk, bds. Goodman<br />

House.<br />

Elliott, Charles M,: carpenter, h. 18 Lewis.<br />

Elliott, Clifford, bds. 45 Congress w.<br />

Elliott, David, drayman, bds. 360 Michi-<br />

gan ave.<br />

Elliott, Edward A., office o. 10 Larned w.,<br />

h. 44 Michigan ave.<br />

Elliott, Mrs. H. T., housekeeper, Michigan<br />

Exchange.<br />

Elliott. Jacob, fireman, bds. 87 Atwater e.<br />

Elliott, James E., bds. 45 Con ress w.<br />

Elliott, James R., (Elliott Bc ire.:) h. 134<br />

Congress e.<br />

Elliott, Richard G., bookkeeper, h. 113<br />

Howard.<br />

Elliott, Richard R. (Elliott & Bro.), foreign<br />

passage and exchange, office 107 wood-<br />

ward ave., h. 146 Congress e.<br />

Elliott, Robert, bakery, 226 Gratiot, h.<br />

same.<br />

Elliott, Robert, blacksmith, h. 140 Beech.<br />

Elliott, Washington S., Gen'l U. S. Army,<br />

h. 615 Jefferson me.<br />

Elliott, William H., clerk, bds. n. e. cor.<br />

Washington ave. and Grand River.<br />

Elliott & Bro., (Richard R. and James R.<br />

Elliott), cloth house, 107 Woodward ave.<br />

Ellis, Erastus R., homeopathic<br />

physician, office 3 Gratiot, h. same.<br />

Ellis, Francis, brakesman, bds. 412 Wood-<br />

bridge e.<br />

Ellis, Fred. A., clerk, bds. 73 Elizabeth w.<br />

Ellis Frederick W., carpenter, h. 309<br />

Croghan.<br />

Ellis, James, clerk, bds. 170 Gratiot<br />

Ellis, Jamcs, mason, h. 278 Beaubien.<br />

Ellis, Jefferson, huckster C. H. M., h. 160<br />

Rivard.<br />

Ellis, John, butcher, h. 11 Montcalm w.<br />

Ellis, Oscar, hostler, bds. Sherman house.<br />

Ellis, Ott is E., foreman, h. s. w. cor. Adams<br />

ave. and Clifford.<br />

Ellis, Richard, butcher, bds. 62 Montcalm w.<br />

Ellison, Julia, clerk, bds. n. s. Monroe ave.<br />

nr. Farrar.<br />

Ellord Michael C., watchmsn, h. 267<br />


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