Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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DWI CITY DIRECTORY. EAT Dwight, Alfred A,, lumber dealer, h. cor. Chene and Jefferson rtve. Dwight, m man B., telegraph operator, h. 368 Brush. Dwight, William M. (W. M. Dwight & Co.), h Jefferson ave., n. w. cor. Chene. DWIGHT, W. M. 62 CO., (William M. Dwight, and Elijah C. Morse,) hard- wood lumber, foot of Riopelle. (See ln- dex page 17.) Dwyer, Catharine, (wid. John,) h. 243 Ab- bott. Dwyer, Cornelius, drayman, h. 52 Napo- leon. Dwyer, Edward, fireman, bds. 243 Abbott. Dwyer, Edward, lab., bds. 431 Lafa ette. Dwyer. James, gilder, h. 64 ~ owarz Dwyer, James, machinist, h. 808 Seventh. Dwyer, Jeremiah, Superintendent Detroit Stove Works, h. Jefferson ave. s. s. bet. Adair and Leib. Dwyer, Jeremiah, fruit dealer, etc., 134 Jef- ferson ave., h. s. w. cor. Cass and Jeffer- son ave. Dwyer, John, conductor, h. 205 Abbott. Dwyer, John, grocer, 92 Porter, h. same. Dwyer, John, lab., h. e. s. Crawford near Lysnnder. Dwyer, John, ship carpenter, bds. o. 94 Franklin. Dwyer, John M., (Dwyer & Vhay,) h. 68 Jefferson ave. Dwyer Michael, lab., h. 103 Porter. Dwyer, Patrick, drayman, h. 85 Plum. Dwyer, Patrick, lab., h. 103 Franklin. Dwyer, Timothy, ship carpenter, h. r. 276 Franklin. Dwyer, William, carpenter, h. o. 260 n. 268 Franklin. Dwyer, William, lab., bds. 243 Abbott. Dwyer 6r, Vhay, (John M. Dwyer and James H. Vha ,) fruit, 68 Jefferson ave. Dyer, George &., bookkeeper, bds. 189 Woodbridge e. Dyer, James, moulder, h. 41 St. Aubin ave. Dyer, John W., bookkeeper, bds. Finney's Hotel. Dyke, Thomas, clerk, bds. 42 Cass. Dyke, - Thomas J., ,druggist, bds. Antisdel House. Dykers, Cornelia, (wid. John,) 11.359 Or- leans. Dykman, Walker, h. 191 Congress w. Dyson, Henry, painter, bds. 165 Franklin. Dyson, William, carpenter, h. 215 Park. AGAN, Michael, moulder, bds. 207 E Fifth. Eagan, Merty, boiler maker, h. 251 Frank- lin. . Eagan, Patrick, lab., bds. Michigan ave., n. s. nr. Sixth. 26 Uutual Life Insurance Co. OF MILWAWE, WIS. DR. cmAa. arr~x~slea, STATE AGENT, 11 1 Jefferson Avenue, DZTROIT, - - - XICH. -Agents Wanted. See advertisement.= Eagan, Thomas driver, bds. 44 Cherry. Eamle, Transportation Co. of Michigan, ?hornas Adams, Pres.; Philo E. Wright, Vice Pres., John Strachan, Sec'y and Tres'r., office foot of Griswold, (up stairs.) Ealke, William, lab. bds. 375 Fort e. Eamans, John M., clerk, bds. o. 142, n. I66 C 1ifFo.d. Eanting, Anthony, B., tanner, h. s. e. cor. Michigan ave. and Fourth. Earaupt, Michael, carpenter, h. Fourth near Grand River. Eardly, Michael, lab., bds. 601 Michigan ave. Earl, Edward P., glass, 50 and 52 Jefferson ave., h. 319 Fort w. Earl, Jefferson, bookkeeper, bds. 207 La- fayette ave. Earl, John, saloon, h. 3 Church. Earl, William E., engraver on wood, 42 Larned w., h. 305 Croghan. Earl, William E. jr., engraver, bds 305 Croghan. Earnley, William, clerk, bds. 243 Grand River. Earnshaw, Abraham W.. sailor, bds. 178 Harrison ave. Earnshaw, Alfred G., sailor, bds. 178 Har- rison ave. Earnshaw, Elizabeth A., (wid. Abraham), h. 178 Harrison ave. Easson, David, blacksmith, h. 427 Con- gress e. Eastman, Daniel, bds. 67 Atwater e. Eastman, Frederick R., clerk, bds. 45 Washington ave. Easton, Henry H.,clerk, bds. 43 Congress w. Easton, James T., clerk, bds. 43 Con ess w. Easton, Thomas C., clerk bds- Con- gress w. Eastwell, Xartin, blacksmith, h. o. 25 Wal- nut. Eaton, Alonzo, County Register, h. 44 Ma- comb ave. Eaton, Caroline, (wid. George), h. 329 Con- gress e. Eaton, Charles H., portrait painter, 32 Ro- tunda, Griswold, bds. 329 Congress e. Eaton, Elizabeth, (wid. Robert), h. 403 Eighteenth. Eaton, James A., carpenter, bds. 403 Eigh- teenth. Eaton, Joseph, carpenter, bds. 403 Eigh- teenth.

202 EAT CLARK'S MAwrnaW Q"@&&#'@B~ B&?!,#B&. COR. CONGRESS 62 RANDOLPH STS. DETROIT- Conducted by Bbn. Ira Zayhew, Author of MAYHEW'S UNIVERSITY BOOK-KEEPING For Businem Colleges and tbe Countin morn. -The only BA- kwping published providin com iete%8truction in practical ac- countantehip. See notice of colLge, Book-keeping and Businn8 practice, at the Slat page of Diiectory.&l Eaton, Maria, (wid. Joseph), h. 168 Four- teenth. Eaton, Mathew, chair maker, bds. 403 Eighteenth. Eaton, Theodore H., jr., (Theo. Eaton & Son), bds. 484 Jefferson ave. Eaton, Theodore H., sen., (Theo. Eaton & Son), h. 484 Jefferson ave. Eaton, Theodore H., & Son, (Theo. H. Ea- ton sen.. and Theo. H. Eaton jr.), whole- sale drugs, o. 18 n. 28 Woodward ave. Eaty, John, lab., bds. 196 Eight. Ebenezer, August, baker, bds. 25 First. Eber, Anthony, carpenter, h. o. 306 Atwa- ter e. Eberbach, William, confectioner, bds. 220 Jefferson ave. Eberhart, Charles, lab., h. 163 Fort e. Eberle, Frederick, (Eberle, Taylor & Co.), h. 239 Cass. Eberle, Peter, butcher, h. 237 Second. . Eberle; Taylor & Co., butchers, (Fred- rick Eberle, John Taylor, Fredrick Kan- man), 239 Cass. Ebert, Christian, lab., h. 74 Williams we. Ebert, John M., shoemaker, h. 142 Fort e. Ebert, J. William, tanner, bds. n. s. Mari- on, nr. waterworks. Eberts, Harvey, finisher. h. o. 294 n. 356 Fifth. Eberts, Herman, F., treasurer, h. 126 Eli- zabeth e. Eberts, Henry, stone cutter, h. n. s. Ger- man, bet. Dequindre and St Aubin ave. Eberts, Jerome, clerk, bds. o. 294 n. 356 Fifth. Eberts, Mary, :(wid. Peter,), h. 19 German. Eberts, Matilda, (wid. Robert), h. o. 294, n. 356 Fifth. Eberts, Nelchior, clerk; bds. 40 Congress w. Ebler, Frank, painter, h. 298 Thirteenth. Ebling, Charles, baker, h. 521 Croghan, Ebling, John, shoemaker, h. 290 Fort e. Ebner, Louis, barber, bds. 1 Jefferson ave. Eby, John F., printer, h. 490 Ninth ave. Eby, Jonas, carpenter, 11.229 Second. Eby, William, carpenter, h. 13 Tuscola Eccard, Charles F., bookkeeper, bds. 160 Randolph. Eceard, Edward, tobacconist, 210 Russell, h. same. Eccard, Francis, tobacconist, 152 and 154 Randolph, h. 160 Randolph. Eccles, J. D., physician, bds. 81 Congress w. DETROIT EDW Ecclestow, George, carpenter, bds. 377 Croghan. Echlin, Roger, sign writer, h. 148 Montcalm e. Eckel, Xichol~, moulder, bds. o. 920 Jefferson avo. Ecker, George, moulder, h. 163 Chene. Eckert, Matilda, seamstress, bds. 101 Grati0t. Eckert, Joseph, h. 101 Gratiot. Eckliff, Andrew, machinist House of Correction, h. 447 St. Antoine. Eckstein, John, stone cutter, h. 398 Riopelle. Eddington, John, engineer, h. s. s. Charlotte ave., bet. Park and Cass ave. Eddy, Charles Be, upholsterer, h. 89 Adamv ave. e. Eddy, John (col'd). lab., bds. 165 Clinton. Eddy, John, machinist, h. 169 Eighth. Edclhoff, Levi, pedlar, h. 93 JYIullett. Eden Peter, fish stand, 86 C. H.M., h. Michigan ave. Edens, George, carpenter, h. 450 Fifth. Edgar, James (W. H. Edgar & Son.), bds. 56 Winder. Edgar, Marion S: (wid. William), h. 607 Cass ave, Edgar, William H. (~illiam H. Edgar & Son)., h. 56 Winder. Ed ar, William H. & Son, (Wm. H. and Lmes Edgar), wholesale sugars and syrups, 4 Atwater e. Edgerton, Fanny L., h. 24 Howard. Edgerton, Oliver N., h. 24 Howard. Edick, Wm. P., blacksmith, h. 393Twelfih. Edmonds, John, clerk, bds. 60 Lamed w. Edmonds, John, lab., h. w. s. Crawford, bet. Cutler and Osceola. Edmonds, Thomas B., auctioneer, bds. Franklin House. Edmonds, William, clerk, h. 312 Chestnut. Edmondson, Geor e D., optician, 157 Jefferson ave., res. g 'pringwells. Edmund, Henry, lab.. h. 146 Fort e. Edson, Chesley B., painter, bds. 98 Beaubien. Edson, James L., (Allan, Shelden & Co.,) h. s. e. cor. Brady and Woodward ave. Edson, Robert. en ineer, h. e, s. Mount Elliott ave. bet. f efferson ave. and Congress. Edwards, Albert M., inspector of Customs, h. 359 Cass ave. Edwards, Benjamin T., h. 68 Montcalm e. Edwards, David, cigar maker, h. 285 Macomb. Edwards, David, clerk, h. 52 George. Edwards, Edmond, carpenter, h. 46 Harrison ave. Edwards, Elias. (col'd) lab., h 185' Bronson. Edwards, George W., clerk, h. 19 Spencer. Edwards, Gilbert, mason, h. 66 Montcalm e.


Dwight, Alfred A,, lumber dealer, h. cor.<br />

Chene and Jefferson rtve.<br />

Dwight, m man B., telegraph operator, h.<br />

368 Brush.<br />

Dwight, William M. (W. M. Dwight & Co.),<br />

h Jefferson ave., n. w. cor. Chene.<br />

DWIGHT, W. M. 62 CO., (William M.<br />

Dwight, and Elijah C. Morse,) hard-<br />

wood lumber, foot of Riopelle. (See ln-<br />

dex page 17.)<br />

Dwyer, Catharine, (wid. John,) h. 243 Ab-<br />

bott.<br />

Dwyer, Cornelius, drayman, h. 52 Napo-<br />

leon.<br />

Dwyer, Edward, fireman, bds. 243 Abbott.<br />

Dwyer, Edward, lab., bds. 431 Lafa ette.<br />

Dwyer. James, gilder, h. 64 ~ owarz<br />

Dwyer, James, machinist, h. 808 Seventh.<br />

Dwyer, Jeremiah, Superintendent <strong>Detroit</strong><br />

Stove Works, h. Jefferson ave. s. s. bet.<br />

Adair and Leib.<br />

Dwyer, Jeremiah, fruit dealer, etc., 134 Jef-<br />

ferson ave., h. s. w. cor. Cass and Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

Dwyer, John, conductor, h. 205 Abbott.<br />

Dwyer, John, grocer, 92 Porter, h. same.<br />

Dwyer, John, lab., h. e. s. Crawford near<br />

Lysnnder.<br />

Dwyer, John, ship carpenter, bds. o. 94<br />

Franklin.<br />

Dwyer, John M., (Dwyer & Vhay,) h. 68<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Dwyer Michael, lab., h. 103 Porter.<br />

Dwyer, Patrick, drayman, h. 85 Plum.<br />

Dwyer, Patrick, lab., h. 103 Franklin.<br />

Dwyer, Timothy, ship carpenter, h. r. 276<br />

Franklin.<br />

Dwyer, William, carpenter, h. o. 260 n. 268<br />

Franklin.<br />

Dwyer, William, lab., bds. 243 Abbott.<br />

Dwyer 6r, Vhay, (John M. Dwyer and<br />

James H. Vha ,) fruit, 68 Jefferson ave.<br />

Dyer, George &., bookkeeper, bds. 189<br />

Woodbridge e.<br />

Dyer, James, moulder, h. 41 St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Dyer, John W., bookkeeper, bds. Finney's<br />

Hotel.<br />

Dyke, Thomas, clerk, bds. 42 Cass.<br />

Dyke, - Thomas J., ,druggist, bds. Antisdel<br />

House.<br />

Dykers, Cornelia, (wid. John,) 11.359 Or-<br />

leans.<br />

Dykman, Walker, h. 191 Congress w.<br />

Dyson, Henry, painter, bds. 165 Franklin.<br />

Dyson, William, carpenter, h. 215 Park.<br />

AGAN, Michael, moulder, bds. 207<br />

E Fifth.<br />

Eagan, Merty, boiler maker, h. 251 Frank-<br />

lin. .<br />

Eagan, Patrick, lab., bds. Michigan ave.,<br />

n. s. nr. Sixth.<br />

26<br />

Uutual Life Insurance Co.<br />


DR. cmAa. arr~x~slea,<br />


11 1 Jefferson Avenue,<br />

DZTROIT, - - - XICH.<br />

-Agents Wanted. See advertisement.=<br />

Eagan, Thomas driver, bds. 44 Cherry.<br />

Eamle, Transportation Co. of Michigan,<br />

?hornas Adams, Pres.; Philo E. Wright,<br />

Vice Pres., John Strachan, Sec'y and<br />

Tres'r., office foot of Griswold, (up stairs.)<br />

Ealke, William, lab. bds. 375 Fort e.<br />

Eamans, John M., clerk, bds. o. 142, n. I66<br />

C 1ifFo.d.<br />

Eanting, Anthony, B., tanner, h. s. e. cor.<br />

Michigan ave. and Fourth.<br />

Earaupt, Michael, carpenter, h. Fourth near<br />

Grand River.<br />

Eardly, Michael, lab., bds. 601 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Earl, Edward P., glass, 50 and 52 Jefferson<br />

ave., h. 319 Fort w.<br />

Earl, Jefferson, bookkeeper, bds. 207 La-<br />

fayette ave.<br />

Earl, John, saloon, h. 3 Church.<br />

Earl, William E., engraver on wood, 42<br />

Larned w., h. 305 Croghan.<br />

Earl, William E. jr., engraver, bds 305<br />

Croghan.<br />

Earnley, William, clerk, bds. 243 Grand<br />

River.<br />

Earnshaw, Abraham W.. sailor, bds. 178<br />

Harrison ave.<br />

Earnshaw, Alfred G., sailor, bds. 178 Har-<br />

rison ave.<br />

Earnshaw, Elizabeth A., (wid. Abraham),<br />

h. 178 Harrison ave.<br />

Easson, David, blacksmith, h. 427 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Eastman, Daniel, bds. 67 Atwater e.<br />

Eastman, Frederick R., clerk, bds. 45<br />

Washington ave.<br />

Easton, Henry H.,clerk, bds. 43 Congress w.<br />

Easton, James T., clerk, bds. 43 Con ess w.<br />

Easton, Thomas C., clerk bds- Con-<br />

gress w.<br />

Eastwell, Xartin, blacksmith, h. o. 25 Wal-<br />

nut.<br />

Eaton, Alonzo, County Register, h. 44 Ma-<br />

comb ave.<br />

Eaton, Caroline, (wid. George), h. 329 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Eaton, Charles H., portrait painter, 32 Ro-<br />

tunda, Griswold, bds. 329 Congress e.<br />

Eaton, Elizabeth, (wid. Robert), h. 403<br />

Eighteenth.<br />

Eaton, James A., carpenter, bds. 403 Eigh-<br />

teenth.<br />

Eaton, Joseph, carpenter, bds. 403 Eigh-<br />


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