Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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DRE CITP DIRECTORY. DUD 19'7 Dreuner, Joseph, pattern maker, bds. Brighton House. Drew, Caroline, (wid. William T.), boarding, h. 251 Congress e. Drew, George A., butcher, bcls. 251 Congress, e Drew, Jno., Daily Union Co., h. 318 Fourth. Drew, John W., piano tuner, h. 25 Columbia, e. Drewery, William J., carriage manfr., h. 17 Baker. Drews, Frederick, cigar maker, h. n. w. cor. Chene and Sherman. Drews, John, laborer, h. 208 Chene. Drexel, Mary (wid. John A.), drug store, n. e. cor. Croghttn and St. Antoine, h. same. Drexelius, Peter, grocer, 270 Macomb, h. same. Drexler. Frank J., pressinan, bds. 240 BIontcalm. Dreyer, Joseph, lab., h. 369 Watson. Dridame, John, cigar maker, h. 260 High. Driffel, William, lab., h. 387 Twelfth. Drigss, Frederick E., (Meddaugh & Drlggs)? bds. 46 Lafayette Drilet, Charles, butcher; h. I44 Franklin. Drinkwater, Jonah, bonnet bleacher, h. 206 Riopelle. Driscoll, Dennis, lab. h. 455 Seventeenth. Drisco!l, Dennis, turnkey, bds. o. 200 Franklin. Driscoll, John, dra.yman, h. 158 Porter. Driscoll, John, moulder, h. 152 Franklin. Driscoll, Margaret (wid. Patrick), h. 238 Third. Driscoll, Martin, lab. h. o. 101 Plum. Driscoll, Mary (wid. Michael), washerwoman, h. o. 216, w. s. Sixth. Driscoll, Patrick, house mover, h, 810 Twelfth. Droege, Frederick, cabinetmaker, 58 Third, bds. 160 Bronson. Drolshagen, Clcmens, grocer, cor. Joseph Campau ave. ttnd Sherman, h. same. Droste, Hen~, wireweaver, bcls. 436 Fifteenth. Drouhor, Gileacl, mason, h. 575 Lafayctte. Drouillard, James I?., carpenter, h. o. 306 Riop ellc. Drouillard, Oliver, sailor, h. 12 Hastings. Drowley, Richard, boiler maker, bds. cor. Sixth and Congress. Drufeberg, C., lab., bds. n. e. cor. Third and Larned. Drumbull, Colin, wagon maker, h. n. w. cor. Crawford and Osceola. Drume, Michael, drayman, h. 233 Harrison ave. Drummon(1, Adam, ship carpenter, bds. 298 Franklin. Drummond, Timothy, lab., bcls. 467 Congress e. Drummond, Timothy, sailor, h. 574 Congress e. NORTHWESTERN Nutual Life Insurance Co. OF MILWAUKEE, WIS. DB. GH&%. AUBPJg@BB, STATE AGENT, 1 11 Jeffersoil Avenue, DETROIT, - - - MICE, WAeet~tR Wanted. See advertisement. page 1 07.a Drury, Thomas, porter, h. 224 Fourteenth. Drury, William J., lab., h. 17 Baker. Druyd, Lyman, telegraph operator, h. 268 Brush. nrydan, John, cigar maker, h. 260 High. Drysdale, Alexarder, clerk, h. 91 Abbott. Drysdale, James M., clerk, bds. 91 Abbott. Dry Dock Engine Works foot of Orleans. Dscllilihsky, Felix, shoemaker, 11. 333 Rus- sell. Duback, John, carpenter, h. 135 Baker. Dubois, Charles, carpenter, h. 276 Macomb. Dubois, Charles. teamster, h. 128 Hastings. Dubois, Charles A., mason, h. 209 Whit- ey: Dubois, James, farmer, h. 724 Jefferson ave. Dubois, John, tailor, h. 231 Croghan. Dubois, Louis, planing mill, 585 Atwater, h. 724 Jefferson ave. Dubois, Malincla, (wid. Samuel), h. 537 Beaubien. Dubois, Margaretta, seamstress, bds. 231 Croghan. Dubois, Mary, (wid. James), seamstress, h. 376 3"acomb. Duberg, John, clerk, h. 204 Division. Dubrick, Joseph, lab. h. 78 Wilkins. Dubuar James A., bookkeeper, bds. 75 Larned w. Ducharme, Alfred J. (Duchar~ne, Pren- tis & Co.,) h. 348 Jefferson nve. Ducl~arme, Charles (Buhl, Ducharme & Co.,) h. s. s. Jefferson we. nr. Chene. Ducharme, Prentiss & Co., (Alfred J. Du- charme, George Prentiss, and Cl~arles F. Fletcher.,) wholesale hardware, 67 & 69 Woodbrid, we w. Duchene, Charles, lab., bds. 22'5 Adam ave e. Ducker. Sarah Jane, huckster, 78 C. H. M. h. 7 Farmer. Ducley, Annc, (wid George) 11. 36 Mayberry ave. Dudey, John, teamster, bds. 36 Mdyberry ave. Dudey, Patrick, lab., bds. n. e. cor. Portc>r and Eighth. Dudley, Freeman, crockery, 52 C. H. M., h. S3 Elizabeth e. Dudley, Thomas, clerk, h. 134 Elizabeth e. Dudley Thomas R. book-keeper, bds. Michigan Eschange. Dudlow, Mary (wid John,) h. 103 Franklin,

198 DUE CLARE'S DETROIT DUN - - - A Reliable Practical Business School- XAYHEW B~8.860 Q"@&&B~B~ Conducted by HON. h a MAYHEW, AUTHOR OF Duggan, Hugh, blacksmith, h. cor. Seventh and Abbott. Duggan, James, blacksmith, h. 187 Nineteenth- Duggnn, Timothy. tinsmith, h. 34 Clifford. Dugger, Archibald, (col'd. ,) barber, Garrison House, h. 308 Clinton. MayAew9s PracticaZ Book-keeping / n uggar, Henry, blacksmith, h. 215 Abbott. For Common and Union Schools, and MAYIIEW'S Duheaume, William, tanner, with T. University Book-keeping for Business College:: and Counting-room8. See 3lst page of Directory. Schmidt, Sandwich. Duhl, Magdelena, (wid. John,) h. 208 Ma- Duehring, William, carpenter, h. 299 Co- comb. lumbia e. Dukemineer. I., (J. R. Chapman cfZ Co..) res. Duengel. Ludwig, farmer, h. w. s. Hns- Fletcher, Ohio. tings nr. City Ditch. Dulock, John, lab., h. 444 St. Aubin ave.. Duennebacke, Anton, cabinet maker, h. 32 Dullea, Charles, plumber, bds. 864 Howard. Clinton. Dullea, Dennis. brewer, alderman Eighth Duennebacke, Henry, harness maker, bds. Ward, h. 264 Howard. 99 Gratiot. Dullman, Bernard, carpenter, h. 244 Mull- Duennebacke, John, carpenter, h. 56 Fort lett. e. Dumcir?. Febria, shoemaker, h. 197 St. Au- Duennebacke, Joseph, harness mane. 99 bin ave. Gratiot, h. same. Dumas, Frank, lab., bds. 291 Clinton. Duennebacke, William, bookkeeper, bds. Dumas, John, carpenter, h. 113 Mayberry 56 Fort e. ave. Duer, MartinV, (col'd.), hostler, bds. Frank- Dumas, Joseph, mason, cor. Dubois and lin House. Larned. Duerselen, Max, clerk, bds. 138 Randolph. Dumas, Leon, carpenter, h. 481 Cromhan. Duerselen, Wilhelmine, (vid. Gustavc), Dumas, Louis, ship carpenter, h. 716%rank- millinery, 138 Randolph, h. same. lin. Duff, Elizabeth, seamstress, bds. w. s. Fif- Dumas, Peter', carpenter, h. 308 Croghan. teenth, nr. Grand River. Dumas, Peter, lab., h. 15 Mayberry ave. Duff, James, butcher, bds. n. e. cor. Grand Dumas, Rose, seamstress, bds. 113 Mayber- River, and Sixteenth. ry ave. Duff, John, butcher, h. n. e. cor. Grand Ri- Dumes, Peter A., lab., h. 199 Twelfth. ver, and Sixteenth. Dummel, Christian, lab., h. 238 Chestnut. Duff, Lockhart, butcher, bds. Brighton Dumon, Fabian, shoemaker, h. 197 St. An- House. toine. duff, Robert, butcher, bds. n. e. cor. Grand Dumoncier, Michael, teamster, h. 389 River, and Sixteenth. Franklin. DUFF, WILLIaM L., butcber. o. 262 n. Dumont, Charles E., h. 549 Macomb. 290 Michigan ave, h. w. s. Fifthteenti1,nr. Dumont, .James, caulker, h. 861 Franklin. Grand River. Dumont Polycarp, shoemaker, h. o. 38s Duffield, D. Bethune, (B. D. & H. M. Duf- Franklin. field,) h. o. 133 n. 165 Congress w. Dumontier, Alexander, blacksnlith, h. 450 Duffield, Henry &I., (D. B. & H. BI. Duffield,j Clinton nve. h. n. 741 o. 713 Jefferson ave. Dumontier, Louis, drayman, h. 409 Frank- Duffield, Samuel e, Ph. M. D. lin. analytical and manufacturing chemist, h. Dumphy, James, clerk, h. 62 Henry. 20 Georee. (See I?tdex page 17") Dumphy, Phillip, carpenter, h. 69 St. Au- Duffield, 6. B. & H. M., (D. Bethune and bin nve. Henry N.,) lawyers, 154 Jefferson ave. Dumphy, Richard, porter, h. 142 Orchard. Duffrens, W., photogrspher, bds. 121 Far- Dumpier, Edward, lab., h. German, bet. mer. Dubois and St. Aubin ave. Duffus, George, chair maker, bds. 114Fifth. Dumpier, Frank, lab., h. Dubois, bet. Ger- DufFy, Charles, lab., 11. 469 Croghan. m:m and Gratiot. Duffy, James, helper, h. 267 Fifth. Dumpier, Mrtrgarette (wid. Frank), h. Ger- Duffy, Matthew, boiler maker, h. 13 Morris. man, bet. Dubois and St. Aubin ave. Duffy, Michael, Mztcksmith, h. 213 Second. Dun, R. 6. & Co., Mercantile Agen- Duffy, Peter, lab., h. 133 Porter. cy, 159 Jefferson ave., G. H. Minchener, Dufrene Anthony R., rocer, cor. Rivard manager. (See In& p. 27.) and Congress, h. 294 8 ongress e. Dunbar, Henry, (col'd), porter, (with Trow- Duggan, Adam, hlbcksmith, h. 187 Nine- bridge, Wilcox & Co.) teenth. Dunberg, Frederick, lab., bds. 585 Ma- Duggan, Dennis, bds. 146 Lamed w. comb.


- - -<br />

A Reliable Practical Business School-<br />

XAYHEW<br />

B~8.860 Q"@&&B~B~<br />

Conducted by HON. h a MAYHEW,<br />


Duggan, Hugh, blacksmith, h. cor. Seventh<br />

and Abbott.<br />

Duggan, James, blacksmith, h. 187 Nineteenth-<br />

Duggnn, Timothy. tinsmith, h. 34 Clifford.<br />

Dugger, Archibald, (col'd. ,) barber, Garrison<br />

House, h. 308 Clinton.<br />

MayAew9s PracticaZ Book-keeping / n uggar, Henry, blacksmith, h. 215 Abbott.<br />

For Common and Union Schools, and MAYIIEW'S Duheaume, William, tanner, with T.<br />

University Book-keeping for Business College::<br />

and Counting-room8. See 3lst page of <strong>Directory</strong>. Schmidt, Sandwich.<br />

Duhl, Magdelena, (wid. John,) h. 208 Ma-<br />

Duehring, William, carpenter, h. 299 Co- comb.<br />

lumbia e. Dukemineer. I., (J. R. Chapman cfZ Co..) res.<br />

Duengel. Ludwig, farmer, h. w. s. Hns- Fletcher, Ohio.<br />

tings nr. <strong>City</strong> Ditch. Dulock, John, lab., h. 444 St. Aubin ave..<br />

Duennebacke, Anton, cabinet maker, h. 32 Dullea, Charles, plumber, bds. 864 Howard.<br />

Clinton. Dullea, Dennis. brewer, alderman Eighth<br />

Duennebacke, Henry, harness maker, bds. Ward, h. 264 Howard.<br />

99 Gratiot. Dullman, Bernard, carpenter, h. 244 Mull-<br />

Duennebacke, John, carpenter, h. 56 Fort lett.<br />

e. Dumcir?. Febria, shoemaker, h. 197 St. Au-<br />

Duennebacke, Joseph, harness mane. 99 bin ave.<br />

Gratiot, h. same. Dumas, Frank, lab., bds. 291 Clinton.<br />

Duennebacke, William, bookkeeper, bds. Dumas, John, carpenter, h. 113 Mayberry<br />

56 Fort e. ave.<br />

Duer, MartinV, (col'd.), hostler, bds. Frank- Dumas, Joseph, mason, cor. Dubois and<br />

lin House. Larned.<br />

Duerselen, Max, clerk, bds. 138 Randolph. Dumas, Leon, carpenter, h. 481 Cromhan.<br />

Duerselen, Wilhelmine, (vid. Gustavc), Dumas, Louis, ship carpenter, h. 716%rank-<br />

millinery, 138 Randolph, h. same. lin.<br />

Duff, Elizabeth, seamstress, bds. w. s. Fif- Dumas, Peter', carpenter, h. 308 Croghan.<br />

teenth, nr. Grand River. Dumas, Peter, lab., h. 15 Mayberry ave.<br />

Duff, James, butcher, bds. n. e. cor. Grand Dumas, Rose, seamstress, bds. 113 Mayber-<br />

River, and Sixteenth. ry ave.<br />

Duff, John, butcher, h. n. e. cor. Grand Ri- Dumes, Peter A., lab., h. 199 Twelfth.<br />

ver, and Sixteenth. Dummel, Christian, lab., h. 238 Chestnut.<br />

Duff, Lockhart, butcher, bds. Brighton Dumon, Fabian, shoemaker, h. 197 St. An-<br />

House. toine.<br />

duff, Robert, butcher, bds. n. e. cor. Grand Dumoncier, Michael, teamster, h. 389<br />

River, and Sixteenth. Franklin.<br />

DUFF, WILLIaM L., butcber. o. 262 n. Dumont, Charles E., h. 549 Macomb.<br />

290 Michigan ave, h. w. s. Fifthteenti1,nr. Dumont, .James, caulker, h. 861 Franklin.<br />

Grand River. Dumont Polycarp, shoemaker, h. o. 38s<br />

Duffield, D. Bethune, (B. D. & H. M. Duf- Franklin.<br />

field,) h. o. 133 n. 165 Congress w. Dumontier, Alexander, blacksnlith, h. 450<br />

Duffield, Henry &I., (D. B. & H. BI. Duffield,j Clinton nve.<br />

h. n. 741 o. 713 Jefferson ave. Dumontier, Louis, drayman, h. 409 Frank-<br />

Duffield, Samuel e, Ph. M. D. lin.<br />

analytical and manufacturing chemist, h. Dumphy, James, clerk, h. 62 Henry.<br />

20 Georee. (See I?tdex page 17") Dumphy, Phillip, carpenter, h. 69 St. Au-<br />

Duffield, 6. B. & H. M., (D. Bethune and bin nve.<br />

Henry N.,) lawyers, 154 Jefferson ave. Dumphy, Richard, porter, h. 142 Orchard.<br />

Duffrens, W., photogrspher, bds. 121 Far- Dumpier, Edward, lab., h. German, bet.<br />

mer. Dubois and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Duffus, George, chair maker, bds. 114Fifth. Dumpier, Frank, lab., h. Dubois, bet. Ger-<br />

DufFy, Charles, lab., 11. 469 Croghan. m:m and Gratiot.<br />

Duffy, James, helper, h. 267 Fifth. Dumpier, Mrtrgarette (wid. Frank), h. Ger-<br />

Duffy, Matthew, boiler maker, h. 13 Morris. man, bet. Dubois and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Duffy, Michael, Mztcksmith, h. 213 Second. Dun, R. 6. & Co., Mercantile Agen-<br />

Duffy, Peter, lab., h. 133 Porter. cy, 159 Jefferson ave., G. H. Minchener,<br />

Dufrene Anthony R., rocer, cor. Rivard manager. (See In& p. 27.)<br />

and Congress, h. 294 8 ongress e. Dunbar, Henry, (col'd), porter, (with Trow-<br />

Duggan, Adam, hlbcksmith, h. 187 Nine- bridge, Wilcox & Co.)<br />

teenth. Dunberg, Frederick, lab., bds. 585 Ma-<br />

Duggan, Dennis, bds. 146 Lamed w. comb.

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