Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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DIE CITY DIRECTORY. DPS 191 Diedrich, Peter, carpenter, h. 183 Clinton. Diedrich, John J., h. 181 Clinton. Diedrich Mathew, engineer, h. 589 Larned e. Diedrichs, Mathe w, carpenter, h. 496 Orleans. Diefenberg, Michael, lab., h. 15 Wilkins. Diegel, Adolph, blacksmith, h. 51 Maple. Diegel, Henry, carpenter, h. 460 Croghan. Diegel, John, teamster, h. 337 Dubois. Diegel, Mary (wid. Martin) h. 344 Bronson. Diehl, Frederick, stone cutter, h. 263 Gratiot. Diehl, George, carpenter, h. 194 Chestnut. Diehl: Henry, shoemaker, h. 152 Antietam. Diehl, Jacob, butcher, h. 483 Macomb. Diehl, John, lab., h. 174 Napoleon. Diehmer, Robert, musician, h. 153 Brewster. Diehn: August, lab., h. 315 Maple. Dieler, John. physician, h. o. ", North. Diener, John, bakery, 383 Russell, h. same. Dienst, Eerrman, machinist, bds. 207 Russell. Diepen, Peter J., lab., h. s. w. cor. Baker and Twelfth. DIEPENBECK, RUDOLPH, Insurance Agent, 72 Congress e., h. 193 Fort e. Diesel, Theresa, seamstress, h. 338 Clinton. Diesner, Frederick, blacksmith, h. 458 Fort e. Dietrich, John, lab., bds 413 St. Antoine. Dietrich, Matthew, engineer, h. 580 Larned e. Dietrich, Thuebo, carpenter, bds. 102 Brush. Dietz, Ernst, upholsterer, h. 156 Chestnut. Dietz, Henry, shoemaker, bds. 156 Croghan. Dietz, John, biacksmith, h. 212 Mont~ca.llm e. Dietz, John, shoemaker, 60 Atwater e., h. 106 Croghan. Dietz, Joseph, mason, h. 297 Sixt.eenth. Dietz, Peter, lab., bcls. 181 Clinton. Dietzel, -, h. 316 Clinton. Dievenbach, Carl, lab., h. 70 Jay. Dihle, Charles. saloon, 143 Woodbridge w. Dilke, Theodore, carpenter, bds. 236 Mul- lett. Dill, Alexander. street car driver, bds. 30 Harriet. Dill. William J.. street car driver, bds. 30 ~arriet. Dillis, Joseph, lab., h. Croghan bet. Hast- ings and St. Ant oine. Dillman, Barbara W. Mrs., h. 4-08 Third. Dillman, George, clerk. bds. 408 Third. Dillman, Louis, proprietor Hotel Mauch, 43 and 4-5 Michigan Grand ave. Dillman, Theodore, shoemaker, bds 63 Atwater e. Dillon, Patrick, policeman, bds. Franklin House. Dilts, Charles, ticket agent, h. 92 Sixth. DiJ*, Thomas, helper, h. 175 Franklin. -. HOME Mutual Life Insurance Co., OF CINCINNATI, OHIO. @aAmfgaB&l@& W@ @@ GENERAL AGENT. 84 GHISIVOLD STREET, DETROIT, - - MICE- WSee advertisement, page 2 7 . a - -- - - -- - - Dilworth, Cornelius, lab., h. n. s. Grand River nr. Twelfth. Di1~rort.h~ David, conductor, bds. 207 Michigan ave. Dil~vorth, Thoinas, lab., h. 214 Franklin. Dilyot, Catharine, dressmaker, bds. Thirteenth-and-half bet. Michigan avc. and Baker Dilyot, Joseph, saloon, h. 216 St. Aubin ave. Dimock, Stowel H., druggist, bds. 121 Michigan ave. Dimler, Andrew, tinsmith, 286 Croghan, h. 284 same. Dimler, Christoph, drayman, h. 481 Larned e. Dimnick, Joseph, h. 235 Park. Dinan, Matthew, lab.. h. 451 Sixteenth. Dings, Wilbcrt, carpenter, bds. Purdy's Hotel. Dinggall, Theodore, tanner, bds. 818 Fort w. Dingler, George, tanner, bds. 59 Napoleon. Dingeman, Francis, (Dingeman, Vanloon & Note), bds. 251 Grand River. Dingeman, Vanloon & Note, sasll and blind factory, (Francis Dingeman, John Vanloon and Leopold Note), Grand River bet. Third and Fourth. Dings, Levi, bds. 27 Monroe ave, Dings, Sarah, Mrs., (Fuller & Dings), h. 27 Monroe ave. Dingwell, Alesander, lab., bds. 207 Michigan ave. Dingwell, Gcorge, letter carrier, h. 25 Campbell. Dink, George, moulder h. 218 St. Aubin nve. Dinnen, Williztm, brass founder, h. 350 Woodbridge e. Dinnett, Arnold, lab., h. e. s. Thirteenthand-half, 2nd house from Baker. Dinseat, Regina, (wid. John), bds. 276 North. Dinstadt, Herman, mason, h. e. s. Nount Elliott ave. bet. Macomb ancl Clinton. Dipple, Willianl, blacksmith, n. w. cor. Crawford and Grand River. Dion, Joseph, shoemaker. h. 28 Orleans. Disch. Rudolph. carper-ter, h. 99 Mullett. Distel, Henry, clerk, bds. Antisdel House. Distcl, Provist, teamster, b. 26 Twelfth. Distin, Amos T., tinsmith, h. 590 Croghan.

192 DIT CLARK'IJ DETBOIT DOL DETROIT, mrca. PARKL JENNINGS & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF Bp98fltka Nit~e~ l!H#ae~~~ Aqua Ammonia, &c., DETROIT, - - XICH- WSee advertisement, page 16. -- - Dither, Nicholas, finisher: h. 102 Twelfth. Ditmore, George, tanner, h. 29 Twelfth. Dittmer, Andrew, engineer: h. 718 Wood- bridge w. Dittmer, Christow, lab., h. 316 Hastings. Ditt?mer, Frederick, (Sullivan & Dittmer,) h. 316 Eastings. Dittmer, John, lab., h. 231 Twelfth. Divinney, Robert, clerk, h. 334 Sixth. Divinney, William H., druggist, bds. 334 Sixth. Dixon, Byron, sailor, bds. 140 Columbia e. Dixon, Capt. Curtis H., ship broker, h. 44 Park Place. Dixon, George H., (George Clark & Co.,) h. 315 Fourth. Dixon, Jesse, (wid. Charles,) h. Franklin s. s. bet. Hastings and St, Antoine. Dixon, Martin, boiler maker, h. 395 Clin- ton. Dixon, Michael, blacksmith, h. 71 Harrison ave. Dixon, Phillip, (col'd.,) lab., h. s. s. Ohio, bet. St. Antoine and Hastin s. Dixon, Roxanna, ah., h. 252 5 ark. Dixon, Sidney B., bookkeeper, h. 156 Na- poleon. Dixon, Thomas, lab., h. 288 Franklin. Dixon, Thomas, lab., bds. 306 Michigan ave. Dixon, Walter, machinist, h. 495 Lafay- ette e. Dixon, William, captain, hds. 140 Colum- bia e. Dixon. William .N, carpenter, h. 260 Grand River. Dlargny, Jolin, teamster, h. Fourth near Gold. Dlies, August, cabinetmaker, 148 Croghan, h. same. Dlies, Joseph, lab., h. 146 Croghan. Doane, Xoses M., engineer, h.. 58 Thirteenth. Dobbs, Arthur, conductor, bds. 101 Larned w. Dober, Charles, butcher, bds. 117 Catharine. Dobie, William, clerk, h. 75 George. Dobie, William, jr., bookkeeper, bds. 75 George. Dobinson, Wm., carpenter, h. 39 Twentysecond. Dobroby, John, chair maker, h. s. e. cor. Fifteenth and Canficld. Dobson, Charles D:, carpenter, h. 97 Baker. Dobson, Edward J., carpenter, h. 97 Baker; Dobson, George, carpenter, h. 75 Orchard. Dobson, George, carpenter, h. 90 Wilkins. Dobson, Linus E., Lake Survey, h. 524 Sixth. Docharty, George, lab., h. 22 Orleans. Doddard, James, carpenter, bds. 16 Beau- ' bien. Dodds, John J., clerk, h. 170 Adams ave e. Dodge, Alvin, captain, h. 89 Ledyard. Dodge, William, carpenter, bds. 19 Sixth. Dodlaw, John, blacksmith, h. 125 Chene. Dodlay, Jerome lab., h. 525 Fort e. Dodsley, William R., Custom House, bds. 324 Michigan ave. Dody, Sarah. (wid. Sidney,) seamstress, h. 169 Mullett. Doe, Alexander, sailor, bds. o. 522 Franklin. Doe, Anthony, sailor, bds. o. 522 Franklin. Doe, Jacinthe, lab., h. o. 522 Franklin. Doe, Oliver, sailor, bds. o. 522 Franklin. Doe, Peter, sailor. bds. o. 522 Franklin. Doeltz, Au rust, clerk, bds. 551 Jefferson ave. Doeltz. Gustavus, (G. Doeltz (& Bro.,) h. 551 Jefferson ave. Doeltz, William, (G. Doeltz di; Bro.,) h. o. 144 n. 158 Congress e. Doeltz, U. & Bro. (Gustavus & ' ~il- liam,) importers and dealers in fancy goocis, 80 and 82 Woodward ave. Doench, John, shoemaker, h. 68 Riopelle. Doench, Kicholas, lab., h. 59 Marion. Doeren, Jacob, lab., bds. 108 Clinton. Doering, August, musician, h. 156 Rusell. Doering, Carl, lab., h. 116 Antietam. Doerinm, Charles, h. 353 North. Doerr, 3ohn, blacksmith, h. 112 Napoleon. Doersing, Frederick, shoemaker, h. 592 Michigan ave. Doersing, Frederick, sr., teamster, bds. 592 Michigan ave. Doerwald, Henry, carpenter, bds. 235 Co- lumbia e. Doetsch, HiIlnrius, shoemaker, 6 yankee notions, 430 St. Antoine, h. same. Doetsch, Mathem, grocer, 423 St. Antoine h. same. Doherty, John, porter, h. 127 Orchard. Dolan, Bernard J., machinist, h. 96 Harri- son are. Dolan, George, butcher, bds. 62 Elizabeth W. Dolan, Henry, lab., h. r. 41 Porter Dolan, Michael, blacksmith, bds. 105 Beau- bien. Dolan, Thomas bl., cigar maker, h. 288 High. Doll, Nagdalena, (wid. John), h. 208 Ma- comb. Doll, Jacob, lab., h. 208 Macomb. Doll, John, cigar maker, bds. A08 Macomb. Doll, John, lab., 11.437 Mullett Doll, Joseph, sawyer, bds. 208, Macomb. Doll, Peter, shoemaker, h. 166 Clinton. #


Diedrich, Peter, carpenter, h. 183 Clinton.<br />

Diedrich, John J., h. 181 Clinton.<br />

Diedrich Mathew, engineer, h. 589 Larned<br />

e.<br />

Diedrichs, Mathe w, carpenter, h. 496<br />

Orleans.<br />

Diefenberg, Michael, lab., h. 15 Wilkins.<br />

Diegel, Adolph, blacksmith, h. 51 Maple.<br />

Diegel, Henry, carpenter, h. 460 Croghan.<br />

Diegel, John, teamster, h. 337 Dubois.<br />

Diegel, Mary (wid. Martin) h. 344 Bronson.<br />

Diehl, Frederick, stone cutter, h. 263 Gratiot.<br />

Diehl, George, carpenter, h. 194 Chestnut.<br />

Diehl: Henry, shoemaker, h. 152 Antietam.<br />

Diehl, Jacob, butcher, h. 483 Macomb.<br />

Diehl, John, lab., h. 174 Napoleon.<br />

Diehmer, Robert, musician, h. 153 Brewster.<br />

Diehn: August, lab., h. 315 Maple.<br />

Dieler, John. physician, h. o. ", North.<br />

Diener, John, bakery, 383 Russell, h. same.<br />

Dienst, Eerrman, machinist, bds. 207<br />

Russell.<br />

Diepen, Peter J., lab., h. s. w. cor. Baker<br />

and Twelfth.<br />

DIEPENBECK, RUDOLPH, Insurance<br />

Agent, 72 Congress e., h. 193 Fort e.<br />

Diesel, Theresa, seamstress, h. 338 Clinton.<br />

Diesner, Frederick, blacksmith, h. 458<br />

Fort e.<br />

Dietrich, John, lab., bds 413 St. Antoine.<br />

Dietrich, Matthew, engineer, h. 580 Larned<br />

e.<br />

Dietrich, Thuebo, carpenter, bds. 102<br />

Brush.<br />

Dietz, Ernst, upholsterer, h. 156 Chestnut.<br />

Dietz, Henry, shoemaker, bds. 156 Croghan.<br />

Dietz, John, biacksmith, h. 212 Mont~ca.llm e.<br />

Dietz, John, shoemaker, 60 Atwater e., h.<br />

106 Croghan.<br />

Dietz, Joseph, mason, h. 297 Sixt.eenth.<br />

Dietz, Peter, lab., bcls. 181 Clinton.<br />

Dietzel, -, h. 316 Clinton.<br />

Dievenbach, Carl, lab., h. 70 Jay.<br />

Dihle, Charles. saloon, 143 Woodbridge w.<br />

Dilke, Theodore, carpenter, bds. 236 Mul-<br />

lett.<br />

Dill, Alexander. street car driver, bds. 30<br />

Harriet.<br />

Dill. William J.. street car driver, bds. 30<br />

~arriet.<br />

Dillis, Joseph, lab., h. Croghan bet. Hast-<br />

ings and St. Ant oine.<br />

Dillman, Barbara W. Mrs., h. 4-08 Third.<br />

Dillman, George, clerk. bds. 408 Third.<br />

Dillman, Louis, proprietor Hotel Mauch,<br />

43 and 4-5 Michigan Grand ave.<br />

Dillman, Theodore, shoemaker, bds 63<br />

Atwater e.<br />

Dillon, Patrick, policeman, bds. Franklin<br />

House.<br />

Dilts, Charles, ticket agent, h. 92 Sixth.<br />

DiJ*, Thomas, helper, h. 175 Franklin.<br />

-.<br />

HOME<br />

Mutual Life Insurance Co.,<br />


@aAmfgaB&l@&<br />

W@ @@<br />



DETROIT, - - MICE-<br />

WSee advertisement, page 2 7 . a<br />

- -- - - -- - -<br />

Dilworth, Cornelius, lab., h. n. s. Grand<br />

River nr. Twelfth.<br />

Di1~rort.h~ David, conductor, bds. 207<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Dil~vorth, Thoinas, lab., h. 214 Franklin.<br />

Dilyot, Catharine, dressmaker, bds. Thirteenth-and-half<br />

bet. Michigan avc. and<br />

Baker<br />

Dilyot, Joseph, saloon, h. 216 St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Dimock, Stowel H., druggist, bds. 121<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Dimler, Andrew, tinsmith, 286 Croghan,<br />

h. 284 same.<br />

Dimler, Christoph, drayman, h. 481 Larned<br />

e.<br />

Dimnick, Joseph, h. 235 Park.<br />

Dinan, Matthew, lab.. h. 451 Sixteenth.<br />

Dings, Wilbcrt, carpenter, bds. Purdy's<br />

Hotel.<br />

Dinggall, Theodore, tanner, bds. 818<br />

Fort w.<br />

Dingler, George, tanner, bds. 59 Napoleon.<br />

Dingeman, Francis, (Dingeman, Vanloon<br />

& Note), bds. 251 Grand River.<br />

Dingeman, Vanloon & Note,<br />

sasll and blind factory, (Francis Dingeman,<br />

John Vanloon and Leopold Note),<br />

Grand River bet. Third and Fourth.<br />

Dings, Levi, bds. 27 Monroe ave,<br />

Dings, Sarah, Mrs., (Fuller & Dings), h.<br />

27 Monroe ave.<br />

Dingwell, Alesander, lab., bds. 207 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Dingwell, Gcorge, letter carrier, h. 25<br />

Campbell.<br />

Dink, George, moulder h. 218 St. Aubin<br />

nve.<br />

Dinnen, Williztm, brass founder, h. 350<br />

Woodbridge e.<br />

Dinnett, Arnold, lab., h. e. s. Thirteenthand-half,<br />

2nd house from Baker.<br />

Dinseat, Regina, (wid. John), bds. 276<br />

North.<br />

Dinstadt, Herman, mason, h. e. s. Nount<br />

Elliott ave. bet. Macomb ancl Clinton.<br />

Dipple, Willianl, blacksmith, n. w. cor.<br />

Crawford and Grand River.<br />

Dion, Joseph, shoemaker. h. 28 Orleans.<br />

Disch. Rudolph. carper-ter, h. 99 Mullett.<br />

Distel, Henry, clerk, bds. Antisdel House.<br />

Distcl, Provist, teamster, b. 26 Twelfth.<br />

Distin, Amos T., tinsmith, h. 590 Croghan.

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