Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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DET CITY DIRECTORY. DEW 189 Detroit Building and Saving: Society No. 4, 1 NORTHWESTERN L. ~ressinwe?~ Hall, ~us%ell. " Detroit Car 6ompany, (John S. President. Edward Dean. Treasurer and Mutual Life Insurance Co Manager): 208 to 220 ~arned w. I OF MILWAUKEE, WIS. Detroit &&'wheel Company, 471 Atwater. ]DR. CEAS. AUE'JH@EB, Detroit Central Mills, n. s. Woodbridge w., near Ninth me. STATE AGENT, DETROIT CHAIR FACTORY, (Henry 11 1 Jefferson Avenue, Smith Treasurer, Franklin Barber Sec- DETROIT, - - - XICH, retary), cor. Fouith and Porter. WAgente Wanted. See advertisement, page 107.A DETROIT - -- - CITY RAILROAD OFFICE. 203 Woodbridge w. Detroit Steam Forge, foot Mt. Elliott ave. Detroit Classical and Mathematical School, Detroit Steam Laundry, cor. Bates and . 109 Griswold. Congress, Fernald and Dustin, proprie- Detroit and Cleveland Navigation Co., tors. office foot of Shelby. Detroit Stove Works, Secretary, Harvey J. Det,roit Commercial Adver- Fish, Jerry Dwyer, Superintendent. tiser,. W. H. Burk, editor and proprie- Works at Hamtrall~ck, office and salestor, 44 Lamed w. room 15 and 17 Woodbridge w. Detroit Daily Post, n. e. cor. Larned and Detroit White Lead and Color Works, n. s. ' Shelby. Jones, bet Third and Fourth. Detroit Daily Tribune, 42 Lar- DETROIT WO0L)ENWARE WORKS, r~ed w. Milton Frost, Supt., Wight, s. s. bet. Detroit Female Seminary, 84 Fort w. Adair and Leib, also river front. (See Detroit Fire and Marine Insu- Index, page I?'.) rance Company, (C. Van Husan, Presi- Detroit Workiigman's Building and Saydent, James J. Clark, Secretary), 124 ing Society, Arbeiter Hall. Jefferson ave. (See &.front mer.) Deubuar, James A,, bds. 55 Larned w. Detroit Flour Mill, n. e. cor. Michigan ave. Deuter, William, tailor, 157 Fort e., h. and First. same. Detroit Free Press Co., (Henry N. Walker, Devenmore, Louis, carpenter, h. 455 Gra- President, Freeman Norvell, Secretary), tiot office Woodbridge cor. Griswold. Devening, William H., clerk, bds. 334 DETROIT GAS LIGHT CO, (Peter E. Sixth. De Nill, Superintendent), office 8 Lar- Devereaux, Patrick, carpenter, h. o. 218, n. ned e. (See Index, page 17). 256 Fifth. Detroit House of Correction, 2. R. Brock- Devereaux, Peter, lab., h. 275 Dequindre. way, Superintendent, n. s. Whitney, bet. Deville, John, clerk, bds. 81 Adams ave e. Russell and Riopelle. Deville, J. Nicholas, brewer, h. 228 Rus- Detroit Journal of Commerce, Tappan, Mc- sell. Killop & Co. pub., 157 Jefferson ave. Devine, Charles R., bds. 100 Michigan ave. Detroit Lithographic Office, Devine, Thomas, lab., h. 217 Montcalm e. D. T. Corrie, proprietor, 12 Larned e. Devlin, Henry J , bookkeeper, bds. 174 (See Index, page 17"). Larned e. DETROIT LOCOMOTIVE WORE S, Devlin, Patrick, sexton, h. 174 Larned e. Christian H. Buhl, Presideut, David R. De Wandeler, Charles, chairmaker, h. 34'7 Pierce, Secretary and Treasurer. (See Croghan. In&$, page 17.) Dewey, Adolph, carpenter, bds. 440 (Ilin- Detroit Medical College, Woodward ave. ton. e. bet. Brady and Alexandrine ave. Dewey, Alexander, carpenter, bds. 440 Detroit Novelty Works, n. w. cor. Brush Clinton. and Woodbridge. Dewey, Christoph, carpenter, bds. 440 Detroit Ornamental Stone Company, 2'78 Clinton. Atwater. Dewey, George H. (Dewey, Middlewood & Detroit Paper Co., Pease & Smith, propri- Co.), h. 411 Lafayette. etors, n. w. cor. Woodward ave., and Dewey, Harvey, carpenter, h. 386 Lafay- Larned. ette. Detroit Railroad Elevator, nr. D 62 &I. slip Dewey, James, builder, 11.824 Jefferson ave dock, Henry E. Gould, Sup't. Dewey, James S., carpenter, bds. 386 La- Detroit River Lumber Company, office and fayette. yard o. 315 Atwater e. Dewey, Sarah (wid. James), h. 411 Lafay- Detrdit Safe Company, Atwater, bet. Hast- ette. ings and Rivard. Dewey, William D., clerk, bds. 285 Jeffer- Detroit Savings Bank, opp. P. O., Griswold. son ave.

190 DEW CLBRI('S DETROIT DIE A Reliable Practical Business School. ( Dickinson, Don N., (Dickinson & Dickin- Conducted by HON. IRA MAYHEW, AUTEOR OF Xayhew's PracZicaZ Book-keeping For Common and Union Schools, and MAYHEW'S University Book-keeping for Business Colleges and Countinz-rooms. See 3lst page of Directory. Dewey, Ziba (Dewey, Middlewood cSt Co.), h. 386 Larned e. DEWEY, MIDDLEWOOD 62 CO., (Gckorge H. Dewey, Ziba Dewey and George Middlewood), mnfi-s. of sash, doors and blinds, foot of Riopelle. (See Index, page 17.) Dewson, Frederick, clerk G. W. R., res. Windsor, Ont. Denrson, Henry, saloon, 205 Third. Dexter, Mary, dressmaking, h. 46 Mont- calm e. Dey, Alexander, H., Prest. American Na- tional Bank, h. 425 Jefferson ave. Deyonkheer, Emil, cooper, h. 538 Fort e. Deyot, Peter, shoemaker, h. 98 Orleans. Dezilla, Alexander, captain, h. 368 Cro- ghan. Dhorburn, William, carpenter, 589 Lafay- ette. Dhorburn. William, jr., clerk, bds. 589 La- fayette. Diack, Alexander, engineer, h. 228 Fourth. Diack, Archibald W., (Gardner cB Diack,) h. 80 Beech. Diack, James S., draughtsman, h. 78 Beech. Diamond, Herman, glassware, 310 Michi- gan ave., h. same. Dias, Emanuel C., (S. E. 62 E. C. Dias,) bds. 210 Gratiot. Dias, Samuel E., (S. E. & E. C. Dias,) bds. 210 Gratiot. 1 Dias, S. E. & E. C., (Samuel E. & Emanuel C.,) tobaconists, 210 Gratiot. Dibble, Noah H., captain, h. 23 Elizabeth e. Dick, Christian, painter, bds. 209 Nichigan ave. Dick, John, chair maker, h. 166 Labrosse. Dick, Joseph J., carriage painter, h. 85 Porter. Dick, William, chair maker, bds. 166 La- brosse. Dicker, William, carpenter, bds. 520 Lar- ned e. Dickerson, Charles H., hatter, 167 Jefferson ave., h. 87 State. Dickerson, Howard A., (Charles Root & Co.,) bds. 134 Fort w. Dickerson, William W., conductor, h. 286 Second. Dickey, Ellen, (wid.,) h. 229 Seventh. Dickinson, Charles R. farmer, bds. cor. Na- tional ave. and Grand River. Dickinson, Daniel, lab., h. o. 256 Randolph. son, h. $1 Coll~mbia w. Dickinson, Edward J., clerk, bds. 45 Washington ave. Dickinson, George B., commission merchant, 2 Board of Trade Building, h. 169 Congress w. Dickinson, George W., bds. cor. National ave. and Grand River. Dickinson, James E., clerk, bds. 45 Washington ave. ~icgnson, Julian G., (Dickinson & Dickinson,) bds. 19 High. Dickinson, Moses F., h. cor. National ave. and Grand River. Dickinson, Samuel (col'd), whitewasher, h. 36 Clifford. Dickinson, Thomas P. printer, h. 298 Twelfth. Dickinson & Dickinson, (Don M. Dickinson and Julian G. Dichson,) lawyers, office 149 Jefferson ave. Dickman, August, carpenter, Alley, bet. Russell and Rivard and Lafayette and Fort. Diclman, Caspar, lab., h. 306, Antietam. Dickmann, Catharine (wid. William), h. 86 Jay. Dick, Henry, sawyer, h. 283 Seventeenth. Dickson, Andrew, brass finisher, h. 255 Lafayette. Dickson, David, grocer, cor. First and Larned, h. same. Dickson, David, jr., clerk, bds. cor. First and Larned. Dickson, John, sailor, h. 5 Park Place. Dickson, John, S., bookkeeper, bds. 117 Larned w. Dickson, Samuel M., printer, bds. 922 Jefferson ave. Dickson, Sidney B., clerk, h. 156 Napoleon. Dickson, Thomas, lab., bds. r 310 Michigan ave. Dickson, William J., clerk, h. 438 Third. Didle, George, lab., bds. 199 Eighteenth. Didtrich, David, conductor, h. Crawfbrd, bet. Ann and Buena Vista. Diebel, Frederick, carpenter, h. 211 Montcalm e. Diebel, Frederick, mason, h. 171 Mullet Diebel, John, lab., h. 265 Twelfth. Diebel, Lorenz, carpenter, h. 198 Division. Diebel, Margaret, midwife, h. 265 Twelfth. Diedlauf, Anton, lab., h. 294 Juliette. Diederich, August, lab., h. 236 Sherman. Diederic h, August F. (Diederich and Breisacher), h. 208 Fort e. Diederich, John (Metzner & Co.), h. 796 Michigan ave. Diederich, Joseph, tinshop, 488 Gratiot, h. same. Diederich, Louis, mason, h. 236 Sherman. Diederich & Breisacher (August F. Diederich and Leo Breisacher), dealers in wines and liquors, 72 Congress e.


A Reliable Practical Business School. ( Dickinson, Don N., (Dickinson & Dickin-<br />

Conducted by HON. IRA MAYHEW,<br />


Xayhew's PracZicaZ Book-keeping<br />

For Common and Union Schools, and MAYHEW'S<br />

University Book-keeping for Business Colleges<br />

and Countinz-rooms. See 3lst page of <strong>Directory</strong>.<br />

Dewey, Ziba (Dewey, Middlewood cSt Co.),<br />

h. 386 Larned e.<br />


(Gckorge H. Dewey, Ziba Dewey and<br />

George Middlewood), mnfi-s. of sash,<br />

doors and blinds, foot of Riopelle. (See<br />

Index, page 17.)<br />

Dewson, Frederick, clerk G. W. R., res.<br />

Windsor, Ont.<br />

Denrson, Henry, saloon, 205 Third.<br />

Dexter, Mary, dressmaking, h. 46 Mont-<br />

calm e.<br />

Dey, Alexander, H., Prest. American Na-<br />

tional Bank, h. 425 Jefferson ave.<br />

Deyonkheer, Emil, cooper, h. 538 Fort e.<br />

Deyot, Peter, shoemaker, h. 98 Orleans.<br />

Dezilla, Alexander, captain, h. 368 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Dhorburn, William, carpenter, 589 Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />

Dhorburn. William, jr., clerk, bds. 589 La-<br />

fayette.<br />

Diack, Alexander, engineer, h. 228 Fourth.<br />

Diack, Archibald W., (Gardner cB Diack,)<br />

h. 80 Beech.<br />

Diack, James S., draughtsman, h. 78 Beech.<br />

Diamond, Herman, glassware, 310 Michi-<br />

gan ave., h. same.<br />

Dias, Emanuel C., (S. E. 62 E. C. Dias,)<br />

bds. 210 Gratiot.<br />

Dias, Samuel E., (S. E. & E. C. Dias,) bds.<br />

210 Gratiot. 1<br />

Dias, S. E. & E. C., (Samuel E. & Emanuel<br />

C.,) tobaconists, 210 Gratiot.<br />

Dibble, Noah H., captain, h. 23 Elizabeth e.<br />

Dick, Christian, painter, bds. 209 Nichigan<br />

ave.<br />

Dick, John, chair maker, h. 166 Labrosse.<br />

Dick, Joseph J., carriage painter, h. 85<br />

Porter.<br />

Dick, William, chair maker, bds. 166 La-<br />

brosse.<br />

Dicker, William, carpenter, bds. 520 Lar-<br />

ned e.<br />

Dickerson, Charles H., hatter, 167 Jefferson<br />

ave., h. 87 State.<br />

Dickerson, Howard A., (Charles Root &<br />

Co.,) bds. 134 Fort w.<br />

Dickerson, William W., conductor, h. 286<br />

Second.<br />

Dickey, Ellen, (wid.,) h. 229 Seventh.<br />

Dickinson, Charles R. farmer, bds. cor. Na-<br />

tional ave. and Grand River.<br />

Dickinson, Daniel, lab., h. o. 256 Randolph.<br />

son, h. $1 Coll~mbia w.<br />

Dickinson, Edward J., clerk, bds. 45 Washington<br />

ave.<br />

Dickinson, George B., commission merchant,<br />

2 Board of Trade Building, h. 169<br />

Congress w.<br />

Dickinson, George W., bds. cor. National<br />

ave. and Grand River.<br />

Dickinson, James E., clerk, bds. 45 Washington<br />

ave.<br />

~icgnson, Julian G., (Dickinson & Dickinson,)<br />

bds. 19 High.<br />

Dickinson, Moses F., h. cor. National ave.<br />

and Grand River.<br />

Dickinson, Samuel (col'd), whitewasher, h.<br />

36 Clifford.<br />

Dickinson, Thomas P. printer, h. 298<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Dickinson & Dickinson, (Don M. Dickinson<br />

and Julian G. Dichson,) lawyers,<br />

office 149 Jefferson ave.<br />

Dickman, August, carpenter, Alley, bet.<br />

Russell and Rivard and Lafayette and<br />

Fort.<br />

Diclman, Caspar, lab., h. 306, Antietam.<br />

Dickmann, Catharine (wid. William), h.<br />

86 Jay.<br />

Dick, Henry, sawyer, h. 283 Seventeenth.<br />

Dickson, Andrew, brass finisher, h. 255 Lafayette.<br />

Dickson, David, grocer, cor. First and<br />

Larned, h. same.<br />

Dickson, David, jr., clerk, bds. cor. First<br />

and Larned.<br />

Dickson, John, sailor, h. 5 Park Place.<br />

Dickson, John, S., bookkeeper, bds. 117<br />

Larned w.<br />

Dickson, Samuel M., printer, bds. 922 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Dickson, Sidney B., clerk, h. 156 Napoleon.<br />

Dickson, Thomas, lab., bds. r 310 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Dickson, William J., clerk, h. 438 Third.<br />

Didle, George, lab., bds. 199 Eighteenth.<br />

Didtrich, David, conductor, h. Crawfbrd,<br />

bet. Ann and Buena Vista.<br />

Diebel, Frederick, carpenter, h. 211 Montcalm<br />

e.<br />

Diebel, Frederick, mason, h. 171 Mullet<br />

Diebel, John, lab., h. 265 Twelfth.<br />

Diebel, Lorenz, carpenter, h. 198 Division.<br />

Diebel, Margaret, midwife, h. 265 Twelfth.<br />

Diedlauf, Anton, lab., h. 294 Juliette.<br />

Diederich, August, lab., h. 236 Sherman.<br />

Diederic h, August F. (Diederich and Breisacher),<br />

h. 208 Fort e.<br />

Diederich, John (Metzner & Co.), h. 796<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Diederich, Joseph, tinshop, 488 Gratiot, h.<br />

same.<br />

Diederich, Louis, mason, h. 236 Sherman.<br />

Diederich & Breisacher (August F. Diederich<br />

and Leo Breisacher), dealers in<br />

wines and liquors, 72 Congress e.

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