Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1870 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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30 CLARK'S DETROIT CITY DIRECTORY. Vice President, No. 202 Broadway, New Y ork. - Medical Examiner. Secretary 8 Actuar~. Assistant Secretary. J. L. Dawes. A. B. Ball, M. D. C. W. Opdyke. W. A. Childs. HON. E. D. MORGAN, U. S. Senator. HON. GEO. OPDYGE, late Mayor of New York. Hoa. THEO. F. RANDOLPH, GOV. of New Jersey. G~UVR. M. W ILB~~, W estchester. LE GRAND LOCKWOOD, Banker. F. A. P ~ E R President, , Broadway Nation'l Bank. WY. H. GUION, Williams & Guion. J. B. CORNELL, J. B. & W. W. Cornell. R~CH~RI> LATHERS, Pres. Great Western Ins. Co., E. H. LUDLOW, E. H. Ludlow & Co. HENRY M. TABER, C. C. & H. M. Taber. I. VAN ANDEN, Proprietor Brooklyn Eagle. W ~ I A M PEET, C'oun~ellor at Law. JAS. L. DAWES, Vice President. JNO. G. MEIGGS, Merchant. S. T. SCRANTON Presicent Oxford Iron Co. C. ASHWORTH, hanker. THOS. INGHAX, Metal Merchant. WILSON G. HUNT, late W. G. Hunt & Co. EUGENE KELLY, Eugene Kelly 62 Co. JAS. C. HOLDEN, Iron Merchant. TREDWELL KETCHAM, Banker. And all its profits go to the insured. MASSACHUSETT~ SON-FORFEITURE LAW, after two full annual premiums have been paid. Liberal course of Business. Organized in the Interests of the Assured. Its rates of premiums are as low as those of the leadine " all cash " Companies, and yet it gives onethird loan, if desired, when the annual premium exceeds &rty dollars. It takes no notes, but makes its lobs against the policies ; consequently in t.he STANDARD there is But very few Companies have been so succeeeful during the first few months of existence. It hae issued up to the present time 2,730 policies, insuring over while it has on hand more than twice the amount of funds necessary to re-inenre its risks. It would be diflicult to find an institution equally secure and well guarded. All the Popular Forms of Insurance are adopted by the STANDARD. Premiums may be paid annually, semi-annually, or quarterly ; they may be paid m all cash or one-third loan taken. The STAXDARD believes in WOMAN'S RIGHT to be insured without extra charge, inasmuch as statistics show that women are, probably, somewhat longer lived than men. ents and Canvassers, MALE AND FEXALE wanted in every city and town in the country, to wh%%erar and compensating commissions will be allowed. Clergymen and Teachers are especially appealed to as co-worker&. Special terms will be extended to them, so that they can secure with but little labor an inheritance for their families. Reeves Wiggins, STATE AGEXTS, OFFICE, NO. 187 JEFFERSON AVENUE, ROOM NO. 1 UP STAIRS. H. L. REEVES. 7J@@jj.~~&@~~L~~9 j1(@BIe W. A. 00IGK;tINS

ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. 31 DETROIT, MICHIGAN. Cond~cted by Bbn. Ira: Mayhew, for eight years Superintendent of Pui3 - tic Instructiolz in Michigan, and author of the fottowz'ng Standard ZducationaZ Woo*ks .- ME-4NS AND ENDS OF UNIVERSAL EDUCATION, Prepared pursuant to a resolution of the Legislature of Michigan, and now published in " The School Teachers' Library." MAYHEW'S PRACTICAL BOOR-KEEPING, For Common and Union Schools, and for home study, (price 80 cents,) extensively used in every part of the United States, and the Canadas. MAYHE W'8 UNIVERSITY R OOK-KEEPING, For Commercial Colleges and Seminaries of Learning, for use in the Counting-room, and for private study ; (price $2.50). This work which is unquestionably the fullest and best treatise on Book-keeping published, has recently had added to it a complete adaptation to Business Practice, in all its details, embracing the use of engraved money, business papers, etc., with full directions for use ; and as no provision for representing business practice has ever before been attempted by any author, the UNIVERSITY BOOK-KEEPING is the only work published, providing complete instruction in practical accountantship. THE MAYHEW BUSIXESS COLLEGE Is conducted with all that thoroughness and business accuracy which eminently distinguish the MAYHEW BOOK-KEEPINGS, and have given them their wide-spread popularity throughout the nation, Its arrangements for thnronghness in all its departments are unrivalled. Especially is this true of its BUSINESS PRACTICE, which employs engraved representative money, and several hundred varieties of carefully prepared business papers, and is taught in the use of a valuable invention by one of its teachers that secures perfect accuracy in all the details of the s';udent's work,---the only invention for this purpose ever awarded a patent. Under the direction of its experienced instructors, with these ample facilities, students readily acquire complete proficiency at the desk, or fit themselves in the best possible manner for an intelligent porforrnance of the varied duties of the counting-room. THE MAYHEW BVSINESS COLLEGE Is supplying Business Colleges in several of the States and in the Canadas, with textbooks, money and business papers. A large number of Teachers from various other institutions visit the Mayhew College with a view to becoming acquainted with its improved methods. The experience of its founder and his associates, its superior textbooks, and its unequalled business practice, constitute this, in fact, a most valuable TRAIN~G SCHOOL for persons desirous of learning Book-keeping, whether with a view to practicing accountantship, to engaging in business, or to giving instruction in bookkeeping in Business Colleges or other institutions of learning. TUITION AND EXPENSFS. Scholarships, time unlimited, are issued to students at 840. Text-books, and all stationery required, cost about $8. All expenses. exclusive of board, (which may be had at $4 to $5 a week,) need not exceed $50 for the course. Por f2tZZ de~cr~ptive circutars of CoZZege or 6ooks, address with damp, IRA M.AYHEW, President, corm Congress and Randolph Sb. DETROIT, MICH.



Cond~cted by Bbn. Ira: Mayhew, for eight years Superintendent of Pui3 -<br />

tic Instructiolz in Michigan, and author of the fottowz'ng Standard<br />

ZducationaZ Woo*ks .-<br />


Prepared pursuant to a resolution of the Legislature of Michigan, and now published<br />

in " The School Teachers' Library."<br />


For Common and Union Schools, and for home study, (price 80 cents,) extensively used<br />

in every part of the United States, and the Canadas.<br />


For Commercial Colleges and Seminaries of Learning, for use in the Counting-room, and<br />

for private study ; (price $2.50). This work which is unquestionably the fullest and best<br />

treatise on Book-keeping published, has recently had added to it a complete adaptation to<br />

Business Practice, in all its details, embracing the use of engraved money, business<br />

papers, etc., with full directions for use ; and as no provision for representing business<br />

practice has ever before been attempted by any author, the UNIVERSITY BOOK-KEEPING<br />

is the only work published, providing complete instruction in practical accountantship.<br />


Is conducted with all that thoroughness and business accuracy which eminently distinguish<br />

the MAYHEW BOOK-KEEPINGS, and have given them their wide-spread popularity<br />

throughout the nation, Its arrangements for thnronghness in all its departments are<br />

unrivalled. Especially is this true of its BUSINESS PRACTICE, which employs engraved<br />

representative money, and several hundred varieties of carefully prepared business<br />

papers, and is taught in the use of a valuable invention by one of its teachers that secures<br />

perfect accuracy in all the details of the s';udent's work,---the only invention for<br />

this purpose ever awarded a patent. Under the direction of its experienced instructors,<br />

with these ample facilities, students readily acquire complete proficiency at the desk, or<br />

fit themselves in the best possible manner for an intelligent porforrnance of the varied<br />

duties of the counting-room.<br />


Is supplying Business Colleges in several of the States and in the Canadas, with textbooks,<br />

money and business papers. A large number of Teachers from various other<br />

institutions visit the Mayhew College with a view to becoming acquainted with its improved<br />

methods. The experience of its founder and his associates, its superior textbooks,<br />

and its unequalled business practice, constitute this, in fact, a most valuable<br />

TRAIN~G SCHOOL for persons desirous of learning Book-keeping, whether with a view<br />

to practicing accountantship, to engaging in business, or to giving instruction in bookkeeping<br />

in Business Colleges or other institutions of learning.<br />


Scholarships, time unlimited, are issued to students at 840. Text-books, and all stationery<br />

required, cost about $8. All expenses. exclusive of board, (which may be had<br />

at $4 to $5 a week,) need not exceed $50 for the course.<br />

Por f2tZZ de~cr~ptive circutars of CoZZege or 6ooks, address with damp,<br />

IRA M.AYHEW, President,<br />

corm Congress and Randolph Sb. DETROIT, MICH.

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